diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
index 0deca3d2ab..af1c2ff314 100644
--- a/.editorconfig
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
root = true
-end_of_line = crlf
+end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
charset = utf-8
indent_style = space
@@ -10,4 +10,3 @@ trim_trailing_whitespace = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c59efe684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+* text=auto
+*.png binary
+*.jpg binary
+*.paa binary
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index f312ddb55e..5aebbbd408 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/addons/advanced_ballistics/CfgVehicles.hpp b/addons/advanced_ballistics/CfgVehicles.hpp
index 27ccb2377b..804a6e9236 100644
--- a/addons/advanced_ballistics/CfgVehicles.hpp
+++ b/addons/advanced_ballistics/CfgVehicles.hpp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class GVAR(ModuleSettings): ACE_Module {
scope = 2;
displayName = CSTRING(DisplayName);
- icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_Wind_ca.paa));
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_Wind_ca.paa);
category = "ACE";
function = QUOTE(DFUNC(initModuleSettings));
functionPriority = 1;
diff --git a/addons/advanced_ballistics/XEH_postInit.sqf b/addons/advanced_ballistics/XEH_postInit.sqf
index 2a9f6c3eb6..96aef4a93d 100644
--- a/addons/advanced_ballistics/XEH_postInit.sqf
+++ b/addons/advanced_ballistics/XEH_postInit.sqf
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
GVAR(currentbulletID) = -1;
GVAR(Protractor) = false;
-GVAR(ProtractorStart) = ACE_time;
+GVAR(ProtractorStart) = CBA_missionTime;
GVAR(allBullets) = [];
GVAR(currentGrid) = 0;
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ if (!GVAR(extensionAvailable)) exitWith {
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
-["SettingsInitialized", {
+["ace_settingsInitialized", {
//If not enabled, dont't add PFEH
if (!GVAR(enabled)) exitWith {};
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
[] call FUNC(initializeTerrainExtension);
// Register fire event handler
- ["firedPlayer", DFUNC(handleFired)] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
- ["firedPlayerNonLocal", DFUNC(handleFired)] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
+ ["ace_firedPlayer", DFUNC(handleFired)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
+ ["ace_firedPlayerNonLocal", DFUNC(handleFired)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
//Add warnings for missing compat PBOs (only if AB is on)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
-}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
+}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
call FUNC(diagnoseWeapons);
diff --git a/addons/advanced_ballistics/config.cpp b/addons/advanced_ballistics/config.cpp
index 3f974b18df..692a9391a0 100644
--- a/addons/advanced_ballistics/config.cpp
+++ b/addons/advanced_ballistics/config.cpp
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ class CfgPatches {
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_ballistics", "ace_weather"};
- author[] = {"Ruthberg"};
- authorUrl = "https://github.com/ulteq";
+ author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
+ authors[] = {"Ruthberg"};
+ url = ECSTRING(main,URL);
diff --git a/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_displayProtractor.sqf b/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_displayProtractor.sqf
index 8ff21e60cc..62663c843b 100644
--- a/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_displayProtractor.sqf
+++ b/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_displayProtractor.sqf
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ GVAR(Protractor) = true;
__ctrl1 ctrlSetScale 1;
__ctrl1 ctrlCommit 0;
- __ctrl1 ctrlSetText QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\protractor.paa));
+ __ctrl1 ctrlSetText QPATHTOF(UI\protractor.paa);
__ctrl1 ctrlSetTextColor [1, 1, 1, 1];
__ctrl2 ctrlSetScale 1;
__ctrl2 ctrlSetPosition [SafeZoneX + 0.001, SafeZoneY - 0.001 - 0.1074 * (-0.86 max ((ACE_player weaponDirection currentWeapon ACE_player) select 2) min 0.86), 0.2, 0.2 * 4/3];
__ctrl2 ctrlCommit 0;
- __ctrl2 ctrlSetText QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\protractor_marker.paa));
+ __ctrl2 ctrlSetText QPATHTOF(UI\protractor_marker.paa);
__ctrl2 ctrlSetTextColor [1, 1, 1, 1];
}, 0.1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
diff --git a/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_handleFirePFH.sqf b/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_handleFirePFH.sqf
index fc8dc1b8a2..6bc6e234ae 100644
--- a/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_handleFirePFH.sqf
+++ b/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_handleFirePFH.sqf
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
-private _aceTimeSecond = floor ACE_time;
+private _aceTimeSecond = floor CBA_missionTime;
private ["_bulletVelocity", "_bulletPosition", "_bulletSpeed"];
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ private _aceTimeSecond = floor ACE_time;
drop ["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Refract","","Billboard",1,0.1,getPos _bullet,[0,0,0],0,1.275,1,0,[0.02*_caliber,0.01*_caliber],[[0,0,0,0.65],[0,0,0,0.2]],[1,0],0,0,"","",""];
- call compile ("ace_advanced_ballistics" callExtension format["simulate:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7", _index, _bulletVelocity, _bulletPosition, ACE_wind, ASLToATL(_bulletPosition) select 2, _aceTimeSecond, ACE_time - _aceTimeSecond]);
+ call compile ("ace_advanced_ballistics" callExtension format["simulate:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7", _index, _bulletVelocity, _bulletPosition, ACE_wind, ASLToATL(_bulletPosition) select 2, _aceTimeSecond, CBA_missionTime - _aceTimeSecond]);
} count +GVAR(allBullets);
diff --git a/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_handleFired.sqf b/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_handleFired.sqf
index 7844e8a53a..7085224771 100644
--- a/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_handleFired.sqf
+++ b/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_handleFired.sqf
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ if (_caliber > 0 && _bulletLength > 0 && _bulletMass > 0 && _barrelTwist > 0) th
GVAR(currentbulletID) = (GVAR(currentbulletID) + 1) % 10000;
-_aceTimeSecond = floor ACE_time;
-"ace_advanced_ballistics" callExtension format["new:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:%10:%11:%12:%13:%14:%15:%16:%17:%18", GVAR(currentbulletID), _airFriction, _ballisticCoefficients, _velocityBoundaries, _atmosphereModel, _dragModel, _stabilityFactor, _twistDirection, _muzzleVelocity, _transonicStabilityCoef, getPosASL _projectile, EGVAR(common,mapLatitude), EGVAR(weather,currentTemperature), EGVAR(common,mapAltitude), EGVAR(weather,currentHumidity), overcast, _aceTimeSecond, ACE_time - _aceTimeSecond];
+_aceTimeSecond = floor CBA_missionTime;
+"ace_advanced_ballistics" callExtension format["new:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:%10:%11:%12:%13:%14:%15:%16:%17:%18", GVAR(currentbulletID), _airFriction, _ballisticCoefficients, _velocityBoundaries, _atmosphereModel, _dragModel, _stabilityFactor, _twistDirection, _muzzleVelocity, _transonicStabilityCoef, getPosASL _projectile, EGVAR(common,mapLatitude), EGVAR(weather,currentTemperature), EGVAR(common,mapAltitude), EGVAR(weather,currentHumidity), overcast, _aceTimeSecond, CBA_missionTime - _aceTimeSecond];
GVAR(allBullets) pushBack [_projectile, _caliber, _bulletTraceVisible, GVAR(currentbulletID)];
diff --git a/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_initializeTerrainExtension.sqf b/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_initializeTerrainExtension.sqf
index 25562a71d0..9fed872a6b 100644
--- a/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_initializeTerrainExtension.sqf
+++ b/addons/advanced_ballistics/functions/fnc_initializeTerrainExtension.sqf
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ if (!GVAR(extensionAvailable)) exitWith {};
private ["_initStartTime", "_mapSize", "_mapGrids", "_gridCells", "_x", "_y", "_gridCenter", "_gridHeight", "_gridNumObjects", "_gridSurfaceIsWater"];
-_initStartTime = ACE_time;
+_initStartTime = CBA_missionTime;
_mapSize = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "MapSize");
if (("ace_advanced_ballistics" callExtension format["init:%1:%2", worldName, _mapSize]) == "Terrain already initialized") exitWith {
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ GVAR(currentGrid) = 0;
if (GVAR(currentGrid) >= _gridCells) exitWith {
- systemChat format["AdvancedBallistics: Finished terrain initialization in %1 seconds", ceil(ACE_time - _initStartTime)];
+ systemChat format["AdvancedBallistics: Finished terrain initialization in %1 seconds", ceil(CBA_missionTime - _initStartTime)];
[_idPFH] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
diff --git a/addons/ai/config.cpp b/addons/ai/config.cpp
index fdcb6afe9d..504c8b6e3c 100644
--- a/addons/ai/config.cpp
+++ b/addons/ai/config.cpp
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ class CfgPatches {
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_common"};
- author[] = {"KoffeinFlummi","commy2"};
- authorUrl = "https://github.com/KoffeinFlummi/";
+ author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
+ authors[] = {"KoffeinFlummi","commy2"};
+ url = ECSTRING(main,URL);
diff --git a/addons/aircraft/Heli_Attack_01_base_F.hpp b/addons/aircraft/Heli_Attack_01_base_F.hpp
index a6868033e6..f56cda1fd8 100644
--- a/addons/aircraft/Heli_Attack_01_base_F.hpp
+++ b/addons/aircraft/Heli_Attack_01_base_F.hpp
@@ -1,997 +1,997 @@
-class Heli_Attack_01_base_F: Helicopter_Base_F {
- lockDetectionSystem = 12;
- incomingMissileDetectionSystem = 16;
- driverCanEject = 1;
- class MFD
- {
- class AirplaneHUD
- {
- class Bones{};
- class Draw{};
- topLeft = "HUD_top_left";
- topRight = "HUD_top_right";
- bottomLeft = "HUD_bottom_left";
- borderLeft = 0;
- borderRight = 0;
- borderTop = 0;
- borderBottom = 0;
- color[] = {0.15,1,0.15,1};
- enableParallax = 0;
- helmetMountedDisplay = 1;
- helmetPosition[] = {0,0,0};
- helmetRight[] = {0,0,0};
- helmetDown[] = {0,0,0};
- };
- class ACE_HUD_1
- {
- topLeft = "HUD_top_left";
- topRight = "HUD_top_right";
- bottomLeft = "HUD_bottom_left";
- borderLeft = 0;
- borderRight = 0;
- borderTop = 0;
- borderBottom = 0;
- color[] = {0.15,1,0.15,1};
- enableParallax = 0;
- class Bones
- {
- class GunnerAim
- {
- type = "vector";
- source = "weapon";
- pos0[] = {0.5,"0.9 - 0.04 + 0.012"};
- pos10[] = {"0.5 + 0.0111","0.9 - 0.04 + 0.012 + 0.0133"};
- };
- class Target
- {
- source = "target";
- type = "vector";
- pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
- pos10[] = {0.85,0.85};
- };
- class Velocity
- {
- type = "vector";
- source = "velocity";
- pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
- pos10[] = {0.65,0.65};
- };
- class Velocity_slip
- {
- type = "vector";
- source = "velocity";
- pos0[] = {0.5,0.845};
- pos10[] = {0.53,0.845};
- };
- class VspeedBone
- {
- type = "linear";
- source = "vspeed";
- sourceScale = 1;
- min = -10;
- max = 10;
- minPos[] = {0.93,0.2};
- maxPos[] = {0.93,0.8};
- };
- class RadarAltitudeBone
- {
- type = "linear";
- source = "altitudeAGL";
- sourceScale = 1;
- min = 0;
- max = 60;
- minPos[] = {0.965,0.2};
- maxPos[] = {0.965,0.8};
- };
- class HorizonBankRot
- {
- type = "rotational";
- source = "horizonBank";
- center[] = {0.5,0.5};
- min = -3.1416;
- max = 3.1416;
- minAngle = -180;
- maxAngle = 180;
- aspectRatio = 1;
- };
- class ForwardVec
- {
- type = "vector";
- source = "forward";
- pos0[] = {0,0};
- pos10[] = {0.25,0.25};
- };
- class WeaponAim
- {
- type = "vector";
- source = "weapon";
- pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
- pos10[] = {0.75,0.75};
- };
- class Level0
- {
- type = "horizon";
- pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
- pos10[] = {0.78,0.78};
- angle = 0;
- };
- class LevelP5: Level0
- {
- angle = 5;
- };
- class LevelM5: Level0
- {
- angle = -5;
- };
- class LevelP10: Level0
- {
- angle = 10;
- };
- class LevelM10: Level0
- {
- angle = -10;
- };
- class LevelP15: Level0
- {
- angle = 15;
- };
- class LevelM15: Level0
- {
- angle = -15;
- };
- class LevelP20: Level0
- {
- angle = 20;
- };
- class LevelM20: Level0
- {
- angle = -20;
- };
- class LevelP25: Level0
- {
- angle = 25;
- };
- class LevelM25: Level0
- {
- angle = -25;
- };
- class LevelP30: Level0
- {
- angle = 30;
- };
- class LevelM30: Level0
- {
- angle = -30;
- };
- class LevelP35: Level0
- {
- angle = 35;
- };
- class LevelM35: Level0
- {
- angle = -35;
- };
- class LevelP40: Level0
- {
- angle = 40;
- };
- class LevelM40: Level0
- {
- angle = -40;
- };
- class LevelP45: Level0
- {
- angle = 45;
- };
- class LevelM45: Level0
- {
- angle = -45;
- };
- class LevelP50: Level0
- {
- angle = 50;
- };
- class LevelM50: Level0
- {
- angle = -50;
- };
- };
- class Draw
- {
- color[] = {0.18,1,0.18};
- alpha = 1;
- condition = "on";
- class Horizont
- {
- clipTL[] = {0.15,0.15};
- clipBR[] = {0.85,0.85};
- class Dimmed
- {
- class Level0
- {
- type = "line";
- points[] = {{ "Level0",{ -0.42,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ -0.38,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ -0.37,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ -0.33,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ -0.32,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ -0.28,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ -0.27,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ -0.23,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ -0.22,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ -0.18,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ -0.17,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ -0.13,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ -0.12,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ -0.08,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ 0.42,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ 0.38,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ 0.37,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ 0.33,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ 0.32,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ 0.28,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ 0.27,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ 0.23,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ 0.22,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ 0.18,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ 0.17,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ 0.13,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ 0.12,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ 0.08,0 },1 }};
- };
- };
- };
- class HorizonBankRot
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 3;
- points[] = {{ "HorizonBankRot",{ 0,0.25 },1 },{ "HorizonBankRot",{ -0.01,0.23 },1 },{ "HorizonBankRot",{ 0.01,0.23 },1 },{ "HorizonBankRot",{ 0,0.25 },1 }};
- };
- class Static_HAD_BOX
- {
- clipTL[] = {0,1};
- clipBR[] = {1,0};
- type = "line";
- width = 5;
- points[] = {{ { "0.5-0.1","0.9-0.04" },1 },{ { "0.5-0.1","0.9+0.04" },1 },{ { "0.5+0.1","0.9+0.04" },1 },{ { "0.5+0.1","0.9-0.04" },1 },{ { "0.5-0.1","0.9-0.04" },1 },{ },{ { "0.5-0.1","0.9-0.04+0.012" },1 },{ { "0.5-0.092","0.9-0.04+0.012" },1 },{ },{ { "0.5+0.1","0.9-0.04+0.012" },1 },{ { "0.5+0.092","0.9-0.04+0.012" },1 },{ },{ { 0.5,"0.9-0.04" },1 },{ { 0.5,"0.9-0.032" },1 },{ },{ { 0.5,"0.9+0.04" },1 },{ { 0.5,"0.9+0.032" },1 },{ }};
- };
- class Gunner_HAD
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 6;
- points[] = {{ "GunnerAim",{ -0.015,-0.008 },1 },{ "GunnerAim",{ -0.015,0.008 },1 },{ "GunnerAim",{ 0.015,0.008 },1 },{ "GunnerAim",{ 0.015,-0.008 },1 },{ "GunnerAim",{ -0.015,-0.008 },1 }};
- };
- class Slip_ball_group
- {
- class Slip_bars
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 4;
- points[] = {{ { "0.5-0.018","0.9-0.04" },1 },{ { "0.5-0.018","0.9-0.075" },1 },{ },{ { "0.5+0.018","0.9-0.04" },1 },{ { "0.5+0.018","0.9-0.075" },1 }};
- };
- class Slip_ball
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 6;
- points[] = {{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.75","-0.02 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.75","-0.01732 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.75","-0.0099999998 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.02 * 0.75","0 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.75","0.0099999998 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.75","0.01732 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.75","0.02 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.75","0.01732 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.75","0.0099999998 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.02 * 0.75","0 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.75","-0.0099999998 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.75","-0.01732 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.75","-0.02 * 0.75" },1 },{ },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.6","-0.02 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.6","-0.01732 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.6","-0.0099999998 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.02 * 0.6","0 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.6","0.0099999998 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.6","0.01732 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.6","0.02 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.6","0.01732 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.6","0.0099999998 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.02 * 0.6","0 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.6","-0.0099999998 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.6","-0.01732 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.6","-0.02 * 0.6" },1 },{ },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.5","-0.02 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.5","-0.01732 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.5","-0.0099999998 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.02 * 0.5","0 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.5","0.0099999998 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.5","0.01732 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.5","0.02 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.5","0.01732 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.5","0.0099999998 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.02 * 0.5","0 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.5","-0.0099999998 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.5","-0.01732 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.5","-0.02 * 0.5" },1 },{ },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.4","-0.02 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.4","-0.01732 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.4","-0.0099999998 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.02 * 0.4","0 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.4","0.0099999998 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.4","0.01732 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.4","0.02 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.4","0.01732 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.4","0.0099999998 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.02 * 0.4","0 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.4","-0.0099999998 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.4","-0.01732 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.4","-0.02 * 0.4" },1 },{ },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.30","-0.02 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.30","-0.01732 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.30","-0.0099999998 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.02 * 0.30","0 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.30","0.0099999998 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.30","0.01732 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.30","0.02 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.30","0.01732 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.30","0.0099999998 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.02 * 0.30","0 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.30","-0.0099999998 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.30","-0.01732 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.30","-0.02 * 0.30" },1 },{ },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.20","-0.02 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.20","-0.01732 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.20","-0.0099999998 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.02 * 0.20","0 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.20","0.0099999998 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.20","0.01732 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.20","0.02 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.20","0.01732 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.20","0.0099999998 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.02 * 0.20","0 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.20","-0.0099999998 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.20","-0.01732 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.20","-0.02 * 0.20" },1 },{ },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.1","-0.02 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.1","-0.01732 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.1","-0.0099999998 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.02 * 0.1","0 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.1","0.0099999998 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.1","0.01732 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.1","0.02 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.1","0.01732 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.1","0.0099999998 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.02 * 0.1","0 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.1","-0.0099999998 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.1","-0.01732 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.1","-0.02 * 0.1" },1 }};
- };
- };
- class Centerline
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 5;
- points[] = {{ { 0.5,0.48 },1 },{ { 0.5,0.45 },1 },{ },{ { 0.5,0.52 },1 },{ { 0.5,0.55 },1 },{ },{ { 0.48,0.5 },1 },{ { 0.45,0.5 },1 },{ },{ { 0.52,0.5 },1 },{ { 0.55,0.5 },1 },{ }};
- };
- class WeaponName
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "weapon";
- sourceScale = 1;
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.86 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.65,0.86 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.61,0.9 },1};
- };
- class Ammo_GUN
- {
- type = "group";
- condition = "mgun";
- class Ammo_count_GUN
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "ammo";
- sourceScale = 1;
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.89 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.65,0.89 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.61,0.93 },1};
- };
- };
- class Ammo_RKT
- {
- type = "group";
- condition = "rocket";
- class Ammo_count_RKT
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "ammo";
- sourceScale = 1;
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.89 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.65,0.89 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.61,0.93 },1};
- };
- };
- class Ammo_AGM
- {
- type = "group";
- condition = "AAmissile";
- class Ammo_count_AGM
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "ammo";
- sourceScale = 1;
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.89 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.65,0.89 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.61,0.93 },1};
- };
- };
- class Ammo_AAM
- {
- type = "group";
- condition = "ATmissile";
- class Ammo_count_AAM
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "ammo";
- sourceScale = 1;
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.89 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.65,0.89 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.61,0.93 },1};
- };
- };
- class Ammo_Bomb
- {
- type = "group";
- condition = "Bomb";
- class Ammo_count_Bomb
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "ammo";
- sourceScale = 1;
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.89 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.65,0.89 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.61,0.93 },1};
- };
- };
- class LightsGroup
- {
- type = "group";
- condition = "lights";
- class LightsText
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "static";
- text = "LIGHTS";
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.03,"0.53 + 0.055" },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.07,"0.53 + 0.055" },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.03,"0.53 + 0.095" },1};
- };
- };
- class CollisionLightsGroup
- {
- type = "group";
- condition = "collisionlights";
- class CollisionLightsText
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "static";
- text = "A-COL";
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.03,"0.53 + 0.105" },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.07,"0.53 + 0.105" },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.03,"0.53 + 0.145" },1};
- };
- };
- class GearGroup
- {
- type = "group";
- condition = "ils";
- class GearText
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "static";
- text = "GEAR";
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.03,"0.53 + 0.155" },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.07,"0.53 + 0.155" },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.03,"0.53 + 0.195" },1};
- };
- };
- class ATMissileTOFGroup
- {
- condition = "ATmissile";
- type = "group";
- class TOFtext
- {
- type = "text";
- align = "right";
- source = "static";
- text = "TOF=";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.92 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.65,0.92 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.61,0.96 },1};
- };
- class TOFnumber
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "targetDist";
- sourcescale = 0.0025;
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.69,0.92 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.73,0.92 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.69,0.96 },1};
- };
- };
- class LaserTOFGroup
- {
- condition = "Bomb";
- type = "group";
- class TOFtext
- {
- type = "text";
- align = "right";
- source = "static";
- text = "TOF=";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.92 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.65,0.92 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.61,0.96 },1};
- };
- class TOFnumber
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "targetDist";
- sourcescale = 0.0025;
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.69,0.92 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.73,0.92 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.69,0.96 },1};
- };
- };
- class RocketTOFGroup
- {
- condition = "Rocket";
- type = "group";
- class TOFtext
- {
- type = "text";
- align = "right";
- source = "static";
- text = "TOF=";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.92 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.65,0.92 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.61,0.96 },1};
- };
- class TOFnumber
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "targetDist";
- sourcescale = 0.0025;
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.69,0.92 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.73,0.92 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.69,0.96 },1};
- };
- };
- class RangeNumber
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "targetDist";
- sourceScale = 1;
- align = "left";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.39,0.89 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.43,0.89 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.39,0.93 },1};
- };
- class RangeText
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "static";
- text = "RNG";
- align = "left";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.39,0.86 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.43,0.86 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.39,0.9 },1};
- };
- class SpeedNumber
- {
- type = "text";
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- source = "speed";
- sourceScale = 3.6;
- pos[] = {{ 0.03,0.475 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.08,0.475 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.03,0.525 },1};
- };
- class TorqueNumber
- {
- condition = "simulRTD";
- class Torque_number
- {
- type = "text";
- align = "left";
- scale = 1;
- source = "rtdRotorTorque";
- sourceScale = 290;
- pos[] = {{ 0.065,0.175 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.115,0.175 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.065,0.225 },1};
- };
- class Torquetext
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "static";
- text = "%";
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.07,0.175 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.12,0.175 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.07,0.225 },1};
- };
- };
- class AltNumber: SpeedNumber
- {
- align = "right";
- source = "altitudeAGL";
- sourceScale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.83,0.475 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.88,0.475 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.83,0.525 },1};
- };
- class ASLNumber
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "altitudeASL";
- sourceScale = 1;
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.835,0.18 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.875,0.18 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.835,0.22 },1};
- };
- class VspeedScalePosta
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 5;
- points[] = {{ { 0.98,0.2 },1 },{ { 1,0.2 },1 },{ },{ { 0.93,0.2 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.2 },1 },{ },{ { 0.98,0.35 },1 },{ { 1,0.35 },1 },{ },{ { 0.93,0.35 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.35 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.38 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.38 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.41 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.41 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.44 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.44 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.47 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.47 },1 },{ },{ { 0.98,0.5 },1 },{ { 1,0.5 },1 },{ },{ { 0.93,0.5 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.5 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.53 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.53 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.56 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.56 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.59 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.59 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.62 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.62 },1 },{ },{ { 0.98,0.65 },1 },{ { 1,0.65 },1 },{ },{ { 0.93,0.65 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.65 },1 },{ },{ { 0.99,0.68 },1 },{ { 0.98,0.68 },1 },{ },{ { 0.99,0.71 },1 },{ { 0.98,0.71 },1 },{ },{ { 0.99,0.74 },1 },{ { 0.98,0.74 },1 },{ },{ { 0.99,0.77 },1 },{ { 0.98,0.77 },1 },{ },{ { 0.98,0.8 },1 },{ { 1,0.8 },1 },{ },{ { 0.93,0.8 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.8 },1 },{ }};
- };
- class RadarAltitudeBand
- {
- clipTL[] = {0,0.2};
- clipBR[] = {1,0.8};
- hideValue = 201;
- class radarbanda
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 17;
- points[] = {{ "RadarAltitudeBone",{ 0,0 },1 },{ "RadarAltitudeBone",{ 0,0.6 },1 }};
- };
- };
- class VspeedBand
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 3;
- points[] = {{ "VspeedBone",{ -0.01,0 },1 },{ "VspeedBone",{ -0.025,-0.015 },1 },{ "VspeedBone",{ -0.025,0.015 },1 },{ "VspeedBone",{ -0.01,0 },1 },{ }};
- };
- class HeadingNumber: SpeedNumber
- {
- source = "heading";
- sourceScale = 1;
- align = "center";
- pos[] = {{ 0.5,0.045 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.56,0.045 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.5,"0.045 + 0.06" },1};
- };
- class Center_box
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 1.5;
- points[] = {{ { 0.45,"0.02 + 0.085 - 0.06" },1 },{ { "0.45 + 0.10","0.02 + 0.085 - 0.06" },1 },{ { "0.45 + 0.10","0.02 + 0.085" },1 },{ { 0.45,"0.02 + 0.085" },1 },{ { 0.45,"0.02 + 0.085 - 0.06" },1 }};
- };
- class HeadingArrow
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 7;
- points[] = {{ { "0.5","0.128 + 0.03" },1 },{ { 0.5,0.128 },1 }};
- };
- class HeadingScale_LEFT
- {
- clipTL[] = {0,0};
- clipBR[] = {0.45,1};
- class Heading_group
- {
- type = "scale";
- horizontal = 1;
- source = "heading";
- sourceScale = 1;
- width = 5;
- top = 0.12;
- center = 0.5;
- bottom = 0.88;
- lineXleft = "0.03 + 0.085";
- lineYright = "0.02 + 0.085";
- lineXleftMajor = "0.04 + 0.085";
- lineYrightMajor = "0.02 + 0.085";
- majorLineEach = 3;
- numberEach = 3;
- step = 10;
- stepSize = "0.05";
- align = "center";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {0.12,"0.0 + 0.065"};
- right[] = {0.16,"0.0 + 0.065"};
- down[] = {0.12,"0.04 + 0.065"};
- };
- };
- class HeadingScale_RIGHT
- {
- clipTL[] = {0.55,0};
- clipBR[] = {1,1};
- class Heading_group
- {
- type = "scale";
- horizontal = 1;
- source = "heading";
- sourceScale = 1;
- width = 5;
- top = 0.12;
- center = 0.5;
- bottom = 0.88;
- lineXleft = "0.03 + 0.085";
- lineYright = "0.02 + 0.085";
- lineXleftMajor = "0.04 + 0.085";
- lineYrightMajor = "0.02 + 0.085";
- majorLineEach = 3;
- numberEach = 3;
- step = 10;
- stepSize = "0.05";
- align = "center";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {0.12,"0.0 + 0.065"};
- right[] = {0.16,"0.0 + 0.065"};
- down[] = {0.12,"0.04 + 0.065"};
- };
- };
- class HeadingScale_BOTTOM
- {
- clipTL[] = {0.45,"0.02 + 0.085"};
- clipBR[] = {"0.45 + 0.10",1};
- class Heading_group
- {
- type = "scale";
- horizontal = 1;
- source = "heading";
- sourceScale = 1;
- width = 5;
- top = 0.12;
- center = 0.5;
- bottom = 0.88;
- lineXleft = "0.03 + 0.085";
- lineYright = "0.02 + 0.085";
- lineXleftMajor = "0.04 + 0.085";
- lineYrightMajor = "0.02 + 0.085";
- majorLineEach = 3;
- numberEach = 3;
- step = 10;
- stepSize = "0.05";
- align = "center";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {0.12,"0.0 + 0.065"};
- right[] = {0.16,"0.0 + 0.065"};
- down[] = {0.12,"0.04 + 0.065"};
- };
- };
- class Fuel_Text
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "static";
- text = "Fuel";
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.03,0.9 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.07,0.9 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.03,0.94 },1};
- };
- class Fuel_Number
- {
- type = "text";
- source = "fuel";
- sourceScale = 100;
- align = "right";
- scale = 1;
- pos[] = {{ 0.1,0.9 },1};
- right[] = {{ 0.14,0.9 },1};
- down[] = {{ 0.1,0.94 },1};
- };
- };
- helmetMountedDisplay = 1;
- helmetPosition[] = {-0.04,0.04,0.1};
- helmetRight[] = {0.08,0,0};
- helmetDown[] = {0,-0.08,0};
- };
- class ACE_HUD_2
- {
- topLeft = "HUD_top_left";
- topRight = "HUD_top_right";
- bottomLeft = "HUD_bottom_left";
- borderLeft = 0;
- borderRight = 0;
- borderTop = 0;
- borderBottom = 0;
- color[] = {0.15,1,0.15,1};
- enableParallax = 0;
- class Bones
- {
- class Velocity
- {
- type = "vector";
- source = "velocity";
- pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
- pos10[] = {0.75,0.75};
- };
- class ForwardVec1
- {
- type = "vector";
- source = "forward";
- pos0[] = {0,0};
- pos10[] = {0.25,0.25};
- };
- class ForwardVec
- {
- type = "vector";
- source = "forward";
- pos0[] = {0,0};
- pos10[] = {0.253,0.253};
- };
- class WeaponAim
- {
- type = "vector";
- source = "weapon";
- pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
- pos10[] = {0.753,0.753};
- };
- class WeaponAim1
- {
- type = "vector";
- source = "weapon";
- pos0[] = {0,0};
- pos10[] = {0.253,0.23};
- };
- class Target
- {
- type = "vector";
- source = "target";
- pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
- pos10[] = {0.753,0.753};
- };
- class RadarContact
- {
- type = "fixed";
- pos[] = {0,0};
- };
- };
- class Draw
- {
- color[] = {0.18,1,0.18};
- alpha = 1;
- condition = "on";
- class PlaneMovementCrosshair
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 7;
- points[] = {{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0,-0.02 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0.01,-0.01732 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0.01732,-0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0.02,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0.01732,0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0.01,0.01732 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0,0.02 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ -0.01,0.01732 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ -0.01732,0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ -0.02,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ -0.01732,-0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ -0.01,-0.01732 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0,-0.02 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0.04,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0.02,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ -0.04,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ -0.02,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0,-0.04 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0,-0.02 },1 }};
- };
- class Gunner_AIM
- {
- type = "group";
- class Circle
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 6;
- points[] = {{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,-0.015 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,-0.03 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,-0.0325 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,-0.0475 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,0.015 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,0.03 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,0.0325 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,0.0475 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.015,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.03,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.0325,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.0475,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.015,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.03,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.0325,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.0475,0 },1 }};
- };
- };
- class GunCross
- {
- condition = "mgun";
- class Circle
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 9;
- points[] = {{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,-0.05 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,-0.015 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,0.015 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,0.05 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.05,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.015,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.015,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.05,0 },1 },{ }};
- };
- };
- class RocketCross
- {
- condition = "rocket";
- width = 6;
- class Circle
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 6;
- points[] = {{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.05,-0.08 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.05,-0.08 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,-0.08 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,0.08 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.05,0.08 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.05,0.08 },1 },{ }};
- };
- };
- class AT_Aim
- {
- condition = "ATmissile";
- width = 2;
- class Circle
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 2;
- points[] = {{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.1,-0.1 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.1,-0.1 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.1,0.1 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.1,0.1 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.1,-0.1 },1 }};
- };
- };
- class AA_aim
- {
- condition = "AAmissile";
- class Circle
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 2.5;
- points[] = {{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0 / 4","-0.248559 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0434 / 4","-0.244781 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0855 / 4","-0.233571 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.125 / 4","-0.215252 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1607 / 4","-0.190396 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1915 / 4","-0.159774 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2165 / 4","-0.12428 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.234925 / 4","-0.0850072 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2462 / 4","-0.0431499 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.25 / 4","0 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2462 / 4","0.0431499 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.234925 / 4","0.0850072 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2165 / 4","0.12428 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1915 / 4","0.159774 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1607 / 4","0.190396 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.125 / 4","0.215252 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0855 / 4","0.233571 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0434 / 4","0.244781 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0 / 4","0.248559 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0434 / 4","0.244781 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0855 / 4","0.233571 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.125 / 4","0.215252 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1607 / 4","0.190396 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1915 / 4","0.159774 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2165 / 4","0.12428 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.234925 / 4","0.0850072 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2462 / 4","0.0431499 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.25 / 4","0 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2462 / 4","-0.0431499 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.234925 / 4","-0.0850072 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2165 / 4","-0.12428 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1915 / 4","-0.159774 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1607 / 4","-0.190396 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.125 / 4","-0.215252 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0855 / 4","-0.233571 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0434 / 4","-0.244781 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0 / 4","-0.248559 / 4" },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0 / 2","-0.248559 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0434 / 2","-0.244781 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0855 / 2","-0.233571 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.125 / 2","-0.215252 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1607 / 2","-0.190396 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1915 / 2","-0.159774 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2165 / 2","-0.12428 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.234925 / 2","-0.0850072 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2462 / 2","-0.0431499 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.25 / 2","0 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2462 / 2","0.0431499 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.234925 / 2","0.0850072 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2165 / 2","0.12428 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1915 / 2","0.159774 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1607 / 2","0.190396 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.125 / 2","0.215252 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0855 / 2","0.233571 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0434 / 2","0.244781 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0 / 2","0.248559 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0434 / 2","0.244781 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0855 / 2","0.233571 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.125 / 2","0.215252 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1607 / 2","0.190396 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1915 / 2","0.159774 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2165 / 2","0.12428 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.234925 / 2","0.0850072 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2462 / 2","0.0431499 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.25 / 2","0 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2462 / 2","-0.0431499 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.234925 / 2","-0.0850072 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2165 / 2","-0.12428 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1915 / 2","-0.159774 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1607 / 2","-0.190396 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.125 / 2","-0.215252 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0855 / 2","-0.233571 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0434 / 2","-0.244781 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0 / 2","-0.248559 / 2" },1 }};
- };
- };
- class TargetACQ
- {
- type = "line";
- width = 2;
- points[] = {{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.06 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.055 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.05 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.045 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.04 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.035 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.03 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.025 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.02 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.015 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.005 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.06 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.055 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.05 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.045 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.04 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.035 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.03 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.025 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.02 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.015 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.005 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.06,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.055,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.05,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.045,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.04,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.035,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.03,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.025,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.02,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.015,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.01,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.005,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.06,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.055,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.05,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.045,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.04,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.035,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.03,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.025,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.02,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.015,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.01,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.005,0 },1 },{ }};
- };
- class RadarTargets
- {
- type = "radar";
- pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
- pos10[] = {0.753,0.753};
- width = 2.5;
- points[] = {{ "ForwardVec",1,"RadarContact",{ -0.01,-0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"RadarContact",{ 0.01,-0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"RadarContact",{ 0.01,0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"RadarContact",{ -0.01,0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"RadarContact",{ -0.01,-0.01 },1 }};
- };
- };
- helmetMountedDisplay = 1;
- helmetPosition[] = {-0.035,0.035,0.1};
- helmetRight[] = {0.07,0,0};
- helmetDown[] = {0,-0.07,0};
- };
- };
- class Turrets: Turrets {
- class MainTurret: MainTurret {
- weapons[] = {"ACE_gatling_20mm_Comanche","missiles_DAGR","missiles_ASRAAM", "ACE_AIR_SAFETY"};
