Rangetable Builder and Prepcalc

This commit is contained in:
PabstMirror 2015-04-05 16:28:12 -05:00
parent 61a0ae1aec
commit 3e77eb9737
7 changed files with 447 additions and 255 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
ADDON = false;

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
Name: AGM_Artillery_fnc_dev_buildTable
Author: Pabst Mirror
DEV function to build mortar tables, very cpu intensive (never used durring normal gameplay)
Parameters: (normal BIS "Fired" EH stuff)
0: NUMBER - Muzzle Velocity
1: NUMBER - Air Friction
Data in clipboard
[100, -0.0001] spawn AGM_Artillery_fnc_dev_buildTable; //spawn (scheduled) is slower
[100, -0.0001] call AGM_Artillery_fnc_dev_buildTable; //faster, but will lock while processing
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_muzzleVelocity", "_airFriction", "_stillInRange", "_currentRange", "_increasePerRow", "_outputArray", "_rangeToHit", "_lineElevation", "_lineHeightElevation", "_lineTimeOfFlight", "_lineCrosswindDeg", "_lineHeadwindMeters", "_lineTailWindMeters", "_lineTempDec", "_lineTempInc", "_lineAirDensDec", "_lineAirDensInc", "_result", "_outputString"];
_muzzleVelocity = _this select 0;
_airFriction = _this select 1;
_stillInRange = true;
_currentRange = 100;
_increasePerRow = 50;
_outputArray = [];
//[_rangeToHit, _lineElevation, _lineHeightElevation, _lineTimeOfFlight, _lineCrosswindDeg, _lineHeadwindMeters, _lineTailWindMeters, _lineTempDec, _lineTempInc, _lineAirDensDec, _lineAirDensInc]
while {_stillInRange} do {
_result = [_muzzleVelocity, _currentRange, _airFriction] call FUNC(dev_simulateCalcRangeTableLine);
if (_result isEqualTo []) then {
_stillInRange = false;
} else {
if ((_result select 1) < 86) then {
_outputArray pushBack [
([(_result select 0), "meters", false] call FUNC(dev_formatNumber)),
([(_result select 1), "mil", true] call FUNC(dev_formatNumber)),
([(_result select 2), "mil", true] call FUNC(dev_formatNumber)),
([(_result select 3), "sec", false] call FUNC(dev_formatNumber)),
([(_result select 4), "milPrecise", true] call FUNC(dev_formatNumber)),
([(_result select 5), "metersprecise", false] call FUNC(dev_formatNumber)),
([(_result select 6), "metersprecise", false] call FUNC(dev_formatNumber)),
([(_result select 7), "metersprecise", false] call FUNC(dev_formatNumber)),
([(_result select 8), "metersprecise", false] call FUNC(dev_formatNumber)),
([(_result select 9), "metersprecise", false] call FUNC(dev_formatNumber)),
([(_result select 10), "metersprecise", false] call FUNC(dev_formatNumber))
_currentRange = _currentRange + _increasePerRow;
hint str _currentRange;
//handle floating point rounding errors
_outputString = format ["case ((abs(_muzzleVelocity - %1) < 0.00001) && ((abs(_airFriction - %2) < 0.00001))): {
", _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction];
if (_forEachIndex < ((count _outputArray) - 1)) then {
_outputString = _outputString + format ["%1,
", _x];
} else {
_outputString = _outputString + format ["%1
};", _x];
} forEach _outputArray;
copyToClipboard _outputString;
hint "done";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
Name: AGM_Artillery_fnc_formatNumber
Author: Pabst Mirror
Converts numbers into nicely formated strings.
