Before firing the shooter tracks the targets for several seconds.
This programs the missile with the angular rotation and allows it to fly a curved path that will hit the target.
It will also correct for gravity drop.
### 1.2 Attack profiles
- Direct - Normal impact fuze for non-armored targets. Note that the missile's shaped charge is aimed downards, so this mode is not recomended against armor.
- Overfly Top Attack - Flies high and when sensors detects a target below it triggers the shaped charge to fire downards into the weak top armor.
## 2. Usage
- Cycle attack profiles with the missile guidance "Cycle Fire Mode" keybind (default: <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Tab</kbd>)
- Start tracking by pressing and holding the "NLAW Track Target" keybind (default: <kbd>Tab</kbd>)
- While holding the key down track the target for 2-3 seconds and fire.
- Can also be fired against static targets without tracking.