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#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror
* Transfers a client's old ace settings to cba
* Arguments:
* 0: Old Version <STRING>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* ["3.11.0"] call ace_common_fnc_cbaSettings_transferUserSettings
* Public: No
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
params [["_lastVersion", "", [""]]];
if ((parseNumber _lastVersion) >= 3.12) exitWith {};
INFO("-Transfering old ACE_Settings to CBA-");
private _aceSettings = configProperties [configFile >> "ACE_Settings", "isClass _x"];
private _settingName = configName _x;
private _isClientSettable = (getNumber (_x >> "isClientSettable")) > 0;
private _profileVar = profileNamespace getVariable _settingName;
if (!isNil "_profileVar") then {
private _currentValue = [_settingName, "client"] call CBA_settings_fnc_get;
if (_isClientSettable && {_currentValue isNotEqualTo _profileVar}) then {
// CBA_settings_fnc_set will do type checking for the old profile var
private _ret = [_settingName, _profileVar, 0, "client", true] call CBA_settings_fnc_set;
INFO_3("Transfering setting [%1: %2] returned %3", _settingName, _profileVar, _ret);
} forEach _aceSettings;
INFO("-Finished Transfering-");