cleanup laserpointer

This commit is contained in:
commy2 2015-11-23 20:52:04 +01:00
parent 3be60a2f6e
commit 1d315bee6f
3 changed files with 88 additions and 105 deletions

View File

@ -1,19 +1,36 @@
// by commy2 and esteldunedain
* Author: commy2 and esteldunedain
* Draw a Laser Point
* Arguments:
* 0: Target unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Range <NUMBER>
* 2: is Green <BOOL>
* 3: Brightness <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [player, 10, false, 2] call ace_laserpointer_fnc_drawLaserpoint
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_range", "_isGreen", "_brightness"];
params ["_target", "_range", "_isGreen", "_brightness"];
private ["_p0", "_v1", "_v2", "_v3", "_p1", "_pL", "_distance", "_pL2", "_camPos", "_size"];
private _unit = ACE_player;
_p0 = AGLToASL (_unit modelToWorldVisual (_unit selectionPosition "righthand"));
private _p0 = AGLToASL (_target modelToWorldVisual (_target selectionPosition "righthand"));
// Find a system of orthogonal reference vectors
// _v1 points in the direction of the weapon
// _v2 points to the right of the weapon
// _v3 points to the top side of the weapon
_v1 = _unit weaponDirection currentWeapon _unit;
_v2 = vectorNormalized (_v1 vectorCrossProduct [0,0,1]);
_v3 = _v2 vectorCrossProduct _v1;
private _v1 = _target weaponDirection currentWeapon _target;
private _v2 = vectorNormalized (_v1 vectorCrossProduct [0,0,1]);
private _v3 = _v2 vectorCrossProduct _v1;
// Offset over the 3 reference axis
// This offset could eventually be configured by weapon in the config
@ -22,23 +39,24 @@ _v3 = _v2 vectorCrossProduct _v1;
#define OFFV3 0.08
// Offset _p0, the start of the laser
_p0 = _p0 vectorAdd (_v1 vectorMultiply OFFV1) vectorAdd (_v3 vectorMultiply OFFV3) vectorAdd (_v2 vectorMultiply OFFV2);
_p0 = _p0 vectorAdd (_v1 vectorMultiply OFFV1) vectorAdd (_v3 vectorMultiply OFFV3) vectorAdd (_v2 vectorMultiply OFFV2);
// Calculate _p1, the potential end of the laser
_p1 = _p0 vectorAdd (_v1 vectorMultiply _range);
private _p1 = _p0 vectorAdd (_v1 vectorMultiply _range);
_pL = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_p0, _p1, ACE_player, vehicle ACE_player, true, 1, "GEOM", "FIRE"] select 0 select 0;
private _pL = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_p0, _p1, _unit, vehicle _unit] select 0 select 0;
// no intersection found, quit
if (isNil "_pL") exitWith {};
_distance = _p0 vectorDistance _pL;
private _distance = _p0 vectorDistance _pL;
//systemChat str _distance;
if (_distance < 0.5) exitWith {};
_pL = _p0 vectorAdd (_v1 vectorMultiply _distance);
_pL2 = _p0 vectorAdd (_v1 vectorMultiply (_distance - 0.5));
private _pL2 = _p0 vectorAdd (_v1 vectorMultiply (_distance - 0.5));
_pL = ASLtoAGL _pL;
@ -50,19 +68,20 @@ drawLine3D [
//systemChat str [_unit, "FIRE"] intersect [_camPos, _pL];
//systemChat str [_target, "FIRE"] intersect [_camPos, _pL];
_camPos = positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0.2];
if (count ([_unit, "FIRE"] intersect [_camPos, _pL]) > 0) exitWith {};
if (count ([ACE_player, "FIRE"] intersect [_camPos, _pL]) > 0) exitWith {};
private _camPos = positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0.2];
if (count ([_target, "FIRE"] intersect [_camPos, _pL]) > 0) exitWith {};
if (count ([_unit, "FIRE"] intersect [_camPos, _pL]) > 0) exitWith {};
// Convert _camPos to ASL
_camPos = AGLToASL _camPos;
if ( terrainIntersectASL [_camPos, _pL2]) exitWith {};
if ( lineIntersects [_camPos, _pL2]) exitWith {};
if (terrainIntersectASL [_camPos, _pL2]) exitWith {};
if (lineIntersects [_camPos, _pL2]) exitWith {};
_size = 2 * (_range - (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0] vectorDistance _pL)) / _range;
private _size = 2 * (_range - (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0] vectorDistance _pL)) / _range;
drawIcon3D [
format ["\a3\weapons_f\acc\data\collimdot_%1_ca.paa", ["red", "green"] select _isGreen],

