mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Merge branch 'release'
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<p align="center">
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@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Attach">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Attach_AttachDetach">
<English>Attach item >></English>
<German>Gegenstand befestigen >></German>
<Spanish>Acoplar objeto >></Spanish>
<Polish>Przyczep >></Polish>
<French>Attacher l'objet >></French>
<Czech>Připnout >></Czech>
<Portuguese>Fixar item >></Portuguese>
<Italian>Attacca l'oggetto >></Italian>
<Hungarian>Tárgy hozzácsatolása >></Hungarian>
<English>Attach item</English>
<German>Gegenstand befestigen</German>
<Spanish>Acoplar objeto</Spanish>
<French>Attacher l'objet</French>
<Portuguese>Fixar item</Portuguese>
<Italian>Attacca l'oggetto</Italian>
<Hungarian>Tárgy hozzácsatolása</Hungarian>
<Russian>Прикрепить предмет</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Attach_Attach">
@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ PREP(numberToString);
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ GVAR(OldIsCamera) = false;
["isNotDead", {
params ["_unit", "_target"];
params ["_unit"];
alive _unit
}] call FUNC(addCanInteractWithCondition);
@ -400,6 +400,48 @@ GVAR(OldIsCamera) = false;
["isNotInZeus", {isNull curatorCamera}] call FUNC(addCanInteractWithCondition);
// Set up reload mutex
GVAR(isReloading) = false;
["isNotReloading", {!GVAR(isReloading)}] call FUNC(addCanInteractWithCondition);
["keyDown", {
if ((_this select 1) in actionKeys "ReloadMagazine" && {alive ACE_player}) then {
private _weapon = currentWeapon ACE_player;
if (_weapon != "") then {
private _gesture = getText (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "reloadAction");
private _isLauncher = _weapon isKindOf ["Launcher", configFile >> "CfgWeapons"];
private _config = ["CfgGesturesMale", "CfgMovesMaleSdr"] select _isLauncher;
private _duration = getNumber (configfile >> _config >> "States" >> _gesture >> "speed");
if (_duration != 0) then {
_duration = if (_duration < 0) then { abs _duration } else { 1 / _duration };
} else {
_duration = 3;
TRACE_2("Reloading, blocking gestures",_weapon,_duration);
GVAR(reloadingETA) = CBA_missionTime + _duration;
if (!GVAR(isReloading)) then {
GVAR(isReloading) = true;
CBA_missionTime > GVAR(reloadingETA)
GVAR(isReloading) = false;
}] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute;
}] call CBA_fnc_addDisplayHandler;
// Set up PlayerJIP eventhandler
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* Author: esteldunedain
* Plays a sound defined in CfgSounds using playSound3D, with global effect
* Arguments:
* 0: Sound class <STRING>
* 1: Position ASL <ARRAY>
* 2: Volume <NUMBER>
* 3: Distance <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_soundClass", "_posASL", "_volume", "_distance"];
private _cfgSound = configFile >> "CfgSounds" >> _soundClass;
if (!isClass _cfgSound) exitWith {
ACE_LOGERROR_1("CfgSounds class [%1] does not exist", _soundClass);
private _args = getArray (_cfgSound >> "sound");
TRACE_1("playConfigSound3D args", _args);
private _pitch = (_args select 2);
// Strip the first \ from the filename
private _fileName = _args select 0;
_fileName = _fileName select [1, count _fileName - 1];
TRACE_1("playConfigSound3D filename", _fileName);
playSound3D [_fileName, objNull, false, _posASL, _volume, _pitch, _distance];
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 0: Target <OBJECT>
* 0: Target (ACE_DefuseObject) <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* Able to defuse <BOOL>
@ -19,15 +19,16 @@
params ["_unit", "_target"];
private ["_isSpecialist"];
if (isNull(_target getVariable [QGVAR(Explosive),objNull])) exitWith {
private _explosive = _target getVariable [QGVAR(Explosive), objNull];
if (isNull _explosive) exitWith {
deleteVehicle _target;
if (vehicle _unit != _unit || {!("ACE_DefusalKit" in (items _unit))}) exitWith {false};
_isSpecialist = [_unit] call EFUNC(Common,isEOD);
if (GVAR(RequireSpecialist) && {!_isSpecialist}) exitWith {false};
if (GVAR(RequireSpecialist) && {!([_unit] call EFUNC(Common,isEOD))}) exitWith {false};
//Handle the naval mines (which doens't get turned into items when defused):
if ((_explosive isKindOf "UnderwaterMine_Range_Ammo") && {!mineActive _explosive}) exitWith {false};
@ -63,6 +63,6 @@ if (ACE_player != _unit) then {
_isEOD = [_unit] call EFUNC(Common,isEOD);
_defuseTime = [_isEOD, _target] call _fnc_DefuseTime;
if (_isEOD || {!GVAR(RequireSpecialist)}) then {
[_defuseTime, [_unit,_target], {(_this select 0) call FUNC(defuseExplosive)}, {}, (localize LSTRING(DefusingExplosive))] call EFUNC(common,progressBar);
[_defuseTime, [_unit,_target], {(_this select 0) call FUNC(defuseExplosive)}, {}, (localize LSTRING(DefusingExplosive)), {true}, ["isNotSwimming"]] call EFUNC(common,progressBar);
@ -16,9 +16,3 @@ class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers {
init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_postInit));
class Extended_DisplayLoad_EventHandlers {
class RscDisplayMission {
ADDON = QUOTE(_this call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_missionDisplayLoad));
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_SelfActions {
class ADDON {
displayName = CSTRING(Gestures);
condition = QUOTE((canStand _target) && GVAR(ReloadMutex) && {GVAR(showOnInteractionMenu) == 2});
condition = QUOTE((canStand _target) && {GVAR(showOnInteractionMenu) == 2});
statement = "";
showDisabled = 1;
priority = 3.5;
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_display"];
_display displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {
if ((_this select 1) in actionKeys "ReloadMagazine") then {
if (isNull ACE_player || {!alive ACE_player}) exitWith {false};
private _weapon = currentWeapon ACE_player;
if (_weapon != "") then {
GVAR(ReloadMutex) = false;
private _gesture = getText (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "reloadAction");
private _isLauncher = _weapon isKindOf ["Launcher", configFile >> "CfgWeapons"];
private _config = ["CfgGesturesMale", "CfgMovesMaleSdr"] select _isLauncher;
private _duration = getNumber (configfile >> _config >> "States" >> _gesture >> "speed");
if (_duration != 0) then {
_duration = if (_duration < 0) then { abs _duration } else { 1 / _duration };
} else {
_duration = 3;
TRACE_2("Reloading, blocking gestures",_weapon,_duration);
[{GVAR(ReloadMutex) = true;}, [], _duration] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
// reload mutex, you can't play signal while reloading
GVAR(ReloadMutex) = true;
// Add keybinds
_x params ["_currentName", "_key", ["_vanillaKey", false] ];
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
if (!GVAR(ReloadMutex)) exitWith {false};
if (EGVAR(common,isReloading)) exitWith {false};
if (GVAR(showOnInteractionMenu) == 0) exitWith {false};
if !([ACE_player, objNull, []] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false};
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
class ACE_Settings {
/*class GVAR(enable) { // @todo
value = 0;
typeName = "BOOL";
isClientSettable = 1;
displayName = CSTRING(enable);
class GVAR(effects) {
displayName = CSTRING(effects_displayName);
typeName = "SCALAR";
value = 2;
values[] = {ECSTRING(common,Disabled), CSTRING(effects_tintOnly), CSTRING(enabled_tintAndEffects)};
class GVAR(showInThirdPerson) {
value = 0;
typeName = "BOOL";
@ -24,11 +24,3 @@ class Extended_Killed_EventHandlers {
class Extended_Explosion_EventHandlers {
class CAManBase {
class ADDON {
clientExplosion = QUOTE(if (local (_this select 0)) then {_this call FUNC(handleExplosion)});
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