- magazines[] = {"ACE_500Rnd_20mm_shells_Comanche","4Rnd_AAA_missiles","24Rnd_PG_missiles"};
- outGunnerMayFire = 1;
- commanding = -1;
- primaryGunner = 1;
- gunnerOpticsModel = "";
- gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {"TankCommanderOptics1"};
- gunnerForceOptics = 0;
- turretInfoType = "Rsc_ACE_Helo_UI_Turret";
- showAllTargets = 2;
- discretedistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600,1700,1800,1900,2000,2100,2200,2300,2400,2500,2600,2700,2800,2900,3000};
- discretedistanceinitindex = 3;
- copilotHasFlares = 1;
- directionStabilized = 1;
- isCopilot = 1;
- showHMD = 1;
- CanEject = 1;
- startEngine = 0;
- minElev = -51;
- maxElev = 9;
- initElev = 6;
- minTurn = -120;
- maxTurn = 120;
- initTurn = 0;
- class OpticsIn
- {
- delete Narrow;
- delete Medium;
- delete Wide;
- class ACE_WideUnstabilized {
- opticsDisplayName = "W NS";
- initAngleX = 0;
- minAngleX = -35;
- maxAngleX = 10;
- initAngleY = 0;
- minAngleY = -100;
- maxAngleY = 100;
- initFov = 0.466;
- minFov = 0.466;
- maxFov = 0.466;
- visionMode[] = {"Normal","Ti"};
- thermalMode[] = {0,1};
- gunnerOpticsColor[] = {0,0,0,1};
- directionStabilized = 0;
- horizontallyStabilized = 1;
- gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F_Beta\Reticle\Heli_Attack_01_Optics_Gunner_wide_F";
- };
- class ACE_Wide: ACE_WideUnstabilized {
- opticsDisplayName = "W";
- initAngleX = 0;
- minAngleX = -35;
- maxAngleX = 10;
- initAngleY = 0;
- minAngleY = -100;
- maxAngleY = 100;
- initFov = 0.466;
- minFov = 0.466;
- maxFov = 0.466;
- visionMode[] = {"Normal","Ti"};
- thermalMode[] = {0,1};
- gunnerOpticsColor[] = {0,0,0,1};
- directionStabilized = 1;
- horizontallyStabilized = 1;
- gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F_Beta\Reticle\Heli_Attack_01_Optics_Gunner_wide_F";
- };
- class ACE_Medium: ACE_Wide {
- opticsDisplayName = "M";
- initFov = 0.093;
- minFov = 0.093;
- maxFov = 0.093;
- gunnerOpticsColor[] = {0,0,0,1};
- directionStabilized = 1;
- horizontallyStabilized = 1;
- gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F_Beta\Reticle\Heli_Attack_01_Optics_Gunner_medium_F";
- };
- class ACE_Narrow: ACE_Wide {
- opticsDisplayName = "N";
- initFov = 0.029;
- minFov = 0.029;
- maxFov = 0.029;
- gunnerOpticsColor[] = {0,0,0,1};
- directionStabilized = 1;
- horizontallyStabilized = 1;
- gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F_Beta\Reticle\Heli_Attack_01_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F";
- };
- class ACE_Narrower: ACE_Wide {
- opticsDisplayName = "Z";
- initFov = 0.01;
- minFov = 0.01;
- maxFov = 0.01;
- gunnerOpticsColor[] = {0,0,0,1};
- directionStabilized = 1;
- horizontallyStabilized = 1;
- gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F_Beta\Reticle\Heli_Attack_01_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F";
- };
- };
- class OpticsOut
- {
- class Monocular
- {
- initAngleX = 0;
- minAngleX = -30;
- maxAngleX = 30;
- initAngleY = 0;
- minAngleY = -100;
- maxAngleY = 100;
- initFov = 1.1;
- minFov = 0.133;
- maxFov = 1.1;
- visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG"};
- gunnerOpticsModel = "";
- gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {};
- hideUnitInfo = 1;
- };
- };
- };
- };
- class AnimationSources: AnimationSources {
- class Gatling {
- weapon = "ACE_gatling_20mm_Comanche";
- };
- class Muzzle_flash {
- weapon = "ACE_gatling_20mm_Comanche";
- };
- };
+class Heli_Attack_01_base_F: Helicopter_Base_F {
+ lockDetectionSystem = 12;
+ incomingMissileDetectionSystem = 16;
+ driverCanEject = 1;
+ class MFD
+ {
+ class AirplaneHUD
+ {
+ class Bones{};
+ class Draw{};
+ topLeft = "HUD_top_left";
+ topRight = "HUD_top_right";
+ bottomLeft = "HUD_bottom_left";
+ borderLeft = 0;
+ borderRight = 0;
+ borderTop = 0;
+ borderBottom = 0;
+ color[] = {0.15,1,0.15,1};
+ enableParallax = 0;
+ helmetMountedDisplay = 1;
+ helmetPosition[] = {0,0,0};
+ helmetRight[] = {0,0,0};
+ helmetDown[] = {0,0,0};
+ };
+ class ACE_HUD_1
+ {
+ topLeft = "HUD_top_left";
+ topRight = "HUD_top_right";
+ bottomLeft = "HUD_bottom_left";
+ borderLeft = 0;
+ borderRight = 0;
+ borderTop = 0;
+ borderBottom = 0;
+ color[] = {0.15,1,0.15,1};
+ enableParallax = 0;
+ class Bones
+ {
+ class GunnerAim
+ {
+ type = "vector";
+ source = "weapon";
+ pos0[] = {0.5,"0.9 - 0.04 + 0.012"};
+ pos10[] = {"0.5 + 0.0111","0.9 - 0.04 + 0.012 + 0.0133"};
+ };
+ class Target
+ {
+ source = "target";
+ type = "vector";
+ pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
+ pos10[] = {0.85,0.85};
+ };
+ class Velocity
+ {
+ type = "vector";
+ source = "velocity";
+ pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
+ pos10[] = {0.65,0.65};
+ };
+ class Velocity_slip
+ {
+ type = "vector";
+ source = "velocity";
+ pos0[] = {0.5,0.845};
+ pos10[] = {0.53,0.845};
+ };
+ class VspeedBone
+ {
+ type = "linear";
+ source = "vspeed";
+ sourceScale = 1;
+ min = -10;
+ max = 10;
+ minPos[] = {0.93,0.2};
+ maxPos[] = {0.93,0.8};
+ };
+ class RadarAltitudeBone
+ {
+ type = "linear";
+ source = "altitudeAGL";
+ sourceScale = 1;
+ min = 0;
+ max = 60;
+ minPos[] = {0.965,0.2};
+ maxPos[] = {0.965,0.8};
+ };
+ class HorizonBankRot
+ {
+ type = "rotational";
+ source = "horizonBank";
+ center[] = {0.5,0.5};
+ min = -3.1416;
+ max = 3.1416;
+ minAngle = -180;
+ maxAngle = 180;
+ aspectRatio = 1;
+ };
+ class ForwardVec
+ {
+ type = "vector";
+ source = "forward";
+ pos0[] = {0,0};
+ pos10[] = {0.25,0.25};
+ };
+ class WeaponAim
+ {
+ type = "vector";
+ source = "weapon";
+ pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
+ pos10[] = {0.75,0.75};
+ };
+ class Level0
+ {
+ type = "horizon";
+ pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
+ pos10[] = {0.78,0.78};
+ angle = 0;
+ };
+ class LevelP5: Level0
+ {
+ angle = 5;
+ };
+ class LevelM5: Level0
+ {
+ angle = -5;
+ };
+ class LevelP10: Level0
+ {
+ angle = 10;
+ };
+ class LevelM10: Level0
+ {
+ angle = -10;
+ };
+ class LevelP15: Level0
+ {
+ angle = 15;
+ };
+ class LevelM15: Level0
+ {
+ angle = -15;
+ };
+ class LevelP20: Level0
+ {
+ angle = 20;
+ };
+ class LevelM20: Level0
+ {
+ angle = -20;
+ };
+ class LevelP25: Level0
+ {
+ angle = 25;
+ };
+ class LevelM25: Level0
+ {
+ angle = -25;
+ };
+ class LevelP30: Level0
+ {
+ angle = 30;
+ };
+ class LevelM30: Level0
+ {
+ angle = -30;
+ };
+ class LevelP35: Level0
+ {
+ angle = 35;
+ };
+ class LevelM35: Level0
+ {
+ angle = -35;
+ };
+ class LevelP40: Level0
+ {
+ angle = 40;
+ };
+ class LevelM40: Level0
+ {
+ angle = -40;
+ };
+ class LevelP45: Level0
+ {
+ angle = 45;
+ };
+ class LevelM45: Level0
+ {
+ angle = -45;
+ };
+ class LevelP50: Level0
+ {
+ angle = 50;
+ };
+ class LevelM50: Level0
+ {
+ angle = -50;
+ };
+ };
+ class Draw
+ {
+ color[] = {0.18,1,0.18};
+ alpha = 1;
+ condition = "on";
+ class Horizont
+ {
+ clipTL[] = {0.15,0.15};
+ clipBR[] = {0.85,0.85};
+ class Dimmed
+ {
+ class Level0
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ points[] = {{ "Level0",{ -0.42,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ -0.38,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ -0.37,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ -0.33,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ -0.32,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ -0.28,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ -0.27,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ -0.23,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ -0.22,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ -0.18,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ -0.17,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ -0.13,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ -0.12,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ -0.08,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ 0.42,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ 0.38,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ 0.37,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ 0.33,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ 0.32,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ 0.28,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ 0.27,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ 0.23,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ 0.22,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ 0.18,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ 0.17,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ 0.13,0 },1 },{ },{ "Level0",{ 0.12,0 },1 },{ "Level0",{ 0.08,0 },1 }};
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ class HorizonBankRot
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 3;
+ points[] = {{ "HorizonBankRot",{ 0,0.25 },1 },{ "HorizonBankRot",{ -0.01,0.23 },1 },{ "HorizonBankRot",{ 0.01,0.23 },1 },{ "HorizonBankRot",{ 0,0.25 },1 }};
+ };
+ class Static_HAD_BOX
+ {
+ clipTL[] = {0,1};
+ clipBR[] = {1,0};
+ type = "line";
+ width = 5;
+ points[] = {{ { "0.5-0.1","0.9-0.04" },1 },{ { "0.5-0.1","0.9+0.04" },1 },{ { "0.5+0.1","0.9+0.04" },1 },{ { "0.5+0.1","0.9-0.04" },1 },{ { "0.5-0.1","0.9-0.04" },1 },{ },{ { "0.5-0.1","0.9-0.04+0.012" },1 },{ { "0.5-0.092","0.9-0.04+0.012" },1 },{ },{ { "0.5+0.1","0.9-0.04+0.012" },1 },{ { "0.5+0.092","0.9-0.04+0.012" },1 },{ },{ { 0.5,"0.9-0.04" },1 },{ { 0.5,"0.9-0.032" },1 },{ },{ { 0.5,"0.9+0.04" },1 },{ { 0.5,"0.9+0.032" },1 },{ }};
+ };
+ class Gunner_HAD
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 6;
+ points[] = {{ "GunnerAim",{ -0.015,-0.008 },1 },{ "GunnerAim",{ -0.015,0.008 },1 },{ "GunnerAim",{ 0.015,0.008 },1 },{ "GunnerAim",{ 0.015,-0.008 },1 },{ "GunnerAim",{ -0.015,-0.008 },1 }};
+ };
+ class Slip_ball_group
+ {
+ class Slip_bars
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 4;
+ points[] = {{ { "0.5-0.018","0.9-0.04" },1 },{ { "0.5-0.018","0.9-0.075" },1 },{ },{ { "0.5+0.018","0.9-0.04" },1 },{ { "0.5+0.018","0.9-0.075" },1 }};
+ };
+ class Slip_ball
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 6;
+ points[] = {{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.75","-0.02 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.75","-0.01732 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.75","-0.0099999998 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.02 * 0.75","0 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.75","0.0099999998 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.75","0.01732 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.75","0.02 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.75","0.01732 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.75","0.0099999998 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.02 * 0.75","0 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.75","-0.0099999998 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.75","-0.01732 * 0.75" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.75","-0.02 * 0.75" },1 },{ },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.6","-0.02 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.6","-0.01732 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.6","-0.0099999998 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.02 * 0.6","0 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.6","0.0099999998 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.6","0.01732 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.6","0.02 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.6","0.01732 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.6","0.0099999998 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.02 * 0.6","0 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.6","-0.0099999998 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.6","-0.01732 * 0.6" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.6","-0.02 * 0.6" },1 },{ },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.5","-0.02 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.5","-0.01732 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.5","-0.0099999998 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.02 * 0.5","0 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.5","0.0099999998 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.5","0.01732 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.5","0.02 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.5","0.01732 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.5","0.0099999998 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.02 * 0.5","0 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.5","-0.0099999998 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.5","-0.01732 * 0.5" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.5","-0.02 * 0.5" },1 },{ },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.4","-0.02 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.4","-0.01732 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.4","-0.0099999998 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.02 * 0.4","0 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.4","0.0099999998 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.4","0.01732 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.4","0.02 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.4","0.01732 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.4","0.0099999998 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.02 * 0.4","0 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.4","-0.0099999998 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.4","-0.01732 * 0.4" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.4","-0.02 * 0.4" },1 },{ },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.30","-0.02 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.30","-0.01732 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.30","-0.0099999998 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.02 * 0.30","0 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.30","0.0099999998 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.30","0.01732 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.30","0.02 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.30","0.01732 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.30","0.0099999998 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.02 * 0.30","0 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.30","-0.0099999998 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.30","-0.01732 * 0.30" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.30","-0.02 * 0.30" },1 },{ },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.20","-0.02 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.20","-0.01732 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.20","-0.0099999998 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.02 * 0.20","0 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.20","0.0099999998 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.20","0.01732 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.20","0.02 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.20","0.01732 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.20","0.0099999998 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.02 * 0.20","0 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.20","-0.0099999998 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.20","-0.01732 * 0.20" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.20","-0.02 * 0.20" },1 },{ },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.1","-0.02 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.1","-0.01732 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.1","-0.0099999998 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.02 * 0.1","0 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.01732 * 0.1","0.0099999998 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0.0099999998 * 0.1","0.01732 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.1","0.02 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.1","0.01732 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.1","0.0099999998 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.02 * 0.1","0 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.01732 * 0.1","-0.0099999998 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "-0.0099999998 * 0.1","-0.01732 * 0.1" },1 },{ "Velocity_slip",1,{ "0 * 0.1","-0.02 * 0.1" },1 }};
+ };
+ };
+ class Centerline
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 5;
+ points[] = {{ { 0.5,0.48 },1 },{ { 0.5,0.45 },1 },{ },{ { 0.5,0.52 },1 },{ { 0.5,0.55 },1 },{ },{ { 0.48,0.5 },1 },{ { 0.45,0.5 },1 },{ },{ { 0.52,0.5 },1 },{ { 0.55,0.5 },1 },{ }};
+ };
+ class WeaponName
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "weapon";
+ sourceScale = 1;
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.86 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.65,0.86 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.61,0.9 },1};
+ };
+ class Ammo_GUN
+ {
+ type = "group";
+ condition = "mgun";
+ class Ammo_count_GUN
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "ammo";
+ sourceScale = 1;
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.89 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.65,0.89 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.61,0.93 },1};
+ };
+ };
+ class Ammo_RKT
+ {
+ type = "group";
+ condition = "rocket";
+ class Ammo_count_RKT
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "ammo";
+ sourceScale = 1;
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.89 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.65,0.89 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.61,0.93 },1};
+ };
+ };
+ class Ammo_AGM
+ {
+ type = "group";
+ condition = "AAmissile";
+ class Ammo_count_AGM
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "ammo";
+ sourceScale = 1;
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.89 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.65,0.89 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.61,0.93 },1};
+ };
+ };
+ class Ammo_AAM
+ {
+ type = "group";
+ condition = "ATmissile";
+ class Ammo_count_AAM
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "ammo";
+ sourceScale = 1;
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.89 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.65,0.89 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.61,0.93 },1};
+ };
+ };
+ class Ammo_Bomb
+ {
+ type = "group";
+ condition = "Bomb";
+ class Ammo_count_Bomb
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "ammo";
+ sourceScale = 1;
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.89 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.65,0.89 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.61,0.93 },1};
+ };
+ };
+ class LightsGroup
+ {
+ type = "group";
+ condition = "lights";
+ class LightsText
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "static";
+ text = "LIGHTS";
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.03,"0.53 + 0.055" },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.07,"0.53 + 0.055" },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.03,"0.53 + 0.095" },1};
+ };
+ };
+ class CollisionLightsGroup
+ {
+ type = "group";
+ condition = "collisionlights";
+ class CollisionLightsText
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "static";
+ text = "A-COL";
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.03,"0.53 + 0.105" },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.07,"0.53 + 0.105" },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.03,"0.53 + 0.145" },1};
+ };
+ };
+ class GearGroup
+ {
+ type = "group";
+ condition = "ils";
+ class GearText
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "static";
+ text = "GEAR";
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.03,"0.53 + 0.155" },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.07,"0.53 + 0.155" },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.03,"0.53 + 0.195" },1};
+ };
+ };
+ class ATMissileTOFGroup
+ {
+ condition = "ATmissile";
+ type = "group";
+ class TOFtext
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ align = "right";
+ source = "static";
+ text = "TOF=";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.92 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.65,0.92 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.61,0.96 },1};
+ };
+ class TOFnumber
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "targetDist";
+ sourcescale = 0.0025;
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.69,0.92 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.73,0.92 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.69,0.96 },1};
+ };
+ };
+ class LaserTOFGroup
+ {
+ condition = "Bomb";
+ type = "group";
+ class TOFtext
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ align = "right";
+ source = "static";
+ text = "TOF=";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.92 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.65,0.92 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.61,0.96 },1};
+ };
+ class TOFnumber
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "targetDist";
+ sourcescale = 0.0025;
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.69,0.92 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.73,0.92 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.69,0.96 },1};
+ };
+ };
+ class RocketTOFGroup
+ {
+ condition = "Rocket";
+ type = "group";
+ class TOFtext
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ align = "right";
+ source = "static";
+ text = "TOF=";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.61,0.92 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.65,0.92 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.61,0.96 },1};
+ };
+ class TOFnumber
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "targetDist";
+ sourcescale = 0.0025;
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.69,0.92 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.73,0.92 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.69,0.96 },1};
+ };
+ };
+ class RangeNumber
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "targetDist";
+ sourceScale = 1;
+ align = "left";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.39,0.89 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.43,0.89 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.39,0.93 },1};
+ };
+ class RangeText
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "static";
+ text = "RNG";
+ align = "left";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.39,0.86 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.43,0.86 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.39,0.9 },1};
+ };
+ class SpeedNumber
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ source = "speed";
+ sourceScale = 3.6;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.03,0.475 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.08,0.475 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.03,0.525 },1};
+ };
+ class TorqueNumber
+ {
+ condition = "simulRTD";
+ class Torque_number
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ align = "left";
+ scale = 1;
+ source = "rtdRotorTorque";
+ sourceScale = 290;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.065,0.175 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.115,0.175 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.065,0.225 },1};
+ };
+ class Torquetext
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "static";
+ text = "%";
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.07,0.175 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.12,0.175 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.07,0.225 },1};
+ };
+ };
+ class AltNumber: SpeedNumber
+ {
+ align = "right";
+ source = "altitudeAGL";
+ sourceScale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.83,0.475 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.88,0.475 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.83,0.525 },1};
+ };
+ class ASLNumber
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "altitudeASL";
+ sourceScale = 1;
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.835,0.18 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.875,0.18 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.835,0.22 },1};
+ };
+ class VspeedScalePosta
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 5;
