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#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: alganthe, mharis001
* Zeus module function to toggle NVGs.
* Arguments:
* 0: Logic object <OBJECT>
* 1: Toggle mode <BOOL>
* 2: Target units (-1 - Selected group, 0 - BLUFOR, 1 - OPFOR, 2 - Independent, 3 - Civilian) <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [LOGIC, true, -1] call ace_zeus_fnc_moduleToggleNvg
* Public: No
params ["_logic", "_toggle", "_target"];
// Create array of target units
private _units = [];
if (_target == -1) then {
_units = (units attachedTo _logic) select {alive _x && {!([_x] call EFUNC(common,isPlayer))}};
} else {
private _side = [west, east, independent, civilian] select _target;
_units = allUnits select {alive _x && {side _x == _side} && {!([_x] call EFUNC(common,isPlayer))}};
// Add or remove NVGs from units
private _cfgWeapons = configFile >> "CfgWeapons";
if (_toggle) then {
if (hmd _x isEqualTo "") then {
// Get NVG item and helmet from unit config
private _linkedItems = getArray (configOf _x >> "linkedItems");
private _nvgItem = _linkedItems select {_x isKindOf ["NVGoggles", _cfgWeapons]};
private _nvgHelmet = _linkedItems select {getArray (_cfgWeapons >> _x >> "subItems") isNotEqualTo []};
// Add NVG helmet if defined
if (_nvgHelmet isNotEqualTo []) exitWith {
_x addHeadgear (_nvgHelmet select 0);
// Add NVGs if defined
if (_nvgItem isNotEqualTo []) exitWith {
_x linkItem (_nvgItem select 0);
// Default: add basic NVGs
_x linkItem "NVGoggles";
} forEach _units;
} else {
// Get unit current NVGs or helmet with NVG built-in
private _nvgItem = hmd _x;
private _nvgHelmet = getArray (_cfgWeapons >> headgear _x >> "subItems") isEqualTo [];
// Remove NVG equipment from unit
if !(_nvgHelmet) then {
removeHeadgear _x;
if (_nvgItem isNotEqualTo "") then {
_x unlinkItem _nvgItem;
} forEach _units;
deleteVehicle _logic;