2018-09-17 19:19:29 +00:00
#include "script_component.hpp"
2017-09-16 16:21:23 +00:00
* Author: 654wak654
* Removes a cargo item from the vehicle.
* Arguments:
* 0: Item <STRING> or <OBJECT>
* 1: Vehicle <OBJECT>
* 2: Amount <NUMBER> (default: 1)
* Return Value:
* Number of items removed <NUMBER>
* Example:
* ["ACE_Wheel", vehicle, 2] call ace_cargo_fnc_removeCargoItem
* [crate_7, truck] call ace_cargo_fnc_removeCargoItem
* Public: Yes
params ["_item", "_vehicle", ["_amount", 1]];
private _loaded = _vehicle getVariable [QGVAR(loaded), []];
private _addedSpace = 0;
private _itemClass = _item;
private _itemsRemoved = 0;
private _continue = if (_item isEqualType objNull) then {
if !(_item in _loaded) exitWith {false};
_addedSpace = [_item] call FUNC(getSizeItem);
_loaded deleteAt (_loaded find _item);
_itemClass = typeOf _item;
deleteVehicle _item;
_itemsRemoved = 1;
} else {
if (_itemsRemoved == _amount) exitWith {};
if (
(_x isEqualType "" && {_x == _item}) || // Check for classname, case-insensitive
{_x isEqualType objNull && {typeOf _x isEqualTo _item}}
) then {
ADD(_addedSpace,[_x] call FUNC(getSizeItem));
if (_x isEqualType objNull) then {
deleteVehicle _x;
_loaded set [_forEachIndex, nil];
} forEach _loaded;
FILTER(_loaded,_x != nil);
if (!_continue) exitWith {0};
_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(loaded), _loaded, true];
private _space = [_vehicle] call FUNC(getCargoSpaceLeft);
_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(space), _space + _addedSpace, true];
// Invoke listenable event
["ace_cargoRemoved", [_itemClass, _vehicle, _amount, _itemsRemoved]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;