mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Merge pull request #89 from KoffeinFlummi/byebyeAgmKeys
Remove AGM key handling routines and remaining stuff from AGM options menu
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
// hack to get PFH to work in briefing
[QGVAR(onBriefingPFH), "onEachFrame", {
if (time > 0) exitWith {
[QGVAR(onBriefingPFH), "onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
[QGVAR(onBriefingPFH), "onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
call cba_common_fnc_onFrame;
@ -37,38 +37,17 @@ if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
call COMPILE_FILE(scripts\assignedItemFix);
GVAR(keyInput) = COMPILE_FILE(scripts\keyInput);
GVAR(keyRelease) = COMPILE_FILE(scripts\keyRelease);
GVAR(editKey) = COMPILE_FILE(scripts\editKey);
GVAR(openMenu) = COMPILE_FILE(scripts\openMenu);
GVAR(closeMenu) = COMPILE_FILE(scripts\closeMenu);
GVAR(nextKeys) = COMPILE_FILE(scripts\nextKeys);
GVAR(toggleState) = COMPILE_FILE(scripts\toggleState);
[false] call FUNC(setKeyDefault);
GVAR(keyStates) = [];
GVAR(keyTimes) = [];
for "_index" from 0 to 300 do {
GVAR(keyStates) set [_index, 0];
GVAR(keyTimes) set [_index, -1];
call COMPILE_FILE(scripts\KeyInput\initCanInteractFunction);
call COMPILE_FILE(scripts\KeyInput\initKeys);
call COMPILE_FILE(scripts\KeyInput\initScrollWheel);
call COMPILE_FILE(scripts\initCanInteractFunction);
call COMPILE_FILE(scripts\initScrollWheel);
0 spawn {
while {true} do {
waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; sleep 0.1;
findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", QUOTE( _this call GVAR(onKeyDown) )];
findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", QUOTE( _this call GVAR(onKeyUp) )];
findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["MouseZChanged", QUOTE( _this call GVAR(onScrollWheel) )];
[false] call FUNC(disableUserInput);
waitUntil {isNull (findDisplay 46)};
enableCamShake true;
// Set the name for the current player
@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ PREP(sanitizeString);
@ -66,14 +66,6 @@ class ACE_Options {
#include <ProgressScreen.hpp>
#include <HintConfig.hpp>
class RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars;
class RscAttributeInventory: RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars {
onSetFocus = QUOTE([ARR_3(_this,""RscAttributeInventory"",'CuratorCommon')] call (uinamespace getvariable ""BIS_fnc_initCuratorAttribute""); _this select 0 call DFUNC(addCuratorUnloadEventhandler););
#include <RscInfoType.hpp>
#include <FixPickup.hpp>
#include <FixAnimations.hpp>
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
* Author: commy2
* Set all keys from the 'ACE_Default_Keys' base class that are missing in the current user profile.
* Argument:
* 1: Overwrite existing key binds? (Bool)
* Return value:
* None.
