mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Removed bullet database concept
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,8 +13,3 @@
if (isnil QGVAR(EnableForAI)) then {
GVAR(EnableForAI) = false;
GVAR(bulletDatabase) = [];
GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrame) = [];
GVAR(bulletDatabaseOccupiedIndices) = [];
GVAR(bulletDatabaseFreeIndices) = [];
@ -33,68 +33,39 @@ if (_bullet isKindOf "BulletBase") then {
_airFriction = getNumber(configFile >> "cfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "airFriction");
_index = count GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrame);
if (count GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameFreeIndices) > 0) then {
_index = GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameFreeIndices) select 0;
GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameFreeIndices) = GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameFreeIndices) - [_index];
private ["_bullet", "_airFriction", "_args", "_deltaT", "_bulletVelocity", "_bulletSpeed", "_trueVelocity", "_trueVelocity", "_dragRef", "_drag", "_accelRef", "_accel"];
GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrame) set[_index, [_bullet, _airFriction, _index]];
GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameLastFrame) set[_index, time];
_args = _this select 0;
_bullet = _args select 0;
_airFriction = _args select 1;
_time = _args select 2;
GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameOccupiedIndices) pushBack _index;
if (!alive _bullet) exitwith {
[_this select 1] call cba_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
if (count GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameOccupiedIndices) == 1) then {
private ["_bullet", "_airFriction", "_index", "_deltaT", "_bulletVelocity", "_bulletSpeed", "_trueVelocity", "_trueVelocity", "_dragRef", "_drag", "_accelRef", "_accel"];
_deltaT = time - _time;
_args set[2, time];
_bullet = (GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrame) select _x) select 0;
_index = (GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrame) select _x) select 2;
if (!alive _bullet) then {
GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameOccupiedIndices) = GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameOccupiedIndices) - [_index];
GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameFreeIndices) pushBack _index;
} forEach GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameOccupiedIndices);
_bulletVelocity = velocity _bullet;
_bulletSpeed = vectorMagnitude _bulletVelocity;
if (count GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameOccupiedIndices) == 0) exitWith {
/// Resetting all the variables.
GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrame) = [];
GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameLastFrame) = [];
GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameOccupiedIndices) = [];
GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameFreeIndices) = [];
[_this select 1] call cba_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
if (vectorMagnitude ACE_wind > 0) then {
_trueVelocity = _bulletVelocity vectorDiff ACE_wind;
_trueSpeed = vectorMagnitude _trueVelocity;
_bullet = (GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrame) select _x) select 0;
_airFriction = (GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrame) select _x) select 1;
_index = (GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrame) select _x) select 2;
_dragRef = _deltaT * _airFriction * _bulletSpeed * _bulletSpeed;
_accelRef = (vectorNormalized _bulletVelocity) vectorMultiply (_dragRef);
_bulletVelocity = _bulletVelocity vectorDiff _accelRef;
_deltaT = time - (GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameLastFrame) select _index);
GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameLastFrame) set[_index, time];
_drag = _deltaT * _airFriction * _trueSpeed * _trueSpeed;
_accel = (vectorNormalized _trueVelocity) vectorMultiply (_drag);
_bulletVelocity = _bulletVelocity vectorAdd _accel;
_bullet setVelocity _bulletVelocity;
// TODO expand with advanced ballistics functionality.
_bulletVelocity = velocity _bullet;
_bulletSpeed = vectorMagnitude _bulletVelocity;
if (vectorMagnitude ACE_wind > 0) then {
_trueVelocity = _bulletVelocity vectorDiff ACE_wind;
_trueSpeed = vectorMagnitude _trueVelocity;
_dragRef = _deltaT * _airFriction * _bulletSpeed * _bulletSpeed;
_accelRef = (vectorNormalized _bulletVelocity) vectorMultiply (_dragRef);
_bulletVelocity = _bulletVelocity vectorDiff _accelRef;
_drag = _deltaT * _airFriction * _trueSpeed * _trueSpeed;
_accel = (vectorNormalized _trueVelocity) vectorMultiply (_drag);
_bulletVelocity = _bulletVelocity vectorAdd _accel;
// TODO expand with advanced ballistics functionality.
_bullet setVelocity _bulletVelocity;
}forEach GVAR(bulletDatabaseLastFrameOccupiedIndices);
}, 0, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
}, 0, [_bullet, _airFriction, time]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
Reference in New Issue
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