mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Cleanup of medical_menu
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,38 +3,40 @@
* Collect treatment actions from medical config
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_medical_menu_fnc_collectActions
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_configBasic", "_configAdvanced", "_compileActionsLevel"];
private ["_configBasic", "_configAdvanced", "_fnc_compileActionsLevel"];
_configBasic = (configFile >> "ACE_Medical_Actions" >> "Basic");
_configAdvanced = (configFile >> "ACE_Medical_Actions" >> "Advanced");
_compileActionsLevel = {
private [ "_config", "_entryCount", "_actions", "_action", "_displayName","_condition", "_category", "_statement"];
_config = _this select 0;
_entryCount = (count _config) - 1;
_fnc_compileActionsLevel = {
private ["_entryCount", "_actions", "_displayName", "_condition", "_category", "_statement"];
params ["_config"];
_actions = [];
for "_i" from 0 to _entryCount /* step +1 */ do {
_action = _config select _i;
if (isClass _action) then {
_displayName = getText (_action >> "displayName");
_category = getText (_action >> "category");
_condition = format[QUOTE([ARR_4(ACE_player, GVAR(INTERACTION_TARGET), EGVAR(medical,SELECTIONS) select GVAR(selectedBodyPart), '%1')] call DEFUNC(medical,canTreatCached)), configName _action];
_statement = format[QUOTE([ARR_4(ACE_player, GVAR(INTERACTION_TARGET), EGVAR(medical,SELECTIONS) select GVAR(selectedBodyPart), '%1')] call DEFUNC(medical,treatment)), configName _action];
_actions pushback [_displayName, _category, compile _condition, compile _statement];
if (isClass _x) then {
_displayName = getText (_x >> "displayName");
_category = getText (_x >> "category");
_condition = format[QUOTE([ARR_4(ACE_player, GVAR(INTERACTION_TARGET), EGVAR(medical,SELECTIONS) select GVAR(selectedBodyPart), '%1')] call DEFUNC(medical,canTreatCached)), configName _x];
_statement = format[QUOTE([ARR_4(ACE_player, GVAR(INTERACTION_TARGET), EGVAR(medical,SELECTIONS) select GVAR(selectedBodyPart), '%1')] call DEFUNC(medical,treatment)), configName _x];
_actions pushBack [_displayName, _category, compile _condition, compile _statement];
} count _config;
_actions // return
GVAR(actionsBasic) = [_configBasic] call _compileActionsLevel;
GVAR(actionsAdvanced) = [_configAdvanced] call _compileActionsLevel;
GVAR(actionsBasic) = [_configBasic] call _fnc_compileActionsLevel;
GVAR(actionsAdvanced) = [_configAdvanced] call _fnc_compileActionsLevel;
@ -10,16 +10,17 @@
* Return Value:
* Available actions <ARRAY>
* Exmaple:
* [ACE_player, poor_dude, "some category"] call ace_medical_menu_fnc_getTreatmentOptions
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_player", "_target", "_name", "_actions"];
_player = _this select 0;
_target = _this select 1;
_name = _this select 2;
if !([ACE_player, _target, ["isNotInside"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitwith {[]};
private "_actions";
params ["_player", "_target", "_name"];
if (!([ACE_player, _target, ["isNotInside"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith))) exitwith {[]};
_actions = if (EGVAR(medical,level) == 2) then {
@ -31,9 +32,11 @@ _collectedActions = [];
_bodyPart = EGVAR(medical,SELECTIONS) select GVAR(selectedBodyPart);
if (_name == (_x select 1) && {call (_x select 2)}) then {
_collectedActions pushback _x;
_x params ["", "_currentCategory", "_currentCondition"];
if (_name == _currentCategory && {call _currentCondition}) then {
_collectedActions pushBack _x;
}foreach _actions;