["ACE3 Common", QGVAR(wipeGlasses), localize LSTRING(WipeGlasses), {
if (GVAR(effects) != 2) exitWith {false}; //Can only wipe if full effects setting is set
if (!(GETVAR(ace_player,ACE_isUnconscious,false))) exitWith {
call FUNC(clearGlasses);
@ -12,126 +13,142 @@ if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
[20, [true, true, false]], false] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind;
// make sure to stack effect layers in correct order
GVAR(GogglesEffectsLayer) = QGVAR(GogglesEffectsLayer) call BIS_fnc_RSCLayer;
GVAR(GogglesLayer) = QGVAR(GogglesLayer) call BIS_fnc_RSCLayer;
if (isNil QGVAR(UsePP)) then {
GVAR(UsePP) = true;
["ace_settingsInitialized", {
TRACE_2("ace_settingsInitialized eh",GVAR(effects),GVAR(showInThirdPerson));
// init pp effects
GVAR(PostProcess) = ppEffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 1995];
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) = ppEffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 1992];
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0]];
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectCommit 0;
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectEnable false;
if (GVAR(effects) == 0) exitWith {};
GVAR(EffectsActive) = false;
// ---Add the TINT Effect---
// make sure to stack effect layers in correct order
GVAR(GogglesEffectsLayer) = QGVAR(GogglesEffectsLayer) call BIS_fnc_RSCLayer;
GVAR(GogglesLayer) = QGVAR(GogglesLayer) call BIS_fnc_RSCLayer;
GVAR(FrameEvent) = [false, [false, 20]];
GVAR(PostProcessEyes_Enabled) = false;
GVAR(DustHandler) = -1;
GVAR(RainDrops) = objNull;
GVAR(RainActive) = false;
GVAR(RainLastLevel) = 0;
GVAR(surfaceCache) = "";
GVAR(surfaceCacheIsDust) = false;
// init GlassesChanged eventhandler
GVAR(OldGlasses) = "<null>";
["loadout", {
params ["_unit"];
private _currentGlasses = goggles _unit;
if (GVAR(OldGlasses) != _currentGlasses) then {
["ace_glassesChanged", [_unit, _currentGlasses]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
GVAR(OldGlasses) = _currentGlasses;
if (isNil QGVAR(UsePP)) then {
GVAR(UsePP) = true;
}] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
// add glasses eventhandlers
["ace_glassesChanged", {
params ["_unit", "_glasses"];
// init GlassesChanged eventhandler
GVAR(OldGlasses) = "<null>";
["loadout", {
params ["_unit"];
private _currentGlasses = goggles _unit;
if (call FUNC(ExternalCamera)) exitWith {call FUNC(RemoveGlassesEffect)};
if (GVAR(OldGlasses) != _currentGlasses) then {
["ace_glassesChanged", [_unit, _currentGlasses]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
GVAR(OldGlasses) = _currentGlasses;
}] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
if ([_unit] call FUNC(isGogglesVisible)) then {
_glasses call FUNC(applyGlassesEffect);
} else {
call FUNC(removeGlassesEffect);
// init pp effects
GVAR(PostProcess) = ppEffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 1995];
GVAR(EffectsActive) = false;
// check goggles
private _fnc_checkGoggles = {
params ["_unit"];
if (GVAR(EffectsActive)) then {
if (call FUNC(externalCamera) || {!([_unit] call FUNC(isGogglesVisible))}) then {
call FUNC(removeGlassesEffect);
} else {
if (!(call FUNC(externalCamera)) && {[_unit] call FUNC(isGogglesVisible)}) then {
[goggles _unit] call FUNC(applyGlassesEffect);
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
["ace_glassesCracked", {
params ["_unit"];
["cameraView", _fnc_checkGoggles] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["ace_activeCameraChanged", _fnc_checkGoggles] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
_unit setVariable ["ACE_EyesDamaged", true];
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [1, 1, 1, 0]];
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectCommit 0;
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectEnable true;
// add glasses eventhandlers
["ace_glassesChanged", {
params ["_unit", "_glasses"];
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0]];
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectCommit 5;
params ["_unit"];
if (call FUNC(ExternalCamera)) exitWith {call FUNC(RemoveGlassesEffect)};
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectEnable false;
_unit setVariable ["ACE_EyesDamaged", false];
}, _this, 5] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
}, _unit, 25] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
// check goggles
private _fnc_checkGoggles = {
params ["_unit"];
if (GVAR(EffectsActive)) then {
if (call FUNC(externalCamera) || {!([_unit] call FUNC(isGogglesVisible))}) then {
if ([_unit] call FUNC(isGogglesVisible)) then {
_glasses call FUNC(applyGlassesEffect);
} else {
call FUNC(removeGlassesEffect);
} else {
if (!(call FUNC(externalCamera)) && {[_unit] call FUNC(isGogglesVisible)}) then {
[goggles _unit] call FUNC(applyGlassesEffect);
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
// // ---Add the Dust/Dirt/Rain Effects---
if (GVAR(effects) == 2) then {
// Register fire event handler
["ace_firedPlayer", DFUNC(handleFired)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
//Add Explosion XEH
["CAManBase", "explosion", FUNC(handleExplosion)] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler;
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) = ppEffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 1992];
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0]];
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectCommit 0;
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectEnable false;
GVAR(PostProcessEyes_Enabled) = false;
GVAR(FrameEvent) = [false, [false, 20]];
GVAR(DustHandler) = -1;
GVAR(RainDrops) = objNull;
GVAR(RainActive) = false;
GVAR(RainLastLevel) = 0;
GVAR(surfaceCache) = "";
GVAR(surfaceCacheIsDust) = false;
["ace_glassesCracked", {
params ["_unit"];
_unit setVariable ["ACE_EyesDamaged", true];
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [1, 1, 1, 0]];
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectCommit 0;
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectEnable true;
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0]];
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectCommit 5;
params ["_unit"];
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectEnable false;
_unit setVariable ["ACE_EyesDamaged", false];
}, _this, 5] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
}, _unit, 25] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
// goggles effects main PFH
// rain
call FUNC(applyRainEffect);
// auto remove effects under water
if (GVAR(EffectsActive) && {underwater ACE_player} && {[goggles ACE_player] call FUNC(isDivingGoggles)}) then {
call FUNC(removeRainEffect);
call FUNC(removeDirtEffect);
call FUNC(removeDustEffect);
// rotor wash effect
call FUNC(applyRotorWashEffect);
}, 0.5, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
["cameraView", _fnc_checkGoggles] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["ace_activeCameraChanged", _fnc_checkGoggles] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
// goggles effects main PFH
// rain
call FUNC(applyRainEffect);
// auto remove effects under water
if (GVAR(EffectsActive) && {underwater ACE_player} && {[goggles ACE_player] call FUNC(isDivingGoggles)}) then {
call FUNC(removeRainEffect);
call FUNC(removeDirtEffect);
call FUNC(removeDustEffect);
// rotor wash effect
call FUNC(applyRotorWashEffect);
}, 0.5, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
// Register fire event handler
["ace_firedPlayer", DFUNC(handleFired)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
@ -46,13 +46,15 @@ if (_imagePath != "") then {
(GLASSDISPLAY displayCtrl 10650) ctrlSetText _imagePath;
if (GETDIRT) then {
call FUNC(applyDirtEffect);
if (GVAR(effects) == 2) then {
if (GETDIRT) then {
