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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
97 lines
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97 lines
2.7 KiB
* Author: KoffeinFlummi
* Initializes the check-PBOs module.
* Arguments:
* Whatever the module provides. (I dunno.)
* Return Value:
* None
_logic = _this select 0;
_units = _this select 1;
_activated = _this select 2;
if !(_activated) exitWith {};
_mode = parseNumber (_logic getVariable "Action");
_checkAll = _logic getVariable ["CheckAll", false];
_whitelist = call compile (_logic getVariable ["Whitelist", "[]"]);
if (isNil "_whitelist") then {
_whitelist = [];
_whitelist = [_whitelist, {toLower _this}] call GVAR(fnc_map);
AGM_Version_CheckAll = _checkAll;
AGM_Version_Whitelist = _whitelist;
if (!isServer) then {
[_mode, _checkAll, _whitelist] spawn {
_mode = _this select 0;
_checkAll = _this select 1;
_whitelist = _this select 2;
waitUntil {
sleep 1;
!isNil "AGM_Version_ClientErrors"
_missingAddon = AGM_Version_ClientErrors select 0;
_missingAddonServer = AGM_Version_ClientErrors select 1;
_oldVersionClient = AGM_Version_ClientErrors select 2;
_oldVersionServer = AGM_Version_ClientErrors select 3;
// Display error message.
if (_missingAddon || {_missingAddonServer} || {_oldVersionClient} || {_oldVersionServer}) then {
_text = "[AGM] Version mismatch:<br/><br/>";
_error = format ["AGM version mismatch: %1: ", profileName];
if (_missingAddon) then {
_text = _text + "Detected missing addon on client<br/>";
_error = _error + "Missing file(s); ";
if (_missingAddonServer) then {
_text = _text + "Detected missing addon on server<br/>";
_error = _error + "Additional file(s); ";
if (_oldVersionClient) then {
_text = _text + "Detected old client version<br/>";
_error = _error + "Older version; ";
if (_oldVersionServer) then {
_text = _text + "Detected old server version<br/>";
_error = _error + "Newer version; ";
//[_error, "{systemChat _this}"] call GVAR(fnc_execRemoteFnc);
diag_log text _error;
_text = composeText [lineBreak, parseText format ["<t align='center'>%1</t>", _text]];
_rscLayer = "AGM_RscErrorHint" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
_rscLayer cutRsc ["AGM_RscErrorHint", "PLAIN", 0, true];
_ctrlHint = uiNamespace getVariable "AGM_ctrlErrorHint";
_ctrlHint ctrlSetStructuredText _text;
if (_mode == 0) then {
sleep 10;
_rscLayer cutFadeOut 0.2;
if (_mode == 2) then {
sleep 10;
waitUntil {alive player};
[player] call GVAR(fnc_adminKick);
diag_log text format ["[AGM]: Check-PBOs Module Initialized. Mode: %1.", _mode];