0: NUMBER - Input number
1: STRING - Output type (see case statement)
2: BOOL - If output type is mil, convert input type from deg->mil
STRING - Formatted number
[45, "mil4", true] call AGM_Artillery_fnc_formatNumber = "0800"
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_theNumber", "_inputType", "_convertToMils", "_decimalPlaces", "_integerPlaces", "_prefix", "_return"];
_theNumber = _this select 0;
_inputType = _this select 1;
_convertToMils = _this select 2;
_decimalPlaces = -1;
_integerPlaces = -1;
switch (toLower _inputType) do {
case ("meters"): {
_decimalPlaces = 0;
_integerPlaces = 1;
case ("metersprecise"): {
_decimalPlaces = 1;
_integerPlaces = 1;
case ("meters4"): {
_decimalPlaces = 0;
_integerPlaces = 4;
case ("deg3precise"): {
_decimalPlaces = 2;
_integerPlaces = 3;
case ("mil"): {
_decimalPlaces = 0;
_integerPlaces = 1;
if (_convertToMils) then {
_theNumber = _theNumber * (6400 / 360);
case ("mil4"): {
_decimalPlaces = 0;
_integerPlaces = 4;
if (_convertToMils) then {
_theNumber = _theNumber * (6400 / 360);
case ("milprecise"): {
_decimalPlaces = 1;
_integerPlaces = 1;
if (_convertToMils) then {
_theNumber = _theNumber * (6400 / 360);
case ("sec"): {
_decimalPlaces = 1;
_integerPlaces = 1;
default {systemChat format ["badtype %1", _inputType];};
//CBA_fnc_formatNumber is stupid: [-9.58545, 1, 1, false] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber == "-9.-6"
_prefix = if (_theNumber < 0) then {"-"} else {""};
_return = [abs (_theNumber), _integerPlaces, _decimalPlaces, false] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber;
(_prefix + _return)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
Name: AGM_Artillery_fnc_simulateCalcRangeTableLine
Author: Pabst Mirror
Builds a rangeTable line for a certian range, given muzzle velocity and air friction, returns [] if out of range.
0: NUMBER - Muzzle Velocity
1: NUMBER - Air Friction
2: NUMBER - Range To Hit
ARRAY - Range Table Line Data (see return line)
[300, -0.0001, 3000] call AGM_Artillery_fnc_simulateCalcRangeTableLine
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define TIME_STEP (1/50)
private ["_startTime", "_muzzleVelocity", "_rangeToHit", "_airFriction", "_vacElevation", "_radicand", "_maxElev", "_minElev", "_error", "_solutionElevation", "_lastTestResult", "_numberOfAttempts", "_lineElevation", "_lineTimeOfFlight", "_lineHeightElevation", "_lineHeightTime", "_lineCrosswindDeg", "_lineHeadwindMeters", "_lineTailWindMeters", "_result"];
_startTime = diag_tickTime;
_muzzleVelocity = _this select 0;
_rangeToHit = _this select 1;
_airFriction = _this select 2;
//Run Binary search for correct elevation
_solution = [_rangeToHit, 0, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateFindSolution);
if (_solution isEqualTo []) exitWith {[]};
//Real Elevation
_lineElevation = _solution select 0;
//Time Of Flight:
_lineTimeOfFlight = _solution select 1;
//Height Adjustment for -100m (another binary search)
_solution = [_rangeToHit, -100, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateFindSolution);
if (_solution isEqualTo []) exitWith {[]};//should never be triggered (lower elevation easier to hit)
_lineHeightElevation = ((_solution select 0) - _lineElevation);
// _lineHeightTime = (_lastTestResult select 1) - _lineTimeOfFlight;
//Compute for 10x and divide to minimize rounding errors
_lastTestResult = [_lineElevation, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, 15, 1, 0, 10, 0, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateShot);
_lineCrosswindDeg = (_lastTestResult select 2) / 10;