call FUNC(applyDirtEffect);
call FUNC(applyDustEffect);
call FUNC(applyDustEffect);
GVAR(EffectsActive) = true;
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
// Handle the ThreeDen Editor Camera
if ((!isNil {is3DEN}) && {is3DEN}) exitWith {true};
if (is3DEN) exitWith {true};
if (GVAR(showInThirdPerson)) then {
cameraView in ["GROUP"] || EFUNC(common,isFeatureCameraActive)
@ -15,20 +15,21 @@
params ["_unit"];
if (_unit != ACE_player) exitWith {true};
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectEnable false;
if (GVAR(effects) == 0) exitWith {true};
call FUNC(removeGlassesEffect);
GVAR(EffectsActive) = false;
if (GVAR(effects) == 2) then {
GVAR(PostProcessEyes) ppEffectEnable false;
_unit setVariable ["ACE_EyesDamaged", false];
if (GVAR(DustHandler) != -1) then {
[GVAR(DustHandler)] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
_unit setVariable ["ACE_EyesDamaged", false];
if (GVAR(DustHandler) != -1) then {
[GVAR(DustHandler)] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
GVAR(DustHandler) = -1;
GVAR(DustHandler) = -1;
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ if (!isNull (GLASSDISPLAY)) then {
GLASSDISPLAY closeDisplay 0;
call FUNC(removeDirtEffect);
call FUNC(removeRainEffect);
call FUNC(removeDustEffect);
if (GVAR(effects) == 2) then {
call FUNC(removeDirtEffect);
call FUNC(removeRainEffect);
call FUNC(removeDustEffect);
@ -25,5 +25,14 @@
<Portuguese>Limpar Óculos</Portuguese>
<Italian>Pulisci gli occhiali</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Goggles_effects_displayName">
<English>Goggle Effects</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Goggles_effects_tintOnly">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Goggles_enabled_tintAndEffects">
<English>Tint + Effects</English>
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
class CfgWeapons {
class Rifle_Long_Base_F;
/* Long Rifles */
class GM6_base_F: Rifle_Long_Base_F {
GVAR(allowGunbag) = 1;
class LRR_base_F: Rifle_Long_Base_F {
GVAR(allowGunbag) = 1;
class DMR_06_base_F: Rifle_Long_Base_F {
GVAR(allowGunbag) = 1;
class DMR_05_base_F: Rifle_Long_Base_F {
GVAR(allowGunbag) = 1;
class DMR_04_base_F: Rifle_Long_Base_F {
GVAR(allowGunbag) = 1;
class DMR_03_base_F: Rifle_Long_Base_F {
GVAR(allowGunbag) = 1;
class DMR_02_base_F: Rifle_Long_Base_F {
GVAR(allowGunbag) = 1;
class DMR_01_base_F: Rifle_Long_Base_F {
GVAR(allowGunbag) = 1;
class EBR_base_F: Rifle_Long_Base_F {
GVAR(allowGunbag) = 1;
@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ PREP(status);
@ -16,4 +16,3 @@ class CfgPatches {
#include "CfgEventHandlers.hpp"
#include "CfgVehicles.hpp"
#include "CfgWeapons.hpp"
@ -20,12 +20,13 @@ params ["_unit", "_target"];
private _result = -1;
private _gunbag = backpackContainer _target;
private _weapon = primaryWeapon _unit;
if ((_gunbag getVariable [QGVAR(gunbagWeapon), []]) isEqualTo [] && {primaryWeapon _unit != ""} && {getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> primaryWeapon _unit >> QGVAR(allowGunbag)) == 1}) then {
if ((_gunbag getVariable [QGVAR(gunbagWeapon), []]) isEqualTo [] && {_weapon != ""} && {!(_weapon call FUNC(isMachineGun))}) then {
_result = 0;
if (!((_gunbag getVariable [QGVAR(gunbagWeapon), []]) isEqualTo []) && {primaryWeapon _unit == ""}) then {
if (!((_gunbag getVariable [QGVAR(gunbagWeapon), []]) isEqualTo []) && {_weapon == ""}) then {
_result = 1;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Author: commy2
* Reports true if a weapon is a machine gun.
* Arguments:
* 0: Weapon class name <STRING>
* Return Value:
* Is machine gun <BOOL>
* Example:
* (currentWeapon player) call ace_gunbag_fnc_isMachineGun
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_weapon"];
private _config = _weapon call CBA_fnc_getItemConfig;
// definition of a machine gun by BIS_fnc_itemType
private _cursor = getText (_config >> "cursor");
if (toLower _cursor in ["", "emptycursor"]) then {
_cursor = getText (_config >> "cursorAim");
_cursor == "MG"
@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ class CfgPatches {
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {
// Vanilla
@ -17,10 +18,21 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -38,6 +50,11 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -49,42 +66,75 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -94,6 +144,10 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -110,22 +164,54 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -137,7 +223,9 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -145,32 +233,69 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -191,18 +316,22 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -211,6 +340,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -220,65 +350,143 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -312,6 +520,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -319,6 +528,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -328,6 +538,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -340,6 +551,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -357,6 +569,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -410,6 +623,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -418,9 +632,11 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -454,6 +670,8 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -465,6 +683,8 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -479,13 +699,18 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -500,15 +725,35 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -516,7 +761,10 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -530,6 +778,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
@ -553,19 +802,72 @@ class CfgPatches {
// CBA
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
#define MAJOR 3
#define MINOR 6
#define PATCHLVL 0
#define PATCHLVL 1
#define BUILD 0
// MINIMAL required version for the Mod. Components can specify others..
#define REQUIRED_CBA_VERSION {2,4,1}
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ if (!local _unit) exitWith {
_unit setVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious", true, true];
_unit setUnconscious true;
if (_unit == ACE_player) then {
if (visibleMap) then {openMap false};
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ if (!alive _unit) exitWith {
[_unit, "setCaptive", "ace_unconscious", false] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
[_unit, false] call EFUNC(common,disableAI);
//_unit setUnitPos _originalPos;
_unit setUnconscious false;
[_unit, "isUnconscious"] call EFUNC(common,unmuteUnit);
["ace_unconscious", [_unit, false]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
class ACE_detector {
class detectableObjects {
class detectors {
class ACE_VMM3 {
radius = 2.5;
@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers {
class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers {
class ADDON {
clientInit = QUOTE( call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_clientInit) );
init = QUOTE( call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_postInit) );
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
class CfgSounds {
class ace_detector_1 {
name = "ace_detector_1";
sound[] = {QUOTE(PATHTOF(sounds\metal_detector.wav)), "db+1", 1};
sound[] = {QUOTE(PATHTOF(sounds\metal_detector.wss)), "db+3", 1};
titles[] = {};
class ace_detector_2 {
name = "ace_detector_2";
sound[] = {QUOTE(PATHTOF(sounds\metal_detector.wav)), "db+1", 0.9};
sound[] = {QUOTE(PATHTOF(sounds\metal_detector.wss)), "db+3", 0.9};
titles[] = {};
class ace_detector_3 {
name = "ace_detector_3";
sound[] = {QUOTE(PATHTOF(sounds\metal_detector.wav)), "db+1", 0.8};
sound[] = {QUOTE(PATHTOF(sounds\metal_detector.wss)), "db+3", 0.8};
titles[] = {};
class ace_detector_4 {
