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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Tweak randomness for wound bleeding and pain (#5113)
* Tweak randomness for wound bleeding and pain * Scale damage to bodyPartDamage on multi part wounds
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class ACE_Medical_Injuries {
// Occur when an entire structure or part of it is forcibly pulled away, such as the loss of a permanent tooth or an ear lobe. Explosions, gunshots, and animal bites may cause avulsions.
class Avulsion {
causes[] = {"explosive", "vehiclecrash", "grenade", "shell", "bullet", "backblast", "bite"};
bleeding = 0.5;
bleeding = 0.25;
pain = 1.0;
minDamage = 0.01;
causeLimping = 1;
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class ACE_Medical_Injuries {
// Occur when a heavy object falls onto a person, splitting the skin and shattering or tearing underlying structures.
class Crush {
causes[] = {"falling", "vehiclecrash", "punch", "unknown"};
bleeding = 0.1;
bleeding = 0.05;
pain = 0.8;
minDamage = 0.1;
causeLimping = 1;
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class ACE_Medical_Injuries {
// Also called velocity wounds, they are caused by an object entering the body at a high speed, typically a bullet or small peices of shrapnel.
class VelocityWound {
causes[] = {"bullet", "grenade","explosive", "shell", "unknown"};
bleeding = 1.0;
bleeding = 0.5;
pain = 0.9;
minDamage = 0.35;
causeLimping = 1;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class ACE_Medical_Injuries {
// Deep, narrow wounds produced by sharp objects such as nails, knives, and broken glass.
class PunctureWound {
causes[] = {"stab", "grenade"};
bleeding = 0.1;
bleeding = 0.05;
pain = 0.4;
minDamage = 0.02;
causeLimping = 1;
@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define MATH_E 2.71828182846
params ["_unit", "_bodyPart", "_damage", "_typeOfDamage"];
@ -39,45 +37,48 @@ private _woundsCreated = [];
call compile _extensionOutput;
// todo: Make the pain and bleeding calculations part of the extension again
private _woundDamage = _damage / ((count _woundsCreated) max 1); // If the damage creates multiple wounds
private _painLevel = 0;
private _critialDamage = false;
private _bodyPartDamage = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bodyPartDamage), [0,0,0,0,0,0]];
_x params ["", "_woundClassIDToAdd", "_bodyPartNToAdd", "", "_bleeding"];
_bodyPartDamage set [_bodyPartNToAdd, (_bodyPartDamage select _bodyPartNToAdd) + _damage];
_bodyPartDamage set [_bodyPartNToAdd, (_bodyPartDamage select _bodyPartNToAdd) + _woundDamage];
// The higher the nastiness likelihood the higher the change to get a painful and bloody wound
private _nastinessLikelihood = linearConversion [0, 20, _damage, 0.5, 30, true];
private _bloodiness = 0.01 + 0.99 * MATH_E ^ (-(random 30) / _nastinessLikelihood);
private _painfullness = 0.05 + 0.95 * MATH_E ^ (-(random 30) / _nastinessLikelihood);
private _nastinessLikelihood = linearConversion [0, 20, _woundDamage, 0.5, 30, true];
private _bleedingModifier = 0.25 + 8 * exp ((random [-4.5, -5, -6]) / _nastinessLikelihood);
private _painModifier = 0.05 + 2 * exp (-2 / _nastinessLikelihood);
_bleeding = _bleeding * _bloodiness;
// wound category (minor, medium, large)
private _category = floor ((0 max _bleeding min 0.1) / 0.05);
_bleeding = _bleeding * _bleedingModifier;
private _pain = (((GVAR(woundsData) select _woundClassIDToAdd) select 3) * _painModifier);
_painLevel = _painLevel + _pain;
// wound category (minor [0..0.5], medium[0.5..1.0], large[1.0+])
private _category = floor linearConversion [0, 1, _bleedingModifier, 0, 2, true];
_x set [4, _bleeding];
_x set [5, _damage];
_x set [5, _woundDamage];
_x set [6, _category];
private _pain = ((GVAR(woundsData) select _woundClassIDToAdd) select 3) * _painfullness;
_painLevel = _painLevel max _pain;
if (_bodyPartNToAdd == 0 || {_bodyPartNToAdd == 1 && {_damage > PENETRATION_THRESHOLD}}) then {
if (_bodyPartNToAdd == 0 || {_bodyPartNToAdd == 1 && {_woundDamage > PENETRATION_THRESHOLD}}) then {
_critialDamage = true;
systemChat format["%1, damage: %2, peneration: %3, bleeding: %4, pain: %5", _bodyPart, round(_damage * 100) / 100, _damage > PENETRATION_THRESHOLD, round(_bleeding * 1000) / 1000, round(_pain * 1000) / 1000];
