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#include "script_component.hpp"
2015-03-28 10:08:17 +00:00
* Author: Glowbal
* Check if the repair action can be performed.
2015-03-28 10:08:17 +00:00
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit that does the repairing <OBJECT>
* 1: Vehicle to repair <OBJECT>
* 2: Selected hitpoint or hitpointIndex <STRING>or<NUMBER>
* 3: Repair Action Classname <STRING>
* Return Value:
* Can Repair <BOOL>
* Example:
* [player, car, "HitHull", "MiscRepair"] call ace_repair_fnc_canRepair
2015-03-28 10:08:17 +00:00
* Public: Yes
2015-03-28 10:08:17 +00:00
2015-08-09 06:54:44 +00:00
params ["_caller", "_target", "_hitPoint", "_className"];
private _config = (ConfigFile >> "ACE_Repair" >> "Actions" >> _className);
if !(isClass _config) exitWith {false}; // or go for a default?
// if(isEngineOn _target) exitWith {false}; // Ignore here so action shows, then exit and show warning when selected #3348
private _engineerRequired = if (isNumber (_config >> "requiredEngineer")) then {
getNumber (_config >> "requiredEngineer");
} else {
// Check for required class
if (isText (_config >> "requiredEngineer")) exitWith {
missionNamespace getVariable [(getText (_config >> "requiredEngineer")), 0];
if !([_caller, _engineerRequired] call FUNC(isEngineer)) exitWith {false};
// Items can be an array of required items or a string to a missionNamespace variable
private _items = if (isArray (_config >> "items")) then {
getArray (_config >> "items");
} else {
missionNamespace getVariable [getText (_config >> "items"), []]
if (count _items > 0 && {!([_caller, _items] call FUNC(hasItems))}) exitWith {false};
private _return = true;
if (getText (_config >> "condition") != "") then {
private _condition = getText (_config >> "condition");
2020-02-12 21:07:19 +00:00
if (isNil _condition) then {
_condition = compile _condition;
} else {
_condition = missionNamespace getVariable _condition;
2015-11-28 03:23:27 +00:00
if (_condition isEqualType false) then {
_return = _condition;
} else {
_return = [_caller, _target, _hitPoint, _className] call _condition;
if (!_return) exitWith {false};
// private _vehicleStateCondition = if (isText(_config >> "vehicleStateCondition")) then {
// missionNamespace getVariable [getText(_config >> "vehicleStateCondition"), 0]
// } else {
// getNumber(_config >> "vehicleStateCondition")
// };
// if (_vehicleStateCondition == 1 && {!([_target] call FUNC(isInStableCondition))}) exitWith {false};
private _repairLocations = getArray (_config >> "repairLocations");
if (!("All" in _repairLocations)) then {
private _repairFacility = {([_caller] call FUNC(isInRepairFacility)) || ([_target] call FUNC(isInRepairFacility))};
private _repairVeh = {([_caller] call FUNC(isNearRepairVehicle)) || ([_target] call FUNC(isNearRepairVehicle))};
if (_x == "field") exitWith {_return = true;};
if (_x == "RepairFacility" && _repairFacility) exitWith {_return = true;};
if (_x == "RepairVehicle" && _repairVeh) exitWith {_return = true;};
2020-02-12 21:07:19 +00:00
if (!isNil _x) exitWith {
private _val = missionNamespace getVariable _x;
2015-11-28 03:23:27 +00:00
if (_val isEqualType 0) then {
_return = switch (_val) do {
case 0: {true}; //useAnywhere
case 1: {call _repairVeh}; //repairVehicleOnly
case 2: {call _repairFacility}; //repairFacilityOnly
case 3: {(call _repairFacility) || {call _repairVeh}}; //vehicleAndFacility
default {false}; //Disabled
} forEach _repairLocations;
if (!_return) exitWith {false};
//Check that there are required objects nearby
private _requiredObjects = getArray (_config >> "claimObjects");
if (!(_requiredObjects isEqualTo [])) then {
private _objectsAvailable = [_caller, 5, _requiredObjects] call FUNC(getClaimObjects);
if (_objectsAvailable isEqualTo []) then {
TRACE_2("Missing Required Objects",_requiredObjects,_objectsAvailable);
_return = false
2015-04-22 19:01:22 +00:00
_return && {alive _target};