ace_cargo_space = 4; // Cargo space your vehicle has
ace_cargo_hasCargo = 1; // Enables cargo to be loaded inside the vehicle (1-yes, 0-no)
### 1.2 Making an object loadable
class staticBananaLauncher {
class yourVehicleBaseClass {
ace_cargo_size = 4; // Cargo space the object takes
ace_cargo_canLoad = 1; // Enables the object to be loaded (1-yes, 0-no)
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<p>ace_cargo_hasCargo and ace_cargo_canLoad are only needed if you aren't inheriting from any of BI base classes or if you are trying to disable loading for a specific vehicle / object.</p>
In the 3D mission editor attributes for "Cargo Size" and "Cargo Space" are available on suitable objects. These can be adjusted to change the respective value on a per-object basis - as well as to enable loading for objects and vehicles which would usually not support it.
If you wish to enable loading for an object/vehicle which does not have these editor attributes, see the `ace_cargo_fnc_setSize` and `ace_cargo_fnc_setSpace` functions.