Merge branch 'master' into virtualExplosivesPlace

This commit is contained in:
PabstMirror 2015-07-28 15:48:37 -05:00
commit 214fda074a
349 changed files with 5979 additions and 5324 deletions

View File

@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ Aleksey EpMAK Yermakov <>
Alganthe <>
Anthariel <>
Asgar Serran <>
Bamse <>
BlackPixxel <>
Brisse <>
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ Dharma Bellamkonda <>
Dimaslg <>
evromalarkey <>
F3 Project <>
@ -66,8 +68,10 @@ Hamburger SV
Harakhti <>
havena <>
jokoho482 <>`
Jonpas <>
Karneck <>
Kavinsky <>
Kllrt <>
legman <>
@ -82,6 +86,7 @@ nikolauska <>
nomisum <>
OnkelDisMaster <>
PaxJaromeMalues <>
Professor <>
@ -101,3 +106,4 @@ Valentin Torikian <>
Winter <>
Drill <>

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ if (_caliber > 0 && _bulletLength > 0 && _bulletMass > 0 && _barrelTwist > 0) th
GVAR(currentbulletID) = (GVAR(currentbulletID) + 1) % 10000;
"ace_advanced_ballistics" callExtension format["new:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:%10:%11:%12:%13:%14:%15:%16:%17:%18", GVAR(currentbulletID), _AmmoCacheEntry select 0, _AmmoCacheEntry select 6, _AmmoCacheEntry select 7, _AmmoCacheEntry select 8, _AmmoCacheEntry select 5, _stabilityFactor, _WeaponCacheEntry select 1, _muzzleVelocity, _AmmoCacheEntry select 4, getPosASL _bullet, EGVAR(weather,Latitude), EGVAR(weather,currentTemperature), EGVAR(weather,Altitude), EGVAR(weather,currentHumidity), overcast, floor(ACE_time), ACE_time - floor(ACE_time)];
"ace_advanced_ballistics" callExtension format["new:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:%10:%11:%12:%13:%14:%15:%16:%17:%18", GVAR(currentbulletID), _AmmoCacheEntry select 0, _AmmoCacheEntry select 6, _AmmoCacheEntry select 7, _AmmoCacheEntry select 8, _AmmoCacheEntry select 5, _stabilityFactor, _WeaponCacheEntry select 1, _muzzleVelocity, _AmmoCacheEntry select 4, getPosASL _bullet, EGVAR(common,mapLatitude), EGVAR(weather,currentTemperature), EGVAR(common,mapAltitude), EGVAR(weather,currentHumidity), overcast, floor(ACE_time), ACE_time - floor(ACE_time)];
private ["_args", "_index", "_bullet", "_caliber", "_bulletTraceVisible", "_bulletVelocity", "_bulletPosition"];

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class CfgWeapons {
reloadTime = 0.01;
magazineReloadTime = 0.1;
// Manual Switching Of Flare Mode
class SmokeLauncher;
class CMFlareLauncher: SmokeLauncher {
@ -106,12 +106,14 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class M134_minigun: MGunCore {
class LowROF: Mode_FullAuto {
reloadTime = 0.015; //0.03; same as above @todo
dispersion = 0.006; //0.0023;
reloadTime = 0.03; //0.03; same as above @todo
dispersion = 0.0064; //0.0023;
multiplier = 1;
class HighROF: LowROF {
reloadTime = 0.015; //0.03;
dispersion = 0.006; //0.0023;
reloadTime = 0.02; //0.03;
dispersion = 0.0064; //0.0023;
multiplier = 1;
class close: HighROF {};
class short: close {};

View File

@ -24,10 +24,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
displayName = "ATragMX";
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
class ACE_ATragMX {
name = "ACE_ATragMX";
count = 1;

View File

@ -3,14 +3,17 @@ class CfgMagazines {
class CA_Magazine;
class B_IR_Grenade: CA_Magazine {
ACE_Attachable = "B_IRStrobe";
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\ace_IRStrobe.p3d));
class O_IR_Grenade: B_IR_Grenade {
ACE_Attachable = "O_IRStrobe";
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\ace_IRStrobe.p3d));
class I_IR_Grenade: B_IR_Grenade {
ACE_Attachable = "I_IRStrobe";
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\ace_IRStrobe.p3d));
class SmokeShell;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
class CfgWeapons {
class ACE_ItemCore;
class InventoryItem_Base_F;
@ -9,11 +8,11 @@ class CfgWeapons {
scope = 2;
displayName = CSTRING(IrStrobe_Name);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(IrStrobe_Description);
model = "\A3\weapons_F\ammo\mag_univ.p3d";
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\ace_IRStrobe.p3d));
picture = PATHTOF(UI\irstrobe_item.paa);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
class RscTitles {
class GVAR(virtualAmmo) {
idd = -1;
movingEnable = 1;
duration = 9999999;
fadein = 0;
fadeout = 0;
onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['ACE_attach_virtualAmmoDisplay', (_this select 0)];";
class controls {};
class objects {
class TheObject {
idc = 800851;
type = 82;
model = "\a3\weapons_f\Ammo\Handgrenade.p3d";
scale = 1;
direction[] = {0, 0, 1};
up[] = {0, 1, 0};
x = 0.5;
y = 0.5;
z = 1;
xBack = 0.5;
yBack = 0.5;
zBack = 0.5;
inBack = 0;
enableZoom = 0;
zoomDuration = 1;

View File

@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ class CfgPatches {
#include "CfgMagazines.hpp"
#include "CfgVehicles.hpp"
#include "CfgWeapons.hpp"
#include "GUI_VirtualAmmo.hpp"

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
class StageTI
texture = "a3\data_f\default_glass_ti_ca.paa";
ambient[] = {1,1,1,1};
diffuse[] = {1,1,1,1};
forcedDiffuse[] = {0,0,0,1};
emmisive[] = {0,0,0,1};
specular[] = {0.99999976,0.99999976,0.99999976,1};
specularPower = 128;
PixelShaderID = "Super";
VertexShaderID = "Super";
class Stage1
texture = "z\ace\addons\attach\data\ace_IRStrobe_nohq.paa";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,0};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage2
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,DT)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,0};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage3
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,MC)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,0};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage4
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1,AS)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,0};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage5
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0.1,0.1,0.1,SMDI)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,0};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage6
texture = "#(ai,32,128,1)fresnel(0.71,0.74)";
uvSource = "none";
class Stage7
texture = "a3\data_f\env_land_co.paa";
useWorldEnvMap = "true";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform
aside[] = {1.0,0.0,0.0};
up[] = {0.0,1.0,0.0};
dir[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
pos[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_itemClassname", "_itemVehClass", "_onAtachText", "_selfAttachPosition", "_attachedItem", "_tempObject", "_actionID"];
private ["_itemClassname", "_itemVehClass", "_onAtachText", "_selfAttachPosition", "_attachedItem", "_tempObject", "_actionID", "_model"];
_itemClassname = [_args, 0, ""] call CBA_fnc_defaultParam;
@ -47,26 +47,43 @@ if (_unit == _attachToVehicle) then { //Self Attachment
_attachToVehicle setVariable [QGVAR(Objects), [_attachedItem], true];
_attachToVehicle setVariable [QGVAR(ItemNames), [_itemClassname], true];
} else {
GVAR(placeAction) = -1;
_tempObject = _itemVehClass createVehicleLocal [0,0,-10000];
_tempObject enableSimulationGlobal false;
GVAR(placeAction) = PLACE_WAITING;
[_unit, QGVAR(vehAttach), true] call EFUNC(common,setForceWalkStatus);
//MenuBack isn't working for now (localize "STR_ACE_Attach_CancelAction")
[{[localize LSTRING(PlaceAction), ""] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint)}, []] call EFUNC(common,execNextFrame);
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(placeActionEH), [_unit, "DefaultAction", {true}, {GVAR(placeAction) = 1;}] call EFUNC(common,AddActionEventHandler)];
// _unit setVariable [QGVAR(cancelActionEH), [_unit, "MenuBack", {true}, {GVAR(placeAction) = 0;}] call EFUNC(common,AddActionEventHandler)];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(placeActionEH), [_unit, "DefaultAction", {true}, {GVAR(placeAction) = PLACE_APPROVE;}] call EFUNC(common,AddActionEventHandler)];
_actionID = _unit addAction [format ["<t color='#FF0000'>%1</t>", localize LSTRING(CancelAction)], {GVAR(placeAction) = 0}];
_actionID = _unit addAction [format ["<t color='#FF0000'>%1</t>", localize LSTRING(CancelAction)], {GVAR(placeAction) = PLACE_CANCEL}];
//Display to show virtual object:
private [];
_model = getText (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _itemVehClass >> "model");
if (_model == "") then {
_model = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _itemVehClass >> "model");
//"\A3\Weapons_F\empty.p3d" is fine, but ctrlSetModel ""; - will crash game!
if (_model == "") exitWith {ERROR("No Model");};
(QGVAR(virtualAmmo) call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc [QGVAR(virtualAmmo), "PLAIN", 0, false];
((uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(virtualAmmoDisplay), displayNull]) displayCtrl 800851) ctrlSetModel _model;
private "_startingPosition";
private["_angle", "_dir", "_screenPos", "_realDistance", "_up", "_virtualPos", "_virtualPosASL", "_lineInterection"];
if ((GVAR(placeAction) != -1) ||
_virtualPosASL = (eyePos _unit) vectorAdd (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0.6]) vectorDiff (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]);
if (cameraView == "EXTERNAL") then {
_virtualPosASL = _virtualPosASL vectorAdd ((positionCameraToWorld [0.3,0,0]) vectorDiff (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]));
_virtualPos = _virtualPosASL call EFUNC(common,ASLToPosition);
_lineInterection = lineIntersects [eyePos ACE_player, _virtualPosASL, ACE_player];
//Don't allow placing in a bad position:
if (_lineInterection && {GVAR(placeAction) == PLACE_APPROVE}) then {GVAR(placeAction) = PLACE_WAITING;};
if ((GVAR(placeAction) != PLACE_WAITING) ||
{_unit != ACE_player} ||
{!([_unit, _attachToVehicle, []] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith))} ||
{!([_attachToVehicle, _unit, _itemClassname] call FUNC(canAttach))}) then {
@ -75,16 +92,31 @@ if (_unit == _attachToVehicle) then { //Self Attachment
[_unit, QGVAR(vehAttach), false] call EFUNC(common,setForceWalkStatus);
[] call EFUNC(interaction,hideMouseHint);
[_unit, "DefaultAction", (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(placeActionEH), -1])] call EFUNC(common,removeActionEventHandler);
//[_unit, "MenuBack", (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(cancelActionEH), -1])] call EFUNC(common,removeActionEventHandler);
_unit removeAction _actionID;
if (GVAR(placeAction) == 1) then {
_startingPosition = _tempObject modelToWorldVisual [0,0,0];
[_unit, _attachToVehicle, _itemClassname, _itemVehClass, _onAtachText, _startingPosition] call FUNC(placeApprove);
(QGVAR(virtualAmmo) call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"];
if (GVAR(placeAction) == PLACE_APPROVE) then {
[_unit, _attachToVehicle, _itemClassname, _itemVehClass, _onAtachText, _virtualPos] call FUNC(placeApprove);
deleteVehicle _tempObject;
} else {
_tempObject setPosATL ((ASLtoATL eyePos _unit) vectorAdd (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,1] vectorDiff positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]));;
//Show the virtual object:
if (_lineInterection) then {
((uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(virtualAmmoDisplay), displayNull]) displayCtrl 800851) ctrlShow false;
} else {
((uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(virtualAmmoDisplay), displayNull]) displayCtrl 800851) ctrlShow true;
_screenPos = worldToScreen _virtualPos;
if (_screenPos isEqualTo []) exitWith {
((uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(virtualAmmoDisplay), displayNull]) displayCtrl 800851) ctrlShow false;
_realDistance = (_virtualPos distance (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0])) / ((call CBA_fnc_getFov) select 1);
_screenPos = [(_screenPos select 0), _realDistance, (_screenPos select 1)];
((uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(virtualAmmoDisplay), displayNull]) displayCtrl 800851) ctrlSetPosition _screenPos;
_dir = (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,1]) vectorFromTo (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]);
_angle = asin (_dir select 2);
_up = [0, cos _angle, sin _angle];
((uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(virtualAmmoDisplay), displayNull]) displayCtrl 800851) ctrlSetModelDirAndUp [[1,0,0], _up];
}, 0, [_unit, _attachToVehicle, _itemClassname, _itemVehClass, _tempObject, _onAtachText, _actionID]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
}, 0, [_unit, _attachToVehicle, _itemClassname, _itemVehClass, _onAtachText, _actionID]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_startingOffset", "_startDistanceFromCenter", "_closeInUnitVector", "_closeInMax", "_closeInMin", "_setupObject", "_closeInDistance", "_endPosTestOffset", "_endPosTest", "_doesIntersect", "_startingPosShifted", "_startASL", "_endPosShifted", "_endASL", "_attachedObject", "_currentObjects", "_currentItemNames"];
private ["_startingOffset", "_startDistanceFromCenter", "_closeInUnitVector", "_closeInMax", "_closeInMin", "_closeInDistance", "_endPosTestOffset", "_endPosTest", "_doesIntersect", "_startingPosShifted", "_startASL", "_endPosShifted", "_endASL", "_attachedObject", "_currentObjects", "_currentItemNames"];
@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ _closeInUnitVector = vectorNormalized (_startingOffset vectorFromTo [0,0,0]);
_closeInMax = _startDistanceFromCenter;
_closeInMin = 0;
//Delete Local Placement Object
deleteVehicle _setupObject;
while {(_closeInMax - _closeInMin) > 0.01} do {
_closeInDistance = (_closeInMax + _closeInMin) / 2;
// systemChat format ["Trying %1 from %2 start %3", _closeInDistance, [_closeInMax, _closeInMin], _startDistanceFromCenter];