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_overwrite", "_saveProfile", "_config", "_count", "_index", "_configFile", "_name", "_key", "_shft", "_ctrl", "_alt", "_keyCode", "_state"];
_overwrite = _this select 0;
_saveProfile = false;
_config = configFile >> "ACE_Default_Keys";
_count = count _config;
for "_index" from 0 to (_count - 1) do {
_configFile = _config select _index;
_name = format ["ACE_Key_%1", configName _configFile];
_key = profileNamespace getVariable _name;
if (isNil "_key" || {_overwrite}) then {
_key = getNumber (_configFile >> "Key");
_shft = getNumber (_configFile >> "Shift") == 1;
_ctrl = getNumber (_configFile >> "Control") == 1;
_alt = getNumber (_configFile >> "Alt") == 1;
_keyCode = [_key, _shft, _ctrl, _alt] call FUNC(convertKeyCode);
profileNamespace setVariable [_name, _keyCode];
_saveProfile = true;
_config = configFile >> "ACE_Options";
_count = count _config;
for "_index" from 0 to (_count - 1) do {
_configFile = _config select _index;
_name = format ["ACE_%1", configName _configFile];
_state = profileNamespace getVariable _name;
if (isNil "_state" || {_overwrite}) then {
_state = getNumber (_configFile >> "default") == 1;
profileNamespace setVariable [_name, _state];
_saveProfile = true;
if (_overwrite) then {
diag_log text "[ACE]: Profile settings overwritten.";
} else {
if (_saveProfile) then {
diag_log text "[ACE]: Encountered missing variable in profile namespace. Profile saved.";
} else {
diag_log text "[ACE]: No missing variables encountered in profile namespace.";
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
// by commy2
#include "script_component.hpp"
_config = configFile >> "ACE_Default_Keys";
_count = count _config;
_header = format ["_keyCode = [_this select 1, _this select 2, _this select 3, _this select 4] call %1; _keyIndex = floor _keyCode; if (_keyIndex == 0) exitWith {false}; if (!(profileNamespace getVariable ['ACE_common_enableNumberHotkeys', true]) && {_keyIndex < 12} && {_keyIndex > 1} && {_keyCode mod 1 == 0}) exitWith {false}; _time = time; _player = ACE_player; _vehicle = vehicle _player; _isInput = false;", QUOTE(FUNC(convertKeyCode))];
_headerUp = format ["_keyCode = _this select 1; _keyIndex = _keyCode; if (_keyIndex == 0) exitWith {false}; _time = time; _player = ACE_player; _vehicle = vehicle _player;"];
_handleDoubleTap = QUOTE(if (_time < (GVAR(keyTimes) select _keyIndex) + 0.5 && {_keyIndex == _keyCode}) then {_keyCode = _keyIndex + 0.8};);
_handleHold = QUOTE(_allowHold = false; _disallowHold = false; if (GVAR(keyStates) select _keyIndex > 1) exitWith {false}; if (GVAR(keyStates) select _keyIndex > 0) then {_keyCode = _keyIndex + 0.9};);
_handleHoldUp = QUOTE(if (GVAR(keyStates) select _keyIndex > 1) then {_keyCode = _keyIndex + 0.9};);
_debug = format ["if (!isNil 'ACE_Debug' && {'Keys' in ACE_Debug}) then {systemChat (str _keyCode + ' ' + str (%1 select _keyIndex))};", QGVAR(keyStates)];
_onKeyDown = "" + _debug;
_onKeyUp = "" + _debug;
for "_index" from 0 to (_count - 1) do {
_configFile = _config select _index;
_keyName = configName _configFile;
_condition = getText (_configFile >> "condition");
if (_condition == "") then {_condition = "true"};
_statement = getText (_configFile >> "statement");
_exceptions = getArray (_configFile >> "exceptions");
_canInteract = format [QUOTE(%1 call GVAR(canInteract)), _exceptions];
_conditionName = format ["ACE_Key_%1_Condition", _keyName];
_statementName = format ["ACE_Key_%1_Statement", _keyName];
missionNamespace setVariable [_conditionName, compileFinal _condition];
missionNamespace setVariable [_statementName, compileFinal _statement];
_handleHolding = ["_disallowHold = true;", "_allowHold = true;"] select (getNumber (_configFile >> "allowHolding") == 1);
if (_statement != "") then {
_entry = format ["if (_keyCode == profileNamespace getVariable 'ACE_Key_%1' && {call %2}) then {if (%4) then {call %3};%5 _isInput = true;};", _keyName, _conditionName, _statementName, _canInteract, _handleHolding];
_onKeyDown = _onKeyDown + _entry;
_condition = getText (_configFile >> "conditionUp");
if (_condition == "") then {_condition = "true"};