_lastTestResult = [_lineElevation, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, 15, 1, -10, 0, 0, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateShot);
_lineHeadwindMeters = (_rangeToHit - (_lastTestResult select 0)) / 10;
_lastTestResult = [_lineElevation, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, 15, 1, 10, 0, 0, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateShot);
_lineTailWindMeters = (_rangeToHit - (_lastTestResult select 0)) / 10;
//Air Temp Dec
_lastTestResult = [_lineElevation, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, (15 - 10), 1, 0, 0, 0, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateShot);
_lineTempDec = (_rangeToHit - (_lastTestResult select 0)) / 10;
//Air Temp Inc
_lastTestResult = [_lineElevation, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, (15 + 10), 1, 0, 0, 0, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateShot);
_lineTempInc = (_rangeToHit - (_lastTestResult select 0)) / 10;
//Air Density Dec
_lastTestResult = [_lineElevation, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, 15, 0.9, 0, 0, 0, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateShot);
_lineAirDensDec = (_rangeToHit - (_lastTestResult select 0)) / 10;
//Air Density Inc
_lastTestResult = [_lineElevation, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, 15, 1.1, 0, 0, 0, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateShot);
_lineAirDensInc = (_rangeToHit - (_lastTestResult select 0)) / 10;
// systemChat format ["debug: Range %1 - in %2 sec", _rangeToHit, (diag_tickTime - _startTime)];
[_rangeToHit, _lineElevation, _lineHeightElevation, _lineTimeOfFlight, _lineCrosswindDeg, _lineHeadwindMeters, _lineTailWindMeters, _lineTempDec, _lineTempInc, _lineAirDensDec, _lineAirDensInc]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
Name: FUNC(simulateFindSolution)
Author: Pabst Mirror
Converts numbers into nicely formated strings.
0: NUMBER - Range to Hit (Meters)
1: NUMBER - Height To Hit (Meters)
2: NUMBER - Muzzle Velocity (M/S)
3: NUMBER - Air Friction
4: NUMBER - Time Step (seconds) (eg 1/50 will simulate 50 cycles per second)
ARRAY - [NUMBER - Elevation In Degrees, NUMBER - Shot Durration]
[_rangeToHit, _heightToHit, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(simulateFindSolution);
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_rangeToHit", "_heightToHit", "_muzzleVelocity", "_airFriction", "_maxElev", "_minElev", "_error", "_solutionElevation", "_lastTestResult", "_numberOfAttempts"];
#define MAX_ATTEMPTS 22
_rangeToHit = _this select 0;
_heightToHit = _this select 1;
_muzzleVelocity = _this select 2;
_airFriction = _this select 3;
_timeStep = _this select 4;
_maxElev = 90;
_minElev = 45; //todo - Low Angle Howitzers???
_error = 10000;
_solutionElevation = -1;
_lastTestResult = [];
_numberOfAttempts = 0;
//(binary search)
while {(_numberOfAttempts < MAX_ATTEMPTS) && ((abs _error) > 0.2)} do {
_numberOfAttempts = _numberOfAttempts + 1;
_solutionElevation = (_maxElev + _minElev) / 2;
_lastTestResult = [_solutionElevation, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, 15, 1, 0, 0, _heightToHit, _timeStep] call FUNC(dev_simulateShot);
_error = _rangeToHit - (_lastTestResult select 0);
if (_error > 0) then {
_maxElev = _solutionElevation; //test range was short
} else {
_minElev = _solutionElevation; //test range was long
if (_numberOfAttempts >= MAX_ATTEMPTS) exitWith {[]};
//return the elevation and time required
[_solutionElevation, (_lastTestResult select 1)]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
Name: simulateShot
Author: Pabst Mirror
Simulates the path of a fired shell.
