2016-08-18 16:37:38 +00:00
layout: wiki
title: Class names
description: A list of all the class names in ACE3
group: missionmaker
order: 11
parent: wiki
Everything is ordered alphabetically.
You know an in-game name but want the class name? <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>F</kbd>
## AtragMX
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | --------- |
ACE_ATragMX | ATragMX | ACE_ItemCore |
## Attachable
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | --------- |
ACE_IR_Strobe_Item | IR strobe | ACE_ItemCore |
## Ballistics
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | --------- |
ACE_100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer_Dim | 6.5mm IR-DIM | Magazine |
ACE_200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box_Tracer_Dim | 6.5mm IR-DIM | Magazine |
ACE_30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer_Dim | 6.5mm IR-DIM | Magazine |
ACE_30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer_Dim | 6.5mm IR-DIM | Magazine |
ACE_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_M995_AP_mag | 5.56mm AP | Magazine |
ACE_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Mk262_mag | 5.56mm Mk262 | Magazine |
ACE_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Mk318_mag | 5.56mm Mk318 | Magazine |
ACE_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Dim | 5.56mm IR-DIM | Magazine |
ACE_20Rnd_762x51_Mag_Tracer | 7.62mm Tracer | Magazine |
ACE_20Rnd_762x51_Mag_Tracer_Dim | 7.62mm IR-DIM | Magazine |
ACE_20Rnd_762x51_Mag_SD | 7.62mm SD | Magazine |
ACE_10Rnd_762x51_M118LR_Mag | 7.62mm M118LR | Magazine |
ACE_10Rnd_762x51_Mk316_Mod_0_Mag | 7.62mm Mk316 | Magazine|
ACE_10Rnd_762x51_Mk319_Mod_0_Mag | 7.62mm Mk319 | Magazine |
ACE_10Rnd_762x51_M993_AP_Mag | 7.62mm AP | Magazine |
ACE_20Rnd_762x51_M118LR_Mag | 7.62mm M118LR | Magazine |
ACE_20Rnd_762x51_Mk316_Mod_0_Mag | 7.62mm Mk316 | Magazine |
ACE_20Rnd_762x51_Mk319_Mod_0_Mag | 7.62mm Mk319 | Magazine |
ACE_20Rnd_762x51_M993_AP_Mag | 7.62mm AP | Magazine |
ACE_20Rnd_762x67_Mk248_Mod_0_Mag | 7.62mm Mk248 | Magazine |
ACE_20Rnd_762x67_Mk248_Mod_1_Mag | 7.62mm Mk248 | Magazine |
ACE_20Rnd_762x67_Berger_Hybrid_OTM_Mag | 7.62mm OTM | Magazine |
ACE_30Rnd_65x47_Scenar_mag | 6.5mm Lapua | Magazine |
ACE_30Rnd_65_Creedmor_mag | 6.5mm CM | Magazine |
ACE_10Rnd_338_300gr_HPBT_Mag |.338 HPBT | Magazine |
ACE_10Rnd_338_API526_Mag |.338 AP | Magazine |
ACE_5Rnd_127x99_Mag | 12.7mm | Magazine |
ACE_5Rnd_127x99_API_Mag | 12.7mm API | Magazine |
ACE_5Rnd_127x99_AMAX_Mag | 12.7mm | Magazine |
ACE_30Rnd_9x19_mag | 9x19mm | Magazine |
ACE_16Rnd_9x19_mag | 9x19mm | Magazine |
ACE_10Rnd_762x54_Tracer_mag | 7.62mm | Magazine |
## Captive
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_CableTie | cable tie | ACE_ItemCore |
## Common
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_Banana | banana | ACE_ItemCore |
## Concertina Wire
`added in 3.1.1`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_ConcertinaWireCoil | Concertina Wire Coil | ThingX |
ACE_ConcertinaWire | Concertina Wire | deployed concertina wire |
`added in 3.1.1`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_DAGR | DAGR | ACE_ItemCore |
## Disposable
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_launch_NLAW_Used_F | used NLAW | Weapon |
## Explosives
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_Cellphone | Cellphone | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_Clacker| M57 Firing Device | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_M26_Clacker| M26 Firing Device | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_DefusalKit | Defusal Kit | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_DeadManSwitch | Dead Man's Switch | ACE_ItemCore |
## Flashlights
`added in 3.3.0`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_Flashlight_MX991 | Fulton MX-991 | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_Flashlight_KSF1 | KSF-1 | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_Flashlight_XL50 | Maglite XL50 | ACE_ItemCore |
## Grenades
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_HandFlare_White | M127A1 Hand Held Signal (White) | Grenade |
