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#include "script_component.hpp"
2016-10-12 22:35:24 +00:00
* Author: jaynus / nou, PabstMirror
* Do seeker search
* Handles a nil/bad return and will attempt to use last known position if enabled on ammo
* Arguments:
* 1: Guidance Arg Array <ARRAY>
* 3: Last known pos state array <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* Missile Aim PosASL <ARRAY>
* Example:
* [[], [], []] call ace_missileguidance_fnc_doSeekerSearch;
2016-10-12 22:35:24 +00:00
* Public: No
2016-05-30 16:37:03 +00:00
2016-10-12 22:35:24 +00:00
params ["", "_args", "", "_lastKnownPosState"];
_args params ["", "_launchParams"];
_launchParams params ["", "", "_seekerTypeName"];
_lastKnownPosState params ["_seekLastTargetPos", "_lastKnownPos"];
2016-05-30 16:37:03 +00:00
2016-10-12 22:35:24 +00:00
private _seekerFunction = getText (configFile >> QGVAR(SeekerTypes) >> _seekerTypeName >> "functionName");
2016-05-30 16:37:03 +00:00
2016-10-12 22:35:24 +00:00
private _seekerTargetPos = _this call (missionNamespace getVariable _seekerFunction);
2016-05-30 16:37:03 +00:00
if ((isNil "_seekerTargetPos") || {_seekerTargetPos isEqualTo [0,0,0]}) then { // A return of nil or [0,0,0] indicates the seeker has no target
if (_seekLastTargetPos && {_lastKnownPos isNotEqualTo [0,0,0]}) then { // if enabled for the ammo, use last known position if we have one stored
2016-10-12 22:35:24 +00:00
TRACE_2("seeker returned bad pos - using last known",_seekLastTargetPos,_lastKnownPos);
_seekerTargetPos = _lastKnownPos;
if (GVAR(debug_drawGuidanceInfo)) then {
drawIcon3D ["\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\military\unknown_CA.paa", [1,1,0,1], ASLtoAGL _lastKnownPos, 0.25, 0.25, 0, "LastKnownPos", 1, 0.02, "TahomaB"];
2016-10-12 22:35:24 +00:00
} else {
TRACE_1("seeker returned no pos",_seekerTargetPos);
_seekerTargetPos = [0,0,0];
} else {
if (_seekLastTargetPos) then { // if enabled for the ammo, store last known position
2016-10-12 22:35:24 +00:00
TRACE_1("saving current pos",_seekLastTargetPos);
_lastKnownPosState set [1, _seekerTargetPos];
2016-05-30 16:37:03 +00:00
if (GVAR(debug_drawGuidanceInfo)) then {
drawIcon3D ["\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Cursors\selectover_ca.paa", [0,1,0,1], ASLtoAGL _seekerTargetPos, 0.5, 0.5, 0, _seekerTypeName, 1, 0.025, "TahomaB"];
2016-05-30 16:37:03 +00:00
2016-10-12 22:35:24 +00:00