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2019-03-02 06:26:02 +00:00
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror
* Called when the mortar is fired.
* Arguments:
* 0: mortar - Object the event handler is assigned to <OBJECT>
* 1: weapon - Fired weapon <STRING>
* 2: muzzle - Muzzle that was used <STRING>
* 3: mode - Current mode of the fired weapon <STRING>
* 4: ammo - Ammo used <STRING>
* 5: magazine - magazine name which was used <STRING>
* 6: projectile - Object of the projectile that was shot <OBJECT>
* 7: gunner - Gunner <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [bisFiredEH] call ace_artillerytables_fnc_firedEH
* Public: No
params ["_vehicle", "", "", "", "", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_gunner"];
if (!([_gunner] call EFUNC(common,isPlayer))) exitWith {}; // AI don't know how to use (this does give them more range than a player)
if ((_vehicle turretUnit [0]) != _gunner) exitWith {};
// Get airFriction
2019-03-16 05:04:39 +00:00
private _airFriction = DEFAULT_AIR_FRICTION;
if (isNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magazine >> QGVAR(airFriction))) then {
2019-03-02 06:26:02 +00:00
_airFriction = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magazine >> QGVAR(airFriction));
if (_airFriction == 0) exitWith {}; // 0 disables everything
// Calculate air density
private _altitude = (getPosASL _vehicle) select 2;
private _temperature = _altitude call EFUNC(weather,calculateTemperatureAtHeight);
private _pressure = _altitude call EFUNC(weather,calculateBarometricPressure);
private _relativeHumidity = EGVAR(weather,currentHumidity);
private _airDensity = [_temperature, _pressure, _relativeHumidity] call EFUNC(weather,calculateAirDensity);
private _relativeDensity = _airDensity / 1.225;
private _kFactor = _airFriction * _relativeDensity;
private _newMuzzleVelocityCoefficent = (((_temperature + 273.13) / 288.13 - 1) / 40 + 1);
// Apply powder effects
if (_newMuzzleVelocityCoefficent != 1) then {
private _bulletVelocity = velocity _projectile;
private _bulletSpeed = vectorMagnitude _bulletVelocity;
_bulletVelocity = (vectorNormalized _bulletVelocity) vectorMultiply (_bulletSpeed * _newMuzzleVelocityCoefficent);
_projectile setVelocity _bulletVelocity;
params ["_projectile", "_kFactor", "_time"];
if (isNull _projectile) exitWith {true};
private _deltaT = CBA_missionTime - _time;
_this set[2, CBA_missionTime];
private _bulletVelocity = velocity _projectile;
private _trueVelocity = _bulletVelocity vectorDiff wind;
private _trueSpeed = vectorMagnitude _trueVelocity;
private _drag = _deltaT * _kFactor * _trueSpeed;
private _accel = _trueVelocity vectorMultiply _drag;
// TRACE_3("",_bulletVelocity,_trueSpeed,_accel);
_bulletVelocity = _bulletVelocity vectorAdd _accel;
_projectile setVelocity _bulletVelocity;
}, {
// TRACE_1("done",_this);
}, [_projectile, _kFactor, CBA_missionTime]] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute;