This is an initial commit rebasing extP3dParser and bulletStuff into a unified vehicledamage branch with a fresh history.

This commit is contained in:
jaynus 2015-05-09 13:32:36 -07:00
parent 00c28dd146
commit 4134b2f046
700 changed files with 145846 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
class CfgAmmo {
class ShellBase;
class BulletBase;
class ace_fuelexpbig: ShellBase {
soundHit[]={"\a3\sounds_f\Weapons\explosion\expl_big_2.wss", db16,1,1600};
typicalSpeed = 100;
explosive = 1;
cost = 300;
model = "\A3\Weapons_f\empty";
airFriction = 0;
timeToLive = 1;
explosionTime = 0.001;
soundFly[] = {"",1,1};
soundEngine[] = {"",1,4};
explosionEffects = "VehicleExplosionEffects";
class ace_fuelexpsmall: ace_fuelexpbig {
soundHit[]={"\a3\sounds_f\SFX\explosion1", db16,1,1600};
explosionEffects = "ExploAmmoExplosion";
class ace_fuelexpspark: BulletBase {
explosive = 0.1;
craterEffects = "ImpactEffectsBig";
explosionEffects = "NoExplosion"; // Need very small explosion FX...
hitGroundSoft[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
hitGroundHard[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
hitMan[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
hitArmor[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
hitIron[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
hitBuilding[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
hitFoliage[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
hitWood[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
hitGlass[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
hitGlassArmored[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
hitConcrete[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
hitRubber[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
hitPlastic[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
hitDefault[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
hitMetal[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
hitMetalplate[] = {"soundCrack1",0.33,"soundCrack2",0.34,"soundCrack3",0.33};
class ACE_cookoff_large_1_normal : ShellBase {
hit = 1;
indirectHit = 20;
indirectHitRange = 2;
typicalSpeed = 100;
explosive = 1;
cost = 300;
model = "\A3\Weapons_f\empty";
airFriction = 0;
timeToLive = 1;
explosionTime = 0.0001;
soundFly[] = {"",1,1};
soundEngine[] = {"",1,4};
CraterEffects = "ExploAmmoCrater";
explosionEffects = "ExploAmmoExplosion";
muzzleEffect = "BIS_fnc_EffectRifle";
soundHit[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\cannon_crack_close.wss), 56.23413,1,1800};
soundDefault1[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\cannon_crack_close.wss), 56.2341,1,1800};
hitGroundSoft[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
hitGroundHard[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
hitMan[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
hitArmor[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
hitIron[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
hitBuilding[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
hitFoliage[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
hitWood[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
hitGlass[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
hitGlassArmored[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
hitConcrete[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
hitRubber[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
hitPlastic[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
hitDefault[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
hitMetal[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
hitMetalplate[] = {"soundDefault1",1};
class ACE_cookoff_large_1_filtered: ACE_cookoff_large_1_normal {
CraterEffects = "";
explosionEffects = "";
soundHit[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\cannon_crack_close_filtered.wss), 56.23413,1.2,1800};
soundDefault1[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\cannon_crack_close_filtered.wss), 56.2341,1.2,1800};
class ACE_cookoff_large_2_normal: ACE_cookoff_large_1_normal {
soundHit[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\cannon_crack_close.wss), 56.23413,1.2,1800};
soundDefault1[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\cannon_crack_close.wss), 56.2341,1.2,1800};
class ACE_cookoff_large_2_filtered: ACE_cookoff_large_1_filtered {
soundHit[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\cannon_crack_close_filtered.wss), 56.23413,1.2,1800};
soundDefault1[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\cannon_crack_close_filtered.wss), 56.2341,1.2,1800};
class ACE_cookoff_large_3_normal: ACE_cookoff_large_1_normal {
soundHit[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\cannon_crack_close.wss), 56.23413,0.9,1800};
soundDefault1[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\cannon_crack_close.wss), 56.2341,0.9,1800};
