2015-07-26 17:21:04 +00:00
# A3_R3F_LOG_Epoch
initial upload
This is the latest R3F logistics 3.1
First edit was thanks to Darth Rouge and Halv for their work on the Vehicle Lock Checks for lifting and towing. :)
Second is my edit, a friendly plot pole check before allowing the MOVE OBJECTS action.
Lots of goodies come out of this check! as well as more goodies from the MOVE Objects function!
Creation Factory edits-remove credits system and replace with crypto
configure Creation Factory and remove any unwanted items from being able to be spawned
allow creation factory only when in range of friendly plot pole
Add presistance to creation factory buildable objects
2015-07-28 21:12:26 +00:00
Install NOTES:
Just add the R3F folder to your mission file.
Add the contents of init.sqf and description.ext to your same files in your mission folder!