+ points[] = {{ { 0.98,0.2 },1 },{ { 1,0.2 },1 },{ },{ { 0.93,0.2 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.2 },1 },{ },{ { 0.98,0.35 },1 },{ { 1,0.35 },1 },{ },{ { 0.93,0.35 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.35 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.38 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.38 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.41 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.41 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.44 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.44 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.47 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.47 },1 },{ },{ { 0.98,0.5 },1 },{ { 1,0.5 },1 },{ },{ { 0.93,0.5 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.5 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.53 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.53 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.56 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.56 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.59 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.59 },1 },{ },{ { 0.94,0.62 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.62 },1 },{ },{ { 0.98,0.65 },1 },{ { 1,0.65 },1 },{ },{ { 0.93,0.65 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.65 },1 },{ },{ { 0.99,0.68 },1 },{ { 0.98,0.68 },1 },{ },{ { 0.99,0.71 },1 },{ { 0.98,0.71 },1 },{ },{ { 0.99,0.74 },1 },{ { 0.98,0.74 },1 },{ },{ { 0.99,0.77 },1 },{ { 0.98,0.77 },1 },{ },{ { 0.98,0.8 },1 },{ { 1,0.8 },1 },{ },{ { 0.93,0.8 },1 },{ { 0.95,0.8 },1 },{ }};
+ };
+ class RadarAltitudeBand
+ {
+ clipTL[] = {0,0.2};
+ clipBR[] = {1,0.8};
+ hideValue = 201;
+ class radarbanda
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 17;
+ points[] = {{ "RadarAltitudeBone",{ 0,0 },1 },{ "RadarAltitudeBone",{ 0,0.6 },1 }};
+ };
+ };
+ class VspeedBand
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 3;
+ points[] = {{ "VspeedBone",{ -0.01,0 },1 },{ "VspeedBone",{ -0.025,-0.015 },1 },{ "VspeedBone",{ -0.025,0.015 },1 },{ "VspeedBone",{ -0.01,0 },1 },{ }};
+ };
+ class HeadingNumber: SpeedNumber
+ {
+ source = "heading";
+ sourceScale = 1;
+ align = "center";
+ pos[] = {{ 0.5,0.045 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.56,0.045 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.5,"0.045 + 0.06" },1};
+ };
+ class Center_box
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 1.5;
+ points[] = {{ { 0.45,"0.02 + 0.085 - 0.06" },1 },{ { "0.45 + 0.10","0.02 + 0.085 - 0.06" },1 },{ { "0.45 + 0.10","0.02 + 0.085" },1 },{ { 0.45,"0.02 + 0.085" },1 },{ { 0.45,"0.02 + 0.085 - 0.06" },1 }};
+ };
+ class HeadingArrow
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 7;
+ points[] = {{ { "0.5","0.128 + 0.03" },1 },{ { 0.5,0.128 },1 }};
+ };
+ class HeadingScale_LEFT
+ {
+ clipTL[] = {0,0};
+ clipBR[] = {0.45,1};
+ class Heading_group
+ {
+ type = "scale";
+ horizontal = 1;
+ source = "heading";
+ sourceScale = 1;
+ width = 5;
+ top = 0.12;
+ center = 0.5;
+ bottom = 0.88;
+ lineXleft = "0.03 + 0.085";
+ lineYright = "0.02 + 0.085";
+ lineXleftMajor = "0.04 + 0.085";
+ lineYrightMajor = "0.02 + 0.085";
+ majorLineEach = 3;
+ numberEach = 3;
+ step = 10;
+ stepSize = "0.05";
+ align = "center";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {0.12,"0.0 + 0.065"};
+ right[] = {0.16,"0.0 + 0.065"};
+ down[] = {0.12,"0.04 + 0.065"};
+ };
+ };
+ class HeadingScale_RIGHT
+ {
+ clipTL[] = {0.55,0};
+ clipBR[] = {1,1};
+ class Heading_group
+ {
+ type = "scale";
+ horizontal = 1;
+ source = "heading";
+ sourceScale = 1;
+ width = 5;
+ top = 0.12;
+ center = 0.5;
+ bottom = 0.88;
+ lineXleft = "0.03 + 0.085";
+ lineYright = "0.02 + 0.085";
+ lineXleftMajor = "0.04 + 0.085";
+ lineYrightMajor = "0.02 + 0.085";
+ majorLineEach = 3;
+ numberEach = 3;
+ step = 10;
+ stepSize = "0.05";
+ align = "center";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {0.12,"0.0 + 0.065"};
+ right[] = {0.16,"0.0 + 0.065"};
+ down[] = {0.12,"0.04 + 0.065"};
+ };
+ };
+ class HeadingScale_BOTTOM
+ {
+ clipTL[] = {0.45,"0.02 + 0.085"};
+ clipBR[] = {"0.45 + 0.10",1};
+ class Heading_group
+ {
+ type = "scale";
+ horizontal = 1;
+ source = "heading";
+ sourceScale = 1;
+ width = 5;
+ top = 0.12;
+ center = 0.5;
+ bottom = 0.88;
+ lineXleft = "0.03 + 0.085";
+ lineYright = "0.02 + 0.085";
+ lineXleftMajor = "0.04 + 0.085";
+ lineYrightMajor = "0.02 + 0.085";
+ majorLineEach = 3;
+ numberEach = 3;
+ step = 10;
+ stepSize = "0.05";
+ align = "center";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {0.12,"0.0 + 0.065"};
+ right[] = {0.16,"0.0 + 0.065"};
+ down[] = {0.12,"0.04 + 0.065"};
+ };
+ };
+ class Fuel_Text
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "static";
+ text = "Fuel";
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.03,0.9 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.07,0.9 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.03,0.94 },1};
+ };
+ class Fuel_Number
+ {
+ type = "text";
+ source = "fuel";
+ sourceScale = 100;
+ align = "right";
+ scale = 1;
+ pos[] = {{ 0.1,0.9 },1};
+ right[] = {{ 0.14,0.9 },1};
+ down[] = {{ 0.1,0.94 },1};
+ };
+ };
+ helmetMountedDisplay = 1;
+ helmetPosition[] = {-0.04,0.04,0.1};
+ helmetRight[] = {0.08,0,0};
+ helmetDown[] = {0,-0.08,0};
+ };
+ class ACE_HUD_2
+ {
+ topLeft = "HUD_top_left";
+ topRight = "HUD_top_right";
+ bottomLeft = "HUD_bottom_left";
+ borderLeft = 0;
+ borderRight = 0;
+ borderTop = 0;
+ borderBottom = 0;
+ color[] = {0.15,1,0.15,1};
+ enableParallax = 0;
+ class Bones
+ {
+ class Velocity
+ {
+ type = "vector";
+ source = "velocity";
+ pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
+ pos10[] = {0.75,0.75};
+ };
+ class ForwardVec1
+ {
+ type = "vector";
+ source = "forward";
+ pos0[] = {0,0};
+ pos10[] = {0.25,0.25};
+ };
+ class ForwardVec
+ {
+ type = "vector";
+ source = "forward";
+ pos0[] = {0,0};
+ pos10[] = {0.253,0.253};
+ };
+ class WeaponAim
+ {
+ type = "vector";
+ source = "weapon";
+ pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
+ pos10[] = {0.753,0.753};
+ };
+ class WeaponAim1
+ {
+ type = "vector";
+ source = "weapon";
+ pos0[] = {0,0};
+ pos10[] = {0.253,0.23};
+ };
+ class Target
+ {
+ type = "vector";
+ source = "target";
+ pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
+ pos10[] = {0.753,0.753};
+ };
+ class RadarContact
+ {
+ type = "fixed";
+ pos[] = {0,0};
+ };
+ };
+ class Draw
+ {
+ color[] = {0.18,1,0.18};
+ alpha = 1;
+ condition = "on";
+ class PlaneMovementCrosshair
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 7;
+ points[] = {{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0,-0.02 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0.01,-0.01732 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0.01732,-0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0.02,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0.01732,0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0.01,0.01732 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0,0.02 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ -0.01,0.01732 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ -0.01732,0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ -0.02,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ -0.01732,-0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ -0.01,-0.01732 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0,-0.02 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0.04,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0.02,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ -0.04,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ -0.02,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0,-0.04 },1 },{ "ForwardVec1",1,"Velocity",1,{ 0,-0.02 },1 }};
+ };
+ class Gunner_AIM
+ {
+ type = "group";
+ class Circle
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 6;
+ points[] = {{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,-0.015 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,-0.03 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,-0.0325 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,-0.0475 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,0.015 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,0.03 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,0.0325 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,0.0475 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.015,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.03,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.0325,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.0475,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.015,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.03,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.0325,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.0475,0 },1 }};
+ };
+ };
+ class GunCross
+ {
+ condition = "mgun";
+ class Circle
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 9;
+ points[] = {{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,-0.05 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,-0.015 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,0.015 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,0.05 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.05,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.015,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.015,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.05,0 },1 },{ }};
+ };
+ };
+ class RocketCross
+ {
+ condition = "rocket";
+ width = 6;
+ class Circle
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 6;
+ points[] = {{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.05,-0.08 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.05,-0.08 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,-0.08 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0,0.08 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.05,0.08 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.05,0.08 },1 },{ }};
+ };
+ };
+ class AT_Aim
+ {
+ condition = "ATmissile";
+ width = 2;
+ class Circle
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 2;
+ points[] = {{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.1,-0.1 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.1,-0.1 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ 0.1,0.1 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.1,0.1 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ -0.1,-0.1 },1 }};
+ };
+ };
+ class AA_aim
+ {
+ condition = "AAmissile";
+ class Circle
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 2.5;
+ points[] = {{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0 / 4","-0.248559 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0434 / 4","-0.244781 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0855 / 4","-0.233571 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.125 / 4","-0.215252 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1607 / 4","-0.190396 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1915 / 4","-0.159774 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2165 / 4","-0.12428 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.234925 / 4","-0.0850072 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2462 / 4","-0.0431499 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.25 / 4","0 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2462 / 4","0.0431499 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.234925 / 4","0.0850072 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2165 / 4","0.12428 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1915 / 4","0.159774 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1607 / 4","0.190396 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.125 / 4","0.215252 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0855 / 4","0.233571 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0434 / 4","0.244781 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0 / 4","0.248559 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0434 / 4","0.244781 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0855 / 4","0.233571 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.125 / 4","0.215252 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1607 / 4","0.190396 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1915 / 4","0.159774 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2165 / 4","0.12428 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.234925 / 4","0.0850072 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2462 / 4","0.0431499 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.25 / 4","0 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2462 / 4","-0.0431499 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.234925 / 4","-0.0850072 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2165 / 4","-0.12428 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1915 / 4","-0.159774 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1607 / 4","-0.190396 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.125 / 4","-0.215252 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0855 / 4","-0.233571 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0434 / 4","-0.244781 / 4" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0 / 4","-0.248559 / 4" },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0 / 2","-0.248559 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0434 / 2","-0.244781 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0855 / 2","-0.233571 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.125 / 2","-0.215252 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1607 / 2","-0.190396 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1915 / 2","-0.159774 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2165 / 2","-0.12428 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.234925 / 2","-0.0850072 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2462 / 2","-0.0431499 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.25 / 2","0 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2462 / 2","0.0431499 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.234925 / 2","0.0850072 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.2165 / 2","0.12428 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1915 / 2","0.159774 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.1607 / 2","0.190396 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.125 / 2","0.215252 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0855 / 2","0.233571 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0.0434 / 2","0.244781 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0 / 2","0.248559 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0434 / 2","0.244781 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0855 / 2","0.233571 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.125 / 2","0.215252 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1607 / 2","0.190396 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1915 / 2","0.159774 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2165 / 2","0.12428 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.234925 / 2","0.0850072 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2462 / 2","0.0431499 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.25 / 2","0 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2462 / 2","-0.0431499 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.234925 / 2","-0.0850072 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.2165 / 2","-0.12428 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1915 / 2","-0.159774 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.1607 / 2","-0.190396 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.125 / 2","-0.215252 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0855 / 2","-0.233571 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "-0.0434 / 2","-0.244781 / 2" },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"WeaponAim",1,{ "0 / 2","-0.248559 / 2" },1 }};
+ };
+ };
+ class TargetACQ
+ {
+ type = "line";
+ width = 2;
+ points[] = {{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.06 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.055 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.05 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.045 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.04 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.035 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.03 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.025 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.02 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.015 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,-0.005 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.06 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.055 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.05 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.045 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.04 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.035 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.03 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.025 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.02 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.015 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0,0.005 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.06,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.055,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.05,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.045,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.04,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.035,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.03,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.025,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.02,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.015,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.01,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ -0.005,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.06,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.055,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.05,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.045,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.04,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.035,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.03,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.025,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.02,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.015,0 },1 },{ },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.01,0 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"target",{ 0.005,0 },1 },{ }};
+ };
+ class RadarTargets
+ {
+ type = "radar";
+ pos0[] = {0.5,0.5};
+ pos10[] = {0.753,0.753};
+ width = 2.5;
+ points[] = {{ "ForwardVec",1,"RadarContact",{ -0.01,-0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"RadarContact",{ 0.01,-0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"RadarContact",{ 0.01,0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"RadarContact",{ -0.01,0.01 },1 },{ "ForwardVec",1,"RadarContact",{ -0.01,-0.01 },1 }};
+ };
+ };
+ helmetMountedDisplay = 1;
+ helmetPosition[] = {-0.035,0.035,0.1};
+ helmetRight[] = {0.07,0,0};
+ helmetDown[] = {0,-0.07,0};
+ };
+ };
+ class Turrets: Turrets {
+ class MainTurret: MainTurret {
+ weapons[] = {"ACE_gatling_20mm_Comanche","missiles_DAGR","missiles_ASRAAM", "ACE_AIR_SAFETY"};
+ magazines[] = {"ACE_500Rnd_20mm_shells_Comanche","4Rnd_AAA_missiles","24Rnd_PG_missiles"};
+ outGunnerMayFire = 1;
+ commanding = -1;
+ primaryGunner = 1;
+ gunnerOpticsModel = "";
+ gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {"TankCommanderOptics1"};
+ gunnerForceOptics = 0;
+ turretInfoType = "Rsc_ACE_Helo_UI_Turret";
+ showAllTargets = 2;
+ discretedistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600,1700,1800,1900,2000,2100,2200,2300,2400,2500,2600,2700,2800,2900,3000};
+ discretedistanceinitindex = 3;
+ copilotHasFlares = 1;
+ directionStabilized = 1;
+ isCopilot = 1;
+ showHMD = 1;
+ CanEject = 1;
+ startEngine = 0;
+ minElev = -51;
+ maxElev = 9;
+ initElev = 6;
+ minTurn = -120;
+ maxTurn = 120;
+ initTurn = 0;
+ class OpticsIn
+ {
+ delete Narrow;
+ delete Medium;
+ delete Wide;
+ class ACE_WideUnstabilized {
+ opticsDisplayName = "W NS";
+ initAngleX = 0;
+ minAngleX = -35;
+ maxAngleX = 10;
+ initAngleY = 0;
+ minAngleY = -100;
+ maxAngleY = 100;
+ initFov = 0.466;
+ minFov = 0.466;
+ maxFov = 0.466;
+ visionMode[] = {"Normal","Ti"};
+ thermalMode[] = {0,1};
+ gunnerOpticsColor[] = {0,0,0,1};
+ directionStabilized = 0;
+ horizontallyStabilized = 1;
+ gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F_Beta\Reticle\Heli_Attack_01_Optics_Gunner_wide_F";
+ };
+ class ACE_Wide: ACE_WideUnstabilized {
+ opticsDisplayName = "W";
+ initAngleX = 0;
+ minAngleX = -35;
+ maxAngleX = 10;
+ initAngleY = 0;
+ minAngleY = -100;
+ maxAngleY = 100;
+ initFov = 0.466;
+ minFov = 0.466;
+ maxFov = 0.466;
+ visionMode[] = {"Normal","Ti"};
+ thermalMode[] = {0,1};
+ gunnerOpticsColor[] = {0,0,0,1};
+ directionStabilized = 1;
+ horizontallyStabilized = 1;
+ gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F_Beta\Reticle\Heli_Attack_01_Optics_Gunner_wide_F";
+ };
+ class ACE_Medium: ACE_Wide {
+ opticsDisplayName = "M";
+ initFov = 0.093;
+ minFov = 0.093;
+ maxFov = 0.093;
+ gunnerOpticsColor[] = {0,0,0,1};
+ directionStabilized = 1;
+ horizontallyStabilized = 1;
+ gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F_Beta\Reticle\Heli_Attack_01_Optics_Gunner_medium_F";
+ };
+ class ACE_Narrow: ACE_Wide {
+ opticsDisplayName = "N";
+ initFov = 0.029;
+ minFov = 0.029;
+ maxFov = 0.029;
+ gunnerOpticsColor[] = {0,0,0,1};
+ directionStabilized = 1;
+ horizontallyStabilized = 1;
+ gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F_Beta\Reticle\Heli_Attack_01_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F";
+ };
+ class ACE_Narrower: ACE_Wide {
+ opticsDisplayName = "Z";
+ initFov = 0.01;
+ minFov = 0.01;
+ maxFov = 0.01;
+ gunnerOpticsColor[] = {0,0,0,1};
+ directionStabilized = 1;
+ horizontallyStabilized = 1;
+ gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F_Beta\Reticle\Heli_Attack_01_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F";
+ };
+ };
+ class OpticsOut
+ {
+ class Monocular
+ {
+ initAngleX = 0;
+ minAngleX = -30;
+ maxAngleX = 30;
+ initAngleY = 0;
+ minAngleY = -100;
+ maxAngleY = 100;
+ initFov = 1.1;
+ minFov = 0.133;
+ maxFov = 1.1;
+ visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG"};
+ gunnerOpticsModel = "";
+ gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {};
+ hideUnitInfo = 1;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ class AnimationSources: AnimationSources {
+ class Gatling {
+ weapon = "ACE_gatling_20mm_Comanche";
+ };
+ class Muzzle_flash {
+ weapon = "ACE_gatling_20mm_Comanche";
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/addons/aircraft/RscInGameUI.hpp b/addons/aircraft/RscInGameUI.hpp
index 620d895d9e..d3ef60c6b6 100644
--- a/addons/aircraft/RscInGameUI.hpp
+++ b/addons/aircraft/RscInGameUI.hpp
@@ -1,581 +1,581 @@
-class RscControlsGroup;
-class RscText;
-class RangeText: RscText{};
-class RscPicture;
-class RscOpticsText;
-class RscIGProgress;
-class RscOpticsValue;
-class VScrollbar;
-class HScrollbar;
-class RscLadderPicture;
-class RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars;
-class RscInGameUI
- class RscUnitInfo;
- class Rsc_ACE_Helo_UI_Turret: RscUnitInfo
- {
- idd = 300;
- controls[] = {"CA_IGUI_elements_group","CA_VehicleToggles"};
- class VScrollbar;
- class HScrollbar;
- class CA_IGUI_elements_group: RscControlsGroup
- {
- idc = 170;
- class VScrollbar: VScrollbar
- {
- width = 0;
- };
- class HScrollbar: HScrollbar
- {
- height = 0;
- };
- x = "0 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneX + ((SafezoneW - SafezoneH) / 2))";
- y = "0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneY)";
- w = "53.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "40 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- class controls
- {
- class CA_Distance: RscText
- {
- idc = 151;
- style = 2;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- x = "24.78 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "30.88 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class CA_Speed: RangeText
- {
- idc = 188;
- style = 2;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- text = "120";
- x = "14.78 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "30.88 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class CA_Alt: RangeText
- {
- idc = 189;
- style = 2;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- text = "3825";
- x = "34.78 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "30.88 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class CA_VisionMode: RscText
- {
- idc = 152;
- style = 0;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- text = "VIS";
- x = "12.58 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "8 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class CA_FlirMode: RscText
- {
- idc = 153;
- style = 0;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- text = "BHOT";
- x = "15.78 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "8 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "4.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class ValueGrid: RangeText
- {
- idc = 172;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- style = 2;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- x = "12.20 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "3.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class TextTADS: RangeText