View File

@ -9,4 +9,8 @@
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_macros.hpp"
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_macros.hpp"
#define PLACE_WAITING -1
#define PLACE_CANCEL 0

View File

@ -178,6 +178,7 @@
<Polish>Ustawienia więźniów</Polish>
<Spanish>Ajustes de prisioneros</Spanish>
<Czech>Nastavení zajatce</Czech>
<Portuguese>Ajustes de prisioneiros</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSettings_Description">
@ -185,6 +186,7 @@
<Polish>Moduł ten kontroluje ustawienia kapitulacji oraz opasek zaciskowych</Polish>
<Spanish>Ajustes de control para rendición y precintos</Spanish>
<Czech>Toto kontroluje nastavení kapitulace a pout</Czech>
<German>Einstellungen zur Kapitulation und Kabelbindern</German>
<Portuguese>Controla as configurações de rendição e abraçadeiras</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSettings_handcuffSide_name">
@ -192,6 +194,7 @@
<Polish>Skuwanie sojuszników</Polish>
<Spanish>Se puede esposar el bando propio</Spanish>
<Czech>Může spoutat spolubojovníky</Czech>
<German>Kann Teamkollegen fesseln</German>
<Portuguese>Pode algemar o próprio lado</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSettings_handcuffSide_description">
@ -199,6 +202,7 @@
<Polish>Czy gracze mogą skuwać sojuszników?</Polish>
<Spanish>Pueden los jugadores esposar unidades en su propio bando</Spanish>
<Czech>Mohou hráči spoutat jednotky na své straně</Czech>
<German>Können Spieler eigene Einheiten fesseln</German>
<Portuguese>Os jogadores podem algemar unidades do seu lado</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSettings_allowSurrender_name">
@ -206,6 +210,7 @@
<Polish>Pozwól kapitulować</Polish>
<Spanish>Permitir rendición</Spanish>
<Czech>Povolit vzdávání</Czech>
<German>Kapitulation erlauben</German>
<Portuguese>Permite rendição</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Captives_ModuleSettings_allowSurrender_description">
@ -213,7 +218,8 @@
<Polish>Gracze mogą skapitulować po schowaniu swojej broni do kabury</Polish>
<Spanish>Los jugadores pueden rendirse después de enfundar su arma</Spanish>
<Czech>Hráč se může vzdát poté, co si skryje zbraň</Czech>
<German>Spieler können kapitulieren, nachdem sie ihre Waffe geholstert haben</German>
<Portuguese>Jogadores podem se render depois de guardar sua arma</Portuguese>

View File

@ -113,10 +113,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
author = CSTRING(ACETeam);
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
class ACE_banana {
name = "ACE_banana";
count = 1;

View File

@ -37,6 +37,14 @@
}] call FUNC(addEventhandler);
//~~~~~Get Map Data~~~~~
//Find MGRS zone and 100km grid for current map
[] call FUNC(getMGRSdata);
//Prepare variables for FUNC(getMapGridFromPos)/FUNC(getMapPosFromGrid)
[] call FUNC(getMapGridData);
["fixCollision", DFUNC(fixCollision)] call FUNC(addEventhandler);
["fixFloating", DFUNC(fixFloating)] call FUNC(addEventhandler);
["fixPosition", DFUNC(fixPosition)] call FUNC(addEventhandler);