class ACE_cookoff_large_3_filtered: ACE_cookoff_large_1_filtered {
soundHit[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\cannon_crack_close_filtered), 56.23413,0.9,1800};
soundDefault1[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\cannon_crack_close_filtered), 56.2341,0.9,1800};
class ACE_cookoff_small_1_normal: ACE_cookoff_large_1_normal {
indirectHit = 0;
indirectHitRange = 0;
soundHit[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\heavy_crack_close.wss), 56.23413,1,1800};
soundDefault1[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\heavy_crack_close.wss), 56.2341,1,1800};
class ACE_cookoff_small_1_filtered: ACE_cookoff_large_1_filtered {
indirectHit = 0;
indirectHitRange = 0;
soundHit[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\heavy_crack_close_filtered.wss), 56.23413,1,1800};
soundDefault1[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\heavy_crack_close_filtered.wss), 56.2341,1,1800};
class ACE_cookoff_small_2_normal: ACE_cookoff_large_1_normal {
indirectHit = 0;
indirectHitRange = 0;
soundHit[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\light_crack_close.wss), 56.23413,1,1800};
soundDefault1[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\light_crack_close.wss), 56.2341,1,1800};
class ACE_cookoff_small_2_filtered: ACE_cookoff_large_1_filtered {
indirectHit = 0;
indirectHitRange = 0;
soundHit[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\light_crack_close_filtered.wss), 56.23413,1,1800};
soundDefault1[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\light_crack_close_filtered.wss), 56.2341,1,1800};
class ACE_cookoff_small_3_normal: ACE_cookoff_large_1_normal {
indirectHit = 0;
indirectHitRange = 0;
soundHit[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\heavy_crack_close.wss), 56.23413,1.2,1800};
soundDefault1[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\heavy_crack_close.wss), 56.2341,1.2,1800};
class ACE_cookoff_small_3_filtered: ACE_cookoff_large_1_filtered {
indirectHit = 0;
indirectHitRange = 0;
soundHit[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\heavy_crack_close_filtered.wss), 56.23413,1.2,1800};
soundDefault1[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\heavy_crack_close_filtered.wss), 56.2341,1.2,1800};
class ACE_cookoff_small_4_normal: ACE_cookoff_large_1_normal {
indirectHit = 0;
indirectHitRange = 0;
soundHit[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\light_crack_close.wss), 56.23413,1.5,1800};
soundDefault1[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\light_crack_close.wss), 56.2341,1.5,1800};
class ACE_cookoff_small_4_filtered: ACE_cookoff_large_1_filtered {
indirectHit = 0;
indirectHitRange = 0;
soundHit[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\light_crack_close_filtered.wss), 56.23413,1.5,1800};
soundDefault1[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\light_crack_close_filtered.wss), 56.2341,1.5,1800};

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
class CfgCloudlets {
class CfgLights {
class ExploLightSmall {
color[] = {20, 19, 17.74};
ambient[] = {5, 5, 5};
diffuse[] = {0, 0, 0};
brightness = 0.02;
class ExploAmmoExplosion {
class ExploAmmoFlash {
position[] = {0,0,0};
simulation = "particles";
type = "ExploAmmoFlash";
intensity = 1;
interval = 1;
lifeTime = 1;
class LightExplosion {
simulation = "light";
type = "ExploLightSmall";
position[] = {0, 0, 0};
intensity = 0.001;
interval = 1;
lifeTime = 0.15;
class ExploAmmoSmoke {
position[] = {0,0,0};
simulation = "particles";
type = "ExploAmmoSmoke";
intensity = 1.5;
interval = 1.5;
lifeTime = 1.5;

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_preInit));

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
class CfgSFX {
class ace_flameout
sounds[] = {"ace_flameoutsound"};
name = "flame out";
ace_flameoutsound[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\flame_out_sound.wss),4.1622777,1,500,1,0.0,0.0,0.0};
empty[] = {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
class CfgSounds {
class Fire {
sound[] = {
PATHTOF(data\sounds\burning.wss), 0.316228, 1
class ace_electricspark1 {
name = "ace_electricspark1";
sound[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\electric1.wss), 3,1};
titles[] = {};
class ace_electricspark2 {
name = "ace_electricspark2";
sound[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\electric2.wss), 3,1};
titles[] = {};
class ace_electricspark3 {
name = "ace_electricspark3";
sound[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\electric3.wss), 3,1};
titles[] = {};
class ace_electricspark4 {
name = "ace_electricspark4";
sound[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\electric4.wss), 3,1};
titles[] = {};
class ace_electricspark5 {
name = "ace_electricspark5";
sound[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\electric5.wss), 3,1};
