2015-02-21 23:44:11 +00:00
* Author: Glowbal
* Check if a unit is any medical class
* Arguments:
* 0: The Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Class <NUMBER> <OPTIONAL>
* ReturnValue:
* Is in of medic class <BOOL>
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_unit","_class","_return"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_medicN = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {1};
if (isnil QGVAR(setting_advancedMedicRoles)) exitwith {
if (GVAR(setting_advancedMedicRoles)) then {
_class = _unit getvariable [QGVAR(medicClass), 0];
2015-02-28 18:28:05 +00:00
if (_class >= _medicN) then {
_return = true;
2015-02-21 23:44:11 +00:00
} else {
_return = true;