0: NUMBER - Shot Angle (degrees)
1: NUMBER - Muzzle Velocity (m/s)
2: NUMBER - Air Friction
3: NUMBER - Tempeture (degres celcius)
4: NUMBER - Relative Air Denisty
5: NUMBER - Tail Wind (m/s)
6: NUMBER - Cross Wind (m/s)
7: NUMBER - Height Of Target (M)
8: NUMBER - Time Step (fraction of a second)
NUMBER - Distance Traveld
NUMBER - Shot Time
NUMBER - Offset (degrees)
[45, 180, -0.0001, 15, 1, 10, 0, 0, 1/50] call simulateShot;
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_angleDeg", "_muzzleVelocity", "_airFriction", "_temp", "_relDensity", "_tailWind", "_crosswind", "_heightOfTarget", "_wind", "_gravity", "_timeStep", "_currentPos", "_currentVelocity", "_currentTime", "_lastPos", "_kCoefficent", "_aparentWind", "_changeInVelocity", "_linConversion", "_middlePos", "_middlePosOld", "_middleTotalTravelTime", "_offsetDeg"];
_angleDeg = _this select 0;
_muzzleVelocity = _this select 1;
_airFriction = _this select 2;
_temp = _this select 3;
_relDensity = _this select 4;
_tailWind = _this select 5;
_crosswind = _this select 6;
_heightOfTarget = _this select 7;
_timeStep = _this select 8;
_wind = [_crosswind, _tailWind, 0];
_gravity = [0,0,-9.8];
_currentPos = [0,0,0];
_muzzleVelocity = _muzzleVelocity * (1 + ((((_temp + 273.13) / 288.13 - 1) / 2.5 + 1 ) - 1));
_currentVelocity = [0, (_muzzleVelocity * cos _angleDeg), (_muzzleVelocity * sin _angleDeg)];
_currentTime = 0;
_lastPos = _currentPos;
_kCoefficent = -1 * _relDensity * _airFriction; //save time in the loop and compute once
while {((_currentVelocity select 2) > 0) || ((_currentPos select 2) >= _heightOfTarget)} do {
_lastPos = _currentPos;
_aparentWind = _wind vectorDiff _currentVelocity;
_changeInVelocity = _gravity vectorAdd (_aparentWind vectorMultiply ((vectorMagnitude _aparentWind) * _kCoefficent));
_currentVelocity = _currentVelocity vectorAdd (_changeInVelocity vectorMultiply _timeStep);
_currentPos = _currentPos vectorAdd (_currentVelocity vectorMultiply _timeStep);
_currentTime = _currentTime + _timeStep;
//Uses linearConversion to get a weighted average betwen points before and after dropping below target height
_linConversion = linearConversion [(_lastPos select 2), (_currentPos select 2), _heightOfTarget, 0, 1, true];
_middlePos = (_lastPos vectorMultiply (1 - _linConversion)) vectorAdd (_currentPos vectorMultiply (_linConversion));
// _middlePosOld = (_lastPos vectorAdd _currentPos) vectorMultiply 0.5;
//Same to find travel time
_middleTotalTravelTime = _currentTime - (_timeStep * (1-_linConversion));
//Find shot offset (from crosswind), in degrees
_offsetDeg = (_middlePos select 0) aTan2 (_middlePos select 1);
[(_middlePos select 1), _middleTotalTravelTime, _offsetDeg]

View File

@ -18,268 +18,77 @@ PARAMS_2(_muzzleVelocity,_airFriction);
switch (true) do {
case ((abs(_muzzleVelocity - 60) < 0.00001) && ((abs(_airFriction - -0.0001) < 0.00001))): {
case ((abs(_muzzleVelocity - 70) < 0.00001) && ((abs(_airFriction - -0.0001) < 0.00001))): {
case ((abs(_muzzleVelocity - 120) < 0.00001) && ((abs(_airFriction - -0.0001) < 0.00001))): {
case ((abs(_muzzleVelocity - 200) < 0.00001) && ((abs(_airFriction - -0.0001) < 0.00001))): {
case ((abs(_muzzleVelocity - 180) < 0.00001) && ((abs(_airFriction - -0.0001) < 0.00001))): {
case ((abs(_muzzleVelocity - 240) < 0.00001) && ((abs(_airFriction - -0.0001) < 0.00001))): {
case ((abs(_muzzleVelocity - 300) < 0.00001) && ((abs(_airFriction - -0.0001) < 0.00001))): {
default {systemChat "Error: MuzzleVelocity not found in LUT"; []};