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* fn_openRadialInteractionMenu_f.sqf
* @Descr: Opens a radial menu that has been registered if condition is met
* @Author: Glowbal
* @Arguments: [menuName STRING]
* @Return: void
* @PublicAPI: true
#define DEFAULT_ENTRY ["","",{}, false, ""]
private ["_menuName", "_entries", "_menu", "_target"];
_menuName = [_this, 0, "",[""]] call BIS_fnc_Param;
_menu = missionNamespace getvariable "cse_radiusInteraction_f_"+_menuName; // [ _menuName, _displayNameMenu, _condition,_typeOfMenu,_icon,_onOpened ]
if (!isnil "_menu") then {
_menuName = _menu select 0;
_displayNameMenu = _menu select 1;
_conditionOfMenu = _menu select 2;
_typeOfMenu = _menu select 3;
_icon = _menu select 4;
_onOpened = _menu select 5;
_target = [_typeOfMenu] call cse_fnc_findTargetOfMenu_GUI;
if (isNull _target) exitwith {};
if (!([player, _target, _menuName] call _conditionOfMenu)) exitwith {};
if (!([_menuName,_target] call cse_fnc_hasEntriesRadialInteraction_F) && (_target != player)) then {_target = player;};
if (isNull _target) exitwith {};
if !([_menuName,_target] call cse_fnc_hasEntriesRadialInteraction_F) exitwith {};
if ([_menuName, _target] call cse_fnc_radialUsesSorter_F) then {
_entries = [_menuName] call cse_fnc_getEntryToMenuSorter_F;
} else {
_entries = [_menuName] call cse_fnc_getRadialInteractionEntries_F; // FORMAT [ [_menuName,_icon,_onOpened,_condition] , .. ]
[_displayNameMenu, _entries, _target] call cse_fnc_openRadialMenu_GUI;