titles[] = {};
class ace_electricspark6 {
name = "ace_electricspark6";
sound[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\electric6.wss), 3,1};
titles[] = {};
class ace_electricspark7 {
name = "ace_electricspark7";
sound[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\electric7.wss), 3,1};
titles[] = {};
class ace_electricspark8 {
name = "ace_electricspark8";
sound[] = {PATHTOF(data\sounds\electric8.wss), 3,1};
titles[] = {};

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
class CfgVehicles {
class Sign_Sphere100cm_F;
class ace_flameout_1 : Sign_Sphere100cm_F {
model = "\A3\Weapons_f\empty";
class EventHandlers {
init = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(doFlameout));
class ace_flameout_2 : Sign_Sphere100cm_F {
model = "\A3\Weapons_f\empty";
class EventHandlers {
init = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(doFlameout));
class Sound;
class ace_flameout: Sound {
scope = 2;
sound = "ace_flameout";
displayName = "$STR_DN_ALARM";
class EventHandlers {
init = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(doFlameout));
class Land;
class LandVehicle: Land {};
class Tank: LandVehicle {
class DestructionEffects { //Disable standard burning effects
class Fire1 {
intensity = 0;
interval = 1;
lifetime = 0;
position = "destructionEffect1";
simulation = "particles";
type = "ObjectDestructionFire1";
class Fire2 {
intensity = 0;
interval = 1;
lifetime = 0;
position = "destructionEffect1";
simulation = "particles";
type = "ObjectDestructionFire1";
class Car: LandVehicle {
class DestructionEffects { //Disable standard burning effects
class Fire1 {
intensity = 0;
interval = 1;
lifetime = 0;
position = "destructionEffect1";
simulation = "particles";
type = "ObjectDestructionFire1";
class Fire2 {
intensity = 0;
interval = 1;
lifetime = 0;
position = "destructionEffect1";
simulation = "particles";
type = "ObjectDestructionFire1";

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
ADDON = false;
// Effects classes
GVAR(cookOffCount) = 0;
ADDON = true;

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
class CfgPatches {
class ADDON {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_common"};
author[] = {"jaynus"};
authorUrl = "";
#include "CfgCloudlets.hpp"
#include "CfgSounds.hpp"
#include "CfgVehicles.hpp"
#include "CfgAmmo.hpp"
#include "CfgEventHandlers.hpp"

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@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
if(GVAR(cookOffCount) > 10 || {!GVAR(enableCookoff)}) exitWith {};
private["_addCount", "_burnOutSelections", "_isCooking", "_magazines", "_cargoMags", "_startTime", "_totalMagazines", "_transportMagazines", "_magNames", "_counts"];
_isCooking = _vehicle getVariable ["ace_is_cooking", false];
if(_isCooking) exitWith {};
GVAR(cookOffCount) = GVAR(cookOffCount) + 1;
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_is_cooking", true];
_magazines = magazines _vehicle;
_cargoMags = getMagazineCargo _vehicle;
// TODO: Include loaded ammoboxes via sys_cargo
_startTime = 5-(5*((_intensity/4)));
_totalMagazines = [];
if(!alive _vehicle) then {
_transportMagazines = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _vehicle) >> "TransportMagazines";
_magNames = [];
_counts = [];
for "_i" from 0 to (count _transportMagazines)-1 do {
_mag = _transportMagazines select _i;
if(isClass _mag) then {
_magName = getText(_mag >> "magazine");
_count = getNumber(_mag >> "count");
if(_magName != "" && {_count > 0}) then {
_magNames set[(count _magNames), _magName];
_counts set[(count _counts), _count];
_cargoMags = [_magNames, _counts];
_addCount = ((random ((_cargoMags select 1) select _forEachIndex)) max 0);
for "_i" from 1 to _addCount do {
_magazines set[(count _magazines), _x];
} forEach (_cargoMags select 0);
private["_ammoCount", "_initSpeed"];
_ammoCount = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "count");
_initSpeed = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "initSpeed");
_totalMagazines set[(count _totalMagazines), [_x, _ammoCount, _initSpeed]];
} forEach _magazines;
_burnOutSelections = ["osa_poklop_commander", "hatch_commander_axis"];
_pos = _vehicle selectionPosition _x;
if(_pos distance [0,0,0] != 0) exitWith {
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_burnout_selection", _x];
} forEach _burnOutSelections;
if((count _totalMagazines) > 0) then {
private ["_params", "_cookCount", "_burnoutStartTime"];
private["_addCount", "_alwaysTop", "_ammo", "_ammoCount", "_bb", "_bullet", "_burnObj", "_burnOutCount", "_burnOutCountCum", "_burnOutSelections", "_burnSelection", "_c", "_caliber", "_cargoMags", "_cookOff", "_count", "_counts", "_crewArray", "_crewPosIndex", "_crewScreaming", "_didBurn", "_filter", "_finalied", "_flameType", "_fuseDistance", "_guy", "_handled", "_i", "_initSpeed", "_isBurning","_isCooking", "_m", "_mag", "_magName", "_magNames", "_maxTypes", "_newMags", "_objs", "_pos", "_randX", "_randY", "_randZ", "_report", "_reportClass", "_reportType", "_rippleCount", "_screamCount", "_simType", "_sound", "_soundidx", "_spacing", "_spawnPos", "_speed", "_time", "_totalMagazines", "_transportMagazines", "_vec", "_velVec", "_vertin"];