ACE_HandFlare_Red | M127A1 Hand Held Signal (Red | Grenade |
ACE_HandFlare_Green | M127A1 Hand Held Signal (Green) | Grenade |
ACE_HandFlare_Yellow | M127A1 Hand Held Signal (Yellow) | Grenade |
ACE_M84 | M84 Stun Grenade | Grenade |
2016-08-30 09:43:21 +00:00
## Gun Bag
2016-08-18 16:37:38 +00:00
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_gunbag | Gunbag | Backpack |
ACE_gunbag_Tan | Gunbag | Backpack |
## Hearing
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_EarPlugs | Earplugs | ACE_ItemCore |
## HuntIR
`added in 3.1.1`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_HuntIR_monitor | HuntIR monitor | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_HuntIR_M203 | HuntIR Round | Grenade shell |
ACE_HuntIR_Box | HuntIR Transport Box | ammo box |
## Kestrel
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_Kestrel4500 | Kestrel 4500NV | ACE_ItemCore |
## Laser Pointers
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
acc_pointer_IR | Laser Pointer (red) | Weapon accessory |
ACE_acc_pointer_red | Laser Pointer (green) | Weapon accessory |
ACE_acc_pointer_green_IR | Laser Pointer (green) | Weapon accessory |
ACE_acc_pointer_green | Laser Pointer (green) | Weapon accessory |
## Logistics
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_UAVBattery | UAV Battery | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_wirecutter | Wirecutter | ACE_ItemCore |
## Map Tools
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_MapTools | Map Tools | ACE_ItemCore |
## Medical
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_atropine | Atropin auto injector | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_fieldDressing | Bandage (Basic) | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_elasticBandage | Bandage (Elastic) | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_quikclot | Basic Field Dressing (QuikClot) | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_bloodIV | Blood IV (1000ml) | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_bloodIV_500 | Blood IV (500ml) | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_bloodIV_250 | Blood IV (250ml) | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_bodyBag | Bodybag | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_bodyBagObject | Bodybag (packed) | |
ACE_epinephrine | Epinephrine auto injector | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_morphine | Morphine auto injector | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_packingBandage | Packing Bandage | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_personalAidKit | Personal Aid Kit | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_plasmaIV | Plasma IV (1000ml) | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_plasmaIV_500 | Plasma IV (500ml) | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_plasmaIV_250 | Plasma IV (250ml) | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_salineIV | Saline IV (1000ml) | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_salineIV_500 | Saline IV (500ml) | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_salineIV_250 | Saline IV (250ml) | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_surgicalKit | Surgical Kit | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_tourniquet | Tourniquet (CAT) | ACE_ItemCore |
## MicroDAGR
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_microDAGR | MicroDAGR GPS | ACE_ItemCore |
## Mine Detector
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_VMH3 | VMH3 | Pistol_Base_F |
ACE_VMM3 | VMM3 | Pistol_Base_F |
## MK6 Mortar
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_RangeTable_82mm | 82mm Rangetable | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_1Rnd_82mm_Mo_HE | 82mm HE Round | Magazine |
ACE_1Rnd_82mm_Mo_Smoke | 82mm Smoke Round | Magazine |
ACE_1Rnd_82mm_Mo_Illum | 82mm Illumination Round | Magazine |
ACE_1Rnd_82mm_Mo_HE_Guided | 82mm Guided HE Round | Magazine |
ACE_1Rnd_82mm_Mo_HE_LaserGuided | 82mm Laser Guided HE Round | Magazine |
## M2XA
`added in 3.1.1`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_MX2A | MX-2A | Binocular |
