Base interaction distance in distance to head instead of distance to camera. Works much better on third person view

This commit is contained in:
Nicolás Badano 2015-03-03 00:34:34 -03:00
parent b675d9d180
commit 1c25baa404

View File

@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ if((count _this) > 2) then {
// For non-self actions, exit if the action is too far away
_cameraPos = positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0];
if (GVAR(keyDown) && {_cameraPos distance _pos >= _distance}) exitWith {false};
if (GVAR(keyDown) &&
{(ACE_player modelToWorld (ACE_player selectionPosition "pilot")) distance _pos >= _distance}) exitWith {false};
// Exit if the action is behind you
_sPos = worldToScreen _pos;