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DayZ Mission System Timer by Vampire
Based on fnc_hTime by TAW_Tonic and SMFinder by Craig
This function is launched by the Init and runs continuously.
//Let's get our time Min and Max
_timeDiff = DZMSMinorMax - DZMSMinorMin;
_timeVar = _timeDiff + DZMSMinorMin;
diag_log text format ["[DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!"];
//Lets get the loop going
_run = true;
while {_run} do
//Lets wait the random time
_wait = round(random _timeVar);
[_wait,5] call DZMSSleep;
//Let's check that there are missions in the array.
//If there are none, lets end the timer.
_cntMis = count DZMSMinorArray;
if (_cntMis == 0) exitWith { /* Exit The Loop */ };
//Lets pick a mission
_ranMis = floor (random _cntMis);
_varName = DZMSMinorArray select _ranMis;
// clean up all the existing units before starting a new one
{if (alive _x) then {_x call DZMSScheduleCleanUp;};} forEach DZMSUnitsMinor;
// rebuild the array for the next mission
DZMSUnitsMinor = [];
//Let's Run the Mission
[] execVM format ["\z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Missions\Minor\%1.sqf",_varName];
diag_log text format ["[DZMS]: Running Minor Mission %1.",_varName];
//Let's wait for it to finish or timeout
waitUntil {DZMSMinDone};
DZMSMinDone = false;
}; |