## Nightvision
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_NVG_Gen1 | NV Goggles (Gen1) | NVG |
ACE_NVG_Gen2 | NV Goggles (Gen2) | NVG |
ACE_NVG_Gen3 | NV Goggles (Gen3) | NVG |
ACE_NVG_Gen4 | NV Goggles (Gen4) | NVG |
ACE_NVG_Wide | NV Goggles (Wide) | NVG |
## Optics
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_optic_Arco_2D | ARCO (2D) | Weapon accessory |
ACE_optic_Arco_PIP | ARCO (PIP) | Weapon accessory |
ACE_optic_LRPS_2D | LRPS (2D) | Weapon accessory |
ACE_optic_LRPS_PIP | LRPS (PIP) | Weapon accessory |
ACE_optic_SOS_2D| MOS (2D) | Weapon accessory |
ACE_optic_SOS_PIP | MOS (PIP) | Weapon accessory |
ACE_optic_MRCO_2D | MRCO (2D) | Weapon accessory |
ACE_optic_MRCO_PIP | MRCO (PIP) | Weapon accessory |
ACE_optic_Hamr_2D | RCO (2D) | Weapon accessory |
ACE_optic_Hamr_PIP | RCO (PIP) | Weapon accessory |
## Overheating
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_SpareBarrel | Spare barrel | ACE_ItemCore |
## Parachute
`last modified in 3.2.0`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_Altimeter | Altimeter Watch | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_NonSteerableParachute | Non-Steerable Parachute | Backpack |
ACE_ReserveParachute | Reserve Parachute | Backpack |
## Rangecard
`added in 3.1.1`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_RangeCard | rangecard | ACE_ItemCore |
## Repair
`added in 3.3.0`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_Track | Spare Track | thingX |
ACE_Wheel | Spare Wheel | thingX |
## Respawn
`last modified in 3.2.0`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_Rallypoint_West | Rallypoint West | FlagCarrier |
ACE_Rallypoint_East | Rallypoint East | FlagCarrier |
ACE_Rallypoint_Independent | Rallypoint Independent | FlagCarrier |
ACE_Rallypoint_West_Base | Rallypoint West (Base) | FlagCarrier |
ACE_Rallypoint_East_Base | Rallypoint East (Base) | FlagCarrier |
ACE_Rallypoint_Independent_Base | Rallypoint Independent (Base) | FlagCarrier |
## Sandbag
`added in 3.1.1`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_Sandbag_empty | Sandbag (empty) | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_SandbagObject | Sandbag | ThingX |
## Spotting Scope
`added in 3.1.1`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_SpottingScope | Spotting Scope | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_SpottingScopeObject | Spotting Scope (placed) | StaticATWeapon |
## Tactical Ladder
`added in 3.1.1`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_TacticalLadder_Pack | Telescopic Ladder | Backpack |
ACE_Tactical_Ladder | Telescopic Ladder (placed) | house |
## Tagging
`added in 3.5.0`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_SpraypaintBlack | Spraypaint Black | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_SpraypaintBlue | Spraypaint Blue | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_SpraypaintGreen | Spraypaint Green | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_SpraypaintRed | Spraypaint Red | ACE_ItemCore |
## Trenches
`added in 3.5.0`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_EntrenchingTool | Entrenching Tool | ACE_ItemCore |
## Tripod
`added in 3.1.1`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_Tripod | SSWT Kit | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_TripodObject | SSWT Kit (placed) | ThingX |
## Vehicle Lock
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_key_master | Vehicle Key: Master | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_key_lockpick | Lockpick | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_key_west | Vehicle Key: West | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_key_east | Vehicle Key: East | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_key_indp | Vehicle Key: Independent | ACE_ItemCore |
ACE_key_civ | Vehicle Key: Civilian | ACE_ItemCore |
## Vector
`added in`
class name | in game name | type |
--------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_Vector | Vector 21 | Binoculars |
ACE_VectorDay | Vector 21 (Day) | Binoculars |
## Yardage 450
`added in 3.1.1`
class name | in game name | type |
---------- | --------- | ---------
ACE_Yardage450 | Yardage 450 | Binocular |