View File

@ -69,7 +69,11 @@ PREP(getFirstTerrainIntersection);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
* Author: VKing
* Gets the current map's MGRS grid zone designator and 100km square.
* Also gets longitude, latitude and altitude offset for the map
* Argument:
* 0: Optional: Map name, if undefined the current map is used (String)
* Return value:
* 0: Grid zone designator (String)
* 1: 100km square (String)
* 2: GZD + 100km sq. as a single string (String)
* Writes return values to GVAR(MGRS_data) if run on the current map
// #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_zone","_band","_GZD","_long","_lat","_UTM","_easting","_northing", "_altitude"];
_long = getNumber (ConfigFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> _map >> "longitude");
_lat = getNumber (ConfigFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> _map >> "latitude");
_altitude = getNumber (ConfigFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> _map >> "elevationOffset");
if (_map in ["Chernarus", "Bootcamp_ACR", "Woodland_ACR", "utes"]) then { _lat = 50; _altitude = 0; };
if (_map in ["Altis", "Stratis"]) then { _lat = 40; _altitude = 0; };
if (_map in ["Takistan", "Zargabad", "Mountains_ACR"]) then { _lat = 35; _altitude = 2000; };
if (_map in ["Shapur_BAF", "ProvingGrounds_PMC"]) then { _lat = 35; _altitude = 100; };
if (_map in ["fallujah"]) then { _lat = 33; _altitude = 0; };
if (_map in ["fata", "Abbottabad"]) then { _lat = 30; _altitude = 1000; };
if (_map in ["sfp_wamako"]) then { _lat = 14; _altitude = 0; };
if (_map in ["sfp_sturko"]) then { _lat = 56; _altitude = 0; };
if (_map in ["Bornholm"]) then { _lat = 55; _altitude = 0; };
if (_map in ["Imrali"]) then { _lat = 40; _altitude = 0; };
if (_map in ["Caribou"]) then { _lat = 68; _altitude = 0; };
if (_map in ["Namalsk"]) then { _lat = 65; _altitude = 0; };
if (_map in ["MCN_Aliabad"]) then { _lat = 36; _altitude = 0; };
if (_map in ["Clafghan"]) then { _lat = 34; _altitude = 640; };
if (_map in ["Sangin", "hellskitchen"]) then { _lat = 32; _altitude = 0; };
if (_map in ["Sara"]) then { _lat = 40; _altitude = 0; };
if (_map in ["reshmaan"]) then { _lat = 35; _altitude = 2000; };
if (_map in ["Thirsk"]) then { _lat = 65; _altitude = 0; };
if (_map in ["lingor"]) then { _lat = -4; _altitude = 0; };
if (_map in ["Panthera3"]) then { _lat = 46; _altitude = 0; };
if (_map in ["Kunduz"]) then { _lat = 37; _altitude = 400; };
_UTM = [_long,_lat] call BIS_fnc_posDegToUTM;
_easting = _UTM select 0;
_northing = _UTM select 1;
// _zone = _UTM select 2;
_band = switch (true) do {
case (_lat<-72): {"C"};
case (_lat<-64): {"D"};
case (_lat<-56): {"E"};
case (_lat<-48): {"F"};
case (_lat<-40): {"G"};
case (_lat<-32): {"H"};
case (_lat<-24): {"J"};
case (_lat<-16): {"K"};
case (_lat<-8): {"L"};
case (_lat<0): {"M"};
case (_lat>72): {"X"};
case (_lat>64): {"W"};
case (_lat>56): {"V"};
case (_lat>48): {"U"};
case (_lat>40): {"T"};
case (_lat>32): {"S"};
case (_lat>24): {"R"};
case (_lat>16): {"Q"};
case (_lat>8): {"P"};
case (_lat>=0): {"N"};
_zone = 1 + (floor ((_long + 180) / 6));
_band = "Z";
if (_lat <= -80) then {
_band = "A";
} else {
if (_lat < 84) then {
_band = "CDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXX" select [(floor ((_lat / 8) + 10)), 1];
if (_map == "VR") then {_zone = 0; _band = "RV";};
_GZD = format ["%1%2",_zone,_band];
private ["_set1","_set2","_set3","_set4","_set5","_set6","_metaE","_metaN","_letterE","_letterN","_grid100km"];
_set1 = [1,7,13,19,25,31,37,43,49,55];
_set2 = [2,8,14,20,26,32,38,44,50,56];
_set3 = [3,9,15,21,27,33,39,45,51,57];
_set4 = [4,10,16,22,28,34,40,46,52,58];
_set5 = [5,11,17,23,29,35,41,47,53,59];
_set6 = [6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48,54,60];
switch (true) do {
case (_zone in _set1): {_metaE = 1; _metaN = 1;};
case (_zone in _set2): {_metaE = 2; _metaN = 2;};
case (_zone in _set3): {_metaE = 3; _metaN = 1;};
case (_zone in _set4): {_metaE = 1; _metaN = 2;};
case (_zone in _set5): {_metaE = 2; _metaN = 1;};
case (_zone in _set6): {_metaE = 3; _metaN = 2;};
switch (true) do {
case (_zone == 0): {_letterE = "E"};
case (_easting > 800000): {LOG("E8"); switch (_metaE) do {case 1: {_letterE="H"}; case 2: {_letterE="R"}; case 3: {_letterE="Z"}; }; };
case (_easting > 700000): {LOG("E7"); switch (_metaE) do {case 1: {_letterE="G"}; case 2: {_letterE="Q"}; case 3: {_letterE="Y"}; }; };
case (_easting > 600000): {LOG("E6"); switch (_metaE) do {case 1: {_letterE="F"}; case 2: {_letterE="P"}; case 3: {_letterE="X"}; }; };
case (_easting > 500000): {LOG("E5"); switch (_metaE) do {case 1: {_letterE="E"}; case 2: {_letterE="N"}; case 3: {_letterE="W"}; }; };
case (_easting > 400000): {LOG("E4"); switch (_metaE) do {case 1: {_letterE="D"}; case 2: {_letterE="M"}; case 3: {_letterE="V"}; }; };
case (_easting > 300000): {LOG("E3"); switch (_metaE) do {case 1: {_letterE="C"}; case 2: {_letterE="L"}; case 3: {_letterE="U"}; }; };
case (_easting > 200000): {LOG("E2"); switch (_metaE) do {case 1: {_letterE="B"}; case 2: {_letterE="K"}; case 3: {_letterE="T"}; }; };
case (_easting > 100000): {LOG("E1"); switch (_metaE) do {case 1: {_letterE="A"}; case 2: {_letterE="J"}; case 3: {_letterE="S"}; }; };
default {_letterE="@"};
_northing = _northing mod 2000000;
switch (true) do {
case (_zone == 0): {_letterN = "N"};
case (_northing > 1900000): {LOG("N19"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "V"}; case 2: {_letterN = "E"}; }; };
case (_northing > 1800000): {LOG("N18"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "U"}; case 2: {_letterN = "D"}; }; };
case (_northing > 1700000): {LOG("N17"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "T"}; case 2: {_letterN = "C"}; }; };
case (_northing > 1600000): {LOG("N16"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "S"}; case 2: {_letterN = "B"}; }; };
case (_northing > 1500000): {LOG("N15"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "R"}; case 2: {_letterN = "A"}; }; };
case (_northing > 1400000): {LOG("N14"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "Q"}; case 2: {_letterN = "V"}; }; };
case (_northing > 1300000): {LOG("N13"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "P"}; case 2: {_letterN = "U"}; }; };
case (_northing > 1200000): {LOG("N12"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "N"}; case 2: {_letterN = "T"}; }; };
case (_northing > 1100000): {LOG("N11"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "M"}; case 2: {_letterN = "S"}; }; };
case (_northing > 1000000): {LOG("N10"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "L"}; case 2: {_letterN = "R"}; }; };
case (_northing > 900000): {LOG("N09"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "K"}; case 2: {_letterN = "Q"}; }; };
case (_northing > 800000): {LOG("N08"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "J"}; case 2: {_letterN = "P"}; }; };
case (_northing > 700000): {LOG("N07"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "H"}; case 2: {_letterN = "N"}; }; };
case (_northing > 600000): {LOG("N06"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "G"}; case 2: {_letterN = "M"}; }; };
case (_northing > 500000): {LOG("N05"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "F"}; case 2: {_letterN = "L"}; }; };
case (_northing > 400000): {LOG("N04"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "E"}; case 2: {_letterN = "K"}; }; };
case (_northing > 300000): {LOG("N03"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "D"}; case 2: {_letterN = "J"}; }; };
case (_northing > 200000): {LOG("N02"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "C"}; case 2: {_letterN = "H"}; }; };
case (_northing > 100000): {LOG("N01"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "B"}; case 2: {_letterN = "G"}; }; };
case (_northing > 0): {LOG("N00"); switch (_metaN) do {case 1: {_letterN = "A"}; case 2: {_letterN = "F"}; }; };
_grid100km = _letterE+_letterN;
if (_map == worldName) then {
GVAR(MGRS_data) = [_GZD,_grid100km,_GZD+_grid100km];
GVAR(mapAltitude) = _altitude;
GVAR(mapLatitude) = _lat;
GVAR(mapLongitude) = _long;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* Author: PabstMirror (ideas from Nou's mapGridToPos and BIS_fnc_gridToPos)
* Finds real x/y offset and map step for a 10 digit grid
* Save time by preparing data one time at startup
* Argument:
* None
* Return values:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_map_fnc_getMapGridData
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private["_cfgGrid", "_formatX", "_formatY", "_heightOffset", "_offsetX", "_offsetY", "_originGrid", "_realOffsetY", "_startGrid", "_stepX", "_stepY", "_zoom", "_zoomMax", "_letterGrid"];
GVAR(mapGridData) = [];
//--- Extract grid values from world config (Borrowed from BIS_fnc_gridToPos)
_cfgGrid = configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Grid";
_offsetX = getNumber (_cfgGrid >> "offsetX");
_offsetY = getNumber (_cfgGrid >> "offsetY");
_zoomMax = 1e99;
_formatX = "";
_formatY = "";
_stepX = 1e10;
_stepY = 1e10;
_zoom = getnumber (_x >> "zoomMax");
if (_zoom < _zoomMax) then {
_zoomMax = _zoom;
_formatX = getText (_x >> "formatX");
_formatY = getText (_x >> "formatY");
_stepX = getNumber (_x >> "stepX");
_stepY = getNumber (_x >> "stepY");
} foreach configProperties [_cfgGrid, "isClass _x", false];
_letterGrid = false;
if (((toLower _formatX) find "a") != -1) then {_letterGrid = true};
if (((toLower _formatY) find "a") != -1) then {_letterGrid = true};
if (_letterGrid) exitWith {
diag_log text format ["[ACE] Map Grid Warning (%1) - Map uses letter grids [%2,%3]", worldName, _formatX, _formatY];
//Start at [0, 500] and move north until we get a change in grid
_heightOffset = 500;
_startGrid = mapGridPosition [0, _heightOffset];
_originGrid = _startGrid;
while {_startGrid == _originGrid} do {
_heightOffset = _heightOffset + 1;
_originGrid = mapGridPosition [0, _heightOffset];
//Calculate the real y offset
_realOffsetY = parseNumber (_originGrid select [(count _formatX), (count _formatY)]) * _stepY + _heightOffset - 1;
//Calculate MGRS 10digit step - they should both be 1 meter:
_stepXat5 = _stepX * 10 ^ ((count _formatX) - 5);
_stepYat5 = -1 * _stepY * 10 ^ ((count _formatY) - 5);
if (_stepYat5 < 0) then {
diag_log text format ["[ACE] Map Grid Warning (%1) - Northing is reversed", worldName];
if (_stepXat5 != 1) then {
diag_log text format ["[ACE] Map Grid Warning (%1) - MGRS 10 digit grid does not equal 1 meter: (%2) for x", worldName, _stepXat5];
if ((_stepYat5 != 1) && {_stepYat5 != -1}) then {
diag_log text format ["[ACE] Map Grid Warning (%1) - MGRS 10 digit grid does not equal 1 meter: (%2) for y", worldName, _stepXat5];
GVAR(mapGridData) = [_offsetX, _realOffsetY, _stepXat5, _stepYat5];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
* Author: VKing, PabstMirror
* Gets a 10-digit map grid for the given world position
* Argument:
* 0: Position (2D Position) <ARRAY>
* 1: Return type; false for array of easting and northing, true for single string <Bool>
* Return values:
* 0: Easting <String>
* 1: Northing <String>
* Example:
* [(getPos player)] call ace_common_fnc_getMapGridFromPos;
* Public: Yes
// #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL
#include "script_component.hpp"
private["_count", "_easting", "_nativeGrid", "_northing"];
//Fallback, when map data is weird (letters)
if ((count GVAR(mapGridData)) == 0) exitWith {
_nativeGrid = mapGridPosition _pos;
if (_returnSingleString) then {
} else {
_count = floor ((count _nativeGrid) / 2);
[(_nativeGrid select [0, _count]), (_nativeGrid select [_count, _count])]
_easting = floor (((_pos select 0) - _offsetX) / _stepXat5);
_northing = floor (((_pos select 1) - _realOffsetY) / _stepYat5);
//Attempt to handle negative east/north (e.g.: moving west of map bounds)
if (_easting > 0) then {
_easting = str _easting;
while {count _easting < 5} do {_easting = "0" + _easting;};
} else {
_easting = str abs _easting;
while {count _easting < 4} do {_easting = "0" + _easting;};
_easting = "-" + _easting;
if (_northing > 0) then {
_northing = str _northing;
while {count _northing < 5} do {_northing = "0" + _northing;};
} else {
_northing = str abs _northing;
while {count _northing < 4} do {_northing = "0" + _northing;};
_northing = "-" + _northing;
if (_returnSingleString) then {
_easting + _northing
} else {
[_easting, _northing]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
* Author: PabstMirror
* Gets position from grid cords
* Argument:
* 0: Grid Cords <STRING>
* 1: Get Center or bottom right <BOOL><OPTIONAL>
* Return values:
* Position <ARRAY>
* Example:
* ["6900080085"] call ace_common_fnc_getMapPosFromGrid
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
private["_countInput", "_countInputHalf", "_xPart", "_xPos", "_yPart", "_yPos"];
if ((count GVAR(mapGridData)) == 0) exitWith {
ERROR("Map has bad data, falling back to BIS_fnc_gridToPos");
(_this call BIS_fnc_gridToPos) select 0
_countInput = count _inputString;
_countInputHalf = floor (_countInput / 2);
//Split string, ignoring middle
_xPart = _inputString select [0, _countInputHalf];
_yPart = _inputString select [(ceil (_countInput / 2)), _countInputHalf];
_xPos = ((parseNumber _xPart) * _stepXat5 * 10 ^ (5 - _countInputHalf)) + _offsetX;
_yPos = ((parseNumber _yPart) * _stepYat5 * 10 ^ (5 - _countInputHalf)) + _realOffsetY;
if (_getCenterOfGrid) then {
_xPos = _xPos + 0.5 * _stepXat5 * 10 ^ (5 - _countInputHalf);
_yPos = _yPos + 0.5 * _stepYat5 * 10 ^ (5 - _countInputHalf);
[_xPos, _yPos, 0];

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#define GROUP_SWITCH_ID QUOTE(FUNC(loadPerson))
private ["_caller", "_unit","_vehicle", "_loadcar", "_loadhelicopter", "_loadtank"];
private ["_caller", "_unit","_vehicle", "_loadcar", "_loadhelicopter", "_loadtank","_loadboat"];
_caller = [_this, 0, ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_Param;
_unit = [_this, 1, ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_Param;
_vehicle = ObjNull;
@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ if (_unit distance _loadcar <= 10) then {
_loadtank = nearestObject [_unit, "tank"];
if (_unit distance _loadtank <= 10) then {
_vehicle = _loadtank;
} else {
_loadboat = nearestObject [_unit, "ship"];
if (_unit distance _loadboat <= 10) then {
_vehicle = _loadboat;

View File

@ -10,35 +10,48 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_unit","_vehicle","_caller","_handle","_loaded"];
private ["_unit","_vehicle","_caller","_handle","_loaded","_slotsOpen"];
_unit = [_this, 0, ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_Param;
_vehicle = [_this, 1, ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_Param;
_caller = [_this, 2, ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_Param;
_slotsOpen = false;
if (!alive _unit) then {
_unit = [_unit,_caller] call FUNC(makeCopyOfBody);
_unit moveInCargo _vehicle;
_loaded = _vehicle getvariable [QGVAR(loaded_persons),[]];
_loaded pushback _unit;
_vehicle setvariable [QGVAR(loaded_persons),_loaded,true];
if (!([_unit] call FUNC(isAwake))) then {
_handle = [_unit,_vehicle] spawn {
private ["_unit","_vehicle"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_vehicle = _this select 1;
waituntil {vehicle _unit == _vehicle};
sleep 0.5;
//Save the "awake" animation before applying the death animation
if (vehicle _unit == _vehicle) then {
_unit setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,vehicleAwakeAnim), [_vehicle, (animationState _unit)]];
[_unit,([_unit] call FUNC(getDeathAnim)), 1, true] call FUNC(doAnimation);
if (_vehicle emptyPositions "cargo" > 0) then {
_unit moveInCargo _vehicle;
_slotsOpen = true;
} else {
if ([_unit] call FUNC(isArrested)) then {
if (_vehicle emptyPositions "gunner" > 0) then {
_unit moveInGunner _vehicle;
_slotsOpen = true;
if (_slotsOpen) then {
_loaded = _vehicle getvariable [QGVAR(loaded_persons),[]];
_loaded pushback _unit;
_vehicle setvariable [QGVAR(loaded_persons),_loaded,true];
if (!([_unit] call FUNC(isAwake))) then {
_handle = [_unit,_vehicle] spawn {
private ["_unit","_vehicle"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_vehicle = _this select 1;
waituntil {vehicle _unit == _vehicle};
sleep 0.5;
//Save the "awake" animation before applying the death animation
if (vehicle _unit == _vehicle) then {
_unit setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,vehicleAwakeAnim), [_vehicle, (animationState _unit)]];
[_unit,([_unit] call FUNC(getDeathAnim)), 1, true] call FUNC(doAnimation);
} else {
if ([_unit] call FUNC(isArrested)) then {