name = "ace_detector_4";
sound[] = {QUOTE(PATHTOF(sounds\metal_detector.wav)), "db+1", 0.7};
sound[] = {QUOTE(PATHTOF(sounds\metal_detector.wss)), "db+3", 0.7};
titles[] = {};
@ -11,23 +11,40 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class CAManBase: Man {
class ACE_SelfActions {
class ACE_Equipment {
class GVAR(activate) {
displayName = CSTRING(ActivateDetector);
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canActivateDetector));
statement = QUOTE(call FUNC(activateDetector));
showDisabled = 0;
priority = 0.1;
icon = QPATHTOF(ui\icon_mineDetectorOn.paa);
exceptions[] = {};
class GVAR(deactivate) {
displayName = CSTRING(DeactivateDetector);
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canDeactivateDetector));
statement = QUOTE(call FUNC(deactivateDetector));
showDisabled = 0;
priority = 0.1;
icon = QPATHTOF(ui\icon_mineDetectorOff.paa);
class GVAR(metalDetector) {
displayName = CSTRING(MetalDetector);
condition = QUOTE([ACE_player] call FUNC(hasDetector));
statement = "";
icon = QPATHTOF(ui\icon_mineDetector.paa);
exceptions[] = {};
class GVAR(activate) {
displayName = CSTRING(ActivateDetector);
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canActivateDetector));
statement = QUOTE(call FUNC(activateDetector));
icon = QPATHTOF(ui\icon_mineDetectorOn.paa);
exceptions[] = {};
class GVAR(deactivate) {
displayName = CSTRING(DeactivateDetector);
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canDeactivateDetector));
statement = QUOTE(call FUNC(deactivateDetector));
icon = QPATHTOF(ui\icon_mineDetectorOff.paa);
exceptions[] = {};
class GVAR(connectHeadphones) {
displayName = CSTRING(ConnectHeadphones);
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canConnectHeadphones));
statement = QUOTE([ARR_2(ACE_player, true)] call FUNC(connectHeadphones));
icon = ""; //TODO
exceptions[] = {};
class GVAR(disconnectHeadphones) {
displayName = CSTRING(DisconnectHeadphones);
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canDisconnectHeadphones));
statement = QUOTE([ARR_2(ACE_player, false)] call FUNC(connectHeadphones));
icon = ""; //TODO
exceptions[] = {};
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ class CfgWeapons {
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\equip\w_vmm3_ca.paa));
magazines[] = { };
modes[] = { "Single" };
cursor = "EmptyCursor";
cursorAim = "EmptyCursor";
class Single: Mode_SemiAuto {
displayName = "";
sounds[] = {};
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
@ -1,27 +1,25 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
// Create a dictionary to store detector configs
GVAR(detectorConfigs) = call CBA_fnc_createNamespace;
[QGVAR(detectorEnabled), {
params ["_unit", "_type"];
private _config = [_type] call FUNC(getDetectorConfig);
private _helperObject = "ACE_LogicDummy" createVehicleLocal (getPos _unit);
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(helperLogic), _helperObject];
[FUNC(detectorLoop), 0.01, [_unit, _type, _config, CBA_missionTime, _helperObject]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
[QGVAR(detectorDisabled), {
params ["_unit", "_type"];
private _helperObject = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(helperLogic), objNull];
if !(isNull _helperObject) then {
deleteVehicle _helperObject;
// Create a dictionary of detectable classnames
GVAR(detectableClasses) = call CBA_fnc_createNamespace;
if ((getNumber (_x >> QGVAR(detectable))) == 1) then {
GVAR(detectableClasses) setVariable [configName _x, true];
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
} forEach (configProperties [configFile >> "CfgVehicles", "isClass _x", true]);
if ((getNumber (_x >> QGVAR(detectable))) == 1) then {
GVAR(detectableClasses) setVariable [configName _x, true];
} forEach (configProperties [configFile >> "CfgAmmo", "isClass _x", true]);
[QGVAR(enableDetector), FUNC(enableDetector)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
[QGVAR(disableDetector), FUNC(disableDetector)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
//Shows detector and mine posistions in 3d when debug is on
// Shows detector and mine posistions in 3d when debug is on
GVAR(debugDetector) = [];
addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {
@ -4,7 +4,4 @@ ADDON = false;
#include "XEH_PREP.hpp"
// TODO load from config instead of hardcoded in sqf
GVAR(ALL_DETECTABLE_TYPES) = ["ACE_Explosive_Object", "ACE_Explosive_Helper", "ACE_Explosives_Place", "ModuleMine_F", "TimeBombCore", "MineBase", "DirectionalBombBase", "BoundingMineBase", "PipeBombBase"];
ADDON = true;
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_explosives"};
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
authors[] = {"Grey", "Glowbal", "Rocko"};
authors[] = {"Grey", "Glowbal", "Rocko", "esteldunedain"};
url = ECSTRING(main,URL);
@ -16,4 +16,5 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
([ACE_player] call FUNC(hasDetector)) && !([ACE_player, currentWeapon ACE_player] call FUNC(isDetectorEnabled));
([ACE_player] call FUNC(hasDetector)) &&
!([ACE_player, currentWeapon ACE_player] call FUNC(isDetectorEnabled));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* Author: esteldunedain
* Check if headphones can be connected to the mine detector
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* Can be connected <BOOL>
* Example:
* [] call ace_minedetector_fnc_canConnectHeadphones
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
!(ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(isUsingHeadphones), false]) &&
{[ACE_player] call FUNC(hasDetector)};
@ -16,4 +16,5 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
([ACE_player] call FUNC(hasDetector)) && {[ACE_player, currentWeapon ACE_player] call FUNC(isDetectorEnabled)};
([ACE_player] call FUNC(hasDetector)) &&
{[ACE_player, currentWeapon ACE_player] call FUNC(isDetectorEnabled)};
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* Author: esteldunedain
* Check if headphones can be disconnected from the mine detector
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* Can be disconnected <BOOL>
* Example:
* [] call ace_minedetector_fnc_canDisconnectHeadphones
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
(ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(isUsingHeadphones), false]) &&
{[ACE_player] call FUNC(hasDetector)};
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Author: esteldunedain
* Connect/disconnect headphones to the mine detector
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Connect? <BOOLEAN>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [_unit, true] call ace_minedetector_fnc_connectHeadphones
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_state"];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(isUsingHeadphones), _state];
if (_state) then {
[localize LSTRING(HeadphonesConnected)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
} else {
[localize LSTRING(HeadphonesDisconnected)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
@ -17,6 +17,12 @@
params ["_args", "_idPFH"];
_args params ["_unit", "_type", "_detectorConfig", "_lastPlayed"];
// If locality switched just turn off the detector
if !(local _unit) exitWith {
[QGVAR(disableDetector), [_unit, _type], _unit] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
[_idPFH] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
if !([_unit, _type] call FUNC(hasDetector)) exitWith {
// disable detector type
[_unit, _type] call FUNC(disableDetector);
@ -32,24 +38,35 @@ if !([_unit, _type] call FUNC(isDetectorEnabled)) exitWith {
[_idPFH] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
if (ACE_player == _unit && {currentWeapon _unit == _type}) then {
private _detected = [_unit, _detectorConfig] call FUNC(getDetectedObject);