_params = _this select 0;
if(time > _startTime) then {
_cookCount = 1;
if(_finale && {!_finaleDone}) then {
"ace_fuelexpbig" createvehicle (_vehicle modelToWorldVisual [0,0,0]);
_cookCount = 3+(floor (random 3));
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_cookoffinalied", true];
_finale = true;
for "_i" from 1 to _cookCount do {
_mag = _magazines select (floor (random (count _magazines)));
_count = (_mag select 1);
if(_count > 0) then {
_handled = false;
_ammo = getText(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> (_mag select 0) >> "ammo");
_simType = getText(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "simulation");
if(toLower(_simType) == "shotbullet") then {
_handled = true;
_rippleCount = floor(random _count) min 40;
if(_finale) then {
_rippleCount = floor(random _count) min 10;
_mag set[1, 0];
[_vehicle, _ammo, _rippleCount, (_mag select 2)] spawn {
_vehicle = _this select 0;
_ammo = _this select 1;
_count = _this select 2;
_speed = _this select 3;
_spacing = (random 0.25) max 0.05;
_caliber = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "caliber");
_reportType = "small";
_maxTypes = 4;
if(_caliber > 1.1) then {
_reportType = "large";
_maxTypes = 3;
_burnSelection = _vehicle getVariable ["ace_burnout_selection", ""];
_burnObj = nil;
_burnOutCount = _vehicle getVariable ["ace_burnOutCount", 0];
_didBurn = false;
if(_burnOutCount < 0) then {
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_burnOutCount", 0];
_burnOutCount = 0;
if ((random 1) > 0.8) then {
@TODO: SCreaming
_crewScreaming = _vehicle getVariable ["ace_flameout_crewscream", false];
if (!_crewScreaming && {({alive _x} count (crew _vehicle)) > 0}) then {
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_flameout_crewscream", true];
[_vehicle] spawn {
_screamCount = floor((random (count (crew (_this select 0)))) min 4) max 1;
_crewArray = (crew (_this select 0));
for "_m" from 1 to _screamCount*2 do {
_soundidx = floor (random 15) + 1;
_sound = "ACE_VDBrutalScream" + (_soundidx call CBA_fnc_intToString);
_crewPosIndex = (floor (random (count _crewArray)));
_guy = _crewArray select _crewPosIndex;
if (_guy in (_this select 0)) then {
[[_crewArray select _crewPosIndex], _sound] call CBA_fnc_globalSay;
sleep 0.25+(random 1);
if (_burnSelection != "" && {alive _vehicle} && {_spacing <= 0.18} && {_burnOutCount == 0} && {_count > 3}) then {
_alwaysTop = _vehicle getVariable ["ace_flameout_alwaystop", false];
_flameType = "ace_flameout_2";
if (_alwaysTop || {(random 10) >= 7.5}) then {
_flameType = "ace_flameout_1";
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_flameout_alwaystop", true];
_burnObj = _flameType createVehicle [0,0,10000];
_burnObj attachTo [_vehicle, [0,0,-0.2], _burnSelection];
_sound = createSoundSource ["ace_flameout", [0,0,10000], [], 0];
_sound attachTo [_burnObj, [0,0,-0.2], _burnSelection];
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_burnOutCount", 1];
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_burnOutStart", diag_tickTime];
_burnOutCountCum = _vehicle getVariable ["ace_burnOutCountCum", 0];
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_burnOutCountCum", _burnOutCountCum + 1];
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_burnObj", [_burnObj, _sound]];
[_burnObj] call FUNC(doFlameout);
_didBurn = true;
} else {
if (_burnOutCount > 0) then {
_burnOutCountCum = _vehicle getVariable ["ace_burnOutCountCum", 0];
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_burnOutCountCum", _burnOutCountCum + 1];
_didBurn = true;
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_burnOutCount", _burnOutCount + 1];
_burnOutCountCum = _vehicle getVariable ["ace_burnOutCountCum", 0];
if(_burnOutCountCum > 2) then {
_vehicle setDamage 1;
} else {
_burnoutStartTime = _vehicle getVariable "ace_burnOutStart";
_time = diag_tickTime - _burnoutStartTime;
if(_time > 3.5) then {
_vehicle setDamage 1;
for "_i" from 1 to _count do {
_spawnPos = _vehicle modelToWorldVisual [(-0.2+(random 0.4)),(-0.2+(random 0.4)),(random 0.2)];//[_randX, _randY, _randZ];
if(_spawnPos select 2 < 0) then {
_spawnPos set[2, 0];
_vec = [(-1 + (random 2)), (-1 + (random 2)), -0.2+(random 1)];
_filter = "filtered";
if(!alive _vehicle) then {
_filter = "normal";
_reportClass = format["ACE_cookoff_%1_%2_%3", _reportType, ceil(random _maxTypes), _filter];
_report = _reportClass createVehicleLocal _spawnPos;
if(_i == 12) then {
if(alive _x) then {
_x setDamage 1;
} forEach (crew _vehicle);
