diff --git a/documentation/user/installation-guide.md b/documentation/user/installation-guide.md
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+layout: wiki
+title: Installation Guide
+description: Step-by-step guide for installing ACE3
+group: user
+order: 0
+parent: wiki
+## 1. Overview
+This guide will explain how to get ACE3 up and running faster than you can say banana.
+## 2. Prerequisites
+- Download [CBA](http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767).
+- Download [ACE3](https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/releases/latest).
+- Know how to extract .zip files. Use [Google](https://www.google.com) if not sure.
+## 3. Installation Guide
+- Extract both CBA and ACE3 into your Arma 3 folder. By default this is located in:<br>
+32-Bit - `C:/Program Files/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Arma 3/`<br>
+64-Bit - `C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Arma 3/`
+- After extraction you should have the `@ace` and `@CBA_A3` folders inside your Arma 3 folder.
+- Launch Arma 3 to start the official game Launcher.
+- Click `Mods` and make sure the checkboxes next to `ace` and `CBA_A3` are ticked.
+- Click `Play`
+## 4. Alternative launch methods
+### 4.1 Steam Launch Parameters
+- Not supported with the new Arma 3 Launcher
+### 4.2 Arma3Sync
+- Inspect `Addon Options` and verify the `Addon Search Directories` are leading to your Arma 3 folder.
+- Return to the `Addons` tab and click `Refresh`.
+- Drag and drop `@ace` and `@CBA_A3` from `Available Addons` into the `Addon Groups` list and make sure the checkboxes are ticked.
+- Click `Start Game`
+### 4.3 Play withSIX