mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Localization/ headers
This commit is contained in:
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ if(isMultiplayer && { time > 0 || isNull player } ) then {
GVAR(deviceKeyHandlingArray) = [];
GVAR(deviceKeyCurrentIndex) = -1;
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(openDevice), "Open Device", //(localize "STR_ACE_microdagr_toggleUnit"),
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(openDevice), (localize "STR_ACE_Common_toggleHandheldDevice"),
[] call FUNC(deviceKeyFindValidIndex);
if (GVAR(deviceKeyCurrentIndex) == -1) exitWith {false};
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ GVAR(deviceKeyCurrentIndex) = -1;
[0xC7, [false, false, false]], false] call cba_fnc_addKeybind; //Home Key
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(closeDevice), "Close Device", //(localize "STR_ACE_microdagr_toggleUnit"),
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(closeDevice), (localize "STR_ACE_Common_closeHandheldDevice"),
[] call FUNC(deviceKeyFindValidIndex);
if (GVAR(deviceKeyCurrentIndex) == -1) exitWith {false};
@ -273,14 +273,12 @@ GVAR(deviceKeyCurrentIndex) = -1;
[0xC7, [false, true, false]], false] call cba_fnc_addKeybind; //CTRL + Home Key
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(cycleDevice), "Cycle Devices", //(localize "STR_ACE_microdagr_toggleUnit"),
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(cycleDevice), (localize "STR_ACE_Common_cycleHandheldDevices"),
systemChat "here";
[1] call FUNC(deviceKeyFindValidIndex);
if (GVAR(deviceKeyCurrentIndex) == -1) exitWith {false};
_displayName = ((GVAR(deviceKeyHandlingArray) select GVAR(deviceKeyCurrentIndex)) select 0);
_iconImage = ((GVAR(deviceKeyHandlingArray) select GVAR(deviceKeyCurrentIndex)) select 1);
systemChat str [_displayName, _iconImage];
[_displayName, _iconImage] call FUNC(displayTextPicture);
@ -1,4 +1,18 @@
* Author: PabstMirror
* Finds next valid index for the device array.
* Arguments:
* 0: Offset from currentIndex (use 1 to find next valid) <NUMBER><OPTIONAL>
* Return Value:
* Nothing
* Example:
* [] call ace_common_fnc_deviceKeyFindValidIndex
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
@ -1,5 +1,24 @@
* Author: PabstMirror
* Finds next valid index for the device array.
* Arguments:
* 0: Localized Device Display Name <STRING>
* 1: Image <STRING>
* 2: Condtion Code (do they have the device) <CODE>
* 3: Toggle Code (on home press) <CODE>
* 4: Close Code (on ctrl-home press) <CODE>
* Return Value:
* Nothing
* Example:
* [(localize "STR_ACE_microdagr_itemName"), QUOTE(PATHTOF(images\microDAGR_item.paa)), _conditonCode, _toggleCode, _closeCode] call ace_common_fnc_deviceKeyRegisterNew
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
GVAR(deviceKeyHandlingArray) pushBack [_displayName,_iconImage,_conditionCode,_toggleCode,_closeCode];
@ -470,5 +470,14 @@
<French>Une banane est un fruit qui, d'un point de vue botanique, fait partie du groupe des baies. Produite par plusieurs sortes de grandes plantes à fleurs herbacées du type Musa.</French>
<Portuguese>A banana é uma fruta comestível, botanicamente uma baga, produzida por vários tipos de plantas herbáceas grandes do genero Musa.</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_toggleHandheldDevice">
<English>Toggle Device</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_closeHandheldDevice">
<English>Close Device</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_cycleHandheldDevices">
<English>Cycle Devices</English>
@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
//Add deviceKey entry:
private ["_conditonCode", "_toggleCode", "_closeCode"];
_conditonCode = {
("ACE_microDAGR" in (items ace_player))
("ACE_microDAGR" in (items ace_player))
_toggleCode = {
if !([ACE_player, objNull, ["notOnMap", "isNotInside"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false};
@ -16,37 +18,7 @@ _closeCode = {
[DISPLAY_MODE_CLOSED] call FUNC(openDisplay);
["Mdagr", "", _conditonCode, _toggleCode, _closeCode] call EFUNC(common,deviceKeyRegisterNew);
/* //Add Keybinds:
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(openGPS), (localize "STR_ACE_microdagr_toggleUnit"),
// canInteractWith (can use on map)
if !([ACE_player, objNull, ["notOnMap", "isNotInside"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: specific
if (!("ACE_microDAGR" in (items ace_player))) exitWith {false};
[] call FUNC(openDisplay); //toggle display mode
[0xC7, [false, false, false]], false] call cba_fnc_addKeybind; //Home Key
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(closeGPS), (localize "STR_ACE_microdagr_closeUnit"),
// canInteractWith (can use on map)
if !([ACE_player, objNull, ["notOnMap", "isNotInside"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: specific
if (!("ACE_microDAGR" in (items ace_player))) exitWith {false};
if (GVAR(currentShowMode) == DISPLAY_MODE_CLOSED) exitWith {false};
[DISPLAY_MODE_CLOSED] call FUNC(openDisplay); //close unit
[0xC7, [false, true, false]], false] call cba_fnc_addKeybind; //CTRL + Home Key */
[(localize "STR_ACE_microdagr_itemName"), QUOTE(PATHTOF(images\microDAGR_item.paa)), _conditonCode, _toggleCode, _closeCode] call EFUNC(common,deviceKeyRegisterNew);
//Add Eventhandler:
["RangerfinderData", {_this call FUNC(recieveRangefinderData)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user