_statement = getText (_configFile >> "statementUp");
_conditionName = format ["ACE_Key_%1_ConditionUp", _keyName];
_statementName = format ["ACE_Key_%1_StatementUp", _keyName];
missionNamespace setVariable [_conditionName, compileFinal _condition];
missionNamespace setVariable [_statementName, compileFinal _statement];
if (_statement != "") then {
_entry = format ["if (_keyCode == floor (profileNamespace getVariable 'ACE_Key_%1') && {call %2}) then {call %3; _isInput = true;};", _keyName, _conditionName, _statementName];
_onKeyUp = _onKeyUp + _entry;
_halt = format ["if (!(_allowHold) || {_disallowHold}) then {%1 set [_keyIndex, (%1 select _keyIndex) + 1]; %2 set [_keyIndex, _time];};", QGVAR(keyStates), QGVAR(keyTimes)];
_haltUp = format ["%1 set [_keyIndex, 0];", QGVAR(keyStates)];
//_return = "_isInput";
_return = "if (profileNamespace getVariable ['ACE_common_enableNumberHotkeys', true] && {_keyIndex < 12} && {_keyIndex > 1}) then {true} else {_isInput}";
_repeat = "if (!_isInput && {_keyCode mod 1 > 0.75} && {_keyCode mod 1 < 0.85}) exitWith {_keyCode = _keyIndex; " + _onKeyDown + _return + "};";
_repeatUp = "if (!_isInput && {_keyCode mod 1 > 0.75} && {_keyCode mod 1 < 0.85}) exitWith {_keyCode = _keyIndex; " + _onKeyUp + "};";
_onKeyDown = _header + _handleDoubleTap + _handleHold + _onKeyDown + _halt + _repeat + _return;
_onKeyUp = _headerUp + _onKeyUp + _haltUp + _repeatUp; //_headerUp + _handleHoldUp + _onKeyUp + _haltUp + _repeatUp;
GVAR(onKeyDown) = compileFinal _onKeyDown;
GVAR(onKeyUp) = compileFinal _onKeyUp;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
#include "\z\ace\addons\common\script_component.hpp"
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
// by commy2
#include "script_component.hpp"
closeDialog 0;
[localize QUOTE(DOUBLES(STR,GVAR(ProfileNotSaved)))] call FUNC(displayTextStructured);
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
// by commy2
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define GRAY [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1]
#define WHITE [1, 1, 1, 1]
#define OFFSET_1 100
#define OFFSET_2 200
waitUntil {isNil QGVAR(keyNewTemp)};
GVAR(keyNewTemp) = [];
GVAR(keySet) = 0;
_index = count GVAR(keyNew);
_dlgMenuDialog = uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(MenuDialog);
_ctrlMenuDialog = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (OFFSET_2 + (_this select 0));
_action = GVAR(keyNames) select (_this select 0);
_displayName = getText (configFile >> QGVAR(Default_Keys) >> _action >> "displayName");
_keyCode = profileNamespace getVariable [format ["ACE_Key_%1", _action], 0];//
for "_index1" from 0 to (count GVAR(keyNew) - 1) do {
if (_action == (GVAR(keyNew) select _index1) select 0) then {
_keyCode = (GVAR(keyNew) select _index1) select 1;
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 24) ctrlSetText ([_keyCode] call FUNC(revertKeyCodeLocalized));//"";
/*(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 21) ctrlSetTextColor GRAY;
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 22) ctrlSetTextColor GRAY;
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 23) ctrlSetTextColor GRAY;*/
for "_index1" from 20 to 32 do {(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl _index1) ctrlShow true};
for "_index1" from 10 to 13 do {(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl _index1) ctrlEnable false};
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 30) ctrlSetText _displayName;
GVAR(keysetDefault) = compile format [
"_configFile = configFile >> 'ACE_Default_Keys' >> '%1';
_key = getNumber (_configFile >> 'Key');
_shft = getNumber (_configFile >> 'Shift') == 1;
_ctrl = getNumber (_configFile >> 'Control') == 1;
_alt = getNumber (_configFile >> 'Alt') == 1;
_keyCode = [_key, _shft, _ctrl, _alt] call %2;
%3 = [_key, [_shft, _ctrl, _alt], _keyCode];",
_description = ctrlText _ctrlMenuDialog;
//_ctrlMenuDialog ctrlSetText "..";
_ehid_keydown = _dlgMenuDialog displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", QUOTE( _this call GVAR(keyInput) )];