_detected params ["_hasDetected", "_object", "_distance"];
private _distanceTiming = switch (true) do {
case (_distance >= 2): {1};
case (_distance >= 1.25): {0.85};
case (_distance >= 0.75): {0.7};
default {0.5};
if (_hasDetected && {(CBA_missionTime - _lastPlayed > _distanceTiming)}) then {
_args set [3, CBA_missionTime];
_detectorConfig params ["_type", "_radius", "_detectableTypes", "_sounds"];
private _sound = switch (true) do {
case (_distance >= 2): {_sounds select 3};
case (_distance >= 1.25): {_sounds select 2};
case (_distance >= 0.5): {_sounds select 1};
default {_sounds select 0};
[_unit, _sound, true] call FUNC(playDetectorSound);
if (currentWeapon _unit != _type) exitWith {
[_unit, _type] call FUNC(disableDetector);
[_idPFH] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
private _detected = [[_unit, _detectorConfig], FUNC(getDetectedObject), _unit, QGVAR(detectedObjects), 0.15] call EFUNC(common,cachedCall);
_detected params ["_hasDetected", "_mine", "_distance"];
if (!_hasDetected) exitWith {};
// Launch a local event stating which mine was detected for mission purposes
[QGVAR(mineDetected), [_unit, _mine, _distance]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
private _distanceTiming = switch (true) do {
case (_distance >= 2): {1};
case (_distance >= 1.25): {0.85};
case (_distance >= 0.75): {0.7};
default {0.5};
if (CBA_missionTime - _lastPlayed < _distanceTiming) exitWith {};
_args set [3, CBA_missionTime];
_detectorConfig params ["", "", "_soundClasses"];
private _soundClass = switch (true) do {
case (_distance >= 2): {_soundClasses select 3};
case (_distance >= 1.25): {_soundClasses select 2};
case (_distance >= 0.5): {_soundClasses select 1};
default {_soundClasses select 0};
[_unit, _soundClass] call FUNC(playDetectorSound);
@ -19,6 +19,14 @@
params ["_unit", "_detectorType"];
_unit setVariable [format[QGVAR(enable_%1), _detectorType], false];
if !(local _unit) then {
[QGVAR(disableDetector), [_unit, _detectorType], _unit] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
_unit setVariable [format[QGVAR(enable_%1), _detectorType], false, true];
if (_unit == ACE_player && {alive _unit}) then {
playSound "ACE_Sound_Click";
[QGVAR(detectorDisabled), [_unit, _detectorType]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
@ -19,6 +19,17 @@
params ["_unit", "_detectorType"];
_unit setVariable [format[QGVAR(enable_%1), _detectorType], true];
if !(local _unit) then {
[QGVAR(enableDetector), [_unit, _detectorType], _unit] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
_unit setVariable [format[QGVAR(enable_%1), _detectorType], true, true];
if (_unit == ACE_player) then {
playSound "ACE_Sound_Click";
[QGVAR(detectorEnabled), [_unit, _detectorType]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
private _config = [_detectorType] call FUNC(getDetectorConfig);
[FUNC(detectorLoop), 0.05, [_unit, _detectorType, _config, CBA_missionTime - 0.25]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Author: Glowbal
* Enables the mine detector
* Get the distance to the nearest detectable object
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
@ -15,17 +15,18 @@
* Public: No
#define __DR 1.3
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_detectorConfig"];
_detectorConfig params ["_type", "_radius", "_detectableTypes", "_sounds"];
_detectorConfig params ["", "_radius"];
private _worldPosition = _unit modelToWorld (_unit selectionPosition "granat");
private _direction = _unit weaponDirection "Put";
private _detectorPointAGL = _worldPosition vectorAdd (_direction vectorMultiply __DR);
private _ref = (_unit weaponDirection currentWeapon _unit) call EFUNC(common,createOrthonormalReference);
_ref params ["_v1", "_v2", "_v3"];
private _detectorPointAGL = _worldPosition vectorAdd
(_v1 vectorMultiply ( 0.9 * __DR)) vectorAdd
(_v2 vectorMultiply (-0.2 * __DR)) vectorAdd
(_v3 vectorMultiply ( 0.4 * __DR));
private _nearestObjects = nearestObjects [_detectorPointAGL, [], _radius];
@ -38,27 +39,19 @@ private _mine = objNull;
private _distance = -1;
private _object = _x;
private _objectType = typeOf _x;
if ({_object isKindOf _x} count _detectableTypes > 0) then {
//Try all unprepared mines in range and use first detectable one:
if ((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _x) >> QGVAR(detectable))) == 1) exitWith {
_isDetectable = true;
_mine = _x;
_distance = _detectorPointAGL distance _x;
//Try all prepared mines in range and use first detectable one:
if ((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (typeOf _x) >> QGVAR(detectable))) == 1) exitWith {
_isDetectable = true;
_mine = _x;
_distance = _detectorPointAGL distance _x;
_isDetectable = GVAR(detectableClasses) getVariable _objectType;
if (isNil "_isDetectable") then {
_isDetectable = false;
if (!isNull _mine) exitWith {};
// If a nun-null object was detected exit the search
if (_isDetectable && {!isNull _x}) exitWith {
_distance = _detectorPointAGL distance _x;
_mine = _x;
TRACE_3("return", _isDetectable, _mine, _distance);
} forEach _nearestObjects;
[_isDetectable, _mine, _distance];
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Author: Glowbal
* Get the mine detector configuration from the config file
* Get the mine detector configuration from the cache or config file
* Arguments:
* 0: Detector class name <STRING>
@ -18,14 +18,18 @@
params ["_detectorType"];
private _config = (configFile >> "ACE_detector" >> "detectors" >> _detectorType);
if (isClass _config) then {
getNumber (_config >> "radius"),
GVAR(ALL_DETECTABLE_TYPES), // TODO read from config and use this as a back up value instead
getArray (_config >> "sounds")
} else {
private _detectorConfig = GVAR(detectorConfigs) getVariable _detectorType;
if (isNil "_detectorConfig") then {
private _cfgEntry = (configFile >> "ACE_detector" >> "detectors" >> _detectorType);
if (isClass _cfgEntry) then {
_detectorConfig = [
getNumber (_cfgEntry >> "radius"),
getArray (_cfgEntry >> "sounds")
} else {
_detectorConfig = [];
GVAR(detectorConfigs) setVariable [_detectorType, _detectorConfig];
@ -4,20 +4,20 @@
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Sound class name <STRING>
* 1: Sound class <STRING>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [player, "ace_buzz_1"] call ace_minedetector_fnc_playDetectorSound
* [player, "ace_buzz_1", 1] call ace_minedetector_fnc_playDetectorSound
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_detectorSound"];
params ["_unit", "_soundClass"];
if (isNull _unit) exitWith {
ACE_LOGERROR_1("unit does not exist [%1]",_unit);
@ -26,17 +26,9 @@ if (!alive _unit) exitWith {
ACE_LOGERROR_1("unit is not alive [%1]",_unit);
private _helperObject = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(helperLogic), objNull];
if (!isNull _helperObject) then {
deleteVehicle _helperObject;
_helperObject = "ACE_LogicDummy" createVehicleLocal (getPos _unit);
if !(isNull _helperObject) then {
_helperObject attachTo [_unit,[0,0,-3],""];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(helperLogic), _helperObject];
[_helperObject, _unit] say3D _detectorSound;
if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(isUsingHeadphones), false] && {_unit == ACE_player}) then {
playSound _soundClass;
} else {
ACE_LOGERROR_1("helper does not exist [%1]",_helperObject);
private _posASL = AGLtoASL (_unit modelToWorld (_unit selectionPosition "granat"));
[_soundClass, _posASL, 3, 15] call EFUNC(common,playConfigSound3D);
@ -16,3 +16,5 @@
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_macros.hpp"
#define __DR 1.3
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -5,13 +5,29 @@
<English>Metal detector</English>
<French>Détecteur de métaux</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MineDetector_MetalDetector">
