diff --git a/addons/rangecard/functions/fnc_updateRangeCard.sqf b/addons/rangecard/functions/fnc_updateRangeCard.sqf index 3328600dc3..8f9e86cbac 100644 --- a/addons/rangecard/functions/fnc_updateRangeCard.sqf +++ b/addons/rangecard/functions/fnc_updateRangeCard.sqf @@ -127,16 +127,13 @@ if (_barrelLength > 0 && _useABConfig) then { _muzzleVelocity = _initSpeed; }; -if (_useABConfig) then { - ctrlSetText [770000, format["%1'' - %2 gr (%3)", round((_ammoConfig select 1) * 39.3700787) / 1000, round((_ammoConfig select 3) * 15.4323584), _ammoClass]]; - if (_barrelLength > 0 && _barrelTwist > 0) then { +ctrlSetText [770000, format["%1'' - %2 gr (%3)", round((_ammoConfig select 1) * 39.3700787) / 1000, round((_ammoConfig select 3) * 15.4323584), _ammoClass]]; +if (_barrelLength > 0) then { + if (_useABConfig && _barrelTwist > 0) then { ctrlSetText [770002, format["Barrel: %1'' 1:%2'' twist", round(2 * _barrelLength * 0.0393700787) / 2, round(_barrelTwist * 0.0393700787)]]; } else { - ctrlSetText [770002, ""]; + ctrlSetText [770002, format["Barrel: %1''", round(2 * _barrelLength * 0.0393700787) / 2]]; }; -} else { - ctrlSetText [770000, getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magazineClass >> "displayNameShort")]; - ctrlSetText [770002, getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weaponClass >> "displayName")]; }; lnbAddRow [770100, ["4mps Wind(MRADs)", "1mps LEAD(MRADs)"]]; @@ -241,10 +238,5 @@ for "_column" from 0 to 8 do { }; } forEach [0, 3, 8]; -if (_useABConfig) then { - ctrlSetText [770020, "For best results keep ammunition at ambient air temperature. Tables calculated for the above listed barrel"]; - ctrlSetText [770021, format["and load with optic mounted %1'' above line of bore.", round((_boreHeight / 2.54) * 10) / 10]]; -} else { - ctrlSetText [770020, ""]; - ctrlSetText [770021, ""]; -}; +ctrlSetText [770020, "For best results keep ammunition at ambient air temperature. Tables calculated for the above listed barrel"]; +ctrlSetText [770021, format["and load with optic mounted %1'' above line of bore.", round((_boreHeight / 2.54) * 10) / 10]];