2015-01-16 23:21:47 +00:00
2015-01-17 11:07:03 +00:00
* fn_raiseScriptedEvent_f.sqf
2015-01-16 23:21:47 +00:00
* @Descr: Execute a custom defined eventhandler.
* @Author: Glowbal
* @Arguments: [arguments ANY, handle STRING (The name of the eventhandler)]
* @Return: ARRAY Array containing the results of the called eventhandlers.
* @PublicAPI: true
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_arguments","_handle","_ehCfg","_eventHandlerCollection","_eventHandlerName","_cfg","_code","_classType", "_return"];
_arguments = _this select 0;
_handle = _this select 1;
// TODO figure out how we want to handle custom eventhandlers
_eventHandlerName = (QGVAR(f_custom_eventhandlers_) + _handle);
_eventHandlerCollection = missionNamespace getvariable _eventHandlerName;
if (isnil "_eventHandlerCollection") then {
_eventHandlerCollection = [];
[format["caching Custom Eventhandler: %1",_handle]] call FUNC(debug);
_cfg = (ConfigFile >> "ACE_Eventhandlers" >> "CustomEventHandlers" >> _handle);
if (isClass _cfg) then {
_numberOfEH = count _cfg;
for "_EHiterator" from 0 to (_numberOfEH -1) /* step +1 */ do {
//for [{_EHiterator=0}, {(_EHiterator< _numberOfEH)}, {_EHiterator=_EHiterator+1}] do {
_ehCfg = _cfg select _EHiterator;
if (isClass _ehCfg) then {
_classType = (ConfigName _ehCfg);
_code = (compile getText(_ehCfg >> "onCall"));
_eventHandlerCollection pushback [_classType, _code];
_cfg = (MissionConfigFile >> "ACE_Eventhandlers" >> "CustomEventHandlers" >> _handle);
if (isClass _cfg) then {
_numberOfEH = count _cfg;
for "_EHiterator" from 0 to (_numberOfEH -1) /* step +1 */ do {
//for [{_EHiterator=0}, {(_EHiterator< _numberOfEH)}, {_EHiterator=_EHiterator+1}] do {
_ehCfg = _cfg select _EHiterator;
if (isClass _ehCfg) then {
_classType = (ConfigName _ehCfg);
_code = (compile getText(_ehCfg >> "onCall"));
_eventHandlerCollection pushback [_classType, _code];
missionNamespace setvariable [_eventHandlerName, _eventHandlerCollection];
[format["Custom Eventhandler: %1 cache: %2",_handle, _eventHandlerCollection]] call FUNC(debug);
_return = [];
_return pushback (_arguments call (_x select 1));
}foreach _eventHandlerCollection;