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class CfgPatches {
class AGM_SwitchUnits {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.60;
requiredAddons[] = {AGM_Core};
version = "0.95";
versionStr = "0.95";
versionAr[] = {0,95,0};
author[] = {"bux578"};
authorUrl = "https://github.com/bux578/";
class CfgFunctions {
class AGM_SwitchUnits {
class AGM_SwitchUnits {
file = "AGM_SwitchUnits\functions";
class addMapFunction;
class handleMapClick;
class initPlayer;
class isValidAi;
class markAiOnMap;
class module;
class nearestPlayers;
class switchBack;
class switchUnit;
class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers {
class AGM_SwitchUnits {
clientInit = "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\AGM_SwitchUnits\clientInit.sqf'";
class CfgVehicles {
class Module_F;
class AGM_ModuleSwitchUnits: Module_F {
author = "AGM Team";
category = "AGM";
displayName = "SwitchUnits System";
function = "AGM_SwitchUnits_fnc_module";
scope = 2;
isGlobal = 1;
icon = "\AGM_SwitchUnits\UI\IconSwitchUnits_ca.paa";
class Arguments {
class SwitchToWest {
displayName = "Switch to West?";
description = "Allow switching to west units?";
typeName = "BOOL";
class values {
class Yes {name = "Yes"; value = 1;};
class No {default = 1; name = "No"; value = 0;};
class SwitchToEast {
displayName = "Switch to East?";
description = "Allow switching to east units?";
typeName = "BOOL";
class values {
class Yes {name = "Yes"; value = 1;};
class No {default = 1; name = "No"; value = 0;};
class SwitchToIndependent {
displayName = "Switch to Independent?";
description = "Allow switching to independent units?";
typeName = "BOOL";
class values {
class Yes {name = "Yes"; value = 1;};
class No {default = 1; name = "No"; value = 0;};
class SwitchToCivilian {
displayName = "Switch to Civilian?";
description = "Allow switching to civilian units?";
typeName = "BOOL";
class values {
class Yes {name = "Yes"; value = 1;};
class No {default = 1; name = "No"; value = 0;};
class EnableSafeZone {
displayName = "Enable Safe Zone?";
description = "Enable a safe zone around enemy units? Players can't switch to units inside of the safe zone.";
typeName = "BOOL";
class values {
class Yes {default = 1; name = "Yes"; value = 1;};
class No {name = "No"; value = 0;};
class SafeZoneRadius {
displayName = "Safe Zone Radius";
description = "The safe zone around players from a different team. Default: 200";
typeName = "NUMBER";
defaultValue = 100;
class EnableSwitchUnits {
displayName = "Enable SwitchUnits?";
description = "Enable to switch to AI units? Default: No";
typeName = "BOOL";
class values {
class Yes {name = "Yes"; value = 1;};
class No {default = 1; name = "No"; value = 0;};
class SwitchUnitsAllowedForSide {
displayName = "Allow for which side?";
description = "Which side should be allowed to switch to AI units?";
typeName = "NUMBER";
class values {
class West {name = "West"; value = 0;};
class East {default = 1; name = "East"; value = 1;};
class Independent {name = "Independent"; value = 2;};
class Civilian {name = "Civilian"; value = 3;};
class AGM_Parameters_Numeric {
AGM_SwitchUnits_SafeZoneRadius = 100;
class AGM_Parameters_Boolean {
AGM_SwitchUnits_EnableSwitchUnits = 0;
AGM_SwitchUnits_SwitchToWest = 0;
AGM_SwitchUnits_SwitchToEast = 0;
AGM_SwitchUnits_SwitchToIndependent = 0;
AGM_SwitchUnits_SwitchToCivilian = 0;
AGM_SwitchUnits_EnableSafeZone = 1;