View File

@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ if ((typeName _value) != (_settingData select 1)) then {
_failed = true;
if ((_settingData select 1) == "BOOL" and (typeName _value) == "SCALAR") then {
// If value is not 0 or 1 consider it invalid and don't set anything
if (_value == 0) then {
if (_value isEqualTo 0) then {
_value = false;
_failed = false;
if (_value == 1) then {
if (_value isEqualTo 1) then {
_value = true;
_failed = false;

View File

@ -15,16 +15,34 @@
#define GROUP_SWITCH_ID QUOTE(FUNC(loadPerson))
private ["_loaded", "_emptyPos"];
private ["_loaded", "_emptyPos","_validVehiclestate"];
_validVehiclestate = true;
if (driver _vehicle == _unit) exitwith {TRACE_1("Exiting on Failed Driver Check", driver _vehicle == _unit); false;};
TRACE_1("Vehicle Check", driver _vehicle == _unit);
if !(speed _vehicle <1 && (((getPos _vehicle) select 2) < 2)) exitwith {TRACE_1("Exiting on Failed speed check", getPosASL _vehicle == _unit); false;};
TRACE_1("getPosASL Vehicle Check", getPos _vehicle);
if (_vehicle isKindOf "Ship" ) then {
if !(speed _vehicle <1 && {(((getPosATL _vehicle) select 2) < 2)}) then {_validVehiclestate = false};
TRACE_1("SHIP Ground Check", getPosATL _vehicle );
_emptyPos = ((getPosASL _vehicle) call EFUNC(common,ASLtoPosition) findEmptyPosition [0, 13, typeof _unit]); // TODO: if spot is underwater pick another spot.
} else {
if (_vehicle isKindOf "Air" ) then {
if !(speed _vehicle <1 && {isTouchingGround _vehicle}) then {_validVehiclestate = false};
TRACE_1("Vehicle Ground Check", isTouchingGround _vehicle);
_emptyPos = (getPosASL _vehicle) call EFUNC(common,ASLtoPosition);
_emptyPos = [(_emptyPos select 0) + random(5), (_emptyPos select 1) + random(5), _emptyPos select 2 ];
} else {
if !(speed _vehicle <1 && {isTouchingGround _vehicle}) then {_validVehiclestate = false};
TRACE_1("Vehicle Ground Check", isTouchingGround _vehicle);
_emptyPos = ((getPosASL _vehicle) call EFUNC(common,ASLtoPosition) findEmptyPosition [0, 13, typeof _unit]);
TRACE_1("getPosASL Vehicle Check", getPosASL _vehicle);
if (!_validVehiclestate) exitwith { diag_log format["Unable to unload patient because invalid vehicle state. Either moving or Not close enough on the ground. %1", getPos _vehicle]; false };
diag_log str _emptyPos;
if (count _emptyPos == 0) exitwith {diag_log format["No safe empty spots to unload patient. %1", _emptyPos]; false}; //consider displaying text saying there are no safe places to exit the vehicle
_emptyPos = ((getPosASL _vehicle) call EFUNC(common,ASLtoPosition) findEmptyPosition [0, 13, typeof _unit]);
if (count _emptyPos == 0) exitwith {false}; //consider displaying text saying there are no safe places to exit the vehicle
unassignVehicle _unit;
[_unit] orderGetIn false;

View File

@ -577,6 +577,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_toggleHandheldDevice">
<English>Toggle Handheld Device</English>
<Spanish>Seleccionar dispositivo de mano</Spanish>
<German>Handheld aufrufen</German>
<Portuguese>Ativa dispositivo de mão</Portuguese>
<Polish>Przełącz urządzenie podręczne</Polish>
<Czech>Přepnout ruční zařízení</Czech>
@ -584,6 +585,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_closeHandheldDevice">
<English>Close Handheld Device</English>
<Spanish>Cerrar dispositivo de mano</Spanish>
<German>Handheld schließen</German>
<Portuguese>Fecha dispositivo de mão</Portuguese>
<Polish>Zamknij urządzenie podręczne</Polish>
<Czech>Zavřít ruční zařízení</Czech>
@ -591,9 +593,10 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_cycleHandheldDevices">
<English>Cycle Handheld Devices</English>
<Spanish>Cambiar dispositivos de mano</Spanish>
<German>Handheld wechseln</German>
<Portuguese>Troca dispositivos de mão</Portuguese>
<Polish>Następne urządzenie podręczne</Polish>
<Czech>Procházet ruční zařízení</Czech>

View File

@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ GVAR(deployPFH) = -1;
GVAR(placer) setVariable [QGVAR(wireDeployed), true];
}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
[QGVAR(vehicleDamage), {_this call FUNC(vehicleDamage)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);

View File

@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ PREP(dismount);
ADDON = true;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,9 @@
if (isNull _killer) then {
private ["_distance", "_vehicle"];
if (isNull _killer) then {
_killer = _wire getVariable ["ace_concertina_wire_lastDamager", objNull];
if (isNull _killer) then {
_killer = nearestObject [_wire, "car"];
@ -25,111 +27,9 @@ if (isNull _killer) then {
if (isNull _killer || {_killer == _wire} || {_killer == gunner (vehicle _killer)}) exitWith {};
private ["_type", "_mode", "_distance", "_anim", "_parts", "_selectionPart", "_selection", "_pos_w", "_dir_w", "_vehicle"];
_type = typeOf _wire;
_mode = switch (_type) do {
case "ACE_ConcertinaWire": { 0 };
case "Land_Razorwire_F": { 1 };
default { -1 };
if (_mode == -1) exitWith {};
// _mode = 0 = Single Coil
// _mode = 1 = Triple Coil
// --------------------------------
// L M R
// 4.54929 (4)
// 6.13564 (6)
//9.78744 (10)
_distance = _wire distance _killer;
if (_distance > 14 || {_distance < 2}) exitWith {}; // Fix if shooting wire
_type = typeOf _wire;
_anim = _wire animationPhase "wire_2";
_pos_w = getPos _wire;
_dir_w = getDir _wire;
_vehicle = vehicle _killer;
if (_mode == 0) then {
private ["_x", "_y", "_found", "_wireCheckPosAr", "_no"];
_x = _pos_w select 0;
_y = _pos_w select 1;
// Check if two Single coils are placed next to each other (i.e playes have built a big wire obstacle)
_wireCheckPosAr = [
[_x + (sin (_dir_w+90) * 1.5),_y + (cos (_dir_w+90) * 1.5)],
[(_x-(sin _dir_w)) + (sin (_dir_w+90) * 1.5),(_y-(cos _dir_w)) + (cos (_dir_w+90) * 1.5)],
[_x + (sin (_dir_w-90) * 1.5),_y + (cos (_dir_w-90) * 1.5)],
[(_x-(sin _dir_w)) + (sin (_dir_w-90) * 1.5),(_y-(cos _dir_w)) + (cos (_dir_w-90) * 1.5)]
_found = false;
_no = nearestObjects [_x, [typeOf _wire], 3]; //diag_log _no; diag_log ".....";
_no = _no - [_wire]; //diag_log _no;
if (count _no > 0) exitWith {
_found = true; //diag_log "found";
} foreach _wireCheckPosAr;
// Double coil found!
if (_found) then {
_mode = 1;
} else {
// Randomly make a single coil also catch tanks, if speed is high
if (_vehicle isKindOf "Tank" && {20 > random 100} && {speed _vehicle > 30}) then {
_mode = 1;
} else {
if !(_vehicle isKindOf "Tank") then {
_mode = 1;
if (_mode == 1) then {
switch (true) do {
case (_vehicle isKindOf "Tank"): {
_parts = ["ltrack","rtrack"];
case (_vehicle isKindOf "Wheeled_APC" || {_vehicle isKindOf "Car"}): {
_parts = ["lfwheel","lf2wheel","lmwheel","lbwheel","rfwheel","rf2wheel","rmwheel","rbwheel"];
} else {
switch (true) do {
case (_vehicle isKindOf "Wheeled_APC" || {_vehicle isKindOf "Car"}): {
_parts = ["lfwheel","lf2wheel","lmwheel","lbwheel","rfwheel","rf2wheel","rmwheel","rbwheel"];
if (canMove _vehicle) then {
_selectionPart = "hit" + _x;
if (isText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "hitpoints" >> _selectionPart >> "name")) then {
_selection = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "hitpoints" >> _selectionPart >> "name");
// TODO: Only the tires that have touched the wire should burst.
_vehicle setHit [_selection, 1];
} forEach _parts;
if (_mode == 1) then {
if (_vehicle isKindOf "StaticWeapon") exitWith {};
_vehicle setVelocity ((velocity _vehicle) vectorMultiply 0.75);
private ["_vPos", "_vDir"];
// Set vehicle back in front of wire, since the wire will make the vehicle jump, and a wire with no geometry lod is undestructible and not recognizeable
_vPos = getPosASL _vehicle;
_vDir = getDir _vehicle;
_vehicle setPosASL (_vPos vectorAdd [-0.35 * sin(_vDir), -0.35 * cos(_vDir), 0]);
// TODO: Needs to be placed in safe distance to wire, so we do not constantly re-spawn new wires
}, [_vehicle, _wire], 0.1, 0] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
//TODO: Create broken geoless wire (two version)
//TODO: Make wire remains stop vehicles
[QGVAR(vehicleDamage), [_vehicle], [_wire, _vehicle]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
* Author: Rocko
* Handles vehicle damage from hitting wire
* Arguments:
* 0: wire <OBJECT>
* 1: vehicle <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* Nothing
* Return value:
* None
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_type", "_mode", "_anim", "_parts", "_selectionPart", "_selection", "_pos_w", "_dir_w"];
_type = typeOf _wire;
_mode = switch (_type) do {
case "ACE_ConcertinaWire": { 0 };
case "Land_Razorwire_F": { 1 };
default { -1 };
if (_mode == -1) exitWith {};
// _mode = 0 = Single Coil
// _mode = 1 = Triple Coil
// --------------------------------
// L M R
// 4.54929 (4)
// 6.13564 (6)
//9.78744 (10)
_type = typeOf _wire;
_anim = _wire animationPhase "wire_2";
_pos_w = getPos _wire;
_dir_w = getDir _wire;
if (_mode == 0) then {
private ["_x", "_y", "_found", "_wireCheckPosAr", "_no"];
_x = _pos_w select 0;
_y = _pos_w select 1;
// Check if two Single coils are placed next to each other (i.e playes have built a big wire obstacle)
_wireCheckPosAr = [
[_x + (sin (_dir_w+90) * 1.5),_y + (cos (_dir_w+90) * 1.5)],
[(_x-(sin _dir_w)) + (sin (_dir_w+90) * 1.5),(_y-(cos _dir_w)) + (cos (_dir_w+90) * 1.5)],
[_x + (sin (_dir_w-90) * 1.5),_y + (cos (_dir_w-90) * 1.5)],
[(_x-(sin _dir_w)) + (sin (_dir_w-90) * 1.5),(_y-(cos _dir_w)) + (cos (_dir_w-90) * 1.5)]
_found = false;
_no = nearestObjects [_x, [typeOf _wire], 3]; //diag_log _no; diag_log ".....";
_no = _no - [_wire]; //diag_log _no;
if (count _no > 0) exitWith {
_found = true; //diag_log "found";
} foreach _wireCheckPosAr;
// Double coil found!
if (_found) then {
_mode = 1;
} else {
// Randomly make a single coil also catch tanks, if speed is high
if (_vehicle isKindOf "Tank" && {20 > random 100} && {speed _vehicle > 30}) then {
_mode = 1;
} else {
if !(_vehicle isKindOf "Tank") then {
_mode = 1;
if (_mode == 1) then {
switch (true) do {
case (_vehicle isKindOf "Tank"): {
_parts = ["ltrack","rtrack"];
case (_vehicle isKindOf "Wheeled_APC" || {_vehicle isKindOf "Car"}): {
_parts = ["lfwheel","lf2wheel","lmwheel","lbwheel","rfwheel","rf2wheel","rmwheel","rbwheel"];
} else {
switch (true) do {
case (_vehicle isKindOf "Wheeled_APC" || {_vehicle isKindOf "Car"}): {
_parts = ["lfwheel","lf2wheel","lmwheel","lbwheel","rfwheel","rf2wheel","rmwheel","rbwheel"];
if (canMove _vehicle) then {
_selectionPart = "hit" + _x;
if (isText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "hitpoints" >> _selectionPart >> "name")) then {
_selection = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "hitpoints" >> _selectionPart >> "name");
// TODO: Only the tires that have touched the wire should burst.
_vehicle setHit [_selection, 1];
} forEach _parts;
if (_mode == 1) then {
if (_vehicle isKindOf "StaticWeapon") exitWith {};
_vehicle setVelocity ((velocity _vehicle) vectorMultiply 0.75);
private ["_vPos", "_vDir"];
// Set vehicle back in front of wire, since the wire will make the vehicle jump, and a wire with no geometry lod is undestructible and not recognizeable
_vPos = getPosASL _vehicle;
_vDir = getDir _vehicle;
_vehicle setPosASL (_vPos vectorAdd [-0.35 * sin(_vDir), -0.35 * cos(_vDir), 0]);
// TODO: Needs to be placed in safe distance to wire, so we do not constantly re-spawn new wires
}, [_vehicle, _wire], 0.1] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
//TODO: Create broken geoless wire (two version)
//TODO: Make wire remains stop vehicles