<English>Metal detector</English>
<French>Détecteur de métaux</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MineDetector_ActivateDetector">
<English>Activate Detector</English>
<French>Activer le détecteur</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MineDetector_DeactivateDetector">
<English>Deactivate Detector</English>
<French>Désactiver le détecteur</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MineDetector_ConnectHeadphones">
<English>Connect Headphones</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MineDetector_DisconnectHeadphones">
<English>Disconnect Headphones</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MineDetector_HeadphonesConnected">
<English>Headphones Connected</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MineDetector_HeadphonesDisconnected">
<English>Headphones Disconnected</English>
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -644,4 +644,39 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class Item_acc_flashlight: Item_Base_F {
displayName="UTG Defender 126";
// APEX/Tanoa
// Jeep Wrangler
class Offroad_02_unarmed_base_F;
class C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F: Offroad_02_unarmed_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(C_Offroad_02_unarmed);
class C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F_black: C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F {
displayName = CSTRING(C_Offroad_02_unarmed_black);
class C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F_blue: C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F {
displayName = CSTRING(C_Offroad_02_unarmed_blue);
class C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F_green: C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F {
displayName = CSTRING(C_Offroad_02_unarmed_green);
class C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F_orange: C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F {
displayName = CSTRING(C_Offroad_02_unarmed_orange);
// Cessna
class Plane_Civil_01_base_F;
class C_Plane_Civil_01_F: Plane_Civil_01_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(C_Plane_Civil_01);
class C_Plane_Civil_01_racing_F: Plane_Civil_01_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(C_Plane_Civil_01_racing);
// Burraq
class UAV_04_base_F;
class O_T_UAV_04_CAS_F: UAV_04_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(O_T_UAV_04_CAS);
@ -578,4 +578,111 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class acc_flashlight: ItemCore {
displayName = "UTG Defender 126";
// APEX/Tanoa
// QBZ-95 and variants
class arifle_CTAR_base_F;
class arifle_CTAR_blk_F: arifle_CTAR_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(arifle_CTAR_blk);
class arifle_CTAR_GL_base_F;
class arifle_CTAR_GL_blk_F: arifle_CTAR_GL_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(arifle_CTAR_GL_blk);
class arifle_CTARS_base_F;
class arifle_CTARS_blk_F: arifle_CTARS_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(arifle_CTARS_blk);
// QBU-88
class DMR_07_base_F;
class srifle_DMR_07_blk_F: DMR_07_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(srifle_DMR_07_blk);
class srifle_DMR_07_ghex_F: DMR_07_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(srifle_DMR_07_ghex);
class srifle_DMR_07_hex_F: DMR_07_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(srifle_DMR_07_hex);
// GM6
class srifle_GM6_ghex_F: srifle_GM6_F {
displayName = CSTRING(srifle_GM6_ghex);
// M249
class LMG_03_base_F;
class LMG_03_F: LMG_03_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(LMG_03);
// Intervention
class srifle_LRR_tna_F: srifle_LRR_camo_F {
displayName = CSTRING(srifle_LRR_tna);
// MP5
class SMG_05_base_F;
class SMG_05_F: SMG_05_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(SMG_05);
// HK416 and variants
class arifle_SPAR_01_base_F;
class arifle_SPAR_01_blk_F: arifle_SPAR_01_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(arifle_SPAR_01_blk);
class arifle_SPAR_01_khk_F: arifle_SPAR_01_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(arifle_SPAR_01_khk);
class arifle_SPAR_01_snd_F: arifle_SPAR_01_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(arifle_SPAR_01_snd);
class arifle_SPAR_01_GL_base_F;
class arifle_SPAR_01_GL_blk_F: arifle_SPAR_01_GL_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(arifle_SPAR_01_GL_blk);
class arifle_SPAR_01_GL_khk_F: arifle_SPAR_01_GL_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(arifle_SPAR_01_GL_khk);
class arifle_SPAR_01_GL_snd_F: arifle_SPAR_01_GL_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(arifle_SPAR_01_GL_snd);
class arifle_SPAR_02_base_F;
class arifle_SPAR_02_blk_F: arifle_SPAR_02_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(arifle_SPAR_02_blk);
class arifle_SPAR_02_khk_F: arifle_SPAR_02_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(arifle_SPAR_02_khk);
class arifle_SPAR_02_snd_F: arifle_SPAR_02_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(arifle_SPAR_02_snd);
class arifle_SPAR_03_base_F;
class arifle_SPAR_03_blk_F: arifle_SPAR_03_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(arifle_SPAR_03_blk);
class arifle_SPAR_03_khk_F: arifle_SPAR_03_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(arifle_SPAR_03_khk);
class arifle_SPAR_03_snd_F: arifle_SPAR_03_base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(arifle_SPAR_03_snd);
// RPG-32
class launch_RPG32_ghex_F: launch_RPG32_F {
displayName = CSTRING(launch_RPG32_ghex);
// P99
class hgun_P07_khk_F: hgun_P07_F {
displayName = CSTRING(hgun_P07_khk);
// Makarov
class hgun_Pistol_01_F: Pistol_Base_F {
displayName = CSTRING(hgun_Pistol_01);
@ -1920,5 +1920,425 @@
<Hungarian>LWMMG (Homok)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>LWMMG (Deserto)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_C_Offroad_02_unarmed">
<English>Jeep Wrangler</English>
<Czech>Jeep Wrangler</Czech>
<French>Jeep Wrangler</French>
<Spanish>Jeep Wrangler</Spanish>
<Russian>Jeep Wrangler</Russian>
<Polish>Jeep Wrangler</Polish>
<German>Jeep Wrangler</German>
<Italian>Jeep Wrangler</Italian>
<Hungarian>Jeep Wrangler</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Jeep Wrangler</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_C_Offroad_02_unarmed_black">
<English>Jeep Wrangler (Black)</English>
<Czech>Jeep Wrangler (Černá)</Czech>
<French>Jeep Wrangler (Noir)</French>
<Spanish>Jeep Wrangler (Negro)</Spanish>
<Russian>Jeep Wrangler (Чёрный)</Russian>
<Polish>Jeep Wrangler (czarny)</Polish>
<German>Jeep Wrangler (Schwarz)</German>
<Italian>Jeep Wrangler (Nero)</Italian>
<Hungarian>Jeep Wrangler (Fekete)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Jeep Wrangler (Preto)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_C_Offroad_02_unarmed_blue">
<English>Jeep Wrangler (Blue)</English>
<German>Jeep Wrangler (Blau)</German>
<Spanish>Jeep Wrangler (Azul)</Spanish>
<Polish>Jeep Wrangler (niebieski)</Polish>
<Czech>Jeep Wrangler (Modrý)</Czech>
<French>Jeep Wrangler (Bleue)</French>
<Russian>Jeep Wrangler (Синий)</Russian>
<Italian>Jeep Wrangler (Azul)</Italian>
<Hungarian>Jeep Wrangler (Kék)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Jeep Wrangler (Blu)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_C_Offroad_02_unarmed_green">
<English>Jeep Wrangler (Green)</English>
<German>Jeep Wrangler (Grün)</German>
<Spanish>Jeep Wrangler (Verde)</Spanish>
<Polish>Jeep Wrangler (zielony)</Polish>
<Czech>Jeep Wrangler (Zelený)</Czech>
<French>Jeep Wrangler (Verte)</French>
<Russian>Jeep Wrangler (Зелёный)</Russian>
<Italian>Jeep Wrangler (Verde)</Italian>
<Hungarian>Jeep Wrangler (Zöld)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Jeep Wrangler (Verde)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_C_Offroad_02_unarmed_orange">
