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494 lines
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494 lines
9.9 KiB
class cse_interactionGUI {
idd = 145201;
movingEnable = false;
onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['cse_interactionGUI', _this select 0];";
class controlsBackground {
class cse_background : cse_gui_backgroundBase {
idc = -1;
x = 0.138;
y = 0.17;
w = 1.2549;
h = 0.836601;
text = "";
class controls {
class cse_interactionName {
idc = 111;
type = CT_STATIC;
x = 10.44;
y = 10.75;
w = 0.3;
h = 0.04;
font = "PuristaMedium";
sizeEx = 0.0406536;
colorText[] = {0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1};
//colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 0};
colorBackground[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',0.69])","(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',0.75])","(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',0.5])", 0.9};
text = "";
class cse_subMenuName: cse_interactionName {
idc = 112;
class cse_subSubMenuName: cse_interactionName {
idc = 113;
class cse_option1 : cse_gui_buttonBase {
idc = 150;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.4; // add 5 to each
y = 10.45;
w = 0.3;
h = 0.04;
color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
color2[] = {0,0,0, 1};
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1,1};
colorBackground[] = {1,1,1,0.95};
colorbackground2[] = {1,1,1,0.95};
colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.6};
colorFocused[] = {0,0,0,1};
colorBackgroundFocused[] = {1,1,1,1};
animTextureNormal = "cse\cse_gui\data\buttonNormal_gradient_top.paa";
animTextureDisabled = "cse\cse_gui\data\buttonDisabled_gradient.paa";
animTextureOver = "cse\cse_gui\data\buttonNormal_gradient_top_w.paa";
animTextureFocused = "cse\cse_gui\data\buttonNormal_gradient_top_w.paa";
animTexturePressed = "cse\cse_gui\data\buttonNormal_gradient_top_w.paa";
animTextureDefault = "cse\cse_gui\data\buttonNormal_gradient_top.paa";
/* animTextureNormal = "";
animTextureDisabled = "";
animTextureOver = "";
animTextureFocused = "";
animTexturePressed = "";
animTextureDefault = ""; */
class cse_option2 : cse_option1 {
idc = 151;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.4;
y = 10.5;
class cse_option3 : cse_option1 {
idc = 152;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.4;
y = 10.55;
class cse_option4 : cse_option1 {
idc = 153;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.4;
y = 10.6;
class cse_option5 : cse_option1 {
idc = 154;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.4;
y = 10.65;
class cse_option6 : cse_option1 {
idc = 155;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.4;
y = 10.7;
class cse_option7 : cse_option1 {
idc = 156;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.4;
y = 10.75;
class cse_option8 : cse_option1 {
idc = 157;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.4;
y = 10.8;
class cse_option9 : cse_option1 {
idc = 158;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.4;
y = 10.85;
class cse_option10 : cse_option1 {
idc = 159;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.4;
y = 10.9;
class cse_option11 : cse_option1 {
idc = 160;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.4;
y = 10.9;
class cse_option12 : cse_option1 {
idc = 161;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.4;
y = 10.9;
class cse_option13 : cse_option1 {
idc = 162;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.4;
y = 10.9;
class cse_option14 : cse_option1 {
idc = 163;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.4;
y = 10.9;
class cse_option15 : cse_option1 {
idc = 164;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.4;
y = 10.9;
// Sub menu Options
class cse_subMenuButton1 : cse_option1 {
idc = 201;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.75;
class cse_subMenuButton2 : cse_option1 {
idc = 202;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.8;
class cse_subMenuButton3 : cse_option1 {
idc = 203;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.85;
class cse_subMenuButton4 : cse_option1 {
idc = 204;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.9;
class cse_subMenuButton5 : cse_option1 {
idc = 205;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.95;
class cse_subMenuButton6 : cse_option1 {
idc = 206;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.0;
class cse_subMenuButton7 : cse_option1 {
idc = 207;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.0;
class cse_subMenuButton8 : cse_option1 {
idc = 208;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.0;
class cse_subMenuButton9 : cse_option1 {