if((random 1) > 0.75) then {
_report setPos _spawnPos;
_speed = (((_speed*0.5)+(random (_speed/2))) min _speed);
_velVec = [
(_vec select 0)*_speed,
(_vec select 1)*_speed,
(_vec select 2)*_speed
_bullet = _ammo createVehicleLocal _spawnPos;
_bullet setPos _spawnPos;
_bullet setVectorDir _velVec;
_bullet setVelocity _velVec;
// [ace_sys_frag_fnc_frag_trace, 0.05, [_bullet]] call cba_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
if(alive _vehicle) then {
_burnoutStartTime = _vehicle getVariable "ace_burnOutStart";
_time = diag_tickTime - _burnoutStartTime;
if(_time > 3.5) then {
_vehicle setDamage 1;
_finalied = _vehicle getVariable ["ace_cookoffinalied", false];
_burnOutCount = _vehicle getVariable ["ace_burnOutCount", 0];
if(_finalied && {_burnOutCount > 0}) then {
_objs = (_vehicle getVariable "ace_burnObj");
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_burnOutCount", 0];
deleteVehicle (_objs select 1);
deleteVehicle (_objs select 0);
sleep _spacing+(-0.02+(random 0.04));
if(_didBurn) then {
_burnOutCount = _vehicle getVariable ["ace_burnOutCount", 0];
_burnOutCount = _burnOutCount - 1;
if(_burnOutCount <= 0) then {
_objs = (_vehicle getVariable "ace_burnObj");
deleteVehicle (_objs select 1);
deleteVehicle (_objs select 0);
if(alive _vehicle) then {
_burnOutCountCum = _vehicle getVariable ["ace_burnOutCountCum", 0];
if(_burnOutCountCum > 2) then {
_vehicle setDamage 1;
} else {
_burnoutStartTime = _vehicle getVariable "ace_burnOutStart";
_time = diag_tickTime - _burnoutStartTime;
if(_time > 3.5) then {
_vehicle setDamage 1;
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_burnOutCount", _burnOutCount];
if(toLower(_simType) == "shotshell" || {toLower(_simType) == "shotgrenade"}) then {
_handled = true;
_rippleCount = floor(random _count) min 3;
_mag set[1, 0];
[_vehicle, _ammo, _rippleCount, (_mag select 2)] spawn {
_vehicle = _this select 0;
_ammo = _this select 1;
_count = _this select 2;
_speed = _this select 3;
_spacing = (random 0.5) max 0.1;
_caliber = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "caliber");
_fuseDistance = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "fuseDistance");
_reportType = "small";
_maxTypes = 4;
if(_caliber > 2) then {
_reportType = "large";
_maxTypes = 3;
_bb = boundingBox _vehicle;
for "_i" from 1 to _count do {
_randX = ((_bb select 0) select 0)+(random (((_bb select 1) select 0)*2));
_randY = ((_bb select 0) select 1)+(random (((_bb select 1) select 1)*2));
_randZ = ((_bb select 0) select 2)+(random (((_bb select 1) select 2)*2));
_spawnPos = _vehicle modelToWorldVisual [0,0,_fuseDistance];//[_randX, _randY, _fuseDistance];
if(_spawnPos select 2 < 0) then {
_spawnPos set[2, 0];
_bullet = _ammo createVehicleLocal _spawnPos;
_bullet setPos _spawnPos;
_bullet setVectorDir [0,0,0];
_bullet setVelocity [0,0,-300];
sleep _spacing+(-0.02+(random 0.04));
if(toLower(_simType) == "shotrocket" || {toLower(_simType) == "shotmissile"}) then {
_handled = true;
_rippleCount = (floor(random _count) min 6) max 1;
_mag set[1, 0];
[_vehicle, _ammo, _rippleCount, (_mag select 2)] spawn {
_vehicle = _this select 0;
_ammo = _this select 1;
_count = _this select 2;
_speed = _this select 3;
_spacing = (random 0.5) max 0.05;
_caliber = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "caliber");
_reportType = "small";
_maxTypes = 4;
if(_caliber > 1.1) then {
_reportType = "large";
_maxTypes = 3;
_bb = boundingBox _vehicle;
for "_i" from 1 to _count do {
_randX = ((_bb select 0) select 0)+(random (((_bb select 1) select 0)*2));
_randY = ((_bb select 0) select 1)+(random (((_bb select 1) select 1)*2));
_randZ = (random (((_bb select 1) select 2)))/2;
_spawnPos = _vehicle modelToWorldVisual [_randX, _randY, _randZ];
if(_spawnPos select 2 < 0) then {
_spawnPos set[2, 0];
_vec = [(-1 + (random 2)), (-1 + (random 2)), -0.2+(random 0.8)];
_vertin = (random 1);
if(_vertin < 0.9) then {
_spawnPos = _vehicle modelToWorldVisual [0,0,0];//[_randX, _randY, _randZ];
_vec set[2, -0.999999];
_reportClass = format["ACE_cookoff_%1_%2", _reportType, ceil(random _maxTypes)];
_report = _reportClass createVehicleLocal _spawnPos;
_report setPos _spawnPos;
_speed = ((_speed*0.5)+(random _speed) min _speed)*0.6;
_velVec = [
(_vec select 0)*_speed,
(_vec select 1)*_speed,
(_vec select 2)*_speed
_bullet = _ammo createVehicleLocal _spawnPos;
_bullet setPos _spawnPos;
_bullet setVectorDir _velVec;
_bullet setVelocity _velVec;
// [ace_sys_frag_fnc_frag_trace, 0.05, [_bullet]] call cba_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
sleep _spacing+(-0.02+(random 0.04));
if(!_handled) then {
_mag set[1, 0];
_newMags = [];
if(_x select 1 != 0) then {
_newMags set[(count _newMags), _x];
} forEach _magazines;
_magazines = _newMags;
_params set[1, _newMags];
if(_finale && {!_finaleDone}) then {
_params set[4, true];
_newMags = [];