<English>Jeep Wrangler (Orange)</English>
<German>Jeep Wrangler (Orange)</German>
<Spanish>Jeep Wrangler (Naranja)</Spanish>
<Polish>Jeep Wrangler (pomarańczowy)</Polish>
<Czech>Jeep Wrangler (Oranžový)</Czech>
<French>Jeep Wrangler (Orange)</French>
<Russian>Jeep Wrangler (Оранжевый)</Russian>
<Italian>Jeep Wrangler (Laranja)</Italian>
<Hungarian>Jeep Wrangler (Narancssárga)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Jeep Wrangler (Arancione)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_C_Offroad_02_unarmed_red">
<English>Jeep Wrangler (Red)</English>
<German>Jeep Wrangler (Rot)</German>
<Spanish>Jeep Wrangler (Rojo)</Spanish>
<Polish>Jeep Wrangler (czerwony)</Polish>
<Czech>Jeep Wrangler (Červený)</Czech>
<French>Jeep Wrangler (Rouge)</French>
<Russian>Jeep Wrangler (Красный)</Russian>
<Italian>Jeep Wrangler (Vermelha)</Italian>
<Hungarian>Jeep Wrangler (Piros)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Jeep Wrangler (Rosso)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_C_Offroad_02_unarmed_white">
<English>Jeep Wrangler (White)</English>
<German>Jeep Wrangler (Weiß)</German>
<Spanish>Jeep Wrangler (Blanco)</Spanish>
<Polish>Jeep Wrangler (biały)</Polish>
<Czech>Jeep Wrangler (Bílý)</Czech>
<French>Jeep Wrangler (Blanche)</French>
<Russian>Jeep Wrangler (Белый)</Russian>
<Italian>Jeep Wrangler (Branca)</Italian>
<Hungarian>Jeep Wrangler (Fehér)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Jeep Wrangler (Bianco)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_C_Plane_Civil_01">
<English>Cessna TTx</English>
<Czech>Cessna TTx</Czech>
<French>Cessna TTx</French>
<Spanish>Cessna TTx</Spanish>
<Russian>Cessna TTx</Russian>
<Polish>Cessna TTx</Polish>
<German>Cessna TTx</German>
<Italian>Cessna TTx</Italian>
<Hungarian>Cessna TTx</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Cessna TTx</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_C_Plane_Civil_01_racing">
<English>Cessna TTx (Racing)</English>
<Czech>Cessna TTx (Racing)</Czech>
<French>Cessna TTx (Racing)</French>
<Spanish>Cessna TTx (Racing)</Spanish>
<Russian>Cessna TTx (Racing)</Russian>
<Polish>Cessna TTx (Racing)</Polish>
<German>Cessna TTx (Racing)</German>
<Italian>Cessna TTx (Racing)</Italian>
<Hungarian>Cessna TTx (Racing)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Cessna TTx (Racing)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_O_T_UAV_04_CAS">
<English>Burraq UCAV</English>
<Czech>Burraq UCAV</Czech>
<French>Burraq UCAV</French>
<Spanish>Burraq UCAV</Spanish>
<Russian>Burraq UCAV</Russian>
<Polish>Burraq UCAV</Polish>
<German>Burraq UCAV</German>
<Italian>Burraq UCAV</Italian>
<Hungarian>Burraq UCAV</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Burraq UCAV</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_arifle_CTAR_blk">
<English>QBZ-95-1 (Black)</English>
<Czech>QBZ-95-1 (Černá)</Czech>
<French>QBZ-95-1 (Noir)</French>
<Spanish>QBZ-95-1 (Negro)</Spanish>
<Russian>QBZ-95-1 (Чёрный)</Russian>
<Polish>QBZ-95-1 (czarny)</Polish>
<German>QBZ-95-1 (Schwarz)</German>
<Italian>QBZ-95-1 (Nero)</Italian>
<Hungarian>QBZ-95-1 (Fekete)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>QBZ-95-1 (Preto)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_arifle_CTAR_GL_blk">
<English>QBZ-95-1 GL (Black)</English>
<Czech>QBZ-95-1 GL (Černá)</Czech>
<French>QBZ-95-1 GL (Noir)</French>
<Spanish>QBZ-95-1 GL (Negro)</Spanish>
<Russian>QBZ-95-1 GL (Чёрный)</Russian>
<Polish>QBZ-95-1 GL (czarny)</Polish>
<German>QBZ-95-1 GL (Schwarz)</German>
<Italian>QBZ-95-1 GL (Nero)</Italian>
<Hungarian>QBZ-95-1 GL (Fekete)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>QBZ-95-1 GL (Preto)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_arifle_CTARS_blk">
<English>QBZ-95-1 LSW (Black)</English>
<Czech>QBZ-95-1 LSW (Černá)</Czech>
<French>QBZ-95-1 LSW (Noir)</French>
<Spanish>QBZ-95-1 LSW (Negro)</Spanish>
<Russian>QBZ-95-1 LSW (Чёрный)</Russian>
<Polish>QBZ-95-1 LSW (czarny)</Polish>
<German>QBZ-95-1 LSW (Schwarz)</German>
<Italian>QBZ-95-1 LSW (Nero)</Italian>
<Hungarian>QBZ-95-1 LSW (Fekete)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>QBZ-95-1 LSW (Preto)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_srifle_DMR_07_blk">
<English>QBU-88 (Black)</English>
<Czech>QBU-88 (Černá)</Czech>
<French>QBU-88 (Noir)</French>
<Spanish>QBU-88 (Negro)</Spanish>
<Russian>QBU-88 (Чёрный)</Russian>
<Polish>QBU-88 (czarny)</Polish>
<German>QBU-88 (Schwarz)</German>
<Italian>QBU-88 (Nero)</Italian>
<Hungarian>QBU-88 (Fekete)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>QBU-88 (Preto)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_srifle_DMR_07_ghex">
<English>QBU-88 (Green Hex)</English>
<German>QBU-88 (Hex Grün)</German>
<Spanish>QBU-88 (Hex Verde)</Spanish>
<Polish>QBU-88 (zielony hex)</Polish>
<Czech>QBU-88 (Zelený Hex)</Czech>
<French>QBU-88 (Hex Verte)</French>
<Russian>QBU-88 (Зелёный Hex)</Russian>
<Portuguese>QBU-88 (Verde Hex)</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>QBU-88 (Zöld Hex)</Hungarian>
<Italian>QBU-88 (Hex Verde)</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_srifle_DMR_07_hex">
<English>QBU-88 (Hex)</English>
<German>QBU-88 (Hex)</German>
<Spanish>QBU-88 (Hex)</Spanish>
<Polish>QBU-88 (hex)</Polish>
<Czech>QBU-88 (Hex)</Czech>
<French>QBU-88 (Hex)</French>
<Russian>QBU-88 (Hex)</Russian>
<Portuguese>QBU-88 (Hex)</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>QBU-88 (Hex)</Hungarian>
<Italian>QBU-88 (Hex)</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_srifle_GM6_ghex">
<English>GM6 Lynx (Green Hex)</English>
<German>GM6 Lynx (Hex Grün)</German>
<Spanish>GM6 Lynx (Hex Verde)</Spanish>
<Polish>GM6 Lynx (Zielony hex)</Polish>
<Czech>GM6 Lynx (Zelený Hex)</Czech>
<French>GM6 Lynx (Hex Verte)</French>
<Russian>GM6 Lynx (Зелёный Hex)</Russian>
<Portuguese>GM6 Lynx (Verde Hex)</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>GM6 Lynx (Zöld Hex)</Hungarian>
<Italian>GM6 Lynx (Hex Verde)</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_LMG_03">
<English>M249 SPW</English>
<German>M249 SPW</German>
<Spanish>M249 SPW</Spanish>
<Polish>M249 SPW</Polish>
<Czech>M249 SPW</Czech>
<French>M249 SPW</French>
<Russian>M249 SPW</Russian>
<Portuguese>M249 SPW</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>M249 SPW</Hungarian>
<Italian>M249 SPW</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_srifle_LRR_tna">
<English>M200 Intervention (Tropic)</English>
<German>M200 Intervention (Tropisch)</German>
<Czech>M200 Intervention (Obratník)</Czech>
<Polish>M200 Intervention (zwrotnik)</Polish>
<French>M200 Intervention (Tropique)</French>
<Hungarian>M200 Intervention (Tropikus)</Hungarian>
<Spanish>M200 Intervention (Trópico)</Spanish>
<Russian>M200 Intervention (тропик)</Russian>
<Portuguese>M200 Intervention (Trópico)</Portuguese>
<Italian>M200 Intervention (Tropico)</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_SMG_05">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_arifle_SPAR_01_blk">
<English>HK416A5 10" (Black)</English>
<Czech>HK416A5 10" (Černá)</Czech>
<French>HK416A5 10" (Noir)</French>
<Spanish>HK416A5 10" (Negro)</Spanish>
<Russian>HK416A5 10" (Чёрный)</Russian>
<Polish>HK416A5 10" (czarny)</Polish>
<German>HK416A5 10" (Schwarz)</German>
<Italian>HK416A5 10" (Nero)</Italian>
<Hungarian>HK416A5 10" (Fekete)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>HK416A5 10" (Preto)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_arifle_SPAR_01_khk">
<English>HK416A5 10" (Khaki)</English>
<Czech>HK416A5 10" (Khaki)</Czech>
<French>HK416A5 10" (Kaki)</French>
<Spanish>HK416A5 10" (Caqui)</Spanish>
<Russian>HK416A5 10" (Хаки)</Russian>
<Polish>HK416A5 10" (khaki)</Polish>