_ehid_keyup = _dlgMenuDialog displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", QUOTE( _this call GVAR(keyRelease) )];
waitUntil {
if (count GVAR(keyNewTemp) > 0) then {
_key = GVAR(keyNewTemp) select 0;
_keyModifier = GVAR(keyNewTemp) select 1;
//_keyCode = round (10 * ((GVAR(keyNewTemp) select 2) % 1));
_keyCode = GVAR(keyNewTemp) select 2;
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 24) ctrlSetText ([_keyCode] call FUNC(revertKeyCodeLocalized));
/*_key = toString (toArray (keyName _key) - [34]);
switch (_keyCode) do {
case 8 : {
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 24) ctrlSetText format [localize QUOTE(DOUBLES(STR,GVAR(DoubleTapKey))), _key];
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 21) ctrlSetTextColor GRAY;
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 22) ctrlSetTextColor GRAY;
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 23) ctrlSetTextColor GRAY;
case 9 : {
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 24) ctrlSetText format [localize QUOTE(DOUBLES(STR,GVAR(HoldKey))), _key];
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 21) ctrlSetTextColor GRAY;
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 22) ctrlSetTextColor GRAY;
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 23) ctrlSetTextColor GRAY;
default {
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 24) ctrlSetText _key;
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 21) ctrlSetTextColor ([GRAY, WHITE] select (_keyModifier select 0));
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 22) ctrlSetTextColor ([GRAY, WHITE] select (_keyModifier select 1));
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 23) ctrlSetTextColor ([GRAY, WHITE] select (_keyModifier select 2));
GVAR(keySet) != 0 ||
for "_index1" from 10 to 13 do {(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl _index1) ctrlEnable true};
for "_index1" from 20 to 32 do {(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl _index1) ctrlShow false};
_dlgMenuDialog displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", _ehid_keydown];
_dlgMenuDialog displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyUp", _ehid_keyup];
if (GVAR(keySet) == 1 && {count GVAR(keyNewTemp) > 0}) then {
_keyCode = GVAR(keyNewTemp) select 2;
_description = [_keyCode] call FUNC(revertKeyCodeLocalized);
_ctrlMenuDialog ctrlSetText _description;
GVAR(keyNew) set [_index, [_action, _keyCode]];
} else {
_ctrlMenuDialog ctrlSetText _description;
GVAR(keySet) = -1;
GVAR(keyNewTemp) = nil;
GVAR(keysetDefault) = nil;
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
// by commy2
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define FORBIDDEN_KEYS [42, 54, 29, 157, 56, 184, 0, 183, 197, 1]
_key = _this select 1;
_shft = _this select 2;
_ctrl = _this select 3;
_alt =_this select 4;
if (_key in FORBIDDEN_KEYS) exitWith {true};
_keyCode = [_key, _shft, _ctrl, _alt] call FUNC(convertKeyCode);
_keyIndex = floor _keyCode;
_time = time;
if (_time < (GVAR(keyTimes) select _keyIndex) + 0.5 && {_keyIndex == _keyCode}) then {_keyCode = _keyIndex + 0.8};
if (GVAR(keyStates) select _keyIndex > 1) exitWith {true};
if (GVAR(keyStates) select _keyIndex > 0 && {_keyIndex == _keyCode}) then {_keyCode = _keyIndex + 0.9};
GVAR(keyStates) set [_keyIndex, (GVAR(keyStates) select _keyIndex) + 1];
GVAR(keyTimes) set [_keyIndex, _time];
GVAR(keyNewTemp) = [_key, [_shft, _ctrl, _alt], _keyCode];
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
// by commy2
#include "script_component.hpp"
_keyIndex = _this select 1;
GVAR(keyStates) set [_keyIndex, 0];
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
// by commy2
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define OFFSET_1 100
#define OFFSET_2 200
#define OFFSET_3 300
#define OFFSET_4 400
#define OFFSET_5 500
_config = configFile >> "ACE_Default_Keys";
_count = count _config;
_countPages = ceil (_count / 20) + 1;
GVAR(MenuPage) = GVAR(MenuPage) + ([-1, 1] select _this);
if (GVAR(MenuPage) == - 1) then {GVAR(MenuPage) = _countPages - 1};
if (GVAR(MenuPage) > _countPages - 1) then {GVAR(MenuPage) = 0};
