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* Author: commy2
* Get all turret indicies of a vehicle.
* Argument:
* 0: Vehicle type (String)
* Return value:
* All turret index arrays of the vehicle. E.g: [[0], [0,0]] (Array)
2015-01-12 11:14:15 +00:00
#include "\z\ace\addons\core\script_component.hpp"
private ["_type", "_config", "_turrets", "_fnc_addTurret"];
_type = _this select 0;
_varName = format ["ACE_CachedTurrets_%1", _type];
_turrets = + (uiNamespace getVariable _varName);
if (!isNil "_turrets") exitWith {_turrets};
_config = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type;
_turrets = [];
_fnc_addTurret = {
private ["_config", "_path", "_count", "_offset", "_index", "_path2", "_config2"];
_config = _this select 0;
_path = _this select 1;
_config = _config >> "Turrets";
_count = count _config;
_offset = 0;
for "_index" from 0 to (_count - 1) do {
_path2 = _path + [_index - _offset];
_config2 = _config select _index;
if (isClass _config2) then {
_turrets pushBack _path2;
[_config2, _path2] call _fnc_addTurret;
} else {
_offset = _offset + 1;
[_config, []] call _fnc_addTurret;
uiNamespace setVariable [_varName, _turrets];