- {
- idc = 1010;
- text = "TADS";
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- style = 2;
- shadow = 0;
- x = "12.30 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class ValueTime: RangeText
- {
- idc = 190;
- text = "20:28:35";
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- style = 2;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- x = "12.1 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "6.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class CA_Laser: RscText
- {
- idc = 158;
- style = "0x30 + 0x800";
- sizeEx = "0.038*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- text = PATHTOF(data\Helo_LaserON.paa);
- x = "20.45 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "14.1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "12.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "12 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class CA_Heading: RscText
- {
- idc = 156;
- style = 0;
- sizeEx = "0.038*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- text = "023";
- x = "24.83 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "6 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- };
- };
- };
- class Rsc_ACE_Helo_UI_01: RscUnitInfo
- {
- controls[] = {"WeaponInfoControlsGroupRight","CA_TextFlaresMode","CA_TextFlares","CA_VehicleToggles","CA_Radar"};
- };
- class Rsc_ACE_Helo_UI_02: RscUnitInfo
- {
- controls[] = {"CA_TextFlaresMode","CA_TextFlares","CA_VehicleToggles","CA_Radar"};
- };
- class Rsc_ACE_Drones_UI_Turret: RscUnitInfo
- {
- idd = 300;
- controls[] = {"CA_Zeroing","CA_IGUI_elements_group","CA_VehicleToggles"};
- class CA_IGUI_elements_group: RscControlsGroup
- {
- idc = 170;
- class VScrollbar: VScrollbar
- {
- width = 0;
- };
- class HScrollbar: HScrollbar
- {
- height = 0;
- };
- x = "0 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneX + ((SafezoneW - SafezoneH) / 2))";
- y = "0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneY)";
- w = "53.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "40 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- class controls
- {
- class CA_Distance: RscText
- {
- idc = 151;
- style = 2;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- x = "24.78 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "30.88 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class CA_Speed: RangeText
- {
- idc = 188;
- style = 2;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- text = "120";
- x = "14.78 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "30.88 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class CA_Alt: RangeText
- {
- idc = 189;
- style = 2;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- text = "3825";
- x = "34.78 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "30.88 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class ValueTime: RangeText
- {
- idc = 190;
- text = "20:28:35";
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- style = 2;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- x = "1.75 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "10.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class CA_VisionMode: RscText
- {
- idc = 152;
- style = 0;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- text = "VIS";
- align = "right";
- x = "2.6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "12.0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class CA_FlirMode: RscText
- {
- idc = 153;
- style = 0;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- text = "BHOT";
- align = "right";
- x = "6.18 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "12.0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "4.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class TgT_Grid_text: RangeText
- {
- idc = 1005;
- text = "TGT:";
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- style = 2;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- x = "1.20 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "13.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class TGT_ValueGrid: RangeText
- {
- idc = 172;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- colorText[] = {0.706,0.0745,0.0196,0.8};
- style = 2;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- x = "5.20 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "13.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class OWN_Grid_text: RangeText
- {
- idc = 1005;
- text = "OWN:";
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- style = 2;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- x = "1.20 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "15 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class OWN_ValueGrid: RangeText
- {
- idc = 171;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- colorText[] = {0.15,1,0.15,0.8};
- style = 2;
- sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- x = "5.20 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "15 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class CA_Laser: RscText
- {
- idc = 158;
- style = "0x30 + 0x800";
- sizeEx = "0.038*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- align = "right";
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- text = PATHTOF(data\Helo_LaserON.paa);
- x = "20.45 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "14.1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "12.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "12 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class CA_Heading: RscText
- {
- idc = 156;
- style = 0;
- sizeEx = "0.038*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- text = "023";
- align = "right";
- x = "25 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- };
- };
- };
- class Rsc_ACE_Drones_UI_Pilots: RscUnitInfo
- {
- idd = 300;
- controls[] = {"WeaponInfoControlsGroupRight","CA_BackgroundVehicle","CA_BackgroundVehicleTitle","CA_BackgroundVehicleTitleDark","CA_BackgroundFuel","CA_Vehicle","CA_VehicleRole","CA_HitZones","CA_SpeedBackground","CA_SpeedUnits","CA_Speed","CA_ValueFuel","CA_AltBackground","CA_AltUnits","CA_Alt","CA_VehicleToggles","CA_Radar","DriverOpticsGroup"};
- class DriverOpticsGroup: RscControlsGroup
- {
- idc = 392;
- class VScrollbar: VScrollbar
- {
- width = 0;
- };
- class HScrollbar: HScrollbar
- {
- height = 0;
- };
- x = "0 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneX + ((SafezoneW - SafezoneH) / 2))";
- y = "0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneY)";
- w = "53.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "40 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- class controls
- {
- class TextGrid: RscText
- {
- style = 0;
- sizeEx = "0.02*SafezoneH";
- shadow = 0;
- font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
- idc = 1005;
- text = "GRID:";
- x = "5.8 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "31.8 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class ValueGrid: TextGrid
- {
- idc = 189;
- text = "382546";
- x = "10.3 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "31.8 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class TextTime: TextGrid
- {
- idc = 1010;
- text = "TIME [UTC]:";
- x = "5.8 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "32.6 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class ValueTime: TextGrid
- {
- idc = 101;
- text = "20:28:35";
- x = "10 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "32.6 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class TextMag: TextGrid
- {
- idc = 1011;
- text = "CAM MAG:";
- x = "5.8 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "7 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class OpticsZoom: TextGrid
- {
- idc = 192;
- text = "28x";
- x = "10.3 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "7 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class BorderLineSpdTop: RscPicture
- {
- idc = 1203;
- text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\border_line_ca.paa";
- x = "3.343 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "12.4 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "3 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class BorderLineSpdBottom: RscPicture
- {
- idc = 1207;
- text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\border_line_ca.paa";
- x = "3.343 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "26.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "3 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class BorderLineAltTop: RscPicture
- {
- idc = 1205;
- text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\border_line_ca.paa";
- x = "47.16 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "12.4 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "3 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class BorderLineAltBottom: RscPicture
- {
- idc = 1206;
- text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\border_line_ca.paa";
- x = "47.16 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "26.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "3 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class TextSpd: TextGrid
- {
- idc = 1004;
- text = "SPD";
- x = "4.8 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "11.8 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class SpeedValueBorder: RscPicture
- {
- idc = 1200;
- text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\altimeter_value_ca.paa";
- x = "6.3 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "19 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class CA_Speed: TextGrid
- {
- idc = 190;
- sizeEx = "0.03*SafezoneH";
- text = "120";
- x = "7.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "19.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class AnalogueSpeed: RscLadderPicture
- {
- idc = 384;
- topValue = 1312;
- bottomValue = -345;
- visibleRange = -1;
- text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\UAVspeedLadder_ca.paa";
- x = "1.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "13 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "14 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class TextAlt: TextGrid
- {
- idc = 1006;
- text = "ALT";
- x = "46.9 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "11.8 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class AltValueBorder: RscPicture
- {
- idc = 1201;
- text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\airspeed_value_ca.paa";
- x = "42.25 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "19 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class CA_Alt: TextGrid
- {
- idc = 191;
- sizeEx = "0.03*SafezoneH";
- style = 1;
- text = "3825";
- x = "43 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "19.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "3.2 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class AnalogueAlt: RscLadderPicture
- {
- idc = 385;
- topValue = 14430;
- bottomValue = -2110;
- visibleRange = -1;
- text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\UAValtLadder_ca.paa";
- x = "47 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "13 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "2.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "14 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class AnalogueHorizon: RscLadderPicture
- {
- idc = 383;
- topValue = 90;
- bottomValue = -90;
- visibleRange = -1;
- text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\horizon_ladder_ca.paa";
- x = "16.75 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "20 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "30 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- class HorizonCenter: RscPicture
- {
- idc = 1202;
- text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\horizon_aircraft_ca.paa";
- x = "24.75 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- y = "19 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
- h = "2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
- };
- };
- };
- };
+class RscControlsGroup;
+class RscText;
+class RangeText: RscText{};
+class RscPicture;
+class RscOpticsText;
+class RscIGProgress;
+class RscOpticsValue;
+class VScrollbar;
+class HScrollbar;
+class RscLadderPicture;
+class RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars;
+class RscInGameUI
+ class RscUnitInfo;
+ class Rsc_ACE_Helo_UI_Turret: RscUnitInfo
+ {
+ idd = 300;
+ controls[] = {"CA_IGUI_elements_group","CA_VehicleToggles"};
+ class VScrollbar;
+ class HScrollbar;
+ class CA_IGUI_elements_group: RscControlsGroup
+ {
+ idc = 170;
+ class VScrollbar: VScrollbar
+ {
+ width = 0;
+ };
+ class HScrollbar: HScrollbar
+ {
+ height = 0;
+ };
+ x = "0 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneX + ((SafezoneW - SafezoneH) / 2))";
+ y = "0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneY)";
+ w = "53.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "40 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ class controls
+ {
+ class CA_Distance: RscText
+ {
+ idc = 151;
+ style = 2;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ x = "24.78 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "30.88 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class CA_Speed: RangeText
+ {
+ idc = 188;
+ style = 2;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ text = "120";
+ x = "14.78 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "30.88 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class CA_Alt: RangeText
+ {
+ idc = 189;
+ style = 2;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ text = "3825";
+ x = "34.78 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "30.88 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class CA_VisionMode: RscText
+ {
+ idc = 152;
+ style = 0;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ text = "VIS";
+ x = "12.58 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "8 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class CA_FlirMode: RscText
+ {
+ idc = 153;
+ style = 0;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ text = "BHOT";
+ x = "15.78 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "8 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "4.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class ValueGrid: RangeText
+ {
+ idc = 172;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ style = 2;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ x = "12.20 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "3.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class TextTADS: RangeText
+ {
+ idc = 1010;
+ text = "TADS";
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ style = 2;
+ shadow = 0;
+ x = "12.30 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class ValueTime: RangeText
+ {
+ idc = 190;
+ text = "20:28:35";
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ style = 2;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ x = "12.1 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "6.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class CA_Laser: RscText
+ {
+ idc = 158;
+ style = "0x30 + 0x800";
+ sizeEx = "0.038*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ text = QPATHTOF(data\Helo_LaserON.paa);
+ x = "20.45 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "14.1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "12.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "12 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class CA_Heading: RscText
+ {
+ idc = 156;
+ style = 0;
+ sizeEx = "0.038*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ text = "023";
+ x = "24.83 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "6 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ class Rsc_ACE_Helo_UI_01: RscUnitInfo
+ {
+ controls[] = {"WeaponInfoControlsGroupRight","CA_TextFlaresMode","CA_TextFlares","CA_VehicleToggles","CA_Radar"};
+ };
+ class Rsc_ACE_Helo_UI_02: RscUnitInfo
+ {
+ controls[] = {"CA_TextFlaresMode","CA_TextFlares","CA_VehicleToggles","CA_Radar"};
+ };
+ class Rsc_ACE_Drones_UI_Turret: RscUnitInfo
+ {
+ idd = 300;
+ controls[] = {"CA_Zeroing","CA_IGUI_elements_group","CA_VehicleToggles"};
+ class CA_IGUI_elements_group: RscControlsGroup
+ {
+ idc = 170;
+ class VScrollbar: VScrollbar
+ {
+ width = 0;
+ };
+ class HScrollbar: HScrollbar
+ {
+ height = 0;
+ };
+ x = "0 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneX + ((SafezoneW - SafezoneH) / 2))";
+ y = "0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneY)";
+ w = "53.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "40 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ class controls
+ {
+ class CA_Distance: RscText
+ {
+ idc = 151;
+ style = 2;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ x = "24.78 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "30.88 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class CA_Speed: RangeText
+ {
+ idc = 188;
+ style = 2;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ text = "120";
+ x = "14.78 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "30.88 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class CA_Alt: RangeText
+ {
+ idc = 189;
+ style = 2;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ text = "3825";
+ x = "34.78 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "30.88 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class ValueTime: RangeText
+ {
+ idc = 190;
+ text = "20:28:35";
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ style = 2;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ x = "1.75 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "10.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class CA_VisionMode: RscText
+ {
+ idc = 152;
+ style = 0;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ text = "VIS";
+ align = "right";
+ x = "2.6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "12.0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class CA_FlirMode: RscText
+ {
+ idc = 153;
+ style = 0;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ text = "BHOT";
+ align = "right";
+ x = "6.18 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "12.0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "4.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class TgT_Grid_text: RangeText
+ {
+ idc = 1005;
+ text = "TGT:";
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ style = 2;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ x = "1.20 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "13.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class TGT_ValueGrid: RangeText
+ {
+ idc = 172;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ colorText[] = {0.706,0.0745,0.0196,0.8};
+ style = 2;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ x = "5.20 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "13.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class OWN_Grid_text: RangeText
+ {
+ idc = 1005;
+ text = "OWN:";
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ style = 2;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ x = "1.20 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "15 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class OWN_ValueGrid: RangeText
+ {
+ idc = 171;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ colorText[] = {0.15,1,0.15,0.8};
+ style = 2;
+ sizeEx = "0.0295*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ x = "5.20 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "15 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class CA_Laser: RscText
+ {
+ idc = 158;
+ style = "0x30 + 0x800";
+ sizeEx = "0.038*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ align = "right";
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ text = QPATHTOF(data\Helo_LaserON.paa);
+ x = "20.45 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "14.1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "12.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "12 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class CA_Heading: RscText
+ {
+ idc = 156;
+ style = 0;
+ sizeEx = "0.038*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ text = "023";
+ align = "right";
+ x = "25 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ class Rsc_ACE_Drones_UI_Pilots: RscUnitInfo
+ {
+ idd = 300;
+ controls[] = {"WeaponInfoControlsGroupRight","CA_BackgroundVehicle","CA_BackgroundVehicleTitle","CA_BackgroundVehicleTitleDark","CA_BackgroundFuel","CA_Vehicle","CA_VehicleRole","CA_HitZones","CA_SpeedBackground","CA_SpeedUnits","CA_Speed","CA_ValueFuel","CA_AltBackground","CA_AltUnits","CA_Alt","CA_VehicleToggles","CA_Radar","DriverOpticsGroup"};
+ class DriverOpticsGroup: RscControlsGroup
+ {
+ idc = 392;
+ class VScrollbar: VScrollbar
+ {
+ width = 0;
+ };
+ class HScrollbar: HScrollbar
+ {
+ height = 0;
+ };
+ x = "0 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneX + ((SafezoneW - SafezoneH) / 2))";
+ y = "0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneY)";
+ w = "53.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "40 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ class controls
+ {
+ class TextGrid: RscText
+ {
+ style = 0;
+ sizeEx = "0.02*SafezoneH";
+ shadow = 0;
+ font = "EtelkaMonospacePro";
+ idc = 1005;
+ text = "GRID:";
+ x = "5.8 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "31.8 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class ValueGrid: TextGrid
+ {
+ idc = 189;
+ text = "382546";
+ x = "10.3 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "31.8 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class TextTime: TextGrid
+ {
+ idc = 1010;
+ text = "TIME [UTC]:";
+ x = "5.8 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "32.6 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class ValueTime: TextGrid
+ {
+ idc = 101;
+ text = "20:28:35";
+ x = "10 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "32.6 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class TextMag: TextGrid
+ {
+ idc = 1011;
+ text = "CAM MAG:";
+ x = "5.8 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "7 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class OpticsZoom: TextGrid
+ {
+ idc = 192;
+ text = "28x";
+ x = "10.3 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "7 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class BorderLineSpdTop: RscPicture
+ {
+ idc = 1203;
+ text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\border_line_ca.paa";
+ x = "3.343 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "12.4 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "3 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class BorderLineSpdBottom: RscPicture
+ {
+ idc = 1207;
+ text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\border_line_ca.paa";
+ x = "3.343 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "26.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "3 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class BorderLineAltTop: RscPicture
+ {
+ idc = 1205;
+ text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\border_line_ca.paa";
+ x = "47.16 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "12.4 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "3 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class BorderLineAltBottom: RscPicture
+ {
+ idc = 1206;
+ text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\border_line_ca.paa";
+ x = "47.16 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "26.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "3 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class TextSpd: TextGrid
+ {
+ idc = 1004;
+ text = "SPD";
+ x = "4.8 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "11.8 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class SpeedValueBorder: RscPicture
+ {
+ idc = 1200;
+ text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\altimeter_value_ca.paa";
+ x = "6.3 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "19 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class CA_Speed: TextGrid
+ {
+ idc = 190;
+ sizeEx = "0.03*SafezoneH";
+ text = "120";
+ x = "7.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "19.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class AnalogueSpeed: RscLadderPicture
+ {
+ idc = 384;
+ topValue = 1312;
+ bottomValue = -345;
+ visibleRange = -1;
+ text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\UAVspeedLadder_ca.paa";
+ x = "1.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "13 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "14 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class TextAlt: TextGrid
+ {
+ idc = 1006;
+ text = "ALT";
+ x = "46.9 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "11.8 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class AltValueBorder: RscPicture
+ {
+ idc = 1201;
+ text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\airspeed_value_ca.paa";
+ x = "42.25 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "19 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class CA_Alt: TextGrid