systemChat format["%1, damage: %2, peneration: %3, bleeding: %4, pain: %5", _bodyPart, round(_woundDamage * 100) / 100, _woundDamage > PENETRATION_THRESHOLD, round(_bleeding * 1000) / 1000, round(_pain * 1000) / 1000];
if (_bodyPartNToAdd == 0 && {_damage > LETHAL_HEAD_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD}) then {
if (_bodyPartNToAdd == 0 && {_woundDamage > LETHAL_HEAD_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD}) then {
[QEGVAR(medical,FatalInjury), _unit] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
// todo `forceWalk` based on leg damage
private _causeLimping = (GVAR(woundsData) select _woundClassIDToAdd) select 7;
if (_causeLimping == 1 && {_damage > LIMPING_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD} && {_bodyPartNToAdd > 3}) then {
if (_causeLimping == 1 && {_woundDamage > LIMPING_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD} && {_bodyPartNToAdd > 3}) then {
[_unit, true] call EFUNC(medical_engine,setLimping);
@ -85,13 +86,13 @@ private _bodyPartDamage = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bodyPartDamage), [0,
private _createNewWound = true;
_x params ["", "_classID", "_bodyPartN", "_oldAmountOf", "_oldBleeding", "_oldDamage", "_oldCategory"];
if (_woundClassIDToAdd == _classID && {_bodyPartNToAdd == _bodyPartN && {(_damage < PENETRATION_THRESHOLD) isEqualTo (_oldDamage < PENETRATION_THRESHOLD)}}) then {
if (_woundClassIDToAdd == _classID && {_bodyPartNToAdd == _bodyPartN && {(_woundDamage < PENETRATION_THRESHOLD) isEqualTo (_oldDamage < PENETRATION_THRESHOLD)}}) then {
if (_oldCategory == _category) exitWith {
private _newAmountOf = _oldAmountOf + 1;
_x set [3, _newAmountOf];
private _newBleeding = (_oldAmountOf * _oldBleeding + _bleeding) / _newAmountOf;
_x set [4, _newBleeding];
private _newDamage = (_oldAmountOf * _oldDamage + _damage) / _newAmountOf;
private _newDamage = (_oldAmountOf * _oldDamage + _woundDamage) / _newAmountOf;
_x set [5, _newDamage];
_createNewWound = false;
@ -107,12 +108,11 @@ _unit setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), _openWounds, true];
_unit setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bodyPartDamage), _bodyPartDamage, true];
[_unit, _bodyPart] call EFUNC(medical_engine,updateBodyPartVisuals);
[_unit, _painLevel] call EFUNC(medical,adjustPainLevel);
[_unit, "hit", PAIN_TO_SCREAM(_painLevel)] call EFUNC(medical_engine,playInjuredSound);
if (_critialDamage || {_painLevel > PAIN_UNCONSCIOUS}) then {
[_unit] call EFUNC(medical,handleIncapacitation);
[_unit, _painLevel] call EFUNC(medical,adjustPainLevel);
[_unit, "hit", PAIN_TO_SCREAM(_painLevel)] call EFUNC(medical_engine,playInjuredSound);
TRACE_5("exit",_unit,_painLevel,_unit getVariable QEGVAR(medical,pain),_unit getVariable QEGVAR(medical,openWounds),_woundsCreated);
@ -76,8 +76,10 @@ private _critialDamage = false;
private _bodyPartDamage = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bodyPartDamage), [0,0,0,0,0,0]];
private _woundsCreated = [];
if (_x select 0 <= _damage) exitWith {
for "_i" from 0 to ((_x select 1)-1) do {
_x params ["_thresholdMinDam", "_thresholdWoundCount"];
if (_thresholdMinDam <= _damage) exitWith {
private _woundDamage = _damage / (_thresholdWoundCount max 1); // If the damage creates multiple wounds
for "_i" from 0 to (_thresholdWoundCount-1) do {
// Find the injury we are going to add. Format [ classID, allowdSelections, bleedingRate, injuryPain]
private _oldInjury = if (random 1 >= 0.85) then {
_woundTypes select _highestPossibleSpot
@ -89,42 +91,44 @@ private _woundsCreated = [];
private _bodyPartNToAdd = [floor random 6, _bodyPartN] select _isSelectionSpecific; // 6 == count ALL_BODY_PARTS
_bodyPartDamage set [_bodyPartNToAdd, (_bodyPartDamage select _bodyPartNToAdd) + _damage];
_bodyPartDamage set [_bodyPartNToAdd, (_bodyPartDamage select _bodyPartNToAdd) + _woundDamage];
// Create a new injury. Format [ID, classID, bodypart, percentage treated, bleeding rate]
_injury = [_woundID, _woundClassIDToAdd, _bodyPartNToAdd, 1, _injuryBleedingRate];
// The higher the nastiness likelihood the higher the change to get a painful and bloody wound
private _nastinessLikelihood = linearConversion [0, 20, _damage, 0.5, 30, true];
