diff --git a/addons/repair/functions/fnc_addRepairActions.sqf b/addons/repair/functions/fnc_addRepairActions.sqf
index 8f030d6e7f..db18e6f392 100644
--- a/addons/repair/functions/fnc_addRepairActions.sqf
+++ b/addons/repair/functions/fnc_addRepairActions.sqf
@@ -13,12 +13,15 @@
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define TRACK_HITPOINTS ["HitLTrack", "HitRTrack"]
params ["_vehicle"];
TRACE_1("params", _vehicle);
+if (typeOf _vehicle != "O_Heli_Transport_04_F") exitWith {}; // test
private ["_type", "_initializedClasses"];
_type = typeOf _vehicle;
@@ -39,6 +42,11 @@ _wheelHitPointsWithSelections = [_vehicle] call FUNC(getWheelHitPointsWithSelect
_wheelHitPoints = _wheelHitPointsWithSelections select 0;
_wheelHitPointSelections = _wheelHitPointsWithSelections select 1;
+private ["_hitPointsAddedNames", "_hitPointsAddedStrings", "_hitPointsAddedAmount"];
+_hitPointsAddedNames = [];
+_hitPointsAddedStrings = [];
+_hitPointsAddedAmount = [];
// add repair events to this vehicle class
if (_x in _wheelHitPoints) then {
@@ -83,12 +91,60 @@ _wheelHitPointSelections = _wheelHitPointsWithSelections select 1;
// add misc repair action
- private ["_name", "_text", "_icon", "_selection", "_condition", "_statement"];
+ private ["_name", "_text", "_icon", "_selection", "_condition", "_statement", "_toFind", "_hitPointFoundIndex", "_combinedString"];
_name = format ["Repair_%1", _x];
- _text = format ["STR_ACE_Repair_%1", _x];
- _text = if (isLocalized _text) then {localize _text} else {_x};
+ // Prepare first part of the string from stringtable
+ _text = LSTRING(Hit);
+ // Remove "Hit" from hitpoint name if one exists
+ _toFind = if (_x find "Hit" == 0) then {
+ [_x, 3] call CBA_fnc_substr
+ } else {
+ _x
+ };
+ // Loop through always shorter part of the hitpoint name to find the string from stringtable or use an already found one
+ for "_i" from 0 to (count _x) do {
+ // Loop through already added hitpoints and save index
+ _hitPointFoundIndex = -1;
+ {
+ if (_x == _toFind) exitWith {
+ _hitPointFoundIndex = _forEachIndex;
+ };
+ } forEach _hitPointsAddedNames;
+ // Use already added hitpoint if one found above and numerize
+ if (_hitPointFoundIndex != -1) exitWith {
+ _text = (_hitPointsAddedNames select _hitPointFoundIndex) + " " + str(_hitPointsAddedAmount select _hitPointFoundIndex);
+ _hitPointsAddedAmount set [_hitPointFoundIndex, (_hitPointsAddedAmount select _hitPointFoundIndex) + 1]; // Set amount
+ TRACE_2("Same hitpoint found",_toFind,_hitPointsAddedNames);
+ };
+ // Localize if localization found and save all variables for possible hitpoints of same type
+ _combinedString = _text + _toFind;
+ if (isLocalized _combinedString) exitWith {
+ // Add hitpoint to the list
+ _hitPointsAddedNames pushBack _toFind;
+ _hitPointsAddedStrings pushBack _combinedString;
+ _hitPointsAddedAmount pushBack 2;
+ // Localize text
+ _text = localize _combinedString;
+ TRACE_1("Hitpoint localized",_toFind);
+ };
+ // Cut off one character
+ _toFind = [_toFind, 0, count _toFind - 1] call CBA_fnc_substr;
+ };
+ // Display part name directly if no string is found in stringtable
+ if (_text == LSTRING(Hit)) then {
+ _text = _x;
+ };
_icon = "A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\repair_ca.paa";
_selection = "";
diff --git a/addons/repair/stringtable.xml b/addons/repair/stringtable.xml
index 0f045c064b..1f0dc8b394 100644
--- a/addons/repair/stringtable.xml
+++ b/addons/repair/stringtable.xml
@@ -230,6 +230,15 @@
+ Left Horizontal Stabilizer
+ Right Horizontal Stabilizer
+ Vertical Stabilizer
Fuel Tank
@@ -242,6 +251,24 @@
Топливный бак
+ Transmission
+ Gear
+ Starter
+ Tail
+ Pilot Tube
+ Static Port
Main Turret
@@ -451,77 +478,17 @@
Bal szélvédő
Стекло (слава)
- Glass 1
- Scheibe 1
- Ventana 1
- Vitre 1
- Szyba 1
- Sklo 1
- Vidro 1
- Vetro 1
- Üveg 1
- Стекло 1
- Glass 2
- Scheibe 2
- Ventana 2
- Vitre 2
- Szyba 2
- Sklo 2
- Vidro 2
- Vetro 2
- Üveg 2
- Стекло 2
- Glass 3
- Scheibe 3
- Ventana 3
- Vitre 3
- Szyba 3
- Sklo 3
- Vidro 3
- Vetro 3
- Üveg 3
- Стекло 3
- Glass 4
- Scheibe 4
- Ventana 4
- Vitre 4
- Szyba 4
- Sklo 4
- Vidro 4
- Vetro 4
- Üveg 4
- Стекло 4
- Glass 5
- Scheibe 5
- Ventana 5
- Vitre 5
- Szyba 5
- Sklo 5
- Vidro 5
- Vetro 5
- Üveg 5
- Стекло 5
- Glass 6
- Scheibe 6
- Ventana 6
- Vitre 6
- Szyba 6
- Sklo 6
- Vidro 6
- Vetro 6
- Üveg 6
- Стекло 6
+ Glass
+ Scheibe
+ Ventana
+ Vitre
+ Szyba
+ Sklo
+ Vidro
+ Vetro
+ Üveg
+ Стекло
Repair Settings