1. If you don't already have a GitHub account create one at [http://github.com](http://github.com){:target="_blank"}
1. Open the ACE3 repository at [https://github.com/acemod/ACE3](https://github.com/acemod/ACE3){:target="_blank"}
1. Take a look at the [open translation pull requests](https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+label%3Aarea%2Ftranslations){:target="_blank"} to see if someone is already translating ACE3 into your language
1. In the top right corner press the `Fork` button
1. You are being redirected to your personal fork, a version that is hosted on your GitHub account (it says "yourUsername/ACE3")
1. Clone that fork to your PC (There are a lot of tools and tutorials how to do this (e.g. [GitHub for Windows](https://windows.github.com){:target="_blank"}))
1. Download [tabler](https://github.com/bux578/tabler/releases){:target="_blank"} and extract it somewhere
1. Open the tabler.exe and in the menu click "File > Open language files"
1. Point tabler to the cloned ACE3 directory
1. Start translating
1. When done go to the menu and click "File > Save language files"
1. Commit your changes to your local cloned repository