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#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror
* Allows zeus to click to indicate a 3d position.
* Arguments:
* 0: The souce object <OBJECT>
* 1: Code to run when position is ready (will be passed the following array) <CODE>
* - 0: Successful <BOOL>
* - 1: Object <OBJECT>
* - 2: Position ASL <ARRAY>
* - 3: State of Shift <BOOL>
* - 4: State of Ctrl <BOOL>
* - 5: State of Alt <BOOL>
* 2: Text <STRING> (default: "")
* 3: Icon image file <STRING> (default: "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Cursors\select_target_ca.paa")
* 4: Icon color <ARRAY> (default: [1,0,0,1])
* 5: Icon Angle <NUMBER> (default: 0)
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [player, {systemChat format ["Done %1", _this]}] call ace_zeus_fnc_getModuleDestination
* Public: No
params ["_object", "_code", ["_text", ""], ["_icon", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Cursors\select_target_ca.paa"], ["_color", [1,0,0,1]], ["_angle", 0]];
if (missionNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(moduleDestination_running), false]) exitWith {
[false, _object, [0,0,0], false, false, false] call _code;
ERROR("getModuleDestination already running");
GVAR(moduleDestination_running) = true;
// Add mouse button eh for the zeus display (triggered from 2d or 3d)
GVAR(moduleDestination_displayEHMouse) = [findDisplay 312, "mouseButtonDown", {
params ["", "_mouseButton", "", "", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];
if (_mouseButton != 0) exitWith {}; // Only watch for LMB
_thisArgs params ["_object", "_code"];
// Get mouse position on 2D map or 3D world
private _mousePosASL = if (ctrlShown ((findDisplay 312) displayCtrl 50)) then {
private _pos2d = (((findDisplay 312) displayCtrl 50) ctrlMapScreenToWorld getMousePosition);
_pos2d set [2, getTerrainHeightASL _pos2d];
} else {
AGLToASL (screenToWorld getMousePosition);
[true, _object, _mousePosASL, _shift, _ctrl, _alt] call _code;
GVAR(moduleDestination_running) = false;
}, [_object, _code]] call CBA_fnc_addBISEventHandler;
// Add key eh for the zeus display (triggered from 2d or 3d)
GVAR(moduleDestination_displayEHKeyboard) = [findDisplay 312, "KeyDown", {
params ["", "_keyCode", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];
if (_keyCode != 1) exitWith {}; // Only watch for ESC
_thisArgs params ["_object", "_code"];
// Get mouse position on 2D map or 3D world
private _mousePosASL = if (ctrlShown ((findDisplay 312) displayCtrl 50)) then {
private _pos2d = (((findDisplay 312) displayCtrl 50) ctrlMapScreenToWorld getMousePosition);
_pos2d set [2, getTerrainHeightASL _pos2d];
} else {
AGLToASL (screenToWorld getMousePosition);
[false, _object, _mousePosASL, _shift, _ctrl, _alt] call _code;
GVAR(moduleDestination_running) = false;
}, [_object, _code]] call CBA_fnc_addBISEventHandler;
// Add draw EH for the zeus map - draws the 2D icon and line
GVAR(moduleDestination_mapDrawEH) = [((findDisplay 312) displayCtrl 50), "draw", {
params ["_mapCtrl"];
_thisArgs params ["_object", "_text", "_icon", "_color", "_angle"];
private _pos2d = (((findDisplay 312) displayCtrl 50) ctrlMapScreenToWorld getMousePosition);
_mapCtrl drawIcon [_icon, _color, _pos2d, 24, 24, _angle, _text, 1, 0.03, "TahomaB", "right"];
_mapCtrl drawLine [getPos _object, _pos2d, _color];
}, [_object, _text, _icon, _color, _angle]] call CBA_fnc_addBISEventHandler;
// Add draw EH for 3D camera view - draws the 3D icon and line
(_this select 0) params ["_object", "_code", "_text", "_icon", "_color", "_angle"];
if ((isNull _object) || {isNull findDisplay 312} || {!isNull findDisplay 49}) then {
TRACE_3("null-exit",isNull _object,isNull findDisplay 312,isNull findDisplay 49);
GVAR(moduleDestination_running) = false;
[false, _object, [0,0,0], false, false, false] call _code;
if (GVAR(moduleDestination_running)) then {
// Draw the 3d icon and line
private _mousePosAGL = screenToWorld getMousePosition;
drawIcon3D [_icon, _color, _mousePosAGL, 1.5, 1.5, _angle, _text];
drawLine3D [_mousePosAGL, ASLtoAGL (getPosASL _object), _color];;
} else {
TRACE_4("cleaning up",_this select 1,GVAR(moduleDestination_displayEHMouse),GVAR(moduleDestination_displayEHKeyboard),GVAR(moduleDestination_mapDrawEH));
(_this select 1) call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
(findDisplay 312) displayRemoveEventHandler ["mouseButtonDown", GVAR(moduleDestination_displayEHMouse)];
(findDisplay 312) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", GVAR(moduleDestination_displayEHKeyboard)];
((findDisplay 312) displayCtrl 50) ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["draw", GVAR(moduleDestination_mapDrawEH)];
GVAR(moduleDestination_displayEHMouse) = nil;
GVAR(moduleDestination_displayEHKeyboard) = nil;
GVAR(moduleDestination_mapDrawEH) = nil;
}, 0, [_object, _code, _text, _icon, _color, _angle]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;