_c = floor((count _magazines)/_cookCount);
for "_i" from 0 to _c do {
_newMags set[(count _newMags), (_magazines select _i)];
_magazines = _newMags;
_params set[1, _newMags];
_params set[0, time+(random 5)*(random 3)];
_isBurning = _vehicle getVariable ["ace_is_burning", false];
if(!_finale && {!(alive _vehicle)}) then {
_params set[3, true];
_params set[0, time-1];
} else {
if(!_isBurning || {(count _magazines) == 0}) then {
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_is_cooking", false];
[(_this select 1)] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
GVAR(cookOffCount) = GVAR(cookOffCount) - 1;
}, 0.25, [time+_startTime, _totalMagazines, _vehicle, false, false]] call cba_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
} else {
GVAR(cookOffCount) = GVAR(cookOffCount) - 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_li"];
if(hasInterface) then {
_li = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal [0,0,100000];
_li setLightBrightness 0.35;
_li setLightAmbient[0.8, 0.6, 0.2];
_li setLightColor[1, 0.5, 0.2];
_li lightAttachObject [_obj, [0,0,0]];
private["_factor", "_nearObjects", "_isBurning", "_flameSize", "_dir"];
_factor = 1+((time-_startTime)/2) min 2;
if(alive _obj) then {
_nearObjects = (getPos _obj) nearEntities ["CAManBase", 2.4+_factor];
//_nearObjects = nearestObjects [(getPos _obj), ["CAManBase"], 2.4+_factor];
if(local _x) then {
_isBurning = _x getVariable ["ace_is_burning", false];
if(!_isBurning) then {
["ace_sys_wounds_checkburn", [_x, 30]] call ACE_fnc_receiverOnlyEvent;
[_x] spawn {
sleep 5+(random 8);
(_this select 0) setDamage 1;
} forEach _nearObjects;
if(hasInterface) then {
_light setLightBrightness 0.35*(_factor/5);
if((typeOf _obj) == "ace_flameout_1") then {
drop [["\a3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal",16,2,32],
"", "Billboard", 1,(0.1 + (random 0.2))*_factor,
[-0.1 + random 0.2, -0.1 + random 0.2, 0],
0, 10, 7.9, 0.075,
[1.25*_factor, 2.5*_factor],
[[1, 1, 1, -2],[1, 1, 1, -2], [1, 1, 1, -1], [1, 1, 1, -0]],
[2 + random 1], 1, 0, "", "", _obj];
_flameSize = 2;
_factor = _factor / 2;
drop [["\a3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal",16,2,32],
"", "Billboard", 1,(0.1 + (random 0.2))*_factor,
[-0.1 + random 0.2, -0.1 + random 0.2, -1],
0, 10, 7.9, 0.075,
[1.25*_factor, _flameSize*_factor],
[[1, 1, 1, -2],[1, 1, 1, -2], [1, 1, 1, -1], [1, 1, 1, -0]],
[2 + random 1], 1, 0, "", "", _obj];
drop [["\a3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal",16,2,32],
"", "Billboard", 1,(0.1 + (random 0.2))*_factor,
[-0.1 + random 0.2, -0.1 + random 0.2, -1],
0, 10, 7.9, 0.075,
[1.25*_factor, _flameSize*_factor],
[[1, 1, 1, -2],[1, 1, 1, -2], [1, 1, 1, -1], [1, 1, 1, -0]],
[2 + random 1], 1, 0, "", "", _obj];
drop [["\a3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal",16,2,32],
"", "Billboard", 1,(0.1 + (random 0.2))*_factor,
[-0.1 + random 0.2, -0.1 + random 0.2, -1],
0, 10, 7.9, 0.075,
[1.25*_factor, _flameSize*_factor],
[[1, 1, 1, -2],[1, 1, 1, -2], [1, 1, 1, -1], [1, 1, 1, -0]],
[2 + random 1], 1, 0, "", "", _obj];
drop [["\a3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal",16,2,32],
"", "Billboard", 1,(0.1 + (random 0.2))*_factor,
[-0.1 + random 0.2, -0.1 + random 0.2, -1],
0, 10, 7.9, 0.075,
[1.25*_factor, _flameSize*_factor],
[[1, 1, 1, -2],[1, 1, 1, -2], [1, 1, 1, -1], [1, 1, 1, -0]],
[2 + random 1], 1, 0, "", "", _obj];
_dir = 20*(_factor/2);
drop [["\a3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal",16,2,32],
"", "Billboard", 1,(0.1 + (random 0.2))*_factor,
[-0.1 + random 0.2, -0.1 + random 0.2, -1],
0, 10, 7.9, 0.075,
[1.25*_factor, _flameSize*_factor],
[[1, 1, 1, -2],[1, 1, 1, -2], [1, 1, 1, -1], [1, 1, 1, -0]],
[2 + random 1], 1, 0, "", "", _obj];
_dir = -20*(_factor/2);
drop [["\a3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal",16,2,32],
"", "Billboard", 1,(0.1 + (random 0.2))*_factor,
[-0.1 + random 0.2, -0.1 + random 0.2, -1],
0, 10, 7.9, 0.075,
[1.25*_factor, _flameSize*_factor],
[[1, 1, 1, -2],[1, 1, 1, -2], [1, 1, 1, -1], [1, 1, 1, -0]],
[2 + random 1], 1, 0, "", "", _obj];
_dir = 20*(_factor/2);
drop [["\a3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal",16,2,32],
"", "Billboard", 1,(0.1 + (random 0.2))*_factor,
[-0.1 + random 0.2, -0.1 + random 0.2, -1],
0, 10, 7.9, 0.075,
[1.25*_factor, _flameSize*_factor],
[[1, 1, 1, -2],[1, 1, 1, -2], [1, 1, 1, -1], [1, 1, 1, -0]],
[2 + random 1], 1, 0, "", "", _obj];
_dir = 20*(_factor/2);
drop [["\a3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal",16,2,32],
"", "Billboard", 1,(0.1 + (random 0.2))*_factor,
[-0.1 + random 0.2, -0.1 + random 0.2, -1],
0, 10, 7.9, 0.075,
[1.25*_factor, _flameSize*_factor],
[[1, 1, 1, -2],[1, 1, 1, -2], [1, 1, 1, -1], [1, 1, 1, -0]],
[2 + random 1], 1, 0, "", "", _obj];
} else {
[_handle] call cba_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
