Above arrays have 4 values for different temperatures, which are interpolated between. These values correspond to temperatures converted to real life values from.
Dispersion in radians. First value is for temperature 0, second for temperature 1 and so on. Values in-between get interpolated. Negative values are ignored and can be used to move the starting point to hotter temperatures.
### 1.1.4 Slowdown Factor
How much the projectile gets slowed down before leaving the barrel. `0.9` means the bullet will lose 10% velocity. Values in-between get interpolated. Numbers greater than `1` increase the velocity, smaller decrease it.
### 1.1.5 Jam Chance
Chance to jam the weapon. `0.0003` means 3 malfunctions on 10,000 rounds fired at this temperature. Values in-between get interpolated. Negative values are ignored and can be used to move the starting point to hotter temperatures.
When no reliable data exists for temperature versus jam chance except MRBS, the following uniform criteria was adopted.