private _bloodiness = 0.01 + 0.99 * MATH_E ^ (-(random 30) / _nastinessLikelihood);
private _painfullness = 0.05 + 0.95 * MATH_E ^ (-(random 30) / _nastinessLikelihood);
private _nastinessLikelihood = linearConversion [0, 20, (_woundDamage / _thresholdWoundCount), 0.5, 30, true];
private _bleedingModifier = 0.25 + 8 * exp ((random [-4.5, -5, -6]) / _nastinessLikelihood);
private _painModifier = 0.05 + 2 * exp (-2 / _nastinessLikelihood);
_bleeding = _injuryBleedingRate * _bloodiness;
_bleeding = _injuryBleedingRate * _bleedingModifier;
private _pain = _injuryPain * _painModifier;
_painLevel = _painLevel + _pain;
// wound category (minor [0..0.5], medium[0.5..1.0], large[1.0+])
private _category = floor linearConversion [0, 1, _bleedingModifier, 0, 2, true];
// wound category (minor, medium, large)
private _category = floor ((0 max _bleeding min 0.1) / 0.05);
_injury set [4, _bleeding];
_injury set [5, _damage];
_injury set [5, _woundDamage];
_injury set [6, _category];
private _pain = _injuryPain * _painfullness;
_painLevel = _painLevel max _pain;
if (_bodyPartNToAdd == 0 || {_bodyPartNToAdd == 1 && {_damage > PENETRATION_THRESHOLD}}) then {
if (_bodyPartNToAdd == 0 || {_bodyPartNToAdd == 1 && {_woundDamage > PENETRATION_THRESHOLD}}) then {
_critialDamage = true;
systemChat format["%1, damage: %2, peneration: %3, bleeding: %4, pain: %5", _bodyPart, round(_damage * 100) / 100, _damage > PENETRATION_THRESHOLD, round(_bleeding * 1000) / 1000, round(_pain * 1000) / 1000];
systemChat format["%1, damage: %2, peneration: %3, bleeding: %4, pain: %5", _bodyPart, round(_woundDamage * 100) / 100, _woundDamage > PENETRATION_THRESHOLD, round(_bleeding * 1000) / 1000, round(_pain * 1000) / 1000];
if (_bodyPartNToAdd == 0 && {_damage > LETHAL_HEAD_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD}) then {
if (_bodyPartNToAdd == 0 && {_woundDamage > LETHAL_HEAD_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD}) then {
[QEGVAR(medical,FatalInjury), _unit] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
// todo `forceWalk` based on leg damage
private _causeLimping = (GVAR(woundsData) select _woundClassIDToAdd) select 7;
if (_causeLimping == 1 && {_damage > LIMPING_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD} && {_bodyPartNToAdd > 3}) then {
if (_causeLimping == 1 && {_woundDamage > LIMPING_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD} && {_bodyPartNToAdd > 3}) then {
[_unit, true] call EFUNC(medical_engine,setLimping);
@ -132,13 +136,13 @@ private _woundsCreated = [];
private _createNewWound = true;
_x params ["", "_classID", "_bodyPartN", "_oldAmountOf", "_oldBleeding", "_oldDamage", "_oldCategory"];
if (_woundClassIDToAdd == _classID && {_bodyPartNToAdd == _bodyPartN && {(_damage < PENETRATION_THRESHOLD) isEqualTo (_oldDamage < PENETRATION_THRESHOLD)}}) then {
if (_woundClassIDToAdd == _classID && {_bodyPartNToAdd == _bodyPartN && {(_woundDamage < PENETRATION_THRESHOLD) isEqualTo (_oldDamage < PENETRATION_THRESHOLD)}}) then {
if (_oldCategory == _category) exitWith {
private _newAmountOf = _oldAmountOf + 1;
_x set [3, _newAmountOf];
private _newBleeding = (_oldAmountOf * _oldBleeding + _bleeding) / _newAmountOf;
_x set [4, _newBleeding];
private _newDamage = (_oldAmountOf * _oldDamage + _damage) / _newAmountOf;
private _newDamage = (_oldAmountOf * _oldDamage + _woundDamage) / _newAmountOf;
_x set [5, _newDamage];
_createNewWound = false;
@ -163,11 +167,11 @@ _unit setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bodyPartDamage), _bodyPartDamage, true];
[_unit, _bodyPart] call EFUNC(medical_engine,updateBodyPartVisuals);
[_unit, _painLevel] call EFUNC(medical,adjustPainLevel);
[_unit, "hit", PAIN_TO_SCREAM(_painLevel)] call EFUNC(medical_engine,playInjuredSound);
if (_critialDamage || {_painLevel > PAIN_UNCONSCIOUS}) then {
[_unit] call EFUNC(medical,handleIncapacitation);
[_unit, _painLevel] call EFUNC(medical,adjustPainLevel);
[_unit, "hit", PAIN_TO_SCREAM(_painLevel)] call EFUNC(medical_engine,playInjuredSound);
TRACE_5("exit",_unit,_painLevel,_unit getVariable QEGVAR(medical,pain),_unit getVariable QEGVAR(medical,openWounds),_woundsCreated);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user