if(hasInterface) then {
deleteVehicle _light;
}, 0, [_obj, time, _li]] call cba_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
#include "\z\ace\addons\destruction\script_component.hpp"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#define COMPONENT destruction
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_mod.hpp"
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_macros.hpp"

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
class ADDON {
#include "penetration\armour.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_100mm.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_12mm.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_16mm.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_1mm.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_20mm.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_23mm.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_30mm.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_3mm.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_40mm.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_5mm.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_60mm.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_7mm.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_80mm.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_heavy.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_medium.hpp"
#include "penetration\armour_plate_thin.hpp"
#include "penetration\body.hpp"
#include "penetration\building.hpp"
#include "penetration\building_plate.hpp"
#include "penetration\cloth.hpp"
#include "penetration\concrete.hpp"
#include "penetration\concrete_plate.hpp"
#include "penetration\default.hpp"
#include "penetration\foliage.hpp"
#include "penetration\foliage_Dead.hpp"
#include "penetration\foliage_Green.hpp"
#include "penetration\foliage_Green_big.hpp"
#include "penetration\foliage_Palm.hpp"
#include "penetration\foliage_Pine.hpp"
#include "penetration\glass.hpp"
#include "penetration\glass_armored.hpp"
#include "penetration\glass_armored_plate.hpp"
#include "penetration\glass_plate.hpp"
#include "penetration\granite.hpp"
#include "penetration\granite_plate.hpp"
#include "penetration\hard_ground.hpp"
#include "penetration\hay.hpp"
#include "penetration\iron_cast.hpp"
#include "penetration\iron_cast_plate.hpp"
#include "penetration\leather.hpp"
#include "penetration\meat.hpp"
#include "penetration\meatbones.hpp"
#include "penetration\metal.hpp"
#include "penetration\metal_plate.hpp"
#include "penetration\metal_plate_thin.hpp"
#include "penetration\plastic.hpp"
#include "penetration\plastic_plate.hpp"
#include "penetration\plexiglass.hpp"
#include "penetration\plexiglass_plate.hpp"
#include "penetration\soft_ground.hpp"
#include "penetration\tyre.hpp"
#include "penetration\tyre_armored.hpp"
#include "penetration\void.hpp"
#include "penetration\water.hpp"
#include "penetration\weapon_plate.hpp"
#include "penetration\wood.hpp"
#include "penetration\wood_plate.hpp"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
class CfgAmmo {
class BulletCore;
class ShellCore;
// By default, lets assume uranium shells
class ShellBase: ShellCore {
class Sh_120mm_APFSDS: ShellBase {
enum class PROJECTILE_TYPE {
CYLINDER = 1, // This also uses long rod calcs, but for a cylinder default. ignores frustrum lengths
FRUSTUM = 2, // This is long rod, but working length changes
MISSILE = 3, // These will most likely be a hybrid of rod projected kenetic rounds
SHELL = 4, // If L:D ratio is < 4, you need to use this math instead, long rods are best-estimate only for KE of a rod.
FRAGMENT = 5 // Used for irregularly shaped model impacts, such as ace_frag
ACE_projectileType = 2;
ACE_bulletLength = 0.0650; // meter
GVAR(length) = 0.0650; // meter, used if defined for penetrator, otherwise falls back on bulletLength
ACE_caliber = 0.027; // meter, fallback dimeter used by AB
GVAR(diameter) = 0.027; // meters, used if defined for penetrator, otherwise falls back on bulletDiameter
ACE_bulletMass = 4600; // gram
GVAR(mass) = 4600; // grams, used if defined for penetrator, otherwise falls back on bulletMass
ACE_materialType = 2; // 0=tungsten,1=DU,2=hard steel alloy
// Below densities are only used to override materialType,
ACE_materialDensity = 19100;
GVAR(density) = 19100; // kg/m3 used if defined for penetrator, otherwise falls back on ACE_materialDensity
// This is ony used if defined, otherwise it is assumed the round is a cylinder
GVAR(frustumLength) = 0.05; // meter
GVAR(frustumDiameter) = 0.01; // meter
class BulletBase: BulletCore {
ACE_bulletDensity = 11300; // 11.3g/cm3 or 11300kg/m3, this is the density of lead

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
## Maintainers
The people responsible for merging changes to this component or answering potential questions.
