mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00

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2016-05-30 16:37:03 +00:00
#pragma once
#include "shared.hpp"
#include "dispatch.hpp"
#include "arguments.hpp"
typedef void (__stdcall *RVExtension)(char *output, int outputSize, const char *function);
namespace ace {
class module {
module() : handle(nullptr), function(nullptr), name("") {}
module(const std::string & name_, HMODULE handle_, RVExtension function_, const std::string & file_) : handle(handle_), function(function_), name(name_), temp_filename(file_) {}
std::string name;
std::string temp_filename;
HMODULE handle;
RVExtension function;
class dynloader : public singleton<dynloader> {
dynloader() {}
~dynloader() {
for (auto & kv : _modules) {
arguments temp(kv.first);
std::string result_temp;
unload(temp, result_temp);
#ifdef _WINDOWS
bool load(const arguments & args_, std::string & result) {
HMODULE dllHandle;
RVExtension function;
LOG(INFO) << "Load requested [" << args_.as_string(0) << "]";
if (_modules.find(args_.as_string(0)) != _modules.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Module already loaded [" << args_.as_string(0) << "]";
return true;
#ifdef _WINDOWS
// Make a copy of the file to temp, and load it from there, referencing the current path name
char tmpPath[MAX_PATH +1], buffer[MAX_PATH + 1];
if(!GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmpPath)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "GetTempPath() failed, e=" << GetLastError();
return false;
if(!GetTempFileNameA(tmpPath, "ace_dynload", TRUE, buffer)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "GetTempFileName() failed, e=" << GetLastError();
return false;
std::string temp_filename = buffer;
if (!CopyFileA(args_.as_string(0).c_str(), temp_filename.c_str(), FALSE)) {
if (!CopyFileA(args_.as_string(0).c_str(), temp_filename.c_str(), FALSE)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CopyFile() , e=" << GetLastError();
return false;
std::string temp_filename = args_.as_string(0);
dllHandle = LoadLibrary(temp_filename.c_str());
if (!dllHandle) {
LOG(ERROR) << "LoadLibrary() failed, e=" << GetLastError() << " [" << args_.as_string(0) << "]";
return false;
function = (RVExtension)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "_RVExtension@12");
if (!function) {
LOG(ERROR) << "GetProcAddress() failed, e=" << GetLastError() << " [" << args_.as_string(0) << "]";
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Load completed [" << args_.as_string(0) << "]";
_modules[args_.as_string(0)] = module(args_.as_string(0), dllHandle, function, temp_filename);
return false;
bool unload(const arguments & args_, std::string & result) {
LOG(INFO) << "Unload requested [" << args_.as_string(0) << "]";
if (_modules.find(args_.as_string(0)) == _modules.end()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Unload failed, module not loaded [" << args_.as_string(0) << "]";
return true;
if (!FreeLibrary(_modules[args_.as_string(0)].handle)) {
LOG(INFO) << "FreeLibrary() failed during unload, e=" << GetLastError();
return false;
//if (!DeleteFileA(_modules[args_.as_string(0)].temp_filename.c_str())) {
// LOG(INFO) << "DeleteFile() failed during unload, e=" << GetLastError();
// return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Unload complete [" << args_.as_string(0) << "]";
return true;
bool call(const arguments & args_, std::string & result) {
//LOG(INFO) << "Calling [" << args_.as_string(0) << "]";
if (_modules.find(args_.as_string(0)) == _modules.end()) {
return false;
result = "";
std::string function_str;
std::vector<std::string> temp = ace::split(args_.get(), ',');
if (temp.size() < 3) {
function_str = temp[1];
} else {
for (int x = 1; x < temp.size(); x++)
function_str = function_str + temp[x] + ",";
_modules[args_.as_string(0)].function((char *)result.c_str(), 4096, (const char *)function_str.c_str());
#ifdef _DEBUG
//if (args_.as_string(0) != "fetch_result" && args_.as_string(0) != "ready") {
// LOG(INFO) << "Called [" << args_.as_string(0) << "], with {" << function_str << "} result={" << result << "}";
return true;
bool list(const arguments & args_, std::string & result) {
LOG(INFO) << "Listing loaded modules";
std::string res;
for (auto & kv : _modules) {
res = res + kv.first + ", ";
LOG(INFO) << "\t" << kv.first;
result = res;
return false;
bool register_functions() {
dispatch::get().add("list", std::bind(&ace::dynloader::list, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
dispatch::get().add("load", std::bind(&ace::dynloader::load, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
dispatch::get().add("unload", std::bind(&ace::dynloader::unload, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
dispatch::get().add("call", std::bind(&ace::dynloader::call, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
return true;
std::unordered_map<std::string, module> _modules;