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#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Lambda.Tiger
* This function creates fragments randomly spreading out from an explosion to
* a maximum of 15
* Arguments:
* 0: Position of fragmenting projectile ASL <ARRAY>
* 1: Velocity of the fragmenting projectile <ARRAY>
* 2: Height (AGL) of the fragmenting projectile <SCALAR>
* 3: Type of fragments to generate
* 4: Remaining fragment budget <SCALAR>
* 5: Shot parent <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [getPosASL _proj, velocity _proj, 50, 50, [], 1, [player, player]] call ace_frag_fnc_doFragRandom;
* Public: No
params [
["_projVel", [0,0,0]],
["_heightAGL", 2, [123]],
["_fragType", [], [[]]],
["_fragCnt", 10, [123]],
["_shotPrnt", [objNull, objNull], [[]], [2]]
TRACE_5("fnc_doFragRandom", _posASL, _projVel, _heightAGL, _fragType, _fragCnt);
// See CfgAmmo for different frag types
private _hMode = switch (true) do {
case (_heightAGL > 10): {"_top"};
case (_heightAGL > 5): {"_hi"};
case (_heightAGL > 1.5): {"_mid"};
default {"_mid"};
// Select the cfgAmmo type
private _type = if (count _fragType > 0 &&
{"ace_frag_tiny" isEqualTo (_fragType#0)}) then {
} else {
_fragCnt = switch (true) do {
case (_fragCnt <= 5): {"5"};
case (_fragCnt <= 10): {"10"};
default {"15"};
// Spawn the fragment spawner
private _fragSpawner = createVehicle [_type + _fragCnt + _hMode, ASLToATL _posASL, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_fragSpawner setVelocity _projVel;
_fragSpawner setShotParents _shotParents;
systemChat ("fragging, id: " + getObjectID _proj);
_fragSpawner addEventHandler [
params ["","_proj","_posASL"];
[_posASL] call FUNC(dev_sphereDraw);
[_proj, "green", true] call FUNC(dev_trackObj);