_dlgMenuDialog = uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(MenuDialog);
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 14) ctrlSetText format ["%1/%2", GVAR(MenuPage) + 1, _countPages];
if (GVAR(MenuPage) == _countPages - 1) then {
for "_index" from OFFSET_1 to (OFFSET_1 + 19) do {(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl _index) ctrlShow false};
for "_index" from OFFSET_2 to (OFFSET_2 + 19) do {(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl _index) ctrlShow false};
_config = configFile >> "ACE_Options";
_count = count _config;
_offset = 0;
for "_index" from 0 to (_count - 1 min 19) do {
_configFile = _config select _index + _offset;
_configName = configName _configFile;
_displayName = getText (_configFile >> "displayName");
_state = profileNamespace getVariable format ["ACE_%1", _configName];
_control1 = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (OFFSET_3 + _index);
_control2 = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (OFFSET_4 + _index);
_control3 = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (OFFSET_5 + _index);
_control1 ctrlSetText format [QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\box_%1checked_ca.paa)), ["un", ""] select _state];
_control2 ctrlSetText _displayName;
_control1 ctrlShow true;
_control2 ctrlShow true;
_control3 ctrlShow true;
GVAR(OptionNames) set [_index, _configName];
for "_index" from _count to (_count + 19) do {
_control1 = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (OFFSET_3 + _index);
_control2 = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (OFFSET_4 + _index);
_control3 = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (OFFSET_5 + _index);
_control1 ctrlShow false;
_control2 ctrlShow false;
_control3 ctrlShow false;
} else {
for "_index" from OFFSET_3 to (OFFSET_3 + 19) do {(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl _index) ctrlShow false};
for "_index" from OFFSET_4 to (OFFSET_4 + 19) do {(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl _index) ctrlShow false};
for "_index" from OFFSET_5 to (OFFSET_5 + 19) do {(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl _index) ctrlShow false};
_offset = 20 * GVAR(MenuPage);
if (GVAR(MenuPage) == _countPages - 2) then {
_count = (_count - 1) % 20 + 1;
_updateNames = [];
_updateKeys = [];
_keyName = _x select 0;
_keyInput = _x select 1;
_index = _updateNames find _keyName;
if (_index == -1) then {_index = count _updateKeys};
_updateNames set [_index, _keyName];
_updateKeys set [_index, _keyInput];
} forEach GVAR(keyNew);
for "_index" from 0 to (_count - 1 min 19) do {
_configFile = _config select _index + _offset;
_keyName = configName _configFile;
_displayName = getText (_configFile >> "displayName");
_isDisabled = getNumber (_configFile >> "disabled") == 1;
_indexUpdate = _updateNames find _keyName;
_keyCode = if (_indexUpdate == -1) then {
profileNamespace getVariable format ["ACE_Key_%1", _keyName];
} else {
_updateKeys select _indexUpdate;
_description = [_keyCode] call FUNC(revertKeyCodeLocalized);
_control1 = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (OFFSET_1 + _index);
_control2 = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (OFFSET_2 + _index);
_control1 ctrlSetText _displayName;
_control2 ctrlSetText _description;
_control1 ctrlShow true;
_control2 ctrlShow true;
GVAR(keyNames) set [_index, _keyName];
for "_index" from _count to (_count + 19) do {
_control1 = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (OFFSET_1 + _index);
_control2 = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (OFFSET_2 + _index);
_control1 ctrlShow false;
_control2 ctrlShow false;
GVAR(keySet) = -1;
@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
// by commy2
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define OFFSET_1 100
#define OFFSET_2 200
closeDialog 0;
createDialog QGVAR(OptionsMenu_Dialog);
GVAR(keyNew) = [];
GVAR(keySet) = -1;
GVAR(keySave) = 0;
GVAR(keyNames) = [];
GVAR(MenuPage) = 0;
GVAR(OptionNames) = [];
GVAR(OptionNamesNew) = [];
GVAR(OptionStatesNew) = [];
_dlgMenuDialog = uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(MenuDialog);