idc = 209;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.0;
class cse_subMenuButton10 : cse_option1 {
idc = 210;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 100.88;
y = 100.0;
class cse_subMenuButton11 : cse_option1 {
idc = 211;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 100.88;
y = 100.0;
class cse_subMenuButton12 : cse_option1 {
idc = 212;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 100.88;
y = 100.0;
class cse_subMenuButton13 : cse_option1 {
idc = 213;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 100.88;
y = 100.0;
class cse_subMenuButton14 : cse_option1 {
idc = 214;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 100.88;
y = 100.0;
class cse_subMenuButton15 : cse_option1 {
idc = 215;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 100.88;
y = 100.0;
class cse_subMenuSub1 : cse_option1 {
idc = 301;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.75;
class cse_subMenuSub2 : cse_option1 {
idc = 302;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.8;
class cse_subMenuSub3 : cse_option1 {
idc = 303;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.85;
class cse_subMenuSub4 : cse_option1 {
idc = 304;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.9;
class cse_subMenuSub5 : cse_option1 {
idc = 305;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.95;
class cse_subMenuSub6 : cse_option1 {
idc = 306;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.0;
class cse_subMenuSub7 : cse_option1 {
idc = 307;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.0;
class cse_subMenuSub8 : cse_option1 {
idc = 308;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.0;
class cse_subMenuSub9 : cse_option1 {
idc = 309;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 10.88;
y = 10.0;
class cse_subMenuSub10 : cse_option1 {
idc = 310;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 100.88;
y = 100.0;
class cse_subMenuSub11 : cse_option1 {
idc = 311;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 100.88;
y = 100.0;
class cse_subMenuSub12 : cse_option1 {
idc = 312;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 100.88;
y = 100.0;
class cse_subMenuSub13 : cse_option1 {
idc = 313;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 100.88;
y = 100.0;
class cse_subMenuSub14 : cse_option1 {
idc = 314;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 100.88;
y = 100.0;
class cse_subMenuSub15 : cse_option1 {
idc = 315;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = 100.88;
y = 100.0;
class iconImg1: cse_gui_backgroundBase {
idc = 400;
x = (safezoneX + (safeZoneW - 0.1));
y = (safezoneY + (safeZoneH - 0.1));
w = 0.05;
h = 0.05;
size = 0.1;
SizeEx = 0.1;
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1};
colorPicture[] = {1,1,1,1};
colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
text = "";
class option_tags : cse_gui_buttonBase {
idc = 500;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = (safezoneX + (safeZoneW - 0.1));
y = (safezoneY + (safeZoneH - 0.1));
w = 0.05;
h = 0.05;
class TextPos {
left = 0;
top = 0;
right = 0.0;
bottom = 0.00;
animTextureNormal = "";
animTextureDisabled = "";
animTextureOver = "";
animTextureFocused = "";
animTexturePressed = "";
animTextureDefault = "";
class iconImg2: iconImg1 {
idc = 401;
x = (safezoneX + (safeZoneW - 0.15));
y = (safezoneY + (safeZoneH - 0.1));
w = 0.05;
h = 0.05;
size = 0.1;
SizeEx = 0.1;
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1};
colorPicture[] = {1,1,1,1};
colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
text = "";
class iconImg3: iconImg1 {
idc = 402;
x = (safezoneX + (safeZoneW - 0.2));
y = (safezoneY + (safeZoneH - 0.1));
w = 0.05;
h = 0.05;
size = 0.1;
SizeEx = 0.1;
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1};
colorPicture[] = {1,1,1,1};
colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
text = "";
class option_icon2 : option_tags {
idc = 501;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = (safezoneX + (safeZoneW - 0.15));
y = (safezoneY + (safeZoneH - 0.1));
w = 0.05;
h = 0.05;
class TextPos {
left = 0;
top = 0;
right = 0.0;
bottom = 0.00;
animTextureNormal = "";
animTextureDisabled = "";
animTextureOver = "";
animTextureFocused = "";
animTexturePressed = "";
animTextureDefault = "";
class option_icon3 : option_tags {
idc = 502;
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
x = (safezoneX + (safeZoneW - 0.2));
y = (safezoneY + (safeZoneH - 0.1));
w = 0.05;
h = 0.05;
class TextPos {
left = 0;
top = 0;
right = 0.0;
bottom = 0.00;
animTextureNormal = "";
animTextureDisabled = "";
animTextureOver = "";
animTextureFocused = "";
animTexturePressed = "";
animTextureDefault = "";