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* fn_handleReactionHit.sqf
* @Descr: triggers a reaction to being hit for a unit and spawns on screen effects.
* @Author: Glowbal
* @Arguments: []
* @Return:
* @PublicAPI: false
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_unit","_amountOfDamage"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_amountOfDamage = _this select 1;
if (_amountOfDamage > 0.2) then {
[_unit] call FUNC(playInjuredSound);
if ((vehicle _unit) isKindOf "StaticWeapon") exitwith {
if (_amountOfDamage > 1) then {
_unit action ["eject", vehicle _unit];
unassignVehicle _unit;
if (animationState _unit in ["ladderriflestatic","laddercivilstatic"]) exitwith {
_unit action ["ladderOff", (nearestBuilding _unit)];
if (vehicle _unit == _unit && [_unit] call EFUNC(common,isAwake)) then {
if (random(1) > 0.5) then {
_unit setDir ((getDir _unit) + 1 + random(30));
} else {
_unit setDir ((getDir _unit) - (1 + random(30)));
if (_amountOfDamage > 0.6) then {
if (random(1)>0.6) then {
[_unit] call EFUNC(common,setProne);
if (_unit == ACE_player) then {
//76 cutRsc [QGVAR(ScreenEffectsHit),"PLAIN"];
addCamShake [3, 5, _amountOfDamage + random 10];
} else {
if (_amountOfDamage > 0) then {
if (_unit == ACE_player) then {
// 76 cutRsc [QGVAR(ScreenEffectsHit),"PLAIN"];