+ {
+ idc = 191;
+ sizeEx = "0.03*SafezoneH";
+ style = 1;
+ text = "3825";
+ x = "43 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "19.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "3.2 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class AnalogueAlt: RscLadderPicture
+ {
+ idc = 385;
+ topValue = 14430;
+ bottomValue = -2110;
+ visibleRange = -1;
+ text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\UAValtLadder_ca.paa";
+ x = "47 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "13 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "2.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "14 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class AnalogueHorizon: RscLadderPicture
+ {
+ idc = 383;
+ topValue = 90;
+ bottomValue = -90;
+ visibleRange = -1;
+ text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\horizon_ladder_ca.paa";
+ x = "16.75 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "20 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "30 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ class HorizonCenter: RscPicture
+ {
+ idc = 1202;
+ text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HelicopterHUD\horizon_aircraft_ca.paa";
+ x = "24.75 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ y = "19 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ w = "4 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)";
+ h = "2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/addons/aircraft/config.cpp b/addons/aircraft/config.cpp
index 2ce2d0dc10..f989749383 100644
--- a/addons/aircraft/config.cpp
+++ b/addons/aircraft/config.cpp
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ class CfgPatches {
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_common"};
- author[] = {"KoffeinFlummi","Crusty","commy2","jaynus","Kimi"};
- authorUrl = "https://github.com/KoffeinFlummi/";
+ author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
+ authors[] = {"KoffeinFlummi","Crusty","commy2","jaynus","Kimi"};
+ url = ECSTRING(main,URL);
diff --git a/addons/aircraft/flightmodel_thunderbolt.hpp b/addons/aircraft/flightmodel_thunderbolt.hpp
index fa99f40424..2446e166bc 100644
--- a/addons/aircraft/flightmodel_thunderbolt.hpp
+++ b/addons/aircraft/flightmodel_thunderbolt.hpp
@@ -20,4 +20,3 @@ envelope[] = {0,0,0.75,2.4,3.6,3.8,3.7,3.2,2.2,1.7,0.9};
thrustCoef[] = {1,1.2,1.3,1.25,1.06,1.01,1,0.92,0.75,0.65,0.5,0.25,0};
acceleration = 265;
landingSpeed = 220;
-gunAimDown = 0.087266463;
diff --git a/addons/apl/config.cpp b/addons/apl/config.cpp
index 089f4bffe0..bd97757a1c 100644
--- a/addons/apl/config.cpp
+++ b/addons/apl/config.cpp
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ class CfgPatches {
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_main"};
- author[] = {"Bohemia Interactive"};
- authorUrl = "http://ace3mod.com";
+ author = "Bohemia Interactive";
+ url = ECSTRING(main,URL);
diff --git a/addons/atragmx/CfgVehicles.hpp b/addons/atragmx/CfgVehicles.hpp
index cc4a7880fe..6e8a136a03 100644
--- a/addons/atragmx/CfgVehicles.hpp
+++ b/addons/atragmx/CfgVehicles.hpp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
statement = QUOTE(call FUNC(create_dialog));
showDisabled = 0;
priority = 2;
- icon = PATHTOF(UI\ATRAG_Icon.paa);
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\ATRAG_Icon.paa);
exceptions[] = {"notOnMap", "isNotInside", "isNotSitting"};
diff --git a/addons/atragmx/CfgWeapons.hpp b/addons/atragmx/CfgWeapons.hpp
index 42d1e56ae2..af5e1a9955 100644
--- a/addons/atragmx/CfgWeapons.hpp
+++ b/addons/atragmx/CfgWeapons.hpp
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ class CfgWeapons {
scope = 2;
displayName = CSTRING(Name);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Description);
- model = PATHTOF(data\tdsrecon.p3d);
- picture = PATHTOF(UI\ATRAG_Icon.paa);
+ model = QPATHTOF(data\tdsrecon.p3d);
+ picture = QPATHTOF(UI\ATRAG_Icon.paa);
icon = "iconObject_circle";
mapSize = 0.034;
diff --git a/addons/atragmx/XEH_postInit.sqf b/addons/atragmx/XEH_postInit.sqf
index 8d4907523b..82f3c25aeb 100644
--- a/addons/atragmx/XEH_postInit.sqf
+++ b/addons/atragmx/XEH_postInit.sqf
@@ -49,4 +49,4 @@ if ((profileNamespace getVariable ["ACE_ATragMX_profileNamespaceVersion", 0]) ==
[] call FUNC(init);
[] call FUNC(restore_user_data);
-["RangerfinderData", {_this call FUNC(sord)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
+[QEGVAR(vector,rangefinderData), {_this call FUNC(sord)}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
diff --git a/addons/atragmx/config.cpp b/addons/atragmx/config.cpp
index 3abe32ba34..4bbde93706 100644
--- a/addons/atragmx/config.cpp
+++ b/addons/atragmx/config.cpp
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ class CfgPatches {
weapons[] = {"ACE_ATragMX"};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ACE_common", "ACE_weather"};
- author = "Ruthberg";
+ author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
+ authors[] = {"Ruthberg"};
+ url = ECSTRING(main,URL);
@@ -14,4 +16,8 @@ class CfgPatches {
#include "CfgEventHandlers.hpp"
#include "CfgVehicles.hpp"
#include "CfgWeapons.hpp"
-#include "RscTitles.hpp"
\ No newline at end of file
+#include "RscTitles.hpp"
+class ACE_newEvents {
+ RangerfinderData = QEGVAR(vector,rangefinderData);
diff --git a/addons/atragmx/functions/fnc_create_dialog.sqf b/addons/atragmx/functions/fnc_create_dialog.sqf
index 791374c9d0..a9912ccd34 100644
--- a/addons/atragmx/functions/fnc_create_dialog.sqf
+++ b/addons/atragmx/functions/fnc_create_dialog.sqf
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ GVAR(DialogPFH) = [{
if (!GVAR(active)) exitWith {
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
- __ctrlBackground ctrlSetText format [QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\ATRAG_%1.paa)), ["N", "D"] select (call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness))];
+ __ctrlBackground ctrlSetText format [QPATHTOF(UI\ATRAG_%1.paa), ["N", "D"] select (call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness))];
}, 60, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
diff --git a/addons/atragmx/functions/fnc_on_close_dialog.sqf b/addons/atragmx/functions/fnc_on_close_dialog.sqf
index 1f254c646a..fca60574a9 100644
--- a/addons/atragmx/functions/fnc_on_close_dialog.sqf
+++ b/addons/atragmx/functions/fnc_on_close_dialog.sqf
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#include "script_component.hpp"
-uiNamespace setVariable ['ATragMX_Display', nil];
-GVAR(active) = false;
+#include "script_component.hpp"
+uiNamespace setVariable ['ATragMX_Display', nil];
+GVAR(active) = false;
[GVAR(DialogPFH)] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/addons/atragmx/functions/fnc_target_speed_assist_timer.sqf b/addons/atragmx/functions/fnc_target_speed_assist_timer.sqf
index 14a0a276cc..692de386af 100644
--- a/addons/atragmx/functions/fnc_target_speed_assist_timer.sqf
+++ b/addons/atragmx/functions/fnc_target_speed_assist_timer.sqf
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ if !(ctrlVisible 9000) then {
if (!(GVAR(speedAssistTimer))) exitWith {
GVAR(speedAssistTimer) = true;
- ctrlSetText [8006, Str(Round((ACE_time - _startTime) * 10) / 10)];
+ ctrlSetText [8006, Str(Round((CBA_missionTime - _startTime) * 10) / 10)];
[] call FUNC(calculate_target_speed_assist);
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ if !(ctrlVisible 9000) then {
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
- ctrlSetText [9001, Str(Round((ACE_time - _startTime) * 10) / 10)];
+ ctrlSetText [9001, Str(Round((CBA_missionTime - _startTime) * 10) / 10)];
- }, 0.1, [ACE_time]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
+ }, 0.1, [CBA_missionTime]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
diff --git a/addons/atragmx/initKeybinds.sqf b/addons/atragmx/initKeybinds.sqf
index 51d2338292..94704e8132 100644
--- a/addons/atragmx/initKeybinds.sqf
+++ b/addons/atragmx/initKeybinds.sqf
@@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ _closeCode = {
closeDialog 0;
-[(localize LSTRING(Name)), QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\ATRAG_Icon.paa)), _conditonCode, _toggleCode, _closeCode] call EFUNC(common,deviceKeyRegisterNew);
+[(localize LSTRING(Name)), QPATHTOF(UI\ATRAG_Icon.paa), _conditonCode, _toggleCode, _closeCode] call EFUNC(common,deviceKeyRegisterNew);
diff --git a/addons/attach/CfgMagazines.hpp b/addons/attach/CfgMagazines.hpp
index f85cac82b4..7ba8cebbc5 100644
--- a/addons/attach/CfgMagazines.hpp
+++ b/addons/attach/CfgMagazines.hpp
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ class CfgMagazines {
class CA_Magazine;
class B_IR_Grenade: CA_Magazine {
ACE_Attachable = "B_IRStrobe";
- model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\ace_IRStrobe.p3d));
+ model = QPATHTOF(data\ace_IRStrobe.p3d);
class O_IR_Grenade: B_IR_Grenade {
ACE_Attachable = "O_IRStrobe";
- model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\ace_IRStrobe.p3d));
+ model = QPATHTOF(data\ace_IRStrobe.p3d);
class I_IR_Grenade: B_IR_Grenade {
ACE_Attachable = "I_IRStrobe";
- model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\ace_IRStrobe.p3d));
+ model = QPATHTOF(data\ace_IRStrobe.p3d);
class SmokeShell;
diff --git a/addons/attach/CfgVehicles.hpp b/addons/attach/CfgVehicles.hpp
index e462c0cefa..1e0c0f3e71 100644
--- a/addons/attach/CfgVehicles.hpp
+++ b/addons/attach/CfgVehicles.hpp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
exceptions[] = {}; \
showDisabled = 0; \
priority = 0; \
- icon = PATHTOF(UI\attach_ca.paa); \
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\attach_ca.paa); \
distance = 4.5; \
}; \
class GVAR(DetachVehicle) { \
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
exceptions[] = {}; \
showDisabled = 0; \
priority = 0.1; \
- icon = PATHTOF(UI\detach_ca.paa); \
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\detach_ca.paa); \
distance = 4.5; \
}; \
}; \
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
exceptions[] = {"isNotDragging"};
showDisabled = 0;
priority = 5;
- icon = PATHTOF(UI\attach_ca.paa);
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\attach_ca.paa);
class GVAR(Detach) {
displayName = CSTRING(Detach);
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
exceptions[] = {"isNotDragging"};
showDisabled = 0;
priority = 5;
- icon = PATHTOF(UI\detach_ca.paa);
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\detach_ca.paa);
diff --git a/addons/attach/CfgWeapons.hpp b/addons/attach/CfgWeapons.hpp
index dfea64678d..cc50b3be5e 100644
--- a/addons/attach/CfgWeapons.hpp
+++ b/addons/attach/CfgWeapons.hpp
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ class CfgWeapons {
scope = 2;
displayName = CSTRING(IrStrobe_Name);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(IrStrobe_Description);
- model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\ace_IRStrobe.p3d));
- picture = PATHTOF(UI\irstrobe_item.paa);
+ model = QPATHTOF(data\ace_IRStrobe.p3d);
+ picture = QPATHTOF(UI\irstrobe_item.paa);
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 1;
diff --git a/addons/attach/XEH_clientInit.sqf b/addons/attach/XEH_clientInit.sqf
index f7e663c2ae..feb7216e6b 100644
--- a/addons/attach/XEH_clientInit.sqf
+++ b/addons/attach/XEH_clientInit.sqf
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
//If attach placing, stop when opening menu:
-["interactMenuOpened", {GVAR(placeAction) = 0;}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
+["ace_interactMenuOpened", {GVAR(placeAction) = 0;}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
diff --git a/addons/attach/config.cpp b/addons/attach/config.cpp
index 0ecc37788a..59f733f9ea 100644
--- a/addons/attach/config.cpp
+++ b/addons/attach/config.cpp
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ class CfgPatches {
weapons[] = {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item"};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_interaction"};
- author[] = {"KoffeinFlummi","eRazeri","esteldunedain"};
- authorUrl = "https://github.com/KoffeinFlummi/";
+ author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
+ authors[] = {"KoffeinFlummi","eRazeri","esteldunedain"};
+ url = ECSTRING(main,URL);
@@ -17,3 +18,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
#include "CfgVehicles.hpp"
#include "CfgWeapons.hpp"
#include "GUI_VirtualAmmo.hpp"
+class ACE_newEvents {
+ interactMenuOpened = "ace_interactMenuOpened";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/addons/attach/functions/fnc_attach.sqf b/addons/attach/functions/fnc_attach.sqf
index 305c3c0960..cf80e74b1c 100644
--- a/addons/attach/functions/fnc_attach.sqf
+++ b/addons/attach/functions/fnc_attach.sqf
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ _onAtachText = format [localize LSTRING(Item_Attached), _onAtachText];
if (_unit == _attachToVehicle) then { //Self Attachment
_attachedItem = _itemVehClass createVehicle [0,0,0];
- _attachedItem attachTo [_unit, [-0.05, 0, 0.12], "rightshoulder"];
+ _attachedItem attachTo [_unit, [0.05, -0.09, 0.1], "leftshoulder"];
if (!_silentScripted) then {
_unit removeItem _itemClassname; // Remove item
[_onAtachText] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ if (_unit == _attachToVehicle) then { //Self Attachment
[_unit, "forceWalk", "ACE_Attach", true] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
- [{[localize LSTRING(PlaceAction), ""] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint)}, []] call EFUNC(common,execNextFrame);
+ [{[localize LSTRING(PlaceAction), ""] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint)}, []] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame;
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(placeActionEH), [_unit, "DefaultAction", {true}, {GVAR(placeAction) = PLACE_APPROVE;}] call EFUNC(common,AddActionEventHandler)];
_actionID = _unit addAction [format ["%1", localize LSTRING(CancelAction)], {GVAR(placeAction) = PLACE_CANCEL}];
diff --git a/addons/attach/functions/fnc_detach.sqf b/addons/attach/functions/fnc_detach.sqf
index 05c625b374..0cf5c78082 100644
--- a/addons/attach/functions/fnc_detach.sqf
+++ b/addons/attach/functions/fnc_detach.sqf
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ if (toLower _itemName in ["b_ir_grenade", "o_ir_grenade", "i_ir_grenade"]) then
detach _attachedObject;
_attachedObject setPos ((getPos _unit) vectorAdd [0, 0, -1000]);
// Delete attached item after 0.5 seconds
- [{deleteVehicle (_this select 0)}, [_attachedObject], 2] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
+ [{deleteVehicle (_this select 0)}, [_attachedObject], 2] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
} else {
// Delete attached item
deleteVehicle _attachedObject;
diff --git a/addons/attach/functions/fnc_getChildrenAttachActions.sqf b/addons/attach/functions/fnc_getChildrenAttachActions.sqf
index aeb75c00d4..9f811197e0 100644
--- a/addons/attach/functions/fnc_getChildrenAttachActions.sqf
+++ b/addons/attach/functions/fnc_getChildrenAttachActions.sqf
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ _actions = [];
if (getText (_item >> "ACE_Attachable") != "") then {
_displayName = getText(_item >> "displayName");
_picture = getText(_item >> "picture");
- _action = [_x, _displayName, _picture, {[{_this call FUNC(attach)}, _this] call EFUNC(common,execNextFrame)}, {_this call FUNC(canAttach)}, {}, [_x]] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
+ _action = [_x, _displayName, _picture, {[{_this call FUNC(attach)}, _this] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame}, {_this call FUNC(canAttach)}, {}, [_x]] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
_actions pushBack [_action, [], _target];
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ _actions = [];
if (getText (_item >> "ACE_Attachable") != "") then {
_displayName = getText(_item >> "displayName");
_picture = getText(_item >> "picture");
- _action = [_x, _displayName, _picture, {[{_this call FUNC(attach)}, _this] call EFUNC(common,execNextFrame)}, {_this call FUNC(canAttach)}, {}, [_x]] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
+ _action = [_x, _displayName, _picture, {[{_this call FUNC(attach)}, _this] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame}, {_this call FUNC(canAttach)}, {}, [_x]] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
_actions pushBack [_action, [], _target];
diff --git a/addons/attach/functions/fnc_handleGetIn.sqf b/addons/attach/functions/fnc_handleGetIn.sqf
index d9f469eee2..dd173c4125 100644
--- a/addons/attach/functions/fnc_handleGetIn.sqf
+++ b/addons/attach/functions/fnc_handleGetIn.sqf
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ if (!isNull _xObject) then {
params ["_detachedLight"];
TRACE_1("delayed delete",_detachedLight);
deleteVehicle _detachedLight;
- }, [_xObject], 2] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
+ }, [_xObject], 2] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
(_attachedList select 0) set [0, objNull];
diff --git a/addons/attach/functions/fnc_handleKilled.sqf b/addons/attach/functions/fnc_handleKilled.sqf
index 06c5473c88..69ab31122b 100644
--- a/addons/attach/functions/fnc_handleKilled.sqf
+++ b/addons/attach/functions/fnc_handleKilled.sqf
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ if ((count _attachedList) == 0) exitWith {};
//If it's a vehicle, also delete the attached
if (!(_deadUnit isKindOf "CAManBase")) then {
_xObject setPos ((getPos _deadUnit) vectorAdd [0, 0, -1000]);
- [{deleteVehicle (_this select 0)}, [_xObject], 2] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
+ [{deleteVehicle (_this select 0)}, [_xObject], 2] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
} forEach _attachedList;
diff --git a/addons/backpacks/XEH_postInit.sqf b/addons/backpacks/XEH_postInit.sqf
index 375fcd5f89..de5ffa4bee 100644
--- a/addons/backpacks/XEH_postInit.sqf
+++ b/addons/backpacks/XEH_postInit.sqf
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
-["backpackOpened", {_this call FUNC(backpackOpened)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
+["ace_backpackOpened", {_this call FUNC(backpackOpened)}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
diff --git a/addons/backpacks/config.cpp b/addons/backpacks/config.cpp
index ddc7639921..5328a1e4ee 100644
--- a/addons/backpacks/config.cpp
+++ b/addons/backpacks/config.cpp
@@ -6,10 +6,15 @@ class CfgPatches {
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_common"};
- author[] = {"bux","commy2"};
- authorUrl = "https://github.com/commy2/";
+ author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
+ authors[] = {"bux","commy2"};
+ url = ECSTRING(main,URL);
#include "CfgEventHandlers.hpp"
+class ACE_newEvents {
+ backpackOpened = "ace_backpackOpened";
diff --git a/addons/backpacks/functions/fnc_onOpenInventory.sqf b/addons/backpacks/functions/fnc_onOpenInventory.sqf
index d9a99535eb..0857f6b7ab 100644
--- a/addons/backpacks/functions/fnc_onOpenInventory.sqf
+++ b/addons/backpacks/functions/fnc_onOpenInventory.sqf
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ private _target = objectParent _backpack;
if (isNull _target) exitWith {false};
// raise event on target unit
-["backpackOpened", _target, [_target, _backpack]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
+["ace_backpackOpened", [_target, _backpack], _target] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
// return false to open inventory as usual
diff --git a/addons/ballistics/CfgAmmo.hpp b/addons/ballistics/CfgAmmo.hpp
index eeb64fec47..0819f8aa4b 100644
--- a/addons/ballistics/CfgAmmo.hpp
+++ b/addons/ballistics/CfgAmmo.hpp
@@ -1,806 +1,806 @@
-class CfgAmmo {
- class BulletCore;
- class BulletBase: BulletCore {
- timeToLive=6;
- };
- class B_556x45_Ball : BulletBase {
- airFriction=-0.00126466;
- hit=8;
- typicalSpeed=750;
- tracerScale = 1;
- tracerStartTime=0.073; // M856 tracer burns out to 800m
- tracerEndTime=1.57123; // Time in seconds calculated with ballistics calculator
- ACE_caliber=5.69;
- ACE_bulletLength=23.012;
- ACE_bulletMass=4.0176;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-27.20, -26.44, -23.76, -21.00, -17.54, -13.10, -7.95, -1.62, 6.24, 15.48, 27.75};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.151};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={723, 764, 796, 825, 843, 866, 878, 892, 906, 915, 922, 900};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={210.82, 238.76, 269.24, 299.72, 330.2, 360.68, 391.16, 419.1, 449.58, 480.06, 508.0, 609.6};
- };
- class ACE_556x45_Ball_Mk262 : B_556x45_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00109563;
- caliber=0.8;
- deflecting=18;
- hit=11;
- typicalSpeed=836;
- ACE_caliber=5.69;
- ACE_bulletLength=23.012;
- ACE_bulletMass=4.9896;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.361};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={624, 816, 832, 838};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={190.5, 368.3, 457.2, 508.0};
- };
- class ACE_556x45_Ball_Mk318 : B_556x45_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00123318;
- caliber=0.8;
- deflecting=18;
- hit=9;
- typicalSpeed=886;
- ACE_caliber=5.69;
- ACE_bulletLength=23.012;
- ACE_bulletMass=4.0176;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.307};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={780, 886, 950};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 393.7, 508.0};
- };
- class ACE_556x45_Ball_M995_AP : B_556x45_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00123272;
- caliber=1.6;
- deflecting=18;
- hit=6;
- typicalSpeed=869;
- ACE_caliber=5.69;
- ACE_bulletLength=23.012;
- ACE_bulletMass=4.5359237;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.310};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={820, 865, 880};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 368.3, 508.0};
- };
- class B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Red;
- class ACE_B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Dim: B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Red {
- nvgOnly = 1;
- };
- class ACE_545x39_Ball_7N6M : B_556x45_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00114744;
- caliber=0.6;
- deflecting=18;
- hit=7;
- typicalSpeed=880;
- ACE_caliber=5.588;
- ACE_bulletLength=21.59;
- ACE_bulletMass=3.42792;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.168};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={780, 880, 920};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 414.02, 508.0};
- };
- class B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Green;
- class ACE_545x39_Ball_7T3M : B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Green {
- airFriction=-0.00114744;
- caliber=0.6;
- deflecting=18;
- hit=7;
- typicalSpeed=883;
- tracerStartTime=0.073; // 7T3M tracer burns out to 850m
- tracerEndTime=1.70236; // Time in seconds calculated with ballistics calculator
- ACE_caliber=5.588;
- ACE_bulletLength=21.59;
- ACE_bulletMass=3.22704;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.168};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={785, 883, 925};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 414.02, 508.0};
- };
- class B_56x15_dual: BulletBase {
- tracerScale = 0.5;
- };
- class B_65x39_Caseless : BulletBase {
- airFriction=-0.00075308;
- typicalSpeed=800;
- tracerScale = 1.1; //1.0;
- ACE_caliber=6.706;
- ACE_bulletLength=32.893;
- ACE_bulletMass=7.9704;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.263};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={730, 760, 788, 800, 810, 830};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4, 762.0};
- };
- class B_65x39_Case_yellow;
- class ACE_65x39_Caseless_Tracer_Dim : B_65x39_Case_yellow {
- nvgOnly = 1;
- };
- class B_65x39_Caseless_green;
- class ACE_65x39_Caseless_green_Tracer_Dim : B_65x39_Caseless_green {
- nvgOnly = 1;
- };
- class ACE_65x47_Ball_Scenar: B_65x39_Caseless {
- airFriction=-0.00067037;
- typicalSpeed=820 ;
- caliber=0.9;
- ACE_caliber=6.706;
- ACE_bulletLength=34.646;
- ACE_bulletMass=9.0072;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.290};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={730, 760, 790, 820, 830};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class ACE_65_Creedmor_Ball: B_65x39_Caseless {
- airFriction=-0.00060887;
- typicalSpeed=860 ;
- caliber=1.1;
- ACE_caliber=6.706;
- ACE_bulletLength=36.22;
- ACE_bulletMass=9.072;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.317};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={750, 820, 840, 852, 860};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class SubmunitionBullet;
- class B_65x39_Minigun_Caseless: SubmunitionBullet {
- tracerScale = 1.1; //1.0;
- };
- class B_762x51_Ball : BulletBase {
- airFriction=-0.00100957;
- typicalSpeed=833;
- hit=9;
- tracerScale = 1.2; //0.6;
- tracerStartTime=0.073; // Based on the British L5A1 which burns out to 1000m
- tracerEndTime=2.15957; // Time in seconds calculated with ballistics calculator
- ACE_caliber=7.823;
- ACE_bulletLength=28.956;
