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* Author: Dystopian
* Checks if unit can pull target body out of vehicle.
* Arguments:
* 1: Body <OBJECT>
* 2: Unit <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* Able to pull out target body <BOOL>
* Example:
* [crew cursorObject select 0, player] call ace_interaction_fnc_canPullOutBody
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_body", "_unit"];
private _vehicle = objectParent _body;
if (
!isNull objectParent _unit
|| {alive _body}
|| {isNull _vehicle}
|| {1 < locked _vehicle}
|| {
0 < {alive _x} count crew _vehicle // alive is in vehicle
// group is used here for situations when side player == ENEMY
&& {0.6 > side group _unit getFriend side group _vehicle} // player is enemy
) exitWith {false};
((fullCrew [_vehicle, ""] select {_body == _x select 0}) select 0) params ["", "", "_cargoIndex", "_turretPath"];
private _locked = if (!(_turretPath isEqualTo [])) then {
_vehicle lockedTurret _turretPath;
} else {
if (_cargoIndex > -1) then {
_vehicle lockedCargo _cargoIndex;
} else {
lockedDriver _vehicle;