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#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Brandon (TCVM)
* Sets up TERCOM state arrays
* Arguments:
* Guidance Arg Array <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_missileguidance_fnc_TERCOM_onFired
* Public: No
params ["_firedEH", "", "", "", "_stateParams"];
_firedEH params ["","","","","","","_projectile"];
_stateParams params ["", "_seekerStateParams"];
// need a number that denotes maximum grid width at specified resolution
// 3 grid cells in either direction
#define MAX_GRID_WIDTH 5
private _minResolution = 50;
private _maxResolution = 300;
private _waypoints = [
[[22255.6,14042.3,0], 50],
[[19708.9,14668.1,0], 50],
[[17334.5,16922.6,0], 50],
[[13809.5,18171.9,0], 30],
[[11167.8,20575.4,0], 20],
[[6294.59,20780.3,0], 20],
[[4552.04,21492.6,0], 20]
private _heightmap = [];
private _maxWaypoints = (count _waypoints) - 1;
// at last waypoint, dont process
if (_forEachIndex == _maxWaypoints) exitWith {};
private _nextWaypoint = _waypoints select (_forEachIndex + 1);
_x params ["_positionA", "_cruiseHeight"];
_nextWaypoint params ["_positionB", "_cruiseHeight"];
private _distance = _positionA vectorDistance _positionB;
private _direction = _positionA vectorFromTo _positionB;
private _normalDirection = [-(_direction#1), _direction#0, _direction#2];
private _resolution = linearConversion [0, 1, (_forEachIndex + 1) / _maxWaypoints, _maxResolution, _minResolution];
private _startingGridPos = _positionA vectorAdd (_normalDirection vectorMultiply (MAX_GRID_WIDTH * _resolution));
_startingGridPos = _startingGridPos vectorDiff (_normalDirection vectorMultiply -(_resolution * 0.5));
for "_y" from 0 to (MAX_GRID_WIDTH * 2) do {
private _gridPos = _startingGridPos vectorAdd (_normalDirection vectorMultiply -(_resolution * _y));
private _firstHeightmapCell = [];
for "_x" from 0 to ceil (_distance / _resolution) step 1 do {
private _heightAtPos = 0 max getTerrainHeightASL _gridPos;
_firstHeightmapCell pushBack [_gridPos#0, _gridPos#1, _heightAtPos];
_gridPos = _gridPos vectorAdd (_direction vectorMultiply _resolution);
_heightmap pushBack [_firstHeightmapCell, _resolution * MAX_GRID_WIDTH];
} forEach _waypoints;
private _m = createMarker [format ["%1", random 1e10], _x];
_m setMarkerType "mil_dot";
_m setMarkerText format ["%1m", _x select 2];
} forEach (_x select 0);
} forEach _heightmap;
_x params ["_position", "_cruiseAltitude"];
private _m = createMarker [format ["%1", random 1e10], _position];
_m setMarkerType "mil_dot";
_m setMarkerText format ["%1m", _cruiseAltitude];
_m setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
} forEach _waypoints;
_seekerStateParams set [0, []]; // internal buffer of heights
_seekerStateParams set [1, getPosASLVisual _projectile]; // calculated current position - simulating INS guidance
_seekerStateParams set [2, TERCOM_STATE_SEEKING_BASKET]; // current state
_seekerStateParams set [3, 0]; // current waypoint
_seekerStateParams set [4, _waypoints];
_seekerStateParams set [5, _heightmap];