- [KoffeinFlummi](
- [commy2](

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
class CfgPatches {
class ADDON {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F"};
author[] = {"jaynus"};
authorUrl = "";
#include "ACE_Penetration.hpp"
#include "CfgAmmo.hpp"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetal";
soundHit = "Metal";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 100;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetal";
soundHit = "Metal";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 30;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate {
Density = 8600; // kg/m3
Thickness = 30;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_100mm.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 100;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_100mm {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 100;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_12mm.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 12;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_12mm {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 12;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_16mm.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 16;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 1.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_16mm {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 16;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 1.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_1mm.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 1;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 0.1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_1mm {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 1;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 0.1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_20mm.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 20;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_20mm {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 20;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_23mm.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 23;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_23mm {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 23;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_30mm.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 30;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_30mm {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 30;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_3mm.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 3;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 0.3;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_3mm {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 3;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 0.3;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_40mm.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 40;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_40mm {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 40;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_5mm.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 5;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 0.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_5mm {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 5;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 0.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_60mm.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 60;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_60mm {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 60;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_7mm.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 7;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 0.7;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_7mm {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 7;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 0.7;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_80mm.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 80;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_80mm {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 80;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_heavy.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 110;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_heavy {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 110;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_medium.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 80;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 1.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_medium {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 80;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 1.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\armour_plate_thin.bisurf{
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 12;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class armour_plate_thin {
Density = 8600;
Thickness = 12;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 15;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitMetalPlate";
soundHit = "metal_plate";
deflection = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\body.bisurf{
Density = 985;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
friction = 0.9;
restitution = 0.5;
bulletPenetrability = 195;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
impact = "hitMan";
soundHit = "Body";
deflection = 0.2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class body {
Density = 985;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
friction = 0.9;
restitution = 0.5;
bulletPenetrability = 195;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
impact = "hitMan";
soundHit = "Body";
deflection = 0.2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\building.bisurf{
Density = 1800;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 107;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.9;
restitution = 0;
impact = "hitBuilding";
soundHit = "Building";
deflection = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class building {
Density = 1800;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 107;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.9;
restitution = 0;
impact = "hitBuilding";
soundHit = "Building";
deflection = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\building_plate.bisurf{
Density = 1800;
Thickness = 80;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 107;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.9;
restitution = 0;
impact = "hitBuilding";
soundHit = "Building";
deflection = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class building_plate {
Density = 1800;
Thickness = 80;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 107;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.9;
restitution = 0;
impact = "hitBuilding";
soundHit = "Building";
deflection = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\cloth.bisurf{
Density = 192;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 999;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitPlastic";
soundHit = "Plastic";
deflection = 0.1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class cloth {
Density = 192;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 999;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.3;
impact = "hitPlastic";
soundHit = "Plastic";
deflection = 0.1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\concrete.bisurf{
Density = 2400;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 80;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.9;
restitution = 0;
impact = "hitConcrete";
soundHit = "Concrete";
deflection = 1.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class concrete {
Density = 2400;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 80;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.9;
restitution = 0;
impact = "hitConcrete";
soundHit = "Concrete";
deflection = 1.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\concrete_plate.bisurf{
Density = 2400;
Thickness = 50;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 80;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.9;
restitution = 0;
impact = "hitConcrete";
soundHit = "Concrete";
deflection = 1.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class concrete_plate {
Density = 2400;
Thickness = 50;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness = 80;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.9;
restitution = 0;
impact = "hitConcrete";
soundHit = "Concrete";
deflection = 1.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\default.bisurf{
Density = 600;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 320;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.4;
impact = "hitDefault";
soundHit = "Default";
deflection = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class default {
Density = 600;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 320;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.4;
impact = "hitDefault";
soundHit = "Default";
deflection = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\foliage.bisurf{
Density = 7;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 32000;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.4;
impact = "hitFoliage";
soundHit = "Foliage";
deflection = 0.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class foliage {
Density = 7;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 32000;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.4;
impact = "hitFoliage";
soundHit = "Foliage";
deflection = 0.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\foliage_Dead.bisurf{
Density = 2;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 96000;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.4;
impact = "Hit_Foliage_Dead";
soundHit = "foliage";
deflection = 0.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class foliage_Dead {
Density = 2;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 96000;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.4;
impact = "Hit_Foliage_Dead";
soundHit = "foliage";
deflection = 0.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\foliage_Green.bisurf{
Density = 4;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 48000;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.4;
impact = "Hit_Foliage_Green";
soundHit = "foliage";
deflection = 0.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class foliage_Green {
Density = 4;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 48000;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.4;
impact = "Hit_Foliage_Green";
soundHit = "foliage";
deflection = 0.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
//Class data_f : penetration\foliage_Green_big.bisurf{
Density = 5;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 42000;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.4;
impact = "Hit_Foliage_Green_big";
soundHit = "foliage";
deflection = 0.5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.87
//Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015 : Source 'file' date Sun Apr 12 12:32:08 2015
#define _ARMA_
class foliage_Green_big {
Density = 5;
rough = 0.1;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 42000;
soundEnviron = "Empty";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.7;
restitution = 0.4;
impact = "Hit_Foliage_Green_big";
soundHit = "foliage";
deflection = 0.5;

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More