} count _actions;
_collectedActions // return
@ -6,27 +6,31 @@
* 0: Category name <STRING>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* ["some category"] call ace_medical_menu_handleUI_DisplayOptions
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define START_IDC 20
#define END_IDC 27
#define AMOUNT_OF_ENTRIES (count _entries)
#define START_IDC 20
#define END_IDC 27
#define AMOUNT_OF_ENTRIES (count _entries)
private ["_name","_entries","_display","_newTarget","_counter","_card","_ctrl","_code"];
_name = _this select 0;
if (!hasInterface) exitwith{};
private ["_entries", "_display", "_newTarget", "_card", "_ctrl", "_code"];
params ["_name"];
_display = uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(medicalMenu);
if (isNil "_display") exitwith {}; // no valid dialog present
if ((_name == "toggle")) exitwith {
if (_name isEqualTo "toggle") exitwith {
if (GVAR(INTERACTION_TARGET) != ACE_player) then {
_newTarget = ACE_player;
} else {
@ -42,7 +46,7 @@ if ((_name == "toggle")) exitwith {
// Clean the dropdown options list from all actions
for [{_x=START_IDC},{_x <= END_IDC},{_x=_x+1}] do {
for [{_x = START_IDC}, {_x <= END_IDC}, {_x = _x + 1}] do {
_ctrl = (_display displayCtrl (_x));
_ctrl ctrlSetText "";
_ctrl ctrlShow false;
@ -55,34 +59,34 @@ GVAR(LatestDisplayOptionMenu) = _name;
// The triage card has no options available
lbClear 212;
if (_name == "triage") exitwith {
_card = ([GVAR(INTERACTION_TARGET)] call FUNC(getTriageList));
if (_name isEqualTo "triage") exitwith {
ctrlEnable [212, true];
_card = [GVAR(INTERACTION_TARGET)] call FUNC(getTriageList);
lbadd[212,format["%1 x%2", getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_x select 0) >> "displayName"), _x select 1]];
}foreach _card;
lbAdd [212, format["%1 x%2", getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_x select 0) >> "displayName"), _x select 1]];
} forEach _card;
if (count _card == 0) then {
lbadd[212,"No Entries"];
lbAdd [212, "No Entries"];
ctrlEnable [212, false];
_entries = [ACE_player, GVAR(INTERACTION_TARGET), _name] call FUNC(getTreatmentOptions);
//player sidechat format["TRIGGERED: %1",_x];
if (_foreachIndex > END_IDC) exitwith {};
_ctrl = (_display displayCtrl (START_IDC + _foreachIndex));
if (!(_foreachIndex > AMOUNT_OF_ENTRIES)) then {
if (_forEachIndex > END_IDC) exitwith {};
_ctrl = (_display displayCtrl (START_IDC + _forEachIndex));
if (!(_forEachIndex > AMOUNT_OF_ENTRIES)) then {
_ctrl ctrlSetText (_x select 0);
_code = format["ace_medical_menu_pendingReopen = true; call %1;",(_x select 3)];
_code = format ["ace_medical_menu_pendingReopen = true; call %1;", (_x select 3)];
_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick", _code];
_ctrl ctrlSetTooltip (_x select 0); // TODO implement
_ctrl ctrlShow true;
} else {
_ctrl ctrlSetText "";
_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",""];
_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick", ""];
_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
}foreach _entries;
} forEach _entries;
@ -3,28 +3,33 @@
* Handle the triage card display
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_medical_menu_handleUI_dropDownTriageCard
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_display","_pos","_ctrl","_curPos","_idc"];
private ["_display", "_pos", "_ctrl", "_currentPos", "_idc"];
_display = uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(medicalMenu);
_pos = [ 0,0,0,0];
_curPos = ctrlPosition (_display displayCtrl 2002);
if ((_curPos select 0) == 0 && (_curPos select 1) == 0) then {
_pos = [0, 0, 0, 0];
_currentPos = ctrlPosition (_display displayCtrl 2002);
_currentPos params ["_currentPosX", "_currentPosY"];
if (_currentPosX == 0 && _currentPosY == 0) then {
_pos = ctrlPosition (_display displayCtrl 2001);
for "_idc" from 2002 to 2006 step 1 do {
_pos set [1, (_pos select 1) + (_pos select 3)];
_ctrl = (_display displayCtrl _idc);
_ctrl = _display displayCtrl _idc;
_ctrl ctrlSetPosition _pos;
_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
@ -3,17 +3,25 @@
* Handle medical menu opened
* Arguments:
* 0: Medical Menu display <DISPLAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [medical_menu] call ace_medical_menu_onMenuOpen
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
if (isnil QGVAR(LatestDisplayOptionMenu)) then {
private "_target";
params ["_display"];
if (isNil "_display") exitwith {};
if (isNil QGVAR(LatestDisplayOptionMenu)) then {
GVAR(LatestDisplayOptionMenu) = "triage";
} else {
if (GVAR(LatestDisplayOptionMenu) == "toggle") then {
@ -22,52 +30,48 @@ if (isnil QGVAR(LatestDisplayOptionMenu)) then {
private ["_display","_target"];
[GVAR(LatestDisplayOptionMenu)] call FUNC(handleUI_DisplayOptions);
// 11 till 18
_display = _this select 0; //uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(medicalMenu);
if (isnil "_display") exitwith {};
[_target, _display] call FUNC(updateUIInfo);
(_display displayCtrl 11) ctrlSetTooltip localize "STR_ACE_Medical_Menu_VIEW_TRIAGE_CARD";
(_display displayCtrl 12) ctrlSetTooltip localize "STR_ACE_Medical_Menu_EXAMINE_PATIENT";
(_display displayCtrl 13) ctrlSetTooltip localize "STR_ACE_Medical_Menu_BANDAGE_FRACTURES";
(_display displayCtrl 14) ctrlSetTooltip localize "STR_ACE_Medical_Menu_MEDICATION";
(_display displayCtrl 15) ctrlSetTooltip localize "STR_ACE_Medical_Menu_AIRWAY_MANAGEMENT";
(_display displayCtrl 16) ctrlSetTooltip localize "STR_ACE_Medical_Menu_ADVANCED_TREATMENT";
(_display displayCtrl 17) ctrlSetTooltip localize "STR_ACE_Medical_Menu_DRAG_CARRY";
(_display displayCtrl 18) ctrlSetTooltip localize "STR_ACE_Medical_Menu_TOGGLE_SELF";
(_display displayCtrl 11) ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(VIEW_TRIAGE_CARD);
(_display displayCtrl 12) ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(EXAMINE_PATIENT);
(_display displayCtrl 13) ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(BANDAGE_FRACTURES);
(_display displayCtrl 14) ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(MEDICATION);
(_display displayCtrl 15) ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(AIRWAY_MANAGEMENT);
(_display displayCtrl 16) ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(ADVANCED_TREATMENT);
(_display displayCtrl 17) ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(DRAG_CARRY);
(_display displayCtrl 18) ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(TOGGLE_SELF);
(_display displayCtrl 301) ctrlSetTooltip localize "STR_ACE_Medical_Menu_SELECT_HEAD";
(_display displayCtrl 302) ctrlSetTooltip localize "STR_ACE_Medical_Menu_SELECT_TORSO";
(_display displayCtrl 303) ctrlSetTooltip localize "STR_ACE_Medical_Menu_SELECT_ARM_R";
(_display displayCtrl 304) ctrlSetTooltip localize "STR_ACE_Medical_Menu_SELECT_ARM_L";
(_display displayCtrl 305) ctrlSetTooltip localize "STR_ACE_Medical_Menu_SELECT_LEG_R";
(_display displayCtrl 306) ctrlSetTooltip localize "STR_ACE_Medical_Menu_SELECT_LEG_L";
(_display displayCtrl 2001) ctrlSetTooltip localize "STR_ACE_Medical_Menu_SELECT_TRIAGE_STATUS";
(_display displayCtrl 301) ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(SELECT_HEAD);