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#define COMPONENT concertina_wire
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_mod.hpp"
// #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL

View File

@ -33,10 +33,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
displayName = "DAGR";
vehicleClass = "Items";
class TransportItems {
class ACE_DAGR {
name = "ACE_DAGR";
count = 1;

View File

@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ class CfgWeapons {
author[] = {$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam, "Ruthberg"};
scope = 2;
displayName = "DAGR";
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\DAGR.p3d));
descriptionShort = "";
picture = PATHTOF(UI\DAGR_Icon.paa);
icon = "iconObject_circle";
mapSize = 0.034;
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 10;

addons/dagr/data/DAGR.p3d Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
class StageTI
class Stage1
class uvTransform
class Stage2
class uvTransform
class Stage3
class uvTransform
class Stage4
class uvTransform
class Stage5
class uvTransform
class Stage6
class Stage7

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ __background ctrlSetText QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\dagr_gps.paa));
if (GVAR(outputPFH) != -1) exitWith {};
GVAR(outputPFH) = [{
private ["_pos", "_mapSize", "_gridConfig", "_offsetX", "_offsetY", "_stepX", "_stepY", "_xgrid", "_ygrid", "_xcoord", "_ycoord", "_speed", "_dagrHeading", "_dagrGrid", "_dagrElevation", "_dagrSpeed", "_dagrTime", "_elevation"];
private["_dagrElevation", "_dagrGrid", "_dagrHeading", "_dagrSpeed", "_dagrTime", "_elevation", "_gridArray", "_speed"];
// Abort Condition
if !(GVAR(run) && [ACE_player, "ACE_DAGR"] call EFUNC(common,hasItem)) exitWith {
@ -40,54 +40,8 @@ GVAR(outputPFH) = [{
_pos = getPosASL ACE_player;
_mapSize = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "MapSize");
_gridConfig = (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Grid");
_offsetX = getNumber (_gridConfig >> "offsetX");
_offsetY = getNumber (_gridConfig >> "offsetY");
_stepX = getNumber (_gridConfig >> "Zoom1" >> "stepX");
_stepY = getNumber (_gridConfig >> "Zoom1" >> "stepY");
if (_stepY >= 0) then {
_pos set [1, (_mapSize - 100) - (_pos select 1) - _offsetY];
// Incase grids go neg due to 99-00 boundry
if (_pos select 0 < 0) then {_pos set [0, (_pos select 0) + 99999];};
if (_pos select 1 < 0) then {_pos set [1, (_pos select 1) + 99999];};
_xGrid = toArray Str(round(_pos select 0));
while {count _xGrid < 5} do {
_xGrid = [48] + _xGrid;
_xGrid resize 4;
_xGrid = toString _xGrid;
_xGrid = parseNumber _xGrid;
_yGrid = toArray Str(round(_pos select 1));
while {count _yGrid < 5} do {
_yGrid = [48] + _yGrid;
_yGrid resize 4;
_yGrid = toString _yGrid;
_yGrid = parseNumber _yGrid;
_xCoord = switch true do {
case (_xGrid >= 1000): { "" + Str(_xGrid) };
case (_xGrid >= 100): { "0" + Str(_xGrid) };
case (_xGrid >= 10): { "00" + Str(_xGrid) };
default { "000" + Str(_xGrid) };
_yCoord = switch true do {
case (_yGrid >= 1000): { "" + Str(_yGrid) };
case (_yGrid >= 100): { "0" + Str(_yGrid) };
case (_yGrid >= 10): { "00" + Str(_yGrid) };
default { "000" + Str(_yGrid) };
_dagrGrid = _xcoord + " " + _ycoord;
_gridArray = [(getPos ACE_player), false] call EFUNC(common,getMapGridFromPos);
_dagrGrid = format ["%1 %2", ((_gridArray select 0) select [0,4]), ((_gridArray select 1) select [0,4])];
_speed = speed (vehicle ACE_player);
@ -97,7 +51,7 @@ GVAR(outputPFH) = [{
// Elevation
_elevation = getPosASL ACE_player;
_elevation = floor ((_elevation select 2) + EGVAR(weather,altitude));
_elevation = floor ((_elevation select 2) + EGVAR(common,mapAltitude));
_dagrElevation = str _elevation + "m";
// Heading

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ _yCoord = switch true do {
_dagrGrid = _xCoord + " " + _yCoord;
// Find target elevation
_elevation = floor ((GVAR(LAZPOS) select 2) + EGVAR(weather,altitude));
_elevation = floor ((GVAR(LAZPOS) select 2) + EGVAR(common,mapAltitude));
_dagrElevation = str _elevation + "m";
// Time

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ __background ctrlSetText QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\dagr_wp.paa));
if (GVAR(outputPFH) != -1) exitWith {};
GVAR(outputPFH) = [{
private ["_pos", "_mapSize", "_gridConfig", "_offsetX", "_offsetY", "_stepX", "_stepY", "_xGrid", "_yGrid", "_xCoord", "_yCoord", "_dagrHeading", "_dagrGrid", "_bearing", "_MYpos", "_WPpos", "_dagrDistance", "_distance"];
private["_MYpos", "_WPpos", "_bearing", "_dagrDistance", "_dagrGrid", "_dagrHeading", "_distance", "_gridArray"];
// Abort Condition
if !(GVAR(run) && [ACE_player, "ACE_DAGR"] call EFUNC(common,hasItem)) exitWith {
@ -40,54 +40,8 @@ GVAR(outputPFH) = [{
_pos = getPosASL ACE_player;
_mapSize = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "MapSize");
_gridConfig = (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Grid");
_offsetX = getNumber (_gridConfig >> "offsetX");
_offsetY = getNumber (_gridConfig >> "offsetY");
_stepX = getNumber (_gridConfig >> "Zoom1" >> "stepX");
_stepY = getNumber (_gridConfig >> "Zoom1" >> "stepY");
if (_stepY >= 0) then {
_pos set [1, (_mapSize - 100) - (_pos select 1) - _offsetY];
// Incase grids go neg due to 99-00 boundry
if (_pos select 0 < 0) then {_pos set [0, (_pos select 0) + 99999];};
if (_pos select 1 < 0) then {_pos set [1, (_pos select 1) + 99999];};
_xGrid = toArray Str(round(_pos select 0));
while {count _xGrid < 5} do {
_xGrid = [48] + _xGrid;
_xGrid resize 4;
_xGrid = toString _xGrid;
_xGrid = parseNumber _xGrid;
_yGrid = toArray Str(round(_pos select 1));
while {count _yGrid < 5} do {
_yGrid = [48] + _yGrid;
_yGrid resize 4;
_yGrid = toString _yGrid;
_yGrid = parseNumber _yGrid;
_xCoord = switch true do {
case (_xGrid >= 1000): { "" + Str(_xGrid) };
case (_xGrid >= 100): { "0" + Str(_xGrid) };
case (_xGrid >= 10): { "00" + Str(_xGrid) };
default { "000" + Str(_xGrid) };
_yCoord = switch true do {
case (_yGrid >= 1000): { "" + Str(_yGrid) };
case (_yGrid >= 100): { "0" + Str(_yGrid) };
case (_yGrid >= 10): { "00" + Str(_yGrid) };
default { "000" + Str(_yGrid) };
_dagrGrid = _xCoord + " " + _yCoord;
_gridArray = [(getPos ACE_player), false] call EFUNC(common,getMapGridFromPos);
_dagrGrid = format ["%1 %2", ((_gridArray select 0) select [0,4]), ((_gridArray select 1) select [0,4])];
// WP Grid
_xGrid2 = floor (DAGR_WP_INFO / 10000);
@ -110,8 +64,8 @@ GVAR(outputPFH) = [{
_dagrGrid2 = _xCoord2 + " " + _yCoord2;
// Distance
_WPpos = [[_xCoord2, _yCoord2], true] call CBA_fnc_mapGridToPos;
_MYpos = [[_xCoord, _yCoord], true] call CBA_fnc_mapGridToPos;
_WPpos = [_dagrGrid2, true] call EFUNC(common,getMapPosFromGrid);
_MYpos = [_dagrGrid, true] call EFUNC(common,getMapPosFromGrid);
_distance = _MYpos distance _WPpos;
_distance = floor (_distance * 10) / 10;
_dagrDistance = str _distance + "m";

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ class ACE_ModuleExplosive: ACE_Module {
defaultValue = 1;
class ExplodeOnDefuse {
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Explosive_ExplodeOnDefuse_DisplayName";
description = "$STR_ACE_Explosive_ExplodeOnDefuse_Description";
displayName = CSTRING(ExplodeOnDefuse_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(ExplodeOnDefuse_Description);
typeName = "BOOL";
defaultValue = 1;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class CfgWeapons {
displayName = CSTRING(clacker_displayName);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(clacker_description);
picture = PATHTOF(Data\UI\Clacker.paa);
model = "\A3\weapons_F\ammo\mag_univ.p3d";
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\ace_m57.p3d));
ACE_Range = 250;
ACE_Detonator = 1;

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
class StageTI {
texture = "a3\data_f\default_glass_ti_ca.paa";
ambient[] = {1,1,1,1};
diffuse[] = {1,1,1,1};
forcedDiffuse[] = {0,0,0,0};
emmisive[] = {0,0,0,1};
specular[] = {0.3,0.3,0.3,1};
specularPower = 3b0;
PixelShaderID = "Super";
VertexShaderID = "Super";
class Stage1 {
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform {
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage2 {
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,DT)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform {
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage3 {
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,MC)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform {
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage4 {
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1,AS)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform {
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage5 {
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0.6,1,1,SMDI)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform {
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage6 {
texture = "#(ai,32,128,1)fresnel(0.85,0.36)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform {
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage7 {
useWorldEnvMap = "true";
texture = "a3\data_f\env_interier_car_ca.paa";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform {
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
class ACE_Settings {
class GVAR(enabled) {
value = 0;
typeName = "BOOL";
displayName = CSTRING(enabled_displayName);
class GVAR(maxRange) {
value = 4;
typeName = "SCALAR";
displayName = CSTRING(maxRange_displayName);
description = CSTRING(maxRange_description);
class GVAR(indicatorForSelf) {
value = 1;
typeName = "BOOL";
isClientSettable = 1;
displayName = CSTRING(indicatorForSelf_name);
description = CSTRING(indicatorForSelf_description);
class GVAR(indicatorColor) {
value[] = {0.83, 0.68, 0.21, 0.75};
typeName = "COLOR";
isClientSettable = 1;
displayName = CSTRING(indicatorColor_name);
description = CSTRING(indicatorColor_description);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_preInit));
class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_postInit));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_Module;
class GVAR(moduleSettings): ACE_Module {
scope = 2;
category = "ACE";
displayName = CSTRING(moduleSettings_displayName);
icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_finger_ca.paa));
function = QFUNC(moduleSettings);
isGlobal = 0;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
class Arguments {
class enabled {
displayName = CSTRING(enabled_DisplayName);
typeName = "BOOL";
defaultValue = 1;
class maxRange {
displayName = CSTRING(maxRange_displayName);
description = CSTRING(maxRange_description);
typeName = "NUMBER";
defaultValue = 4;

addons/finger/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Allows players to point and show a virtual spot in the distance to nearby players.
## Maintainers
The people responsible for merging changes to this component or answering potential questions.
- [Drill](
- [PabstMirror](