<German>HK416A5 10" (Khaki)</German>
<Italian>HK416A5 10" (Khaki)</Italian>
<Hungarian>HK416A5 10" (Khaki)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>HK416A5 10" (Caqui)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_arifle_SPAR_01_snd">
<English>HK416A5 10" (Sand)</English>
<Czech>HK416A5 10" (Písková)</Czech>
<French>HK416A5 10" (Beige)</French>
<Spanish>HK416A5 10" (Arena)</Spanish>
<Russian>HK416A5 10" (Песочный)</Russian>
<German>HK416A5 10" (Sand)</German>
<Polish>HK416A5 10" (piaskowy)</Polish>
<Italian>HK416A5 10" (Sabbia)</Italian>
<Hungarian>HK416A5 10" (Homok)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>HK416A5 10" (Deserto)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_arifle_SPAR_01_GL_blk">
<English>HK416A5 10" GL (Black)</English>
<Czech>HK416A5 10" GL (Černá)</Czech>
<French>HK416A5 10" GL (Noir)</French>
<Spanish>HK416A5 10" GL (Negro)</Spanish>
<Russian>HK416A5 10" GL (Чёрный)</Russian>
<Polish>HK416A5 10" GL (czarny)</Polish>
<German>HK416A5 10" GL (Schwarz)</German>
<Italian>HK416A5 10" GL (Nero)</Italian>
<Hungarian>HK416A5 10" GL (Fekete)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>HK416A5 10" GL (Preto)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_arifle_SPAR_01_GL_khk">
<English>HK416A5 10" GL (Khaki)</English>
<Czech>HK416A5 10" GL (Khaki)</Czech>
<French>HK416A5 10" GL (Kaki)</French>
<Spanish>HK416A5 10" GL (Caqui)</Spanish>
<Russian>HK416A5 10" GL (Хаки)</Russian>
<Polish>HK416A5 10" GL (khaki)</Polish>
<German>HK416A5 10" GL (Khaki)</German>
<Italian>HK416A5 10" GL (Khaki)</Italian>
<Hungarian>HK416A5 10" GL (Khaki)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>HK416A5 10" GL (Caqui)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_arifle_SPAR_01_GL_snd">
<English>HK416A5 10" GL (Sand)</English>
<Czech>HK416A5 10" GL (Písková)</Czech>
<French>HK416A5 10" GL (Beige)</French>
<Spanish>HK416A5 10" GL (Arena)</Spanish>
<Russian>HK416A5 10" GL (Песочный)</Russian>
<German>HK416A5 10" GL (Sand)</German>
<Polish>HK416A5 10" GL (piaskowy)</Polish>
<Italian>HK416A5 10" GL (Sabbia)</Italian>
<Hungarian>HK416A5 10" GL (Homok)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>HK416A5 10" GL (Deserto)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_arifle_SPAR_02_blk">
<English>HK416A5 14.5" (Black)</English>
<Czech>HK416A5 14.5" (Černá)</Czech>
<French>HK416A5 14.5" (Noir)</French>
<Spanish>HK416A5 14.5" (Negro)</Spanish>
<Russian>HK416A5 14.5" (Чёрный)</Russian>
<Polish>HK416A5 14.5" (czarny)</Polish>
<German>HK416A5 14.5" (Schwarz)</German>
<Italian>HK416A5 14.5" (Nero)</Italian>
<Hungarian>HK416A5 14.5" (Fekete)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>HK416A5 14.5" (Preto)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_arifle_SPAR_02_khk">
<English>HK416A5 14.5" (Khaki)</English>
<Czech>HK416A5 14.5" (Khaki)</Czech>
<French>HK416A5 14.5" (Kaki)</French>
<Spanish>HK416A5 14.5" (Caqui)</Spanish>
<Russian>HK416A5 14.5" (Хаки)</Russian>
<Polish>HK416A5 14.5" (khaki)</Polish>
<German>HK416A5 14.5" (Khaki)</German>
<Italian>HK416A5 14.5" (Khaki)</Italian>
<Hungarian>HK416A5 14.5" (Khaki)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>HK416A5 14.5" (Caqui)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_arifle_SPAR_02_snd">
<English>HK416A5 14.5" (Sand)</English>
<Czech>HK416A5 14.5" (Písková)</Czech>
<French>HK416A5 14.5" (Beige)</French>
<Spanish>HK416A5 14.5" (Arena)</Spanish>
<Russian>HK416A5 14.5" (Песочный)</Russian>
<German>HK416A5 14.5" (Sand)</German>
<Polish>HK416A5 14.5" (piaskowy)</Polish>
<Italian>HK416A5 14.5" (Sabbia)</Italian>
<Hungarian>HK416A5 14.5" (Homok)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>HK416A5 14.5" (Deserto)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_arifle_SPAR_03_blk">
<English>HK417A2 20" (Black)</English>
<Czech>HK417A2 20" (Černá)</Czech>
<French>HK417A2 20" (Noir)</French>
<Spanish>HK417A2 20" (Negro)</Spanish>
<Russian>HK417A2 20" (Чёрный)</Russian>
<Polish>HK417A2 20" (czarny)</Polish>
<German>HK417A2 20" (Schwarz)</German>
<Italian>HK417A2 20" (Nero)</Italian>
<Hungarian>HK417A2 20" (Fekete)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>HK417A2 20" (Preto)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_arifle_SPAR_03_khk">
<English>HK417A2 20" (Khaki)</English>
<Czech>HK417A2 20" (Khaki)</Czech>
<French>HK417A2 20" (Kaki)</French>
<Spanish>HK417A2 20" (Caqui)</Spanish>
<Russian>HK417A2 20" (Хаки)</Russian>
<Polish>HK417A2 20" (khaki)</Polish>
<German>HK417A2 20" (Khaki)</German>
<Italian>HK417A2 20" (Khaki)</Italian>
<Hungarian>HK417A2 20" (Khaki)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>HK417A2 20" (Caqui)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_arifle_SPAR_03_snd">
<English>HK417A2 20" (Sand)</English>
<Czech>HK417A2 20" (Písková)</Czech>
<French>HK417A2 20" (Beige)</French>
<Spanish>HK417A2 20" (Arena)</Spanish>
<Russian>HK417A2 20" (Песочный)</Russian>
<German>HK417A2 20" (Sand)</German>
<Polish>HK417A2 20" (piaskowy)</Polish>
<Italian>HK417A2 20" (Sabbia)</Italian>
<Hungarian>HK417A2 20" (Homok)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>HK417A2 20" (Deserto)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_launch_RPG32_ghex">
<English>RPG-32 (Green Hex)</English>
<German>RPG-32 (Hex Grün)</German>
<Spanish>RPG-32 (Hex Verde)</Spanish>
<Polish>RPG-32 (zielony hex)</Polish>
<Czech>RPG-32 (Zelený Hex)</Czech>
<French>RPG-32 (Hex Verte)</French>
<Russian>RPG-32 (Зелёный Hex)</Russian>
<Portuguese>RPG-32 (Verde Hex)</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>RPG-32 (Zöld Hex)</Hungarian>
<Italian>RPG-32 (Hex Verde)</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_hgun_P07_khk">
<English>P99 (Khaki)</English>
<Czech>P99 (Khaki)</Czech>
<French>P99 (Kaki)</French>
<Spanish>P99 (Caqui)</Spanish>
<Russian>P99 (Хаки)</Russian>
<Polish>P99 (khaki)</Polish>
<German>P99 (Khaki)</German>
<Italian>P99 (Khaki)</Italian>
<Hungarian>P99 (Khaki)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>P99 (Caqui)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_hgun_Pistol_01">
<English>Makarov PM</English>
<German>Makarov PM</German>
<Spanish>Makarov PM</Spanish>
<Polish>Makarowa PM</Polish>
<Czech>Makarov PM</Czech>
<French>Makarov PM</French>
<Russian>Макарова ПМ</Russian>
<Portuguese>Makarov PM</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>Makarov PM</Hungarian>
<Italian>Makarov PM</Italian>
@ -248,16 +248,16 @@
<French>Ajouter des pièces de rechage aux véhicules ? (à besoin du système de cargaison)</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_Repair">
<English>Repair >></English>
<German>Reparieren >></German>
<Spanish>Reparación >></Spanish>
<French>Réparer >></French>
<Polish>Napraw >></Polish>
<Czech>Opravit >></Czech>
<Portuguese>Reparar >></Portuguese>
<Italian>Ripara >></Italian>
<Hungarian>Szerelés >></Hungarian>
<Russian>Ремонт >></Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_SettingDisplayTextName">
<English>Display text on repair</English>
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"rhsusf_c_weapons", "rhsusf_c_troops", "rhsusf_c_m1a1", "rhsusf_c_m1a2", "RHS_US_A2_AirImport", "rhsusf_c_m109", "rhsusf_c_hmmwv", "rhsusf_c_rg33", "rhsusf_c_fmtv", "rhsusf_c_m113", "RHS_US_A2Port_Armor"};
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_javelin", "rhsusf_c_weapons", "rhsusf_c_troops", "rhsusf_c_m1a1", "rhsusf_c_m1a2", "RHS_US_A2_AirImport", "rhsusf_c_m109", "rhsusf_c_hmmwv", "rhsusf_c_rg33", "rhsusf_c_fmtv", "rhsusf_c_m113", "RHS_US_A2Port_Armor"};
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
authors[] = {"Ruthberg", "GitHawk", "BaerMitUmlaut"};
url = ECSTRING(main,URL);
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