diff --git a/addons/dogtags/functions/fnc_getDogtagItem.sqf b/addons/dogtags/functions/fnc_getDogtagItem.sqf index 6a01d8c36f..4f8cc94cc7 100644 --- a/addons/dogtags/functions/fnc_getDogtagItem.sqf +++ b/addons/dogtags/functions/fnc_getDogtagItem.sqf @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ private _item = format ["ACE_dogtag_%1", GVAR(idCounter)]; // Dog tags have no mass, so no need to check if it can fit in container, but check if unit has an inventory at all [_player, _item, true] call CBA_fnc_addItem; -_name = _dogtagData param [0, ""]; +private _name = _dogtagData param [0, ""]; // If data doesn't exist or body has no name, set name as "unknown" if (_name == "") then {