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
GVAR(lastFPTime) = -1;
GVAR(fingersHash) = HASH_CREATE;
GVAR(pfeh_id) = -1;
["SettingsInitialized", {
//If not enabled, dont't bother adding keybind or eventhandler
if (!GVAR(enabled)) exitWith {};
[QGVAR(fingered), {_this call FUNC(incomingFinger)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
["ACE3 Common",
[(localize LSTRING(keyComb)), (localize LSTRING(keyComb_description))],
_this call FUNC(keyPress);
[41, [true, false, false]], true] call cba_fnc_addKeybind; // Shift + Tilda (hold)
}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
ADDON = false;
ADDON = true;

addons/finger/config.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
class CfgPatches {
class ADDON {
units[] = {QGVAR(moduleSettings)};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_common"};
author[] = {"Drill"};
authorUrl = "";
#include "ACE_Settings.hpp"
#include "CfgEventHandlers.hpp"
#include "CfgVehicles.hpp"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* Author: TheDrill, PabstMirror
* Recieve an finger event, adds to the array (or updates if already present) and starts PFEH if not already running
* Arguments:
* 0: Source Unit (can be self) <OBJECT>
* 1: Position being pointed at (from positionCameraToWorld) <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [bob, [1,2,3]] call ace_finger_fnc_incomingFinger;
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_data", "_fingerPos"];
//add some random float to location if it's not our own finger:
_fingerPos = if (_sourceUnit == ACE_player) then {
} else {
_data = [ACE_diagTime, _fingerPos, ([_sourceUnit] call EFUNC(common,getName))];
HASH_SET(GVAR(fingersHash), _sourceUnit, _data);
if (GVAR(pfeh_id) == -1) then {
GVAR(pfeh_id) = [DFUNC(perFrameEH), 0, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
* Author: TheDrill, PabstMirror
* On keypress, point and send position to nearby players
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* Key Handeled <BOOL>
* Example:
* [] call ace_finger_fnc_keyPress;
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private["_fingerPosPrecise", "_playerEyePos", "_sendFingerToPlayers", "_nearbyMen"];
if (!alive ACE_player) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: canInteract
if !([ACE_player, ACE_player, ["isNotInside"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false};
//make sure player is dismounted or in a static weapon:
if ((ACE_player != vehicle ACE_player) && {!((vehicle ACE_player) isKindOf "StaticWeapon")}) exitWith {false};
//Check camera view (not in GUNNER)
if !(cameraView in ["INTERNAL", "EXTERNAL"]) exitWith {false};
//Exit if run recently (run every 1 seconds)
if (ACE_diagTime < (GVAR(lastFPTime) + FP_ACTION_TIMEOUT)) exitWith {true};
GVAR(lastFPTime) = ACE_diagTime;
_fingerPosPrecise = positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, FP_DISTANCE];
_playerEyePos = eyePos ACE_player;
_sendFingerToPlayers = [];
_nearbyMen = (ACE_player nearObjects ["CAManBase", (GVAR(maxRange) + 2)]);
_nearbyMen append (crew _x);
} forEach (ACE_player nearObjects ["StaticWeapon", (GVAR(maxRange) + 2)]);
if ((((eyePos _x) vectorDistance _playerEyePos) < GVAR(maxRange)) &&
{alive _x} &&
{(_x == (vehicle _x)) || {(vehicle _x) isKindOf "StaticWeapon"}} &&
{GVAR(indicatorForSelf) || {_x != ACE_player}} &&
{!(lineIntersects [(eyePos _x), _playerEyePos, ACE_player, _x])} &&
{[_x] call EFUNC(common,isPlayer)}) then {
_sendFingerToPlayers pushBack _x;
} forEach _nearbyMen;
TRACE_1("sending finger to",_sendFingerToPlayers);
[QGVAR(fingered), _sendFingerToPlayers, [ACE_player, _fingerPosPrecise]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
ACE_player playActionNow "GestureGo";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* Author: PabstMirror
* Module for fingering settings
* Arguments:
* 0: The module logic <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
if !(isServer) exitWith {};
[_logic, QGVAR(enabled), "enabled"] call EFUNC(common,readSettingFromModule);
[_logic, QGVAR(maxRange), "maxRange"] call EFUNC(common,readSettingFromModule);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
* Author: TheDrill, PabstMirror
* The perFrameEventHandler to draw the icons
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [fromCBA] call ace_finger_fnc_perFrameEH;
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private["_drawColor", "_fovCorrection", "_iconSize", "_timeLeftToShow", "_cameraOffset"];
if (!alive ACE_player) then {GVAR(fingersHash) = HASH_CREATE;};
// Conditions: canInteract
if !([ACE_player, ACE_player, ["isNotInside"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) then {GVAR(fingersHash) = HASH_CREATE;};
//make sure player is dismounted or in a static weapon:
if ((ACE_player != vehicle ACE_player) && {!((vehicle ACE_player) isKindOf "StaticWeapon")}) then {GVAR(fingersHash) = HASH_CREATE;};
_cameraOffset = worldToScreen (positionCameraToWorld [1000, 0, 10000]);
_fovCorrection = 0;
if (count _cameraOffset > 0) then {_fovCorrection = (_cameraOffset select 0) - 0.5;};
_iconSize = BASE_SIZE * _fovCorrection;
_data = HASH_GET(GVAR(fingersHash), _x);
_timeLeftToShow = _lastTime + FP_TIMEOUT - ACE_diagTime;
if (_timeLeftToShow <= 0) then {
HASH_REM(GVAR(fingersHash), _x);
} else {
_drawColor = + GVAR(indicatorColor);
//Fade out:
if (_timeLeftToShow < 0.5) then {
_drawColor set [3, ((_drawColor select 3) * (_timeLeftToShow / 0.5))];
drawIcon3D [QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\fp_icon.paa)), _drawColor, _pos, _iconSize, _iconSize, 0, _name, 1, 0.03, "PuristaMedium"];
} forEach (GVAR(fingersHash) select 0);
if ((count (GVAR(fingersHash) select 0)) == 0) then {
[GVAR(pfeh_id)] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
GVAR(pfeh_id) = -1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
#include "\z\ace\addons\finger\script_component.hpp"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#define COMPONENT finger
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_mod.hpp"
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_macros.hpp"
#define BASE_SIZE 44
#define FP_TIMEOUT 2
#define FP_DISTANCE 10000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="finger">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_finger_indicatorForSelf_name">
<English>Show finger indicator to self</English>
<Russian>Отображать пальце-индикатор для показывающего игрока</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_finger_indicatorForSelf_description">
<English>Render the indicator for the pointing player. This option doesn't affect whether the other players would see the indicator</English>
<Russian>Отображать индикатор для показывающего игрока. Эта настройка не влияет на то, будутт ли другие игроки видеть индикатор</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_finger_indicatorColor_name">
<English>Finger indicator</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_finger_indicatorColor_description">
<English>Color of the finger-pointing indicator circle</English>
<Russian>Цвет индикатора пальце-указания</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_finger_keyComb">
<English>Action "point a finger at"</English>
<Russian>Действие "показать пальцем на"</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_finger_keyComb_description">
<English>Points, and shows a virtual marker of where you are looking to nearby units. Can be held down.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_finger_moduleSettings_displayName">
<English>Finger Settings</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_finger_enabled_displayName">
<English>Finger Pointing Enabled</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_finger_maxRange_displayName">
<English>Finger Max Range</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_finger_maxRange_description">
<English>How far away players can finger each other. [default: 4]</English>

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ if(GVAR(EnableDebugTrace) && !isMultiplayer) then {
if(isServer) then {
[QGVAR(frag_eh), { _this call FUNC(frago); }] call ace_common_fnc_addEventHandler;
[QGVAR(frag_eh), { _this call FUNC(frago); }] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
[FUNC(masterPFH), 0, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_round"];
_round = _this select 0;
GVAR(blackList) set[(count GVAR(blackList)), _round];
GVAR(blackList) set [(count GVAR(blackList)), _round];

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_enabled","_doFragTrack", "_doSpall", "_spallTrack", "_spallTrackID"];
private ["_enabled", "_doSpall", "_spallTrack", "_spallTrackID"];
if (!GVAR(enabled)) exitWith {};
@ -16,7 +17,6 @@ if(_round in GVAR(blackList)) exitWith {
// Exit on max track
if( (count GVAR(objects)) > GVAR(MaxTrack)) exitWith { };
_doFragTrack = false;
if(_gun == ACE_player) then {
_doFragTrack = true;
} else {
@ -28,14 +28,16 @@ if(_gun == ACE_player) then {
_doSpall = false;
if(GVAR(SpallEnabled)) then {
if(GVAR(spallIsTrackingCount) <= 0) then {
GVAR(spallHPData) = [];
if(GVAR(spallIsTrackingCount) > 5) then {
// ACE_player sideChat "LIMT!";
_doSpall = false;
} else {
_doSpall = true;
GVAR(spallIsTrackingCount) = GVAR(spallIsTrackingCount) + 1;
@ -46,30 +48,27 @@ if(GVAR(autoTrace)) then {
// We only do the single track object check here.
// We should do an {!(_round in GVAR(objects))}
// We should do an {!(_round in GVAR(objects))}
// But we leave that out here for optimization. So this cannot be a framework function
// Otherwise, it should only be added once and from the FiredEH
if(_doFragTrack && alive _round) then {
_spallTrack = [];
_spallTrackID = [];
_args = [_round, (getPosASL _round), (velocity _round), _type, diag_frameno, _gun, _doSpall, _spallTrack, _spallTrackID,
(getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> QGVAR(skip))),
(getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> "explosive")),
(getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> "indirectHitRange")),
(getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> QGVAR(force))),
(getNumber(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> "indirecthit")*(sqrt((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> "indirectHitRange")))))
(getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> QGVAR(skip))),
(getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> "explosive")),
(getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> "indirectHitRange")),
(getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> QGVAR(force))),
(getNumber(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> "indirecthit")*(sqrt((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> "indirectHitRange")))))
TRACE_1("Initializing track", _round);
GVAR(objects) pushBack _round;
GVAR(arguments) pushBack _args;
if(_doSpall) then {
[_round, 1, _spallTrack, _spallTrackID] call FUNC(spallTrack);
// ACE_player sideChat "WTF2";