(_display displayCtrl 302) ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(SELECT_TORSO);
(_display displayCtrl 303) ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(SELECT_ARM_R);
(_display displayCtrl 304) ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(SELECT_ARM_L);
(_display displayCtrl 305) ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(SELECT_LEG_R);
(_display displayCtrl 306) ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(SELECT_LEG_L);
(_display displayCtrl 2001) ctrlSetTooltip localize LSTRING(SELECT_TRIAGE_STATUS);
(_display displayCtrl 1) ctrlSetText format["%1",[_target] call EFUNC(common,getName)];
setMousePosition [ 0.4, 0.4];
(_display displayCtrl 1) ctrlSetText format ["%1", [_target] call EFUNC(common,getName)];
setMousePosition [0.4, 0.4];
[QGVAR(onMenuOpen), "onEachFrame", {
params ["_display"];
[GVAR(INTERACTION_TARGET), _this select 0] call FUNC(updateUIInfo);
[GVAR(INTERACTION_TARGET), _display] call FUNC(updateUIInfo);
[GVAR(LatestDisplayOptionMenu)] call FUNC(handleUI_DisplayOptions);
_status = [GVAR(INTERACTION_TARGET)] call FUNC(getTriageStatus);
((_this select 0) displayCtrl 2000) ctrlSetText (_status select 0);
((_this select 0) displayCtrl 2000) ctrlSetBackgroundColor (_status select 2);
(_display displayCtrl 2000) ctrlSetText (_status select 0);
(_display displayCtrl 2000) ctrlSetBackgroundColor (_status select 2);
}, [_display]] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;
["Medical_onMenuOpen", [ACE_player, _interactionTarget]] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent;
["Medical_onMenuOpen", [ACE_player, _interactionTarget]] call EFUNC(common,localEvent);
@ -6,22 +6,23 @@
* 0: Target <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [some_player] call ace_medical_menu_openMenu
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_interactionTarget"];
_interactionTarget = _this select 0;
params ["_interactionTarget"];
if (dialog || isNull _interactionTarget) exitwith {
private "_display";
_display = uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(medicalMenu);
if (!isnil "_display") then {
if (!isNil "_display") then {
closeDialog 314412;
@ -7,15 +7,12 @@
* 1: Status <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_target", "_status"];
_target = _this select 0;
_status = _this select 1;
params ["_target", "_status"];
_target setvariable [QEGVAR(medical,triageLevel), _status, true];
@ -7,26 +7,25 @@
* 1: log collection <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [some_display, log] call ace_medical_menu_updateActivityLog
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_display", "_logs", "_logCtrl"];
_display = _this select 0;
_logs = _this select 1;
private "_logCtrl";
_logCtrl = (_display displayCtrl 214);
params ["_display", "_logs"];
_logCtrl = _display displayCtrl 214;
lbClear _logCtrl;
private ["_message", "_moment", "_arguments"];
// [_message,_moment,_type, _arguments]
_message = _x select 0;
_moment = _x select 1;
_arguments = _x select 3;
_x params ["_message", "_moment", "_arguments"];
if (isLocalized _message) then {
_message = localize _message;
@ -35,7 +34,9 @@ private ["_message", "_moment", "_arguments"];
if (typeName _x == "STRING" && {isLocalized _x}) then {
_arguments set [_foreachIndex, localize _x];
}foreach _arguments;
_message = format([_message] + _arguments);
_logCtrl lbAdd format["%1 %2", _moment, _message];
}foreach _logs;
} forEach _arguments;
_message = format ([_message] + _arguments);
