2015-03-17 19:43:50 +00:00
* Author: PabstMirror
* Helper function to get all gear of a unit.
* Arguments:
* 0: Target <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* Array of 2 arrays, classnames and count<ARRAY>
* Example:
* [["ace_bandage"],[2]] = [bob] call ace_disarming_fnc_getAllGearUnit
* Public: No
2015-02-23 00:44:33 +00:00
#include "script_component.hpp"
_allItems = ((weapons _target) + (magazines _target) + (items _target) + (assignedItems _target));
if ((backpack _target) != "") then {
_allItems pushBack (backpack _target);
if ((vest _target) != "") then {
_allItems pushBack (vest _target);
if ((uniform _target) != "") then {
_allItems pushBack (uniform _target);
if ((headgear _target) != "") then {
_allItems pushBack (headgear _target);
2015-02-27 21:23:46 +00:00
//What kind of asshole takes a man's glasses?
if ((goggles _target) != "") then {
_allItems pushBack (goggles _target);
2015-02-23 00:44:33 +00:00
_uniqueClassnames = [];
_classnamesCount = [];
//Filter unique and count
_index = _uniqueClassnames find _x;
if (_index != -1) then {
_classnamesCount set [_index, ((_classnamesCount select _index) + 1)];
} else {
_uniqueClassnames pushBack _x;
_classnamesCount pushBack 1;
} forEach _allItems;
[_uniqueClassnames, _classnamesCount]