View File

@ -2,12 +2,11 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_params", "_hitData", "_initialData", "_hpData", "_object", "_foundObjects", "_index", "_foundObjecsts", "_roundType", "_round", "_caliber", "_explosive", "_idh", "_alive", "_exit", "_vm", "_velocity", "_oldVelocity", "_curVelocity", "_diff", "_polar", "_unitDir", "_spallPos", "_pos1", "_i", "_pos2", "_blah", "_data", "_spallPolar", "_warn", "_c", "_m", "_k", "_gC", "_fragPower", "_fragTypes", "_spread", "_spallCount", "_elev", "_dir", "_vel", "_spallFragVect", "_fragType", "_fragment", "_pos"];
private ["_hitData", "_initialData", "_hpData", "_object", "_foundObjects", "_index", "_foundObjecsts", "_roundType", "_round", "_caliber", "_explosive", "_idh", "_alive", "_exit", "_vm", "_velocity", "_oldVelocity", "_curVelocity", "_diff", "_polar", "_unitDir", "_spallPos", "_pos1", "_i", "_pos2", "_blah", "_data", "_spallPolar", "_warn", "_c", "_m", "_k", "_gC", "_fragPower", "_fragTypes", "_spread", "_spallCount", "_elev", "_dir", "_vel", "_spallFragVect", "_fragType", "_fragment", "_pos"];
_params = _this select 0;
_hitData = _params select 0;
_hitData = _this select 0;
_initialData = GVAR(spallHPData) select (_hitData select 0);
_hpData = (_hitData select 1) select (_params select 1);
_hpData = (_hitData select 1) select (_this select 1);
_object = _hpData select 0;
@ -149,4 +148,4 @@ if(_alive || {_caliber >= 2.5} || {(_explosive > 0 && {_idh >= 1})}) then {

View File

@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_split", "_radi", "_params", "_pos", "_explosiveInfo", "_los", "_nlos", "_zIndex", "_depth", "_indirectHitRange",
"_indirectHit", "_distanceCount", "_lastPos", "_test", "_vec", "_testPos", "_buckets", "_excludes", "_bucketIndex", "_bucketPos",
"_bucketList", "_c", "_index", "_blist", "_avgX", "_avgY", "_avgZ", "_bpos", "_distance", "_hitFactor", "_hit", "_range", "_refExp",
"_rand", "_i", "_x", "_res", "_forEachIndex", "_explosions", "_can", "_dirvec"];
private ["_split", "_radi", "_params", "_pos", "_explosiveInfo", "_los", "_nlos", "_zIndex", "_depth", "_indirectHitRange", "_indirectHit", "_distanceCount", "_lastPos", "_test", "_vec", "_testPos", "_buckets", "_excludes", "_bucketIndex", "_bucketPos", "_bucketList", "_c", "_index", "_blist", "_avgX", "_avgY", "_avgZ", "_bpos", "_distance", "_hitFactor", "_hit", "_range", "_refExp", "_rand", "_i", "_x", "_res", "_forEachIndex", "_explosions", "_can", "_dirvec", "_zAng"];
_params = _this select 0;
_pos = _params select 0;
@ -46,7 +42,7 @@ if(_zIndex < 5) then {
// } forEach _res;
// drop ["\a3\data_f\Cl_basic","","Billboard",1,15,ASLtoATL _testPos,[0,0,0],1,1.275,1.0,0.0,[1],[[1,0,0,1]],[0],0.0,2.0,"","",""];
// TEST_PAIRS pushBack [_pos, _lastPos, [1,0,0,1]];
// if(terrainIntersectASL [_pos, _testPos]) exitWith {};
_lastPos = _testPos;
@ -91,7 +87,7 @@ if(_zIndex < 5) then {
_avgX = 0;
_avgY = 0;
_avgZ = 0;
_avgX = _avgX + (_x select 0);
_avgY = _avgY + (_x select 1);
@ -99,7 +95,7 @@ if(_zIndex < 5) then {
} forEach _blist;
_c = count _blist;
_bpos = [_avgX/_c, _avgY/_c, _avgZ/_c];
_distance = _pos vectorDistance _bpos;
_hitFactor = 1-(((_distance/(_indirectHitRange*4)) min 1) max 0);
// _hitFactor = 1/(_distance^2);
@ -108,16 +104,16 @@ if(_zIndex < 5) then {
_hit = _hit - (_hit%10);
_range = (floor (_indirectHitRange-(_distance/4))) min 100;
_range = _range - (_range%2);
if(_hit >= 10 && _range > 0) then {
// TEST_ICONS pushBack [_bpos, format["h: %1, r: %2, hf: %3 d: %4 ihr: %5", _hit, _range, _hitFactor, _distance, _indirectHitRange*4]];
// TEST_PAIRS pushBack [_pos, _bpos, [1,0,0,1]];
_refExp = format["ace_explosion_reflection_%1_%2", _range, _hit];
// _refExp createVehicle (ASLtoATL _bpos);
// drop ["\a3\data_f\Cl_basic","","Billboard",1,15,ASLtoATL _bpos,[0,0,0],1,1.275,1.0,0.0,[1],[[1,0,0,1]],[0],0.0,2.0,"","",""];
_explosions pushBack [_refExp, _bpos, _hit, _distance, _indirectHitRange/4, _depth];
if(count _explosions > (_radi*2)/_depth) exitWith {};
} forEach _buckets;

View File

@ -1,58 +1,8 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_enabled", "_gun", "_type", "_round", "_doFragTrack", "_doSpall", "_spallTrack", "_spallTrackID"];
if (!GVAR(enabled)) exitWith {};
private["_gun", "_type", "_round"];
_gun = _this select 0;
_type = _this select 4;
_round = _this select 6;
_enabled = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> QGVAR(enabled));
if(_enabled < 1) exitWith {};
if(_round in GVAR(blackList)) exitWith {
GVAR(blackList) = GVAR(blackList) - [_round];
_doFragTrack = false;
if(_gun == ACE_player) then {
_doFragTrack = true;
} else {
if((gunner _gun) == ACE_player) then {
_doFragTrack = true;
} else {
if(local _gun && {!(isPlayer (gunner _gun))} && {!(isPlayer _gun)}) then {
_doFragTrack = true;
_doSpall = false;
if(_doSpall) then {
if(GVAR(spallIsTrackingCount) <= 0) then {
GVAR(spallHPData) = [];
if(GVAR(spallIsTrackingCount) > 5) then {
// ACE_player sideChat "LIMT!";
_doSpall = false;
} else {
GVAR(spallIsTrackingCount) = GVAR(spallIsTrackingCount) + 1;
// ACE_player sideChat format["c: %1", GVAR(spallIsTrackingCount)];
[ACE_player, _round, [1,0,0,1]] call FUNC(addTrack);
if(_doFragTrack && alive _round) then {
GVAR(trackedObjects) pushBack _round;
_spallTrack = [];
_spallTrackID = [];
[DFUNC(trackFragRound), 0, [_round, (getPosASL _round), (velocity _round), _type, ACE_time, _gun, _doSpall, _spallTrack, _spallTrackID]] call cba_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
if(_doSpall) then {
[_round, 2, _spallTrack, _spallTrackID] call FUNC(spallTrack);
// ACE_player sideChat "WTF2";
[_gun, _type, _round] call FUNC(addPfhRound);

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* Master single PFH abstraction for all rounds being tracked by frag/spall
* Arguments:
* Return Value:
* None
@ -15,30 +15,22 @@
if (!GVAR(enabled)) exitWith {};
private["_gcIndex", "_iter"];
_gcIndex = [];
_iter = 0;
while { (count GVAR(objects)) > 0 && { _iter < GVAR(MaxTrackPerFrame) } } do {
while { (count GVAR(objects)) > 0 && { _iter < (GVAR(MaxTrackPerFrame) min (count GVAR(objects))) } } do {
private["_object", "_args"];
if(GVAR(lastIterationIndex) >= (count GVAR(objects))) then {
GVAR(lastIterationIndex) = 0;
_object = GVAR(objects) select GVAR(lastIterationIndex);
if(!isNil "_object") then {
if(isNull _object) then {
_gcIndex pushBack GVAR(lastIterationIndex);
} else {
_args = GVAR(arguments) select GVAR(lastIterationIndex);
if(!(_args call FUNC(pfhRound))) then {
_gcIndex pushBack GVAR(lastIterationIndex); // Add it to the GC if it returns false
// If its not alive anymore, remove it from the queue, it already ran once on dead
if(!alive _object) then {
_gcIndex pushBack GVAR(lastIterationIndex);
_args = GVAR(arguments) select GVAR(lastIterationIndex);
if(!(_args call FUNC(pfhRound))) then {
_gcIndex pushBack GVAR(lastIterationIndex); // Add it to the GC if it returns false
_iter = _iter + 1;
@ -53,6 +45,6 @@ _deletionCount = 0;
_deleteIndex = _x - _deletionCount;
GVAR(objects) deleteAt _deleteIndex;
GVAR(arguments) deleteAt _deleteIndex;
_deletionCount = _deletionCount + 1;
} forEach _gcIndex;
} forEach _gcIndex;

View File

@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ _indirectRange = _this select 11;
_force = _this select 12;
_fragPower = _this select 13;
if(_round in GVAR(blackList)) exitWith {
if(_round in GVAR(blackList)) exitWith {
if (!alive _round) then {
if((diag_frameno - _firedFrame) > 1) then {
if (!alive _round) exitWith {
if((diag_frameno - _firedFrame) > 1) then { //skip if deleted within a single frame
if(_skip == 0) then {
if((_explosive > 0.5 && {_indirectRange >= 4.5} && {_fragPower >= 35}) || {_force == 1} ) then {
[QGVAR(frag_eh), _this] call ace_common_fnc_serverEvent;
[QGVAR(frag_eh), _this] call EFUNC(common,serverEvent);
@ -35,15 +35,16 @@ if (!alive _round) then {
} forEach _spallTrack;
} else {
_params set[1, (getPosASL _round)];
_params set[2, (velocity _round)];
if(_doSpall) then {
_scale = ( (count GVAR(objects)) / GVAR(MaxTrackPerFrame) ) max 0.1;
[_round, _scale, _spallTrack, _foundObjectHPIds] call FUNC(spallTrack);
_this set[1, (getPosASL _round)];
_this set[2, (velocity _round)];
if(_doSpall) then {
_scale = ( (count GVAR(objects)) / GVAR(MaxTrackPerFrame) ) max 0.1;
[_round, _scale, _spallTrack, _foundObjectHPIds] call FUNC(spallTrack);

View File

@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
if(_round in GVAR(blackList)) then {
GVAR(blackList) = GVAR(blackList) - [_round];
GVAR(objects) = GVAR(objects) - [_round];
GVAR(objects) = GVAR(objects) - [_round];

View File

@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ if(IS_ARRAY((_this select 0))) then {
_ret = false;

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ if ((_this select 0) <= (count GVAR(spallHPData))) then {
// diag_log text format["%1: %2", _forEachIndex, _x];
// } forEach _hp;
// } forEach (_this select 1);
[DFUNC(doSpall), 0, [_this, _forEachIndex]] call cba_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
[DFUNC(doSpall), [_this, _forEachIndex]] call EFUNC(common,execNextFrame);
// player sideChat "WEEE";
} forEach (_this select 1);

View File

@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
if(!GVAR(tracesStarted)) then {
GVAR(tracesStarted) = true;
GVAR(traceID) = [FUNC(drawTraces), 0, []] call cba_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

View File

@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
if(GVAR(tracesStarted)) then {
GVAR(tracesStarted) = false;
[GVAR(traceID)] call cba_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_params", "_round", "_lastPos", "_lastVel", "_type", "_time", "_doSpall", "_spallTrack", "_foundObjectHPIds", "_skip", "_explosive", "_indirectRange", "_force", "_fragPower"];
_params = _this select 0;
_round = _params select 0;
_lastPos = _params select 1;
_lastVel = _params select 2;
_type = _params select 3;
_time = _params select 4;
_doSpall = _params select 6;
_spallTrack = _params select 7;
_foundObjectHPIds = _params select 8;
if (!alive _round) then {
[_this select 1] call cba_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
if(_time != ACE_time && {_round in GVAR(trackedObjects)} && {!(_round in GVAR(blackList))}) then {
GVAR(trackedObjects) = GVAR(trackedObjects) - [_round];
_skip = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> QGVAR(skip));
if(_skip == 0) then {
_explosive = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> "explosive");
_indirectRange = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> "indirectHitRange");
_force = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> QGVAR(force));
_fragPower = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> "indirecthit")*(sqrt(_indirectRange));
if((_explosive > 0.5 && {_indirectRange >= 4.5} && {_fragPower >= 35}) || {_force == 1} ) then {
[QGVAR(frag_eh), _params] call ace_common_fnc_serverEvent;
GVAR(trackedObjects) = GVAR(trackedObjects) - [_round];
if(_doSpall) then {
GVAR(spallIsTrackingCount) = GVAR(spallIsTrackingCount) - 1;
// diag_log text format["F: %1", _foundObjectHPIds];
if(!isNil "_x") then {
_x removeEventHandler ["hitPart", _foundObjectHPIds select _forEachIndex];
} forEach _spallTrack;
} else {
if(!(_round in GVAR(trackedObjects)) || {_round in GVAR(blackList)}) then {
[_this select 1] call cba_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
if(_round in GVAR(blackList)) then {
GVAR(blackList) = GVAR(blackList) - [_round];
_params set[1, (getPosASL _round)];
_params set[2, (velocity _round)];
if(_doSpall) then {
[_round, 1, _spallTrack, _foundObjectHPIds] call FUNC(spallTrack);