_logCtrl lbAdd format ["%1 %2", _moment, _message];
} count _logs;
@ -7,35 +7,36 @@
* 1: display <DISPLAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [0.3, some_display] call ace_medical_menu_updateBodyImage
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_selectionBloodLoss", "_display"];
_selectionBloodLoss = _this select 0;
_display = _this select 1;
params ["_selectionBloodLoss", "_display"];
// Handle the body image coloring
_availableSelections = [50,51,52,53,54,55];
_availableSelections = [50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55];
private ["_red", "_green", "_blue"];
_total = _x;
_red = 1;
_green = 1;
_blue = 1;
if (_total > 0) then {
if (_x > 0) then {
if (_damaged select _forEachIndex) then {
_green = (0.9 - _total) max 0;
_green = (0.9 - _x) max 0;
_blue = _green;
} else {
_green = (0.9 - _total) max 0;
_green = (0.9 - _x) max 0;
_red = _green;
//_blue = _green;
(_display displayCtrl (_availableSelections select _foreachIndex)) ctrlSetTextColor [_red, _green, _blue, 1.0];
}foreach _selectionBloodLoss;
(_display displayCtrl (_availableSelections select _forEachIndex)) ctrlSetTextColor [_red, _green, _blue, 1.0];
} forEach _selectionBloodLoss;
@ -3,27 +3,33 @@
* Update the category icons
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_medical_menu_updateIcons
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_display","_startIDC","_idc","_options","_name","_amount"];
#define START_IDC 111
#define END_IDC 118
private ["_display", "_idc", "_options", "_name", "_amount"];
_display = uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(medicalMenu);
_startIDC = 111;
_options = ["triage" , "examine", "bandage", "medication", "airway", "advanced", "drag", "toggle"];
for "_idc" from _startIDC to 118 step 1 do {
_amount = [ACE_player, GVAR(INTERACTION_TARGET), _options select (_idc - 111)] call FUNC(getTreatmentOptions);
if ((count _amount) > 0 || _idc == 111 || _idc == 118) then {
(_display displayCtrl _idc) ctrlSettextColor [1,1,1,1];
for "_idc" from START_IDC to END_IDC step 1 do {
_amount = [ACE_player, GVAR(INTERACTION_TARGET), _options select (_idc - START_IDC)] call FUNC(getTreatmentOptions);
if ((count _amount) > 0 || _idc == START_IDC || _idc == END_IDC) then {
(_display displayCtrl _idc) ctrlSettextColor [1, 1, 1, 1];
} else {
(_display displayCtrl _idc) ctrlSettextColor [0.4,0.4,0.4,1];
(_display displayCtrl _idc) ctrlSettextColor [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1];
@ -8,30 +8,31 @@
* 2: injury collection <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_display", "_genericMessages", "_allInjuryTexts", "_lbCtrl"];
_display = _this select 0;
_genericMessages = _this select 1;
_allInjuryTexts = _this select 2;
private "_lbCtrl";
_lbCtrl = (_display displayCtrl 213);
params["_display", "_genericMessages", "_allInjuryTexts"];
_lbCtrl = _display displayCtrl 213;
lbClear _lbCtrl;
_lbCtrl lbAdd (_x select 0);
_lbCtrl lbSetColor [_foreachIndex, _x select 1];
}foreach _genericMessages;
_lbCtrl lbSetColor [_forEachIndex, _x select 1];
} count _genericMessages;
_amountOfGeneric = count _genericMessages;
_lbCtrl lbAdd (_x select 0);
_lbCtrl lbSetColor [_foreachIndex + _amountOfGeneric, _x select 1];
}foreach _allInjuryTexts;
_lbCtrl lbSetColor [_forEachIndex + _amountOfGeneric, _x select 1];
} count _allInjuryTexts;
if (count _allInjuryTexts == 0) then {
_lbCtrl lbAdd (localize ELSTRING(medical,NoInjuriesBodypart));
_lbCtrl lbAdd localize ELSTRING(medical,NoInjuriesBodypart);
@ -7,16 +7,18 @@
* 1: display <DISPLAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [some_player, some_display] call ace_medical_menu_updateUIInfo
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_targeT", "_display", "_genericMessages", "_totalIvVolume", "_damaged", "_selectionBloodLoss", "_allInjuryTexts"];
_target = _this select 0;
_display = _this select 1;
private ["_genericMessages", "_totalIvVolume", "_damaged", "_selectionBloodLoss", "_allInjuryTexts"];
params ["_target", "_display"];
_selectionN = GVAR(selectedBodyPart);
if (_selectionN < 0 || _selectionN > 5) exitwith {};
@ -24,89 +26,91 @@ if (_selectionN < 0 || _selectionN > 5) exitwith {};
_genericMessages = [];
if (EGVAR(medical,level) >= 2) then {
_partText = [ELSTRING(medical,Head), ELSTRING(medical,Torso), ELSTRING(medical,LeftArm) ,ELSTRING(medical,RightArm) ,ELSTRING(medical,LeftLeg), ELSTRING(medical,RightLeg)] select _selectionN;
_genericMessages pushback [localize _partText, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
_genericMessages pushBack [localize _partText, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
if (_target getvariable[QGVAR(isBleeding), false]) then {
_genericMessages pushback [localize ELSTRING(medical,Status_Bleeding), [1, 0.1, 0.1, 1]];
if (_target getvariable[QGVAR(hasLostBlood), 0] > 1) then {
_genericMessages pushback [localize ELSTRING(medical,Status_Lost_Blood), [1, 0.1, 0.1, 1]];
if (_target getVariable [QGVAR(isBleeding), false]) then {
_genericMessages pushBack [localize ELSTRING(medical,Status_Bleeding), [1, 0.1, 0.1, 1]];
if (((_target getvariable [QGVAR(tourniquets), [0,0,0,0,0,0]]) select _selectionN) > 0) then {
_genericMessages pushback [localize ELSTRING(medical,Status_Tourniquet_Applied), [0.77, 0.51, 0.08, 1]];
if (_target getVariable [QGVAR(hasLostBlood), 0] > 1) then {
_genericMessages pushBack [localize ELSTRING(medical,Status_Lost_Blood), [1, 0.1, 0.1, 1]];
if (_target getvariable[QGVAR(hasPain), false]) then {
_genericMessages pushback [localize ELSTRING(medical,Status_Pain), [1, 1, 1, 1]];
if (((_target getVariable [QGVAR(tourniquets), [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) select _selectionN) > 0) then {
_genericMessages pushBack [localize ELSTRING(medical,Status_Tourniquet_Applied), [0.77, 0.51, 0.08, 1]];
if (_target getVariable [QGVAR(hasPain), false]) then {
_genericMessages pushBack [localize ELSTRING(medical,Status_Pain), [1, 1, 1, 1]];
_totalIvVolume = 0;
private "_value";
_value = _target getvariable _x;
if !(isnil "_value") then {
_totalIvVolume = _totalIvVolume + (_target getvariable [_x, 0]);
_value = _target getVariable _x;
if (!isNil "_value") then {
_totalIvVolume = _totalIvVolume + (_target getVariable [_x, 0]);
}foreach GVAR(IVBags);
} count GVAR(IVBags);
if (_totalIvVolume >= 1) then {
_genericMessages pushback [format[localize ELSTRING(medical,receivingIvVolume), floor _totalIvVolume], [1, 1, 1, 1]];
_genericMessages pushBack [format [localize ELSTRING(medical,receivingIvVolume), floor _totalIvVolume], [1, 1, 1, 1]];
_damaged = [false, false, false, false, false, false];
_selectionBloodLoss = [0,0,0,0,0,0];
_selectionBloodLoss = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
_allInjuryTexts = [];
if (EGVAR(medical,level) >= 2) then {
_openWounds = _target getvariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), []];
_openWounds = _target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), []];
private "_amountOf";
_amountOf = _x select 3;
// Find how much this bodypart is bleeding
if (_amountOf > 0) then {
_damaged set[_x select 2, true];
_selectionBloodLoss set [(_x select 2), (_selectionBloodLoss select (_x select 2)) + (20 * ((_x select 4) * _amountOf))];
_damaged set [_x select 2, true];
_selectionBloodLoss set [_x select 2, (_selectionBloodLoss select (_x select 2)) + (20 * ((_x select 4) * _amountOf))];
if (_selectionN == (_x select 2)) then {
// Collect the text to be displayed for this injury [ Select injury class type definition - select the classname DisplayName (6th), amount of injuries for this]
if (_amountOf >= 1) then {
// TODO localization
_allInjuryTexts pushback [format["%2x %1", (EGVAR(medical,AllWoundInjuryTypes) select (_x select 1)) select 6, _amountOf], [1,1,1,1]];
_allInjuryTexts pushBack [format["%2x %1", (EGVAR(medical,AllWoundInjuryTypes) select (_x select 1)) select 6, _amountOf], [1,1,1,1]];
} else {
// TODO localization
_allInjuryTexts pushback [format["Partial %1", (EGVAR(medical,AllWoundInjuryTypes) select (_x select 1)) select 6], [1,1,1,1]];
_allInjuryTexts pushBack [format["Partial %1", (EGVAR(medical,AllWoundInjuryTypes) select (_x select 1)) select 6], [1,1,1,1]];
}foreach _openWounds;
} forEach _openWounds;
_bandagedwounds = _target getvariable [QEGVAR(medical,bandagedWounds), []];
_bandagedwounds = _target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bandagedWounds), []];
_amountOf = _x select 3;
// Find how much this bodypart is bleeding
if !(_damaged select (_x select 2)) then {
_selectionBloodLoss set [(_x select 2), (_selectionBloodLoss select (_x select 2)) + (20 * ((_x select 4) * _amountOf))];
_selectionBloodLoss set [_x select 2, (_selectionBloodLoss select (_x select 2)) + (20 * ((_x select 4) * _amountOf))];
if (_selectionN == (_x select 2)) then {
// Collect the text to be displayed for this injury [ Select injury class type definition - select the classname DisplayName (6th), amount of injuries for this]
if (_amountOf > 0) then {
if (_amountOf >= 1) then {
// TODO localization
_allInjuryTexts pushback [format["[B] %2x %1", (EGVAR(medical,AllWoundInjuryTypes) select (_x select 1)) select 6, _amountOf], [0.88,0.7,0.65,1]];
_allInjuryTexts pushBack [format ["[B] %2x %1", (EGVAR(medical,AllWoundInjuryTypes) select (_x select 1)) select 6, _amountOf], [0.88,0.7,0.65,1]];
} else {
// TODO localization
_allInjuryTexts pushback [format["[B] Partial %1", (EGVAR(medical,AllWoundInjuryTypes) select (_x select 1)) select 6], [0.88,0.7,0.65,1]];
_allInjuryTexts pushBack [format ["[B] Partial %1", (EGVAR(medical,AllWoundInjuryTypes) select (_x select 1)) select 6], [0.88,0.7,0.65,1]];
}foreach _bandagedwounds;
} forEach _bandagedwounds;
} else {
_damaged = [true, true, true, true, true, true];
_selectionBloodLoss set [_forEachIndex, _target getHitPointDamage _x];
if (_target getHitPointDamage _x > 0 && {_forEachIndex == _selectionN}) then {
if (_target getHitPointDamage _x > 0 && _forEachIndex == _selectionN) then {
_pointDamage = _target getHitPointDamage _x;
_severity = switch (true) do {
case (_pointDamage > 0.5): {localize ELSTRING(medical,HeavilyWounded)};
@ -129,7 +133,7 @@ if (EGVAR(medical,level) >= 2) then {
[_selectionBloodLoss, _display] call FUNC(updateBodyImage);
[_display, _genericMessages, _allInjuryTexts] call FUNC(updateInformationLists);
_logs = _target getvariable [QEGVAR(medical,logFile_Activity), []];
_logs = _target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,logFile_Activity), []];
[_display, _logs] call FUNC(updateActivityLog);
_triageStatus = [_target] call EFUNC(medical,getTriageStatus);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user