diff --git a/addons/common/functions/fnc_checkFiles.sqf b/addons/common/functions/fnc_checkFiles.sqf index 647a1b00a6..468a5c906c 100644 --- a/addons/common/functions/fnc_checkFiles.sqf +++ b/addons/common/functions/fnc_checkFiles.sqf @@ -63,24 +63,33 @@ if (isMultiplayer) then { // send servers version of ACE to all clients GVAR(ServerVersion) = _version; GVAR(ServerAddons) = _addons; + diag_log text format ["[ACE] DEBUG: ServerVersion - %1", GVAR(ServerVersion)]; + diag_log text format ["[ACE] DEBUG: ServerAddons - %1", GVAR(ServerAddons)]; publicVariable QGVAR(ServerVersion); publicVariable QGVAR(ServerAddons); } else { // clients have to wait for the variables [{ - if (isNil QGVAR(ServerVersion) || isNil QGVAR(ServerAddons)) exitWith {}; + if (isNil QGVAR(ServerVersion) || isNil QGVAR(ServerAddons)) exitWith { + diag_log text "[ACE] DEBUG: Waiting for file info from server."; + }; private ["_version","_addons"]; _version = (_this select 0) select 0; _addons = (_this select 0) select 1; + diag_log text format ["[ACE] DEBUG: ServerVersion - %1", GVAR(ServerVersion)]; + diag_log text format ["[ACE] DEBUG: ServerAddons - %1", GVAR(ServerAddons)]; + diag_log text format ["[ACE] DEBUG: ClientVersion - %1", _version]; + diag_log text format ["[ACE] DEBUG: ClientAddons - %1", _addons]; + if (_version != GVAR(ServerVersion)) then { private "_errorMsg"; _errorMsg = format ["Client/Server Version Mismatch. Server: %1, Client: %2.", GVAR(ServerVersion), _version]; diag_log text format ["[ACE] ERROR: %1", _errorMsg]; - if (hasInterface) then {diag_log str "1"; + if (hasInterface) then { ["[ACE] ERROR", _errorMsg, {findDisplay 46 closeDisplay 0}] call FUNC(errorMessage); }; }; @@ -91,7 +100,7 @@ if (isMultiplayer) then { diag_log text format ["[ACE] ERROR: %1", _errorMsg]; - if (hasInterface) then {diag_log str "1"; + if (hasInterface) then { ["[ACE] ERROR", _errorMsg, {findDisplay 46 closeDisplay 0}] call FUNC(errorMessage); }; };