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ _index = _params select 1;
if (alive _tracerObj && (count GVAR(traces)) > 0) then {
_data = GVAR(traces) select _index;
_positions = _data select 4;
_positions set[(count _positions), [(getPos _tracerObj), vectorMagnitude (velocity _tracerObj)]];
_positions set [(count _positions), [(getPos _tracerObj), vectorMagnitude (velocity _tracerObj)]];
} else {
[(_this select 1)] call cba_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;

View File

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
<Spanish>(Solo SP) Seguimiento de depuración de Fragmentación/Astillamiento </Spanish>
<Polish>(Tylko SP) Wizualny debug odł./odpr.</Polish>
<Czech>(Pouze SP) Debug sledování Frag/Úlomků</Czech>
<German>(nur SP) Splitter-/Explosions-Debug-Verfolgung</German>
<Portuguese>(Somente SP) Depuração de fragmentação e estilhaços traçantes</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Frag_EnableDebugTrace_Desc">
@ -81,4 +82,4 @@
<Portuguese>(Somente SP) Requer um reinício de missão / editor. Habilita o rastreamento visual de projéteis de fragmentação e estilhaçamento apenas no modo de jogo SP.</Portuguese>

View File

@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
#define COLOUR 8.0
class CfgPatches {
class ADDON {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_common"};
author[] = {"Garth 'L-H' de Wet"};
authorUrl = "";
class ADDON {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_common"};
author[] = {"Garth 'L-H' de Wet"};
authorUrl = "";
#include "CfgEventHandlers.hpp"
@ -165,10 +165,6 @@ class CfgGlasses {
ACE_Resistance = 1;
class AV_ESS_blk:None{
class G_Balaclava_blk;
class G_Balaclava_combat:G_Balaclava_blk {

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ _affected = _grenade nearEntities ["CAManBase", 20];
[_unit, false] call EFUNC(common,disableAI);
_unit setSkill (skill _unit * 50);
}, [_x], (7 * _strength), 0.1] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute); //0.1 precision is fine for AI
}, [_x], (7 * _strength)] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
} else {
//Do effects for player
// is there line of sight to the grenade?
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ _affected = _grenade nearEntities ["CAManBase", 20];
//Add ace_hearing ear ringing sound effect
if ((isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ACE_Hearing")) && {_strength > 0}) then {
[_x, 0.5 + (_strength / 2)] call EFUNC(hearing,earRinging);
[_x, (20 * _strength)] call EFUNC(hearing,earRinging);
// account for people looking away by slightly
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ _affected = _grenade nearEntities ["CAManBase", 20];
deleteVehicle _light;
}, [_light], 0.1, 0] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
}, [_light], 0.1] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
// blind player
if (_strength > 0.1) then {
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ _affected = _grenade nearEntities ["CAManBase", 20];
//FULLRECOVERY - end effect
GVAR(flashbangPPEffectCC) ppEffectEnable false;
}, [], (17 * _strength), 0] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
}, [], (17 * _strength)] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class ACE_EarPlugs: ACE_ItemCore {
displayName = CSTRING(EarPlugs_Name);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(EarPlugs_Description);
model = PATHTOF(ACE_earplugs.p3d);
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\ace_earplugs.p3d));
picture = PATHTOF(UI\ACE_earplugs_x_ca.paa);
scope = 2;
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class H_HelmetCrew_I: H_HelmetCrew_B {};
class H_CrewHelmetHeli_B: H_HelmetB {
GVAR(protection) = 0.75;
GVAR(lowerVolume) = 0.70;
GVAR(protection) = 0.85;
GVAR(lowerVolume) = 0.75;
class H_CrewHelmetHeli_O: H_CrewHelmetHeli_B {};
class H_CrewHelmetHeli_I: H_CrewHelmetHeli_B {};
class H_PilotHelmetHeli_B: H_HelmetB {
GVAR(protection) = 0.75;
GVAR(lowerVolume) = 0.70;
GVAR(protection) = 0.85;
GVAR(lowerVolume) = 0.75;
class H_PilotHelmetHeli_O: H_PilotHelmetHeli_B {};
class H_PilotHelmetHeli_I: H_PilotHelmetHeli_B {};
@ -48,3 +48,4 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class H_Cap_marshal: H_Cap_headphones {};

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
GVAR(currentDeafness) = 0;
GVAR(newStrength) = 0;
GVAR(deafnessDV) = 0;
GVAR(deafnessPrior) = 0;
GVAR(volume) = 1;
GVAR(playerVehAttenuation) = 1;
GVAR(beep) = false;
@ -11,10 +12,11 @@ GVAR(beep2) = false;
GVAR(time2) = 0;
GVAR(time3) = 0;
GVAR(time4) = 0;
GVAR(earRingingPFH) = -1;
// Spawn volume updating process
[FUNC(updateVolume), 0.1, [] ] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
["SettingsInitialized", {
// Spawn volume updating process
[FUNC(updateVolume), 1, [false] ] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
//Update veh attunation when player veh changes
["playerVehicleChanged", {_this call FUNC(updatePlayerVehAttenuation);}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
@ -22,14 +24,13 @@ GVAR(earRingingPFH) = -1;
//Reset deafness on respawn (or remote control player switch)
["playerChanged", {
ACE_player setVariable [QGVAR(dv), 0];
ACE_player setVariable [QGVAR(prior), 0];
GVAR(deafnessDV) = 0;
GVAR(deafnessPrior) = 0;
ACE_player setvariable [QGVAR(deaf), false];
GVAR(beep) = false;
GVAR(beep2) = false;
GVAR(time2) = 0;
GVAR(time3) = 0;
GVAR(time4) = 0;
GVAR(currentDeafness) = 0;
GVAR(newStrength) = 0;
}] call EFUNC(common,addEventhandler);

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -16,12 +16,11 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
if (GVAR(DisableEarRinging)) exitWith {};
if (isNull _unit) exitWith {};
if (_unit != ACE_player) exitWith {};
if (_strength < 0.05) exitWith {};
if (!isNull curatorCamera) exitWith {};
if (_unit getVariable ["ACE_hasEarPlugsin", false]) then {
_strength = _strength / 4;
@ -36,66 +35,4 @@ if(headgear _unit != "") then {
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(dv), (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(dv), 0]) + _strength];
if (GVAR(earRingingPFH) != -1) exitWith {};
GVAR(earRingingPFH) = [{
EXPLODE_1_PVT(_this select 0,_unit);
private ["_prior"];
_prior = (_unit getvariable [QGVAR(dv), 0]) min 20;
if (!alive _unit || _prior <= 0 || GVAR(DisableEarRinging)) exitWith {
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(dv), 0];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(prior), 0];
GVAR(beep) = false;
GVAR(beep2) = false;
GVAR(time2) = 0;
GVAR(time3) = 0;
GVAR(time4) = 0;
GVAR(earRingingPFH) = -1;
[_this select 1] call cba_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
if (((_unit getvariable [QGVAR(dv), 0]) - (_unit getvariable [QGVAR(prior), 0])) > 2) then {
if (ACE_time > GVAR(time3)) then {
GVAR(beep2) = false;
if (!GVAR(beep2)) then {
playSound "ACE_Combat_Deafness";
GVAR(beep2) = true;
GVAR(time3) = ACE_time + 5;
_unit setvariable [QGVAR(prior), _prior];
GVAR(volume) = (1 - (_prior / 20)) max 0;
if (_prior > 19.75) then {
_unit setvariable [QGVAR(deaf), true];
} else {
_unit setvariable [QGVAR(deaf), false];
if ((_unit getvariable [QGVAR(deaf), false]) && {ACE_time > GVAR(time4)}) then {
playSound "ACE_Combat_Deafness";
GVAR(beep2) = true;
GVAR(time3) = ACE_time + 10;
GVAR(time4) = ACE_time + 30;
// Hearing takes longer to return to normal after it hits rock bottom
_unit setvariable [QGVAR(dv), _prior - (0.5 * (GVAR(volume) max 0.1))];
if (_prior > 10) then {
//check if the ringing is already being played
if (ACE_time > GVAR(time2)) then {
GVAR(beep) = false;
if (!GVAR(beep)) then {
playSound "ACE_Ring_Backblast";
GVAR(time2) = ACE_time + 22;
GVAR(beep) = true;
}, 1, [_unit]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
GVAR(deafnessDV) = GVAR(deafnessDV) + _strength;

View File

@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
//Only run if deafness or ear ringing is enabled:
if ((!GVAR(enableCombatDeafness)) && GVAR(DisableEarRinging)) exitWith {};
private ["_strength"];

View File

@ -21,17 +21,18 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_silencer", "_audibleFireCoef", "_loudness", "_strength", "_vehAttenuation", "_magazine", "_muzzles", "_weaponMagazines", "_muzzleMagazines", "_ammoType", "_initSpeed", "_ammoConfig", "_caliber", "_parentClasses"];
//Only run if deafness or ear ringing is enabled:
if ((!GVAR(enableCombatDeafness)) && GVAR(DisableEarRinging)) exitWith {};
//Only run if combatDeafness enabled:
if (!GVAR(enableCombatDeafness)) exitWith {};
//Only run if firedNear object is player or player's vehicle:
if ((ACE_player != _object) && {(vehicle ACE_player) != _object}) exitWith {};
if (_weapon in ["Throw", "Put"]) exitWith {};
if (_distance > 50) exitWith {};
private ["_silencer", "_audibleFireCoef", "_loudness", "_strength", "_vehAttenuation", "_magazine", "_muzzles", "_weaponMagazines", "_muzzleMagazines", "_ammoType", "_initSpeed", "_ammoConfig", "_caliber", "_parentClasses"];
_vehAttenuation = if ((ACE_player == (vehicle ACE_player)) || {isTurnedOut ACE_player}) then {1} else {GVAR(playerVehAttenuation)};
_distance = 1 max _distance;
@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ if (count _weaponMagazines == 0) then {
_magazine = "";
if (_ammoType == _ammo) exitWith {
_magazine = _magazineType;

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Author: esteldunedain
* Initializes the Map module.
* Initializes the Hearing module.
* Arguments:
* Whatever the module provides. (I dunno.)
@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ if !(_activated) exitWith {};
[_logic, QGVAR(enableCombatDeafness), "EnableCombatDeafness"] call EFUNC(common,readSettingFromModule);
diag_log text "[ACE]: Interaction Module Initialized.";
diag_log text "[ACE]: Hearing Module Initialized.";

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@ -24,5 +24,8 @@ _player setVariable ["ACE_hasEarPlugsIn", true, true];
[localize LSTRING(EarPlugs_Are_On)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
//Force an immediate fast volume update:
[[true]] call FUNC(updateVolume);
/*// No Earplugs in inventory, telling user
[localize LSTRING(NoPlugs)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);*/

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@ -27,3 +27,6 @@ _player addItem "ACE_EarPlugs";
_player setVariable ["ACE_hasEarPlugsIn", false, true];
[localize LSTRING(EarPlugs_Are_Off)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
//Force an immediate fast volume update:
[[true]] call FUNC(updateVolume);

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