View File

@ -1,34 +1,33 @@
// by commy2
* Author: commy2
* Draw the visible laser beams of all cached units.
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_brightness", "_cacheName", "_isIR", "_laser", "_laserID", "_weapon"];
private _isIR = currentVisionMode ACE_player;
_isIR = currentVisionMode ACE_player;
if (_isIR == 2) exitWith {};
_isIR = _isIR == 1;
_brightness = 2 - call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness);
private _brightness = 2 - call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness);
_weapon = currentWeapon _x;
_laser = switch (_weapon) do {
case (primaryWeapon _x): {
primaryWeaponItems _x select 1;
case (secondaryWeapon _x): {
secondaryWeaponItems _x select 1;
case (handgunWeapon _x): {
handgunItems _x select 1;
default {""};
private _weapon = currentWeapon _x;
private _laser = (_x weaponAccessories _weapon) select 1;
if (_laser != "") then {
_cacheName = format [QGVAR(laser_%1), _laser];
_laserID = missionNamespace getVariable [_cacheName, -1];
private _cacheName = format [QGVAR(laser_%1), _laser];
private _laserID = missionNamespace getVariable [_cacheName, -1];
if (missionNamespace getVariable [_cacheName, -1] == -1) then {
_laserID = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _laser >> "ACE_laserpointer");
missionNamespace setVariable [_cacheName, _laserID];
@ -38,5 +37,5 @@ _brightness = 2 - call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness);
[_x, 100, (_laserID == 2 || _isIR), _brightness] call FUNC(drawLaserpoint);
} forEach GVAR(nearUnits);
} count GVAR(nearUnits);

View File

@ -1,89 +1,54 @@
// by commy2
* Author: Commy2
* Switch between laser modes.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Weapon <STRING>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_unit", "_weapon", "_error"];
params ["_unit", "_weapon"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_weapon = _this select 1;
// 1 = primary, 2 = secondary, 3 = handgun
private "_currentWeaponType";
_currentWeaponType = 0;
private "_pointer";
_pointer = switch (_weapon) do {
case (primaryWeapon _unit): {
_currentWeaponType = 1;
primaryWeaponItems _unit select 1
case (secondaryWeapon _unit): {
_currentWeaponType = 2;
secondaryWeaponItems _unit select 1
case (handgunWeapon _unit): {
_currentWeaponType = 3;
handgunItems _unit select 1
default {""};
private _pointer = (_unit weaponAccessories _weapon) select 1;
if (_pointer == "") exitWith {};
private "_config";
_config = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _pointer;
private _config = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _pointer;
private "_nextPointer";
_nextPointer = getText (_config >> "ACE_nextModeClass");
private _nextPointer = getText (_config >> "ACE_nextModeClass");
if (_nextPointer == "") exitWith {};
//If system disabled, don't switch to a laser:
private "_nextPointerIsLaser";
_nextPointerIsLaser = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _nextPointer >> "ACE_laserpointer");
private _nextPointerIsLaser = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _nextPointer >> "ACE_laserpointer");
if ((!GVAR(enabled)) && {_nextPointerIsLaser == 1}) exitWith {};
// disable inheritance for this entry, because addons claim this as a base class for convenience
if !((_config >> "ACE_nextModeClass") in configProperties [_config, "true", false]) exitWith {};
private ["_description", "_picture"];
_unit addWeaponItem [_weapon, _nextPointer];
_description = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _nextPointer >> "ACE_modeDescription");
_picture = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _nextPointer >> "picture");
_error = false;
private _error = false;
switch (_currentWeaponType) do {
case 1: {
_unit removePrimaryWeaponItem _pointer;
_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem _nextPointer;
if (((primaryWeaponItems _unit) select 1) != _nextPointer) then {
ERROR("NextPointer not compatible");
_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem _pointer;
_error = true;
case 2: {
_unit removeSecondaryWeaponItem _pointer;
_unit addSecondaryWeaponItem _nextPointer;
if (((secondaryWeaponItems _unit) select 1) != _nextPointer) then {
ERROR("NextPointer not compatible");
_unit addSecondaryWeaponItem _pointer;
_error = true;
case 3: {
_unit removeHandgunItem _pointer;
_unit addHandgunItem _nextPointer;
if (((handgunItems _unit) select 1) != _nextPointer) then {
ERROR("NextPointer not compatible");
_unit addHandgunItem _pointer;
_error = true;
if ((_unit weaponAccessories _weapon) select 1 != _nextPointer) then {
ERROR("NextPointer not compatible");
_unit addWeaponItem [_weapon, _pointer];
_error = true;
if (!_error) then {
private _description = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _nextPointer >> "ACE_modeDescription");
private _picture = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _nextPointer >> "picture");
[_description, _picture] call EFUNC(common,displayTextPicture);
} else {
ACE_LOGERROR_3("Failed to add %1 to %2 - reverting to %3",_nextPointer,_weapon,_pointer);
ACE_LOGERROR_3("Failed to add %1 to %2 - reverting to %3",_nextPointer,_weapon,_pointer);
playSound "ACE_Sound_Click";