- ACE_bulletMass=9.4608;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.2};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={700, 800, 820, 833, 845};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class B_762x51_Tracer_Yellow;
- class ACE_B_762x51_Tracer_Dim: B_762x51_Tracer_Yellow {
- nvgOnly = 1;
- };
- class ACE_762x51_Ball_M118LR : B_762x51_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00082828;
- caliber=1.8;
- hit=16;
- typicalSpeed=790;
- ACE_caliber=7.823;
- ACE_bulletLength=31.496;
- ACE_bulletMass=11.34;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.243};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={750, 780, 790, 794};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class ACE_762x51_Ball_Mk316_Mod_0 : B_762x51_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00082029;
- caliber=1.8;
- hit=16;
- typicalSpeed=790;
- ACE_caliber=7.823;
- ACE_bulletLength=31.496;
- ACE_bulletMass=11.34;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-5.3, -5.1, -4.6, -4.2, -3.4, -2.6, -1.4, -0.3, 1.4, 3.0, 5.2};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.243};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={775, 790, 805, 810};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class ACE_762x51_Ball_Mk319_Mod_0 : B_762x51_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00102338;
- caliber=1.5;
- hit=14;
- typicalSpeed=900;
- ACE_caliber=7.823;
- ACE_bulletLength=31.496;
- ACE_bulletMass=8.424;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.377};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={838, 892, 910};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={330.2, 406.4, 508.0};
- };
- class ACE_762x51_Ball_M993_AP : B_762x51_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00107148;
- caliber=2.2;
- hit=11;
- typicalSpeed=910;
- ACE_caliber=7.823;
- ACE_bulletLength=31.496;
- ACE_bulletMass=8.22946157;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.359};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={875, 910, 930};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={330.2, 406.4, 508.0};
- };
- class ACE_762x51_Ball_Subsonic : B_762x51_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00049899;
- caliber=1;
- hit=6;
- typicalSpeed=320;
- ACE_caliber=7.823;
- ACE_bulletLength=34.036;
- ACE_bulletMass=12.96;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.235};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={305, 325, 335, 340};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class ACE_30_06_M1_Ball : B_762x51_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00080900;
- typicalSpeed=800;
- caliber=2.0;
- hit=10;
- ACE_caliber=7.823;
- ACE_bulletLength=30.734;
- ACE_bulletMass=11.2752;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.494};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={700, 785, 800, 830, 840};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class ACE_7_Remington_Magnum_Ball : B_762x51_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00056738;
- typicalSpeed=820;
- caliber=2.1;
- hit=8;
- ACE_caliber=7.214;
- ACE_bulletLength=38.837;
- ACE_bulletMass=11.664;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.345};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={720, 780, 812, 822, 830};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class ACE_243_Winchester_Ball : B_762x51_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00067875;
- typicalSpeed=915;
- caliber=2.3;
- hit=6;
- ACE_caliber=6.172;
- ACE_bulletLength=32.563;
- ACE_bulletMass=11.664;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.278};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={830, 875, 900, 915, 920};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class ACE_762x67_Ball_Mk248_Mod_0 : B_762x51_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00070530;
- caliber=1.8;
- hit=17;
- typicalSpeed=900;
- ACE_caliber=7.823;
- ACE_bulletLength=34.366;
- ACE_bulletMass=12.312;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-5.3, -5.1, -4.6, -4.2, -3.4, -2.6, -1.4, -0.3, 1.4, 3.0, 5.2};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.268};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={865, 900, 924};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class ACE_762x67_Ball_Mk248_Mod_1 : B_762x51_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00061188;
- caliber=1.9;
- hit=18;
- typicalSpeed=867;
- ACE_caliber=7.823;
- ACE_bulletLength=37.821;
- ACE_bulletMass=14.256;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-5.3, -5.1, -4.6, -4.2, -3.4, -2.6, -1.4, -0.3, 1.4, 3.0, 5.2};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.310};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={847, 867, 877};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class ACE_762x67_Ball_Berger_Hybrid_OTM : B_762x51_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00053733;
- caliber=2.0;
- hit=19;
- typicalSpeed=853;
- ACE_caliber=7.823;
- ACE_bulletLength=40.691;
- ACE_bulletMass=14.904;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.368};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={800, 853, 884};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class B_762x54_Ball: B_762x51_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00100023;
- typicalSpeed=820;
- ACE_caliber=7.925;
- ACE_bulletLength=28.956;
- ACE_bulletMass=9.8496;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.4};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={700, 800, 820, 833};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class ACE_762x54_Ball_7N14 : B_762x51_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00100023;
- caliber=1.5;
- hit=15;
- typicalSpeed=820;
- ACE_caliber=7.925;
- ACE_bulletLength=28.956;
- ACE_bulletMass=9.8496;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.4};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={700, 800, 820, 833};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class B_762x54_Tracer_Green;
- class ACE_762x54_Ball_7T2 : B_762x54_Tracer_Green {
- airFriction=-0.00103989;
- caliber=1.5;
- hit=15;
- typicalSpeed=800;
- tracerStartTime=0.073; // Based on the 7T2 which burns three seconds
- tracerEndTime=3;
- ACE_caliber=7.925;
- ACE_bulletLength=28.956;
- ACE_bulletMass=9.6552;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.395};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={680, 750, 798, 800};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class ACE_762x35_Ball : B_762x51_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00128942;
- caliber=1.5;
- hit=11;
- typicalSpeed=790;
- ACE_caliber=7.823;
- ACE_bulletLength=29.286;
- ACE_bulletMass=8.1;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.349, 0.338, 0.330, 0.310};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={792, 610, 488};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={620, 655, 675};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={228.6, 406.4, 508.0};
- };
- class ACE_762x39_Ball : B_762x51_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00151621;
- hit=12;
- caliber=1.5;
- typicalSpeed=716;
- ACE_caliber=7.823;
- ACE_bulletLength=28.956;
- ACE_bulletMass=7.9704;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.275};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={650, 716, 750};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 414.02, 508.0};
- };
- class ACE_762x39_Ball_57N231P : B_762x54_Tracer_Green {
- airFriction=-0.00151621;
- hit=12;
- caliber=1.5;
- typicalSpeed=716;
- tracerStartTime = 0.073; //57N231P tracer burns out to 800m
- tracerEndTime = 2.082; //Time in seconds calculated with ballistics calculator
- ACE_caliber=7.823;
- ACE_bulletLength=28.956;
- ACE_bulletMass=7.5816;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.275};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={650, 716, 750};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 414.02, 508.0};
- };
- class B_9x21_Ball : BulletBase {
- airFriction=-0.00226847;
- typicalSpeed=390;
- tracerScale = 0.5;
- hit=6;
- ACE_caliber=9.042;
- ACE_bulletLength=15.494;
- ACE_bulletMass=7.452;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.17};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={440, 460, 480};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={101.6, 127.0, 228.6};
- };
- class B_9x21_Ball_Tracer_Green: B_9x21_Ball {
- tracerScale = 0.5;
- };
- class ACE_9x18_Ball_57N181S : B_9x21_Ball {
- hit=5;
- airFriction=-0.00190333;
- typicalSpeed=298;
- ACE_caliber=9.271;
- ACE_bulletLength=15.494;
- ACE_bulletMass=6.00048;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.125};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={298, 330, 350};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={96.52, 127.0, 228.6};
- };
- class ACE_9x19_Ball : B_9x21_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.0018577;
- typicalSpeed=370;
- hit=6;
- ACE_caliber=9.017;
- ACE_bulletLength=15.494;
- ACE_bulletMass=8.0352;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.165};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={340, 370, 400};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={101.6, 127.0, 228.6};
- };
- class ACE_10x25_Ball : B_9x21_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00181928;
- typicalSpeed=425;
- hit=7;
- ACE_caliber=12.7;
- ACE_bulletLength=19.406;
- ACE_bulletMass=10.692;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.189};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={360, 400, 430};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={101.6, 117.094, 228.6};
- };
- class ACE_765x17_Ball: B_9x21_Ball {
- airFriction=-0.00163356;
- typicalSpeed=282;
- hit=7;
- ACE_caliber=7.938;
- ACE_bulletLength=15.494;
- ACE_bulletMass=4.212;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.118};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={282, 300, 320};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={101.6, 127.0, 228.6};
- };
- class ACE_303_Ball : ACE_762x51_Ball_M118LR {
- airFriction=-0.0008349;
- typicalSpeed=761;
- caliber=2.0;
- ACE_caliber=7.899;
- ACE_bulletLength=31.166;
- ACE_bulletMass=11.2752;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.499, 0.493, 0.48};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={671, 549};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={748, 761, 765};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class B_93x64_Ball : BulletBase {
- airFriction=-0.00108571;
- typicalSpeed=880;
- ACE_caliber=9.296;
- ACE_bulletLength=34.29;
- ACE_bulletMass=14.904;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.368};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={850, 870, 880};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 620.014, 660.4};
- };
- class B_408_Ball : BulletBase {
- timeToLive=10;
- airFriction=-0.00038944;
- typicalSpeed=910;
- tracerScale = 1.3; //1.2;
- ACE_caliber=10.363;
- ACE_bulletLength=54.0;
- ACE_bulletMass=26.568;
- ACE_transonicStabilityCoef=1;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.97};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={910};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={736.6};
- };
- class ACE_106x83mm_Ball : B_408_Ball {
- timeToLive=10;
- airFriction=-0.00052047;
- ACE_caliber=10.566;
- ACE_bulletLength=53.061;
- ACE_bulletMass=25.7904;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.72};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={960};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={736.6};
- };
- class B_338_Ball : BulletBase {
- timeToLive=10;
- airFriction=-0.00059133;
- typicalSpeed=915;
- ACE_caliber=8.585;
- ACE_bulletLength=39.573;
- ACE_bulletMass=16.2;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.322};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={880, 915, 925};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 660.4, 711.2};
- };
- class B_338_NM_Ball : BulletBase {
- airFriction=-0.00052201;
- typicalSpeed=820;
- ACE_caliber=8.585;
- ACE_bulletLength=43.18;
- ACE_bulletMass=19.44;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.381};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={790, 807, 820};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
- };
- class ACE_338_Ball : B_338_Ball {
- timeToLive=10;
- airFriction=-0.00052190;
- typicalSpeed=826;
- ACE_caliber=8.585;
- ACE_bulletLength=43.18;
- ACE_bulletMass=19.44;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.381};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=7;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={800, 820, 826, 830};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 673.1, 711.2};
- };
- class ACE_338_Ball_API526 : B_338_Ball {
- timeToLive=10;
- airFriction=-0.00069611;
- caliber=2.8;
- typicalSpeed=895;
- ACE_caliber=8.585;
- ACE_bulletLength=38.989;
- ACE_bulletMass=16.3941242;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.560};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={880, 915, 925};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 660.4, 711.2};
- };
- class B_127x33_Ball: BulletBase {
- tracerScale = 1.3; //1.2;
- };
- class B_127x54_Ball : BulletBase {
- airFriction=-0.00019268;
- typicalSpeed=300;
- tracerScale = 1.3;//
- ACE_caliber=12.954;
- ACE_bulletLength=64.516;
- ACE_bulletMass=48.6;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={1.050};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={300};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={436.88};
- };
- class B_127x99_Ball : BulletBase {
- timeToLive=10;
- airFriction=-0.00057503;
- typicalSpeed=900;
- tracerScale = 1.3; //1.2;
- ACE_caliber=12.954;
- ACE_bulletLength=58.674;
- ACE_bulletMass=41.9256;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.670};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={900};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={736.6};
- };
- class ACE_127x99_API : BulletBase {
- timeToLive=10;
- airFriction=-0.00057503;
- typicalSpeed=900;
- tracerScale = 1.3;//
- hit=25;
- caliber=4.0;
- ACE_caliber=12.954;
- ACE_bulletLength=58.674;
- ACE_bulletMass=41.9904;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.670};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={900};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={736.6};
- };
- class ACE_127x99_Ball_AMAX : B_127x99_Ball {
- timeToLive=10;
- airFriction=-0.00036645;
- typicalSpeed=860;
- caliber=3.0;
- ACE_caliber=12.954;
- ACE_bulletLength=64.516;
- ACE_bulletMass=48.6;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={1.050};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={860};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={736.6};
- };
- class B_127x108_Ball : BulletBase {
- timeToLive=10;
- airFriction=-0.00063800;
- typicalSpeed=820;
- tracerScale = 1.3; //1.5;
- ACE_caliber=12.979;
- ACE_bulletLength=64.008;
- ACE_bulletMass=48.276;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.63};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={820};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={728.98};
- };
- class B_45ACP_Ball : BulletBase {
- airFriction=-0.00081221;
- typicalSpeed=250;
- tracerScale = 0.6;
- ACE_caliber=11.481;
- ACE_bulletLength=17.272;
- ACE_bulletMass=14.904;
- ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
- ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.195};
- ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
- ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
- ACE_dragModel=1;
- ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={230, 250, 285};
- ACE_barrelLengths[]={101.6, 127.0, 228.6};
- };
- class B_19mm_HE: BulletBase {
- tracerScale = 1;
- };
- class B_30mm_HE: B_19mm_HE {
- tracerScale = 2.5;
- };
- class B_20mm: BulletBase {
- timeToLive=30;
- tracerScale = 1.5; //1;
- };
- class B_25mm: BulletBase {
- timeToLive=30;
- tracerScale = 2.0; //1;
- };
- class B_30mm_AP: BulletBase {
- timeToLive=30;
- tracerScale = 2.5;
- };
- class B_35mm_AA: BulletBase {
- timeToLive=30;
- tracerScale = 2.75; //1.85;
- };
- class ShellBase;
- class Sh_120mm_HE: ShellBase {
- tracerScale = 3;
- };
- class Sh_120mm_APFSDS: ShellBase {
- tracerScale = 3;
- };
- class Gatling_30mm_HE_Plane_CAS_01_F: BulletBase {
- tracerScale = 2.5;
- };
+class CfgAmmo {
+ class BulletCore;
+ class BulletBase: BulletCore {
+ timeToLive=6;
+ };
+ class B_556x45_Ball : BulletBase {
+ airFriction=-0.00126466;
+ hit=8;
+ typicalSpeed=750;
+ tracerScale = 1;
+ tracerStartTime=0.073; // M856 tracer burns out to 800m
+ tracerEndTime=1.57123; // Time in seconds calculated with ballistics calculator
+ ACE_caliber=5.69;
+ ACE_bulletLength=23.012;
+ ACE_bulletMass=4.0176;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-27.20, -26.44, -23.76, -21.00, -17.54, -13.10, -7.95, -1.62, 6.24, 15.48, 27.75};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.151};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={723, 764, 796, 825, 843, 866, 878, 892, 906, 915, 922, 900};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={210.82, 238.76, 269.24, 299.72, 330.2, 360.68, 391.16, 419.1, 449.58, 480.06, 508.0, 609.6};
+ };
+ class ACE_556x45_Ball_Mk262 : B_556x45_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00109563;
+ caliber=0.8;
+ deflecting=18;
+ hit=11;
+ typicalSpeed=836;
+ ACE_caliber=5.69;
+ ACE_bulletLength=23.012;
+ ACE_bulletMass=4.9896;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.361};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={624, 816, 832, 838};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={190.5, 368.3, 457.2, 508.0};
+ };
+ class ACE_556x45_Ball_Mk318 : B_556x45_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00123318;
+ caliber=0.8;
+ deflecting=18;
+ hit=9;
+ typicalSpeed=886;
+ ACE_caliber=5.69;
+ ACE_bulletLength=23.012;
+ ACE_bulletMass=4.0176;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.307};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={780, 886, 950};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 393.7, 508.0};
+ };
+ class ACE_556x45_Ball_M995_AP : B_556x45_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00123272;
+ caliber=1.6;
+ deflecting=18;
+ hit=6;
+ typicalSpeed=869;
+ ACE_caliber=5.69;
+ ACE_bulletLength=23.012;
+ ACE_bulletMass=4.5359237;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.310};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={820, 865, 880};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 368.3, 508.0};
+ };
+ class B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Red;
+ class ACE_B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Dim: B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Red {
+ nvgOnly = 1;
+ };
+ class ACE_545x39_Ball_7N6M : B_556x45_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00114744;
+ caliber=0.6;
+ deflecting=18;
+ hit=7;
+ typicalSpeed=880;
+ ACE_caliber=5.588;
+ ACE_bulletLength=21.59;
+ ACE_bulletMass=3.42792;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.168};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={780, 880, 920};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 414.02, 508.0};
+ };
+ class B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Green;
+ class ACE_545x39_Ball_7T3M : B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Green {
+ airFriction=-0.00114744;
+ caliber=0.6;
+ deflecting=18;
+ hit=7;
+ typicalSpeed=883;
+ tracerStartTime=0.073; // 7T3M tracer burns out to 850m
+ tracerEndTime=1.70236; // Time in seconds calculated with ballistics calculator
+ ACE_caliber=5.588;
+ ACE_bulletLength=21.59;
+ ACE_bulletMass=3.22704;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.168};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={785, 883, 925};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 414.02, 508.0};
+ };
+ class B_56x15_dual: BulletBase {
+ tracerScale = 0.5;
+ };
+ class B_65x39_Caseless : BulletBase {
+ airFriction=-0.00075308;
+ typicalSpeed=800;
+ tracerScale = 1.1; //1.0;
+ ACE_caliber=6.706;
+ ACE_bulletLength=32.893;
+ ACE_bulletMass=7.9704;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.263};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={730, 760, 788, 800, 810, 830};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4, 762.0};
+ };
+ class B_65x39_Case_yellow;
+ class ACE_65x39_Caseless_Tracer_Dim : B_65x39_Case_yellow {
+ nvgOnly = 1;
+ };
+ class B_65x39_Caseless_green;
+ class ACE_65x39_Caseless_green_Tracer_Dim : B_65x39_Caseless_green {
+ nvgOnly = 1;
+ };
+ class ACE_65x47_Ball_Scenar: B_65x39_Caseless {
+ airFriction=-0.00067037;
+ typicalSpeed=820 ;
+ caliber=0.9;
+ ACE_caliber=6.706;
+ ACE_bulletLength=34.646;
+ ACE_bulletMass=9.0072;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.290};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={730, 760, 790, 820, 830};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class ACE_65_Creedmor_Ball: B_65x39_Caseless {
+ airFriction=-0.00060887;
+ typicalSpeed=860 ;
+ caliber=1.1;
+ ACE_caliber=6.706;
+ ACE_bulletLength=36.22;
+ ACE_bulletMass=9.072;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.317};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={750, 820, 840, 852, 860};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class SubmunitionBullet;
+ class B_65x39_Minigun_Caseless: SubmunitionBullet {
+ tracerScale = 1.1; //1.0;
+ };
+ class B_762x51_Ball : BulletBase {
+ airFriction=-0.00100957;
+ typicalSpeed=833;
+ hit=9;
+ tracerScale = 1.2; //0.6;
+ tracerStartTime=0.073; // Based on the British L5A1 which burns out to 1000m
+ tracerEndTime=2.15957; // Time in seconds calculated with ballistics calculator
+ ACE_caliber=7.823;
+ ACE_bulletLength=28.956;
+ ACE_bulletMass=9.4608;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.2};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={700, 800, 820, 833, 845};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class B_762x51_Tracer_Yellow;
+ class ACE_B_762x51_Tracer_Dim: B_762x51_Tracer_Yellow {
+ nvgOnly = 1;
+ };
+ class ACE_762x51_Ball_M118LR : B_762x51_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00082828;
+ caliber=1.8;
+ hit=16;
+ typicalSpeed=790;
+ ACE_caliber=7.823;
+ ACE_bulletLength=31.496;
+ ACE_bulletMass=11.34;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.243};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={750, 780, 790, 794};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class ACE_762x51_Ball_Mk316_Mod_0 : B_762x51_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00082029;
+ caliber=1.8;
+ hit=16;
+ typicalSpeed=790;
+ ACE_caliber=7.823;
+ ACE_bulletLength=31.496;
+ ACE_bulletMass=11.34;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-5.3, -5.1, -4.6, -4.2, -3.4, -2.6, -1.4, -0.3, 1.4, 3.0, 5.2};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.243};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={775, 790, 805, 810};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class ACE_762x51_Ball_Mk319_Mod_0 : B_762x51_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00102338;
+ caliber=1.5;
+ hit=14;
+ typicalSpeed=900;
+ ACE_caliber=7.823;
+ ACE_bulletLength=31.496;
+ ACE_bulletMass=8.424;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.377};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={838, 892, 910};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={330.2, 406.4, 508.0};
+ };
+ class ACE_762x51_Ball_M993_AP : B_762x51_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00107148;
+ caliber=2.2;
+ hit=11;
+ typicalSpeed=910;
+ ACE_caliber=7.823;
+ ACE_bulletLength=31.496;
+ ACE_bulletMass=8.22946157;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.359};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={875, 910, 930};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={330.2, 406.4, 508.0};
+ };
+ class ACE_762x51_Ball_Subsonic : B_762x51_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00049899;
+ caliber=1;
+ hit=6;
+ typicalSpeed=320;
+ ACE_caliber=7.823;
+ ACE_bulletLength=34.036;
+ ACE_bulletMass=12.96;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.235};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={305, 325, 335, 340};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class ACE_30_06_M1_Ball : B_762x51_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00080900;
+ typicalSpeed=800;
+ caliber=2.0;
+ hit=10;
+ ACE_caliber=7.823;
+ ACE_bulletLength=30.734;
+ ACE_bulletMass=11.2752;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.494};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={700, 785, 800, 830, 840};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class ACE_7_Remington_Magnum_Ball : B_762x51_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00056738;
+ typicalSpeed=820;
+ caliber=2.1;
+ hit=8;
+ ACE_caliber=7.214;
+ ACE_bulletLength=38.837;
+ ACE_bulletMass=11.664;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.345};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={720, 780, 812, 822, 830};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class ACE_243_Winchester_Ball : B_762x51_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00067875;
