The fragmentation system in ACE3 is a significant improvement over the fragmentation system in ACE2. Previously the system relied on fuzzy math from the values of `indirectHit` and `indirectHitRange` in `CfgAmmo` to calculate roughly the velocity and range of fragmentation. This had some serious drawbacks, especially in the case of smaller explosives such as hand grenades and 40mm grenades where casualty production was lower than desired.
In ACE3 the system has moved away from what "feels" right to actual explosive engineering equations, primarily the [Gurney equations]( This allows us to get close to the actual fragmentation velocities that would be produced by an explosive configuration similar to type of ammo we are simulating.
The system for the end-developer is easy to use, and only requires minimal research into the type of ammo being represented.
Number of fragments that would be fragmented. This number may be found online or inferred from similar munitions. This affects the to be hit by a fragment and maximum range a fragment may hit a unit.
Dimensionless value, count of number of fragments.
Amount of metal being fragmented. Generally taken as the entire weight of the warhead, though in some cases you might want to only include the fragmentation jacket or body.
Amount of explosive filler in the warhead. `ace_frag_metal` and `ace_frag_charge` are dimensionless values, as long as they are both in the same unit (for example kg/kg g/g lbs/lbs).
Dimensionless value, as long as same unit as `ace_frag_metal` (for example `kg/kg` or `g/g` or `lbs/lbs`).
Gurney constant for explosive force. You can find a list of common explosive types below. If you can not find it here, or want more accurate numbers, just google the type of explosive and Gurney constant and you can find substantial information. This is **not** the detonation velocity of the explosive, do not confuse them!
Shape factor for the explosive configuration. You should choose it based on the general configuration of explosives/metal in the warhead. Most grenades for example are a sphere. Artillery and aircraft bombs are a cylinder. Mines generally a flat plate. Below is a list of the three common shapes and their factors.
Shape | Factor
-------- | ------
Sphere | 3/5
Cylinder | 1/2
Plate | 3/5
There are other configurations but these are the most common. If you are interested in others check out the wikipedia link given above. Most of these will not correctly function in ACE3 though due to additional variables for the equation.
There are different types of fragmentation fragments to choose from, and they can be defined in this config value.
| Type
| ----
| ACE_frag_tiny
| ACE_frag_tiny_HD
| ACE_frag_small
| ACE_frag_small_HD
| ACE_frag_medium
| ACE_frag_medium_HD
| ACE_frag_large
| ACE_frag_large_HD
| ACE_frag_huge
| ACE_frag_huge_HD
The tinier the piece of fragmentation the shorter the distance of travel. The `_HD` variants are all even higher drag versions. Grenades generally should use the `_HD` variants. Experimentation here is important.
Setting this to `1` will skip fragmentation for ammo of this type. This is useful for things that might cause high network load, such as FFAR rockets, or possibly even 40mm grenades from AGLs. Experimentation under network conditions is required.