You can also use more or less than two rope origins. You can additionally execute code on rope deployment and rope cutting, for example for opening and closing the helicopters doors, see "3. Using onPrepare and onCut functions" for that.
If your helicopter is not fastroping capable by default, you can make it take a FRIES. A FRIES is just a simple model that gets attached to the helicopter with its own rope origin points. ACE3 already includes two FRIES that are used in real life and can be attached to most helicopters.
- See 3.3 for more information about `ace_fastroping_onCut` and `ace_fastroping_onPrepare`. Note: These two entries are necessary for fastroping with a FRIES.
-`ace_fastroping_ropeOrigins` defines the memory points or coordinates from the FRIES where the ropes will be attached to.
## 2.1 Using one of the given FRIES
ACE3 includes two FRIES:
-`ACE_friesAnchorBar`, a system with two extendable rope hooks, based on a system used in the UH60 Blackhawk
-`ACE_friesGantry`, a system consisting of two symmetrical external gantries
Both can be used with 3rd party helicopters. To adjust the width or rotation of the gantries on the second FRIES, you will need to adjust the `initPhase` on the animations. Please look into their current config for further details.
## 2.2 Creating a custom FRIES
To create a custom FRIES you will need to look out for a few things:
- Make sure your FRIES inherits from `ACE_friesBase`.
- If possible, create memory points for the rope origins and name them "ropeOriginLeft" and "ropeOriginRight" for consistency.
- If your FRIES has an animations that should get executed on FRIES preparation and rope cutting, it's recommended to name them "extendHookLeft" and "extendHookRight" so the current `ace_fastroping_fnc_onCutCommon` and `ace_fastroping_fnc_onPrepareCommon` functions can be used.
## 3. Using onPrepare and onCut functions
The `onCut` and `onPrepare` functions are responsible for opening/closing the helicopter doors and animating the FRIES (if equipped) when the FRIES gets prepared and the ropes get cut.
ACE3 provides two functions that are compatible with most helicopters and all ACE3 FRIES. It is recommended to use the naming scheme for doors that is present in the base game so you can use the already existing functions `ace_fastroping_fnc_onCutCommon` and `ace_fastroping_fnc_onPrepareCommon`. You can however define your own functions if you so desire. Note that these functions run in the unscheduled environment, so commands like `sleep` and `waitUntil` will not work unless you use `spawn`. It is recommended to use `ace_common_fnc_waitAndExecute` and `ace_common_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute` instead though.