+ typicalSpeed=915;
+ caliber=2.3;
+ hit=6;
+ ACE_caliber=6.172;
+ ACE_bulletLength=32.563;
+ ACE_bulletMass=11.664;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.278};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={830, 875, 900, 915, 920};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class ACE_762x67_Ball_Mk248_Mod_0 : B_762x51_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00070530;
+ caliber=1.8;
+ hit=17;
+ typicalSpeed=900;
+ ACE_caliber=7.823;
+ ACE_bulletLength=34.366;
+ ACE_bulletMass=12.312;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-5.3, -5.1, -4.6, -4.2, -3.4, -2.6, -1.4, -0.3, 1.4, 3.0, 5.2};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.268};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={865, 900, 924};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class ACE_762x67_Ball_Mk248_Mod_1 : B_762x51_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00061188;
+ caliber=1.9;
+ hit=18;
+ typicalSpeed=867;
+ ACE_caliber=7.823;
+ ACE_bulletLength=37.821;
+ ACE_bulletMass=14.256;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-5.3, -5.1, -4.6, -4.2, -3.4, -2.6, -1.4, -0.3, 1.4, 3.0, 5.2};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.310};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={847, 867, 877};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class ACE_762x67_Ball_Berger_Hybrid_OTM : B_762x51_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00053733;
+ caliber=2.0;
+ hit=19;
+ typicalSpeed=853;
+ ACE_caliber=7.823;
+ ACE_bulletLength=40.691;
+ ACE_bulletMass=14.904;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.368};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={800, 853, 884};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class B_762x54_Ball: B_762x51_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00100023;
+ typicalSpeed=820;
+ ACE_caliber=7.925;
+ ACE_bulletLength=28.956;
+ ACE_bulletMass=9.8496;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.4};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={700, 800, 820, 833};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class ACE_762x54_Ball_7N14 : B_762x51_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00100023;
+ caliber=1.5;
+ hit=15;
+ typicalSpeed=820;
+ ACE_caliber=7.925;
+ ACE_bulletLength=28.956;
+ ACE_bulletMass=9.8496;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.4};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={700, 800, 820, 833};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class B_762x54_Tracer_Green;
+ class ACE_762x54_Ball_7T2 : B_762x54_Tracer_Green {
+ airFriction=-0.00103989;
+ caliber=1.5;
+ hit=15;
+ typicalSpeed=800;
+ tracerStartTime=0.073; // Based on the 7T2 which burns three seconds
+ tracerEndTime=3;
+ ACE_caliber=7.925;
+ ACE_bulletLength=28.956;
+ ACE_bulletMass=9.6552;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.395};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={680, 750, 798, 800};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class ACE_762x35_Ball : B_762x51_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00128942;
+ caliber=1.5;
+ hit=11;
+ typicalSpeed=790;
+ ACE_caliber=7.823;
+ ACE_bulletLength=29.286;
+ ACE_bulletMass=8.1;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.349, 0.338, 0.330, 0.310};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={792, 610, 488};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={620, 655, 675};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={228.6, 406.4, 508.0};
+ };
+ class ACE_762x39_Ball : B_762x51_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00151621;
+ hit=12;
+ caliber=1.5;
+ typicalSpeed=716;
+ ACE_caliber=7.823;
+ ACE_bulletLength=28.956;
+ ACE_bulletMass=7.9704;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.275};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={650, 716, 750};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 414.02, 508.0};
+ };
+ class ACE_762x39_Ball_57N231P : B_762x54_Tracer_Green {
+ airFriction=-0.00151621;
+ hit=12;
+ caliber=1.5;
+ typicalSpeed=716;
+ tracerStartTime = 0.073; //57N231P tracer burns out to 800m
+ tracerEndTime = 2.082; //Time in seconds calculated with ballistics calculator
+ ACE_caliber=7.823;
+ ACE_bulletLength=28.956;
+ ACE_bulletMass=7.5816;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.275};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={650, 716, 750};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 414.02, 508.0};
+ };
+ class B_9x21_Ball : BulletBase {
+ airFriction=-0.00226847;
+ typicalSpeed=390;
+ tracerScale = 0.5;
+ hit=6;
+ ACE_caliber=9.042;
+ ACE_bulletLength=15.494;
+ ACE_bulletMass=7.452;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.17};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={440, 460, 480};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={101.6, 127.0, 228.6};
+ };
+ class B_9x21_Ball_Tracer_Green: B_9x21_Ball {
+ tracerScale = 0.5;
+ };
+ class ACE_9x18_Ball_57N181S : B_9x21_Ball {
+ hit=5;
+ airFriction=-0.00190333;
+ typicalSpeed=298;
+ ACE_caliber=9.271;
+ ACE_bulletLength=15.494;
+ ACE_bulletMass=6.00048;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.125};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={298, 330, 350};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={96.52, 127.0, 228.6};
+ };
+ class ACE_9x19_Ball : B_9x21_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.0018577;
+ typicalSpeed=370;
+ hit=6;
+ ACE_caliber=9.017;
+ ACE_bulletLength=15.494;
+ ACE_bulletMass=8.0352;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.165};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={340, 370, 400};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={101.6, 127.0, 228.6};
+ };
+ class ACE_10x25_Ball : B_9x21_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00181928;
+ typicalSpeed=425;
+ hit=7;
+ ACE_caliber=12.7;
+ ACE_bulletLength=19.406;
+ ACE_bulletMass=10.692;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.189};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={360, 400, 430};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={101.6, 117.094, 228.6};
+ };
+ class ACE_765x17_Ball: B_9x21_Ball {
+ airFriction=-0.00163356;
+ typicalSpeed=282;
+ hit=7;
+ ACE_caliber=7.938;
+ ACE_bulletLength=15.494;
+ ACE_bulletMass=4.212;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.118};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={282, 300, 320};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={101.6, 127.0, 228.6};
+ };
+ class ACE_303_Ball : ACE_762x51_Ball_M118LR {
+ airFriction=-0.0008349;
+ typicalSpeed=761;
+ caliber=2.0;
+ ACE_caliber=7.899;
+ ACE_bulletLength=31.166;
+ ACE_bulletMass=11.2752;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.499, 0.493, 0.48};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={671, 549};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={748, 761, 765};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class B_93x64_Ball : BulletBase {
+ airFriction=-0.00108571;
+ typicalSpeed=880;
+ ACE_caliber=9.296;
+ ACE_bulletLength=34.29;
+ ACE_bulletMass=14.904;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.368};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={850, 870, 880};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 620.014, 660.4};
+ };
+ class B_408_Ball : BulletBase {
+ timeToLive=10;
+ airFriction=-0.00038944;
+ typicalSpeed=910;
+ tracerScale = 1.3; //1.2;
+ ACE_caliber=10.363;
+ ACE_bulletLength=54.0;
+ ACE_bulletMass=26.568;
+ ACE_transonicStabilityCoef=1;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.97};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={910};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={736.6};
+ };
+ class ACE_106x83mm_Ball : B_408_Ball {
+ timeToLive=10;
+ airFriction=-0.00052047;
+ ACE_caliber=10.566;
+ ACE_bulletLength=53.061;
+ ACE_bulletMass=25.7904;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.72};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={960};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={736.6};
+ };
+ class B_338_Ball : BulletBase {
+ timeToLive=10;
+ airFriction=-0.00059133;
+ typicalSpeed=915;
+ ACE_caliber=8.585;
+ ACE_bulletLength=39.573;
+ ACE_bulletMass=16.2;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.322};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={880, 915, 925};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 660.4, 711.2};
+ };
+ class B_338_NM_Ball : BulletBase {
+ airFriction=-0.00052201;
+ typicalSpeed=820;
+ ACE_caliber=8.585;
+ ACE_bulletLength=43.18;
+ ACE_bulletMass=19.44;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.381};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={790, 807, 820};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 660.4};
+ };
+ class ACE_338_Ball : B_338_Ball {
+ timeToLive=10;
+ airFriction=-0.00052190;
+ typicalSpeed=826;
+ ACE_caliber=8.585;
+ ACE_bulletLength=43.18;
+ ACE_bulletMass=19.44;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.381};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=7;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={800, 820, 826, 830};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 673.1, 711.2};
+ };
+ class ACE_338_Ball_API526 : B_338_Ball {
+ timeToLive=10;
+ airFriction=-0.00069611;
+ caliber=2.8;
+ typicalSpeed=895;
+ ACE_caliber=8.585;
+ ACE_bulletLength=38.989;
+ ACE_bulletMass=16.3941242;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.560};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={880, 915, 925};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 660.4, 711.2};
+ };
+ class B_127x33_Ball: BulletBase {
+ tracerScale = 1.3; //1.2;
+ };
+ class B_127x54_Ball : BulletBase {
+ airFriction=-0.00019268;
+ typicalSpeed=300;
+ tracerScale = 1.3;//
+ ACE_caliber=12.954;
+ ACE_bulletLength=64.516;
+ ACE_bulletMass=48.6;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={1.050};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={300};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={436.88};
+ };
+ class B_127x99_Ball : BulletBase {
+ timeToLive=10;
+ airFriction=-0.00057503;
+ typicalSpeed=900;
+ tracerScale = 1.3; //1.2;
+ ACE_caliber=12.954;
+ ACE_bulletLength=58.674;
+ ACE_bulletMass=41.9256;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.670};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={900};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={736.6};
+ };
+ class ACE_127x99_API : BulletBase {
+ timeToLive=10;
+ airFriction=-0.00057503;
+ typicalSpeed=900;
+ tracerScale = 1.3;//
+ hit=25;
+ caliber=4.0;
+ ACE_caliber=12.954;
+ ACE_bulletLength=58.674;
+ ACE_bulletMass=41.9904;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.670};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={900};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={736.6};
+ };
+ class ACE_127x99_Ball_AMAX : B_127x99_Ball {
+ timeToLive=10;
+ airFriction=-0.00036645;
+ typicalSpeed=860;
+ caliber=3.0;
+ ACE_caliber=12.954;
+ ACE_bulletLength=64.516;
+ ACE_bulletMass=48.6;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={1.050};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={860};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={736.6};
+ };
+ class B_127x108_Ball : BulletBase {
+ timeToLive=10;
+ airFriction=-0.00063800;
+ typicalSpeed=820;
+ tracerScale = 1.3; //1.5;
+ ACE_caliber=12.979;
+ ACE_bulletLength=64.008;
+ ACE_bulletMass=48.276;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.63};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={820};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={728.98};
+ };
+ class B_45ACP_Ball : BulletBase {
+ airFriction=-0.00081221;
+ typicalSpeed=250;
+ tracerScale = 0.6;
+ ACE_caliber=11.481;
+ ACE_bulletLength=17.272;
+ ACE_bulletMass=14.904;
+ ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619};
+ ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.195};
+ ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={};
+ ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM";
+ ACE_dragModel=1;
+ ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={230, 250, 285};
+ ACE_barrelLengths[]={101.6, 127.0, 228.6};
+ };
+ class B_19mm_HE: BulletBase {
+ tracerScale = 1;
+ };
+ class B_30mm_HE: B_19mm_HE {
+ tracerScale = 2.5;
+ };
+ class B_20mm: BulletBase {
+ timeToLive=30;
+ tracerScale = 1.5; //1;
+ };
+ class B_25mm: BulletBase {
+ timeToLive=30;
+ tracerScale = 2.0; //1;
+ };
+ class B_30mm_AP: BulletBase {
+ timeToLive=30;
+ tracerScale = 2.5;
+ };
+ class B_35mm_AA: BulletBase {
+ timeToLive=30;
+ tracerScale = 2.75; //1.85;
+ };
+ class ShellBase;
+ class Sh_120mm_HE: ShellBase {
+ tracerScale = 3;
+ };
+ class Sh_120mm_APFSDS: ShellBase {
+ tracerScale = 3;
+ };
+ class Gatling_30mm_HE_Plane_CAS_01_F: BulletBase {
+ tracerScale = 2.5;
+ };
diff --git a/addons/ballistics/config.cpp b/addons/ballistics/config.cpp
index 768ba63e02..59c29f0a7f 100644
--- a/addons/ballistics/config.cpp
+++ b/addons/ballistics/config.cpp
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ class CfgPatches {
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_common"};
- author[] = {"commy2","Ruthberg"};
+ author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
+ authors[] = {"commy2","Ruthberg"};
+ url = ECSTRING(main,URL);
diff --git a/addons/ballistics/scripts/initTargetWall.sqf b/addons/ballistics/scripts/initTargetWall.sqf
index d9b16eec10..0ce3950de1 100644
--- a/addons/ballistics/scripts/initTargetWall.sqf
+++ b/addons/ballistics/scripts/initTargetWall.sqf
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ if (local _wall) then {
_paper attachTo [_wall, [0,-0.02,0.6]];
_paper setDir getDir _wall;
- _paper setObjectTextureGlobal [0, QUOTE(PATHTOF(textures\target_ca.paa))];
+ _paper setObjectTextureGlobal [0, QPATHTOF(textures\target_ca.paa)];
diff --git a/addons/captives/CfgVehicles.hpp b/addons/captives/CfgVehicles.hpp
index a8215c0cdc..2afa1cfea4 100644
--- a/addons/captives/CfgVehicles.hpp
+++ b/addons/captives/CfgVehicles.hpp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
condition = QUOTE([ARR_2(_player, _target)] call FUNC(canApplyHandcuffs));
statement = QUOTE([ARR_2(_player, _target)] call FUNC(doApplyHandcuffs));
exceptions[] = {};
- icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\handcuff_ca.paa));
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\handcuff_ca.paa);
class ACE_MainActions {
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
condition = QUOTE([ARR_2(_player, _target)] call FUNC(canRemoveHandcuffs));
statement = QUOTE([ARR_2(_player, _target)] call FUNC(doRemoveHandcuffs));
exceptions[] = {};
- icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\handcuff_ca.paa));
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\handcuff_ca.paa);
class ACE_EscortCaptive {
displayName = CSTRING(EscortCaptive);
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_player, _target, true)] call FUNC(doEscortCaptive));
exceptions[] = {};
showDisabled = 0;
- icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\captive_ca.paa));
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\captive_ca.paa);
priority = 2.3;
class ACE_StopEscorting {
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_player,_target, false)] call FUNC(doEscortCaptive));
exceptions[] = {"isNotEscorting"};
showDisabled = 0;
- icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\captive_ca.paa));
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\captive_ca.paa);
priority = 2.3;
class ACE_LoadCaptive {
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_player, _target, objNull)] call FUNC(doLoadCaptive));
exceptions[] = {"isNotEscorting"};
showDisabled = 0;
- icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\captive_ca.paa));
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\captive_ca.paa);
priority = 2.2;
class GVAR(UnloadCaptive) {
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
exceptions[] = {};
showDisabled = 0;
priority = 0;
- icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\Surrender_ca.paa));
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\Surrender_ca.paa);
class ACE_StopSurrenderingSelf {
displayName = CSTRING(StopSurrendering);
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
exceptions[] = {"isNotSurrendering"};
showDisabled = 0;
priority = 0;
- icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\Surrender_ca.paa));
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\Surrender_ca.paa);
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
scope = 2; //show in editor
isGlobal = 0; //run on server
isTriggerActivated = 1; //Wait for triggers
- icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_Make_Unit_Surrender_ca.paa));
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_Make_Unit_Surrender_ca.paa);
functionPriority = 0;
class Arguments {};
class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription {
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
scope = 2; //show in editor
isGlobal = 0; //run on server
isTriggerActivated = 1; //Wait for triggers
- icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_Make_Unit_Handcuffed_ca.paa));
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_Make_Unit_Handcuffed_ca.paa);
functionPriority = 0;
class Arguments {};
class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription {
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
displayName = CSTRING(ModuleSettings_DisplayName);
function = QFUNC(moduleSettings);
scope = 2;
- icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_settings_ca.paa));
+ icon = QPATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_settings_ca.paa);
isGlobal = 1;
isSingular = 1;
class Arguments {
diff --git a/addons/captives/CfgWeapons.hpp b/addons/captives/CfgWeapons.hpp
index 7092962519..1b65a0a4bf 100644
--- a/addons/captives/CfgWeapons.hpp
+++ b/addons/captives/CfgWeapons.hpp
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class ACE_CableTie: ACE_ItemCore {
displayName = CSTRING(CableTie);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(CableTieDescription);
- model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(models\ace_cabletie.p3d));
- picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\ace_cabletie_ca.paa));
+ model = QPATHTOF(models\ace_cabletie.p3d);
+ picture = QPATHTOF(UI\ace_cabletie_ca.paa);
scope = 2;
class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F {
mass = 1;
diff --git a/addons/captives/XEH_postInit.sqf b/addons/captives/XEH_postInit.sqf
index 5aada0950f..9709508fa2 100644
--- a/addons/captives/XEH_postInit.sqf
+++ b/addons/captives/XEH_postInit.sqf
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
-["SettingsInitialized", {
+["ace_settingsInitialized", {
// Hold on a little bit longer to ensure anims will work
GVAR(captivityEnabled) = true;
- }, [], 0.05] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
-}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
+ }, [], 0.05] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
+}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
//Handles when someone starts escorting and then disconnects, leaving the captive attached
//This is normaly handled by the PFEH in doEscortCaptive, but that won't be running if they DC
@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ if (isServer) then {
-["playerChanged", {_this call FUNC(handlePlayerChanged)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventhandler);
-["MoveInCaptive", {_this call FUNC(vehicleCaptiveMoveIn)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
-["MoveOutCaptive", {_this call FUNC(vehicleCaptiveMoveOut)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
+["ace_playerChanged", {_this call FUNC(handlePlayerChanged)}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
+[QGVAR(moveInCaptive), {_this call FUNC(vehicleCaptiveMoveIn)}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
+[QGVAR(moveOutCaptive), {_this call FUNC(vehicleCaptiveMoveOut)}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
-["SetHandcuffed", {_this call FUNC(setHandcuffed)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
-["SetSurrendered", {_this call FUNC(setSurrendered)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
+[QGVAR(setHandcuffed), {_this call FUNC(setHandcuffed)}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
+[QGVAR(setSurrendered), {_this call FUNC(setSurrendered)}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
//Medical Integration Events
-["medical_onUnconscious", {_this call ACE_Captives_fnc_handleOnUnconscious}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
+["ace_unconscious", {_this call ACE_Captives_fnc_handleOnUnconscious}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
diff --git a/addons/captives/config.cpp b/addons/captives/config.cpp
index c87408b341..883fbebe32 100644
--- a/addons/captives/config.cpp
+++ b/addons/captives/config.cpp
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ class CfgPatches {
weapons[] = {"ACE_CableTie"};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ACE_Interaction"};
- author[] = {"commy2", "KoffeinFlummi"};
- authorUrl = "https://github.com/commy2/";
+ author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
+ authors[] = {"commy2", "KoffeinFlummi"};
+ url = ECSTRING(main,URL);
@@ -17,4 +18,12 @@ class CfgPatches {
#include "CfgMoves.hpp"
#include "CfgVehicles.hpp"
#include "CfgWeapons.hpp"
-#include "CfgEden.hpp"
\ No newline at end of file
+#include "CfgEden.hpp"
+class ACE_newEvents {
+ SetSurrendered = QGVAR(setSurrendered);
+ SetHandcuffed = QGVAR(setHandcuffed);
+ MoveOutCaptive = QGVAR(moveOutCaptive);
+ MoveInCaptive = QGVAR(moveInCaptive);
+ CaptiveStatusChanged = "ace_captiveStatusChanged";
diff --git a/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doApplyHandcuffs.sqf b/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doApplyHandcuffs.sqf
index 21bfe58747..d80ffc40a1 100644
--- a/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doApplyHandcuffs.sqf
+++ b/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doApplyHandcuffs.sqf
@@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ params ["_unit", "_target"];
playSound3D [QUOTE(PATHTO_R(sounds\cable_tie_zipping.ogg)), objNull, false, (getPosASL _target), 1, 1, 10];
-["SetHandcuffed", [_target], [_target, true]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
+[QGVAR(setHandcuffed), [_target, true], [_target]] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
_unit removeItem "ACE_CableTie";
diff --git a/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doLoadCaptive.sqf b/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doLoadCaptive.sqf
index a4d7df8892..2a8bc055ec 100644
--- a/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doLoadCaptive.sqf
+++ b/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doLoadCaptive.sqf
@@ -47,4 +47,4 @@ if (isNull _vehicle) then {
if (isNull _vehicle) exitWith {ERROR("");};
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(isEscorting), false, true];
-["MoveInCaptive", [_target], [_target, _vehicle]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
+[QGVAR(moveInCaptive), [_target, _vehicle], [_target]] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
diff --git a/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doRemoveHandcuffs.sqf b/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doRemoveHandcuffs.sqf
index 681b698de3..7f445440ba 100644
--- a/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doRemoveHandcuffs.sqf
+++ b/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doRemoveHandcuffs.sqf
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
params ["_unit", "_target"];
-["SetHandcuffed", [_target], [_target, false]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
+[QGVAR(setHandcuffed), [_target, false], [_target]] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
diff --git a/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doUnloadCaptive.sqf b/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doUnloadCaptive.sqf
index 46ba618010..fd4375e4b7 100644
--- a/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doUnloadCaptive.sqf
+++ b/addons/captives/functions/fnc_doUnloadCaptive.sqf
@@ -18,4 +18,4 @@
params ["_unit", "_target"];
-["MoveOutCaptive", [_target], [_target]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
+[QGVAR(moveOutCaptive), [_target], [_target]] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
diff --git a/addons/captives/functions/fnc_handleOnUnconscious.sqf b/addons/captives/functions/fnc_handleOnUnconscious.sqf
index ca6362d3da..456161d9de 100644
--- a/addons/captives/functions/fnc_handleOnUnconscious.sqf
+++ b/addons/captives/functions/fnc_handleOnUnconscious.sqf
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Author: commy2, PabstMirror
- * Handles the "medical_onUnconscious" event
+ * Handles the "ace_unconscious" event
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit