mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
get kestrl to work
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class RscTitles {
idc = 12;
type = 0;
style = 1;
text = " 0000";
text = "";
x = "safeZoneX + 0.08";
y = "safeZoneY + safeZoneH - 0.51";
h = "0.09";
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class RscTitles {
idc = 1;
type = 0;
style = "48 + 0x800";
text = PATHTOF(data\kestrel_0.paa);
text = "";
x = "safeZoneX + 0.07";
y = "safeZoneY + safeZoneH - 0.76";
h = "0.15";
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
WHILE {AGM_isKestrel} DO {
_dSpotter = direction _player;
_windrarray = WIND;
_windrA= _windrarray select 0;
_windrB= _windrarray select 1;
_windrC= sqrt ((_windrA * _windrA) + (_windrB * _windrB));
_windrD= _windrA atan2 _windrB;
_windrR = _dSpotter - _windrD;
IF (_windrR < 0) THEN {_windrR = 360+_windrR;};
_windrBB = _windrC * sin (_windrR);
_windrAA = sqrt ((_windrC * _windrC) - (_windrBB * _windrBB));
IF (_windrR < 90) THEN {_windrAA= _windrAA - (_windrAA*2);};
IF (_windrR > 270) THEN {_windrAA= _windrAA - (_windrAA*2);};
_OrtPlayer = eyePos _player;
_Pos0 = _OrtPlayer select 0;
_Pos1 = _OrtPlayer select 1;
_Pos2 = _OrtPlayer select 2;
// im Gebaude
IF (lineIntersects [_OrtPlayer, [_Pos0,_Pos1,_Pos2 + 15]]) THEN {_Ort=_Ort+1};
if (lineIntersects [_OrtPlayer, [_Pos0,_Pos1 + 15,_Pos2]]) then {_Ort=_Ort+1};
if (lineIntersects [_OrtPlayer, [_Pos0,_Pos1 - 15,_Pos2]]) then {_Ort=_Ort+1};
if (lineIntersects [_OrtPlayer, [_Pos0 + 15,_Pos1,_Pos2]]) then {_Ort=_Ort+1};
if (lineIntersects [_OrtPlayer, [_Pos0 - 15,_Pos1,_Pos2]]) then {_Ort=_Ort+1};
IF (lineIntersects [[(_Pos0) , (_Pos1), (_Pos2)], [(_Pos0) - (sin windDir) * 15, (_Pos1) - (cos windDir) * 15, (_Pos2)]]) THEN {_Ort=_Ort+1};
IF (lineIntersects [[(_Pos0) , (_Pos1), (_Pos2)], [(_Pos0) - (sin (windDir-90)) * 15, (_Pos1) - (cos (windDir-90)) * 15, (_Pos2)]]) THEN {_Ort=_Ort+1};
IF (lineIntersects [[(_Pos0) , (_Pos1), (_Pos2)], [(_Pos0) - (sin (windDir+90)) * 15, (_Pos1) - (cos (windDir+90)) * 15, (_Pos2)]]) THEN {_Ort=_Ort+1};
IF (lineIntersects [[(_Pos0) , (_Pos1), (_Pos2)], [(_Pos0) - (sin (windDir+180)) * 15, (_Pos1) - (cos (windDir+180)) * 15, (_Pos2)]]) THEN {_Ort=_Ort+1};
if (_Ort>3) then {_windrAA=99.99;_windrBB=99.99};
// in Windrichtung
IF (lineIntersects [[(_Pos0) , (_Pos1), (_Pos2)], [(_Pos0) - (sin windDir) * 5, (_Pos1) - (cos windDir) * 5, (_Pos2)]]) THEN {_Ort=_Ort+1};
IF (lineIntersects [[(_Pos0) , (_Pos1), (_Pos2)], [(_Pos0) - (sin (windDir-15)) * 5, (_Pos1) - (cos (windDir-15)) * 5, (_Pos2)]]) THEN {_Ort=_Ort+1};
IF (lineIntersects [[(_Pos0) , (_Pos1), (_Pos2)], [(_Pos0) - (sin (windDir+15)) * 5, (_Pos1) - (cos (windDir+15)) * 5, (_Pos2)]]) THEN {_Ort=_Ort+1};
//IF (lineIntersects [_OrtPLAYER, [_Pos0,_Pos1,_Pos2 + 10]]) THEN {_Ort=_Ort+1};
IF (_Ort>2) THEN {_windrAA=99.99;_windrBB=99.99};
//IF (vehicle _player != _player) THEN {_windrAA=0;_windrBB=0};
IF (_player != vehicle _player) THEN {_windrAA=0;_windrBB=0};
IF (_windrAA == 99.99) then {
AGM_Kestrel_wind_Head = 0;
_windrAA= "0.00";
_windrBB= "0.00";
IF (_windrAA < 0) THEN {
_windrAA= FORMAT["-%1",[_windrAA*-1, 1, 2] call CBA_fnc_FORMATNumber];
_windrAA= FORMAT["%1",[_windrAA, 1, 2] call CBA_fnc_FORMATNumber];
IF (_windrBB < 0) THEN {
_windrBB= FORMAT["-%1",[_windrBB*-1, 1, 2] call CBA_fnc_FORMATNumber];
_windrBB= FORMAT["%1",[_windrBB, 1, 2] call CBA_fnc_FORMATNumber];
_ctrl2 ctrlSetText _windrAA;
_ctrl3 ctrlSetText _windrBB;
_ctrl4 ctrlSetText FORMAT["%1",round (direction _player)];
_ctrl5 ctrlSetText FORMAT["%1", (round (AGM_Wind_currentTemperature * 10)) / 10];
_ctrl6 ctrlsettextcolor [0,0,0,1-(sunOrMoon*sunOrMoon+(moonIntensity/5))];
IF (!("AGM_ItemKestrel" in items _player)) THEN {AGM_isKestrel = FALSE;};
IF (
underwater _player ||
//{_player != vehicle _player} ||
{cameraView == "GUNNER"} ||
{!alive _player}
) THEN {AGM_isKestrel = FALSE;};
IF (!AGM_isKestrel) THEN {_sleep1 = 0.01;};
SLEEP _sleep1;
_ctrl1 ctrlShow false;
_ctrl2 ctrlShow false;
_ctrl3 ctrlShow false;
_ctrl4 ctrlShow false;
_ctrl5 ctrlShow false;
_ctrl6 ctrlShow false;
@ -4,6 +4,13 @@
GVAR(windHead) = 0;
if (!GVAR(isKestrel) || {!("ACE_Kestrel" in items ACE_player)}) exitWith {
call FUNC(closeKestrel);
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
private ["_dlgKestrel", "_ctrlKestrel1", "_ctrlKestrel2", "_ctrlHUD1", "_ctrlHUD2", "_ctrlHUD3", "_ctrlHUD4"];
@ -15,16 +22,106 @@ GVAR(windHead) = 0;
_ctrlHUD3 = _dlgKestrel displayCtrl 14;
_ctrlHUD4 = _dlgKestrel displayCtrl 15;
private ["_wheelState", "_wheelStateAdd"];
private "_show";
_show = cameraView != "GUNNER";
systemChat str diag_frameno;
_ctrlKestrel1 ctrlShow _show;
_ctrlKestrel2 ctrlShow _show;
_ctrlHUD1 ctrlShow _show;
_ctrlHUD2 ctrlShow _show;
_ctrlHUD3 ctrlShow _show;
_ctrlHUD4 ctrlShow _show;
if !(_show) exitWith {};
private ["_position", "_directon", "_windC", "_windD", "_windR", "_windB", "_windA"];
if (!GVAR(isKestrel) || {!("ACE_Kestrel" in items ACE_player)}) exitWith {
call FUNC(closeKestrel);
_position = eyePos ACE_player;
_directon = direction ACE_player;
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
_windC = sqrt ((wind select 0) ^ 2 + (wind select 1) ^ 2);
_windD = (wind select 0) atan2 (wind select 1);
_windR = _directon - _windD;
if (_windR < 0) then {
_windR = _windR + 360;
_windB = _windC * sin _windR;
_windA = sqrt (_windC ^ 2 - _windB ^ 2);
if (_windR < 90) then {
_windA = _windA - 2 * _windA;
if (_windR > 270) then {
_windA = _windA - 2 * _windA;
// in building
_intersects = 0;
if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [0, 0, 15]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1};
if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [- 15 * sin windDir, - 15 * cos windDir, 0]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1};
if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [- 15 * sin (windDir - 90), - 15 * cos (windDir - 90), 0]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1};
if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [- 15 * sin (windDir + 90), - 15 * cos (windDir + 90), 0]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1};
if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [- 15 * sin (windDir + 180), - 15 * cos (windDir + 180), 0]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1};
if (_intersects > 3) then {
_windA = 99.99;
_windB = 99.99;
// in wind direction
_intersects = 0;
if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [- 5 * sin windDir, - 5 * cos windDir, 0]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1};
if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [- 5 * sin (windDir - 15), - 5 * cos (windDir - 15), 0]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1};
if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [- 5 * sin (windDir + 15), - 5 * cos (windDir + 15), 0]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1};
if (_intersects > 2) then {
_windA = 99.99;
_windB = 99.99;
if (ACE_player != vehicle ACE_player) then {
_windA = 99.99;
_windB = 99.99;
if (_windA == 99.99) then {
GVAR(windHead) = 0;
_windA = "0.00";
_windB = "0.00";
} else {
GVAR(windHead) = _windA;
if (_windA < 0) then {
_windA = format ["-%1", [-1 * _windA, 1, 2] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber];
} else {
_windA = format [ "%1", [ _windA, 1, 2] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber];
if (_windB < 0) then {
_windB = format ["-%1", [-1 * _windB, 1, 2] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber];
} else {
_windB = format [ "%1", [ _windB, 1, 2] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber];
_ctrlHUD1 ctrlSetText _windA;
_ctrlHUD2 ctrlSetText _windB;
_ctrlHUD3 ctrlSetText str round _directon;
_ctrlHUD4 ctrlSetText str ((round (0 * 10)) / 10);
private "_brightness";
_brightness = call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness);
_ctrlKestrel2 ctrlsettextcolor [0, 0, 0, 1 - _brightness];
}, 0.01, _this select 0] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
@ -5,11 +5,18 @@ GVAR(windHead) = 0;
GVAR(wheelState) = 1;
private ["_display", "_control"];
if (!GVAR(isKestrelWheel)) exitWith {
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
private ["_dlgKestrelWheel", "_ctrlKestrelWheel"];
_display = _this select 0;
_control = _display displayCtrl 1;
_dlgKestrelWheel = _this select 0;
_ctrlKestrelWheel = _dlgKestrelWheel displayCtrl 1;
_ctrlKestrelWheel ctrlShow (cameraView != "GUNNER");
private ["_wheelState", "_wheelStateAdd"];
@ -28,13 +35,9 @@ GVAR(wheelState) = 1;
private "_brightness";
_brightness = call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness);
_control ctrlSetText format [QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\kestrel_%1.paa)), _rad1];
_control ctrlSetTextColor [_brightness, _brightness, _brightness, 1];
_ctrlKestrelWheel ctrlSetText format [QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\kestrel_%1.paa)), _wheelState];
_ctrlKestrelWheel ctrlSetTextColor [_brightness, _brightness, _brightness, 1];
if (!GVAR(isKestrelWheel)) exitWith {
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
}, 0.01, _this select 0] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user