_ehid_keydown = _dlgMenuDialog displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "_this select 1 > 1"];
_ehid_keyup = _dlgMenuDialog displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", "_this select 1 > 1"];
_config = configFile >> "ACE_Default_Keys";
_count = count _config;
_countPages = ceil (_count / 20) + 1;
(_dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl 14) ctrlSetText format ["%1/%2", GVAR(MenuPage) + 1, _countPages];
for "_index" from 0 to (_count - 1 min 19) do {
_configFile = _config select _index;
_keyName = configName _configFile;
_displayName = getText (_configFile >> "displayName");
_isDisabled = getNumber (_configFile >> "disabled") == 1;
_keyCode = profileNamespace getVariable format ["ACE_Key_%1", _keyName];
_description = [_keyCode] call FUNC(revertKeyCodeLocalized);
_control1 = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (OFFSET_1 + _index);
_control2 = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (OFFSET_2 + _index);
_control1 ctrlSetText _displayName;
_control2 ctrlSetText _description;
_control1 ctrlShow true;
_control2 ctrlShow true;
GVAR(keyNames) set [_index, _keyName];
for "_index" from _count to 19 do {
_control1 = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (OFFSET_1 + _index);
_control2 = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (OFFSET_2 + _index);
_control1 ctrlShow false;
_control2 ctrlShow false;
waitUntil {!dialog};
_dlgMenuDialog displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", _ehid_keydown];
_dlgMenuDialog displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyUp", _ehid_keyup];
if (GVAR(keySave) == 1) then {
_count0 = count GVAR(keyNew);
for "_index" from 0 to (_count0 - 1) do {
_key = GVAR(keyNew) select _index;
_keyName = _key select 0;
_keyCode = _key select 1;
profileNamespace setVariable [format ["ACE_Key_%1", _keyName], _keyCode];
_count1 = count GVAR(OptionNamesNew);
for "_index" from 0 to (_count1 - 1) do {
_name = GVAR(OptionNamesNew) select _index;
_state = GVAR(OptionStatesNew) select _index;
profileNamespace setVariable [_name, _state];
if (_count0 > 0 || {_count1 > 0}) then {
[localize QUOTE(DOUBLES(STR,GVAR(ProfileSaved)))] call FUNC(displayTextStructured);
} else {
[localize QUOTE(DOUBLES(STR,GVAR(ProfileNotSaved)))] call FUNC(displayTextStructured);
} else {
[localize QUOTE(DOUBLES(STR,GVAR(ProfileNotSaved)))] call FUNC(displayTextStructured);
GVAR(keyNewTemp) = nil;
GVAR(keyNames) = nil;
GVAR(MenuPage) = nil;
GVAR(OptionNames) = nil;
GVAR(OptionNamesNew) = nil;
GVAR(OptionStatesNew) = nil;
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
// by commy2
#include "script_component.hpp"
_index = _this select 0;
_name = format ["ACE_%1", GVAR(OptionNames) select _index];
_index1 = GVAR(OptionNamesNew) find _name;
_state = if (_index1 == -1) then {_index1 = count GVAR(OptionNamesNew); !(profileNamespace getVariable _name)} else {!(GVAR(OptionStatesNew) select _index1)};
_dlgMenuDialog = uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(MenuDialog);
_control = _dlgMenuDialog displayCtrl (300 + _index);
_control ctrlSetText format [QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\box_%1checked_ca.paa)), ["un", ""] select _state];
GVAR(OptionNamesNew) set [_index1, _name];
GVAR(OptionStatesNew) set [_index1, _state];
@ -50,150 +50,6 @@
<Hungarian>ACE Opciók</Hungarian>
<Italian>Opzioni ACE</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_Shift">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_Ctrl">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_Alt">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_Shift_Right">
<English>Shift right</English>
<German>Umschalt rechts</German>
<Spanish>Shift derecho</Spanish>
<Polish>Prawy Shift</Polish>
<Czech>Pravý Shift</Czech>
<French>Shift Droite</French>
<Russian>Правый Shift</Russian>
<Portuguese>Shift da Direita</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>Jobb Shift</Hungarian>
<Italian>Shift destro</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_Ctrl_Right">
<English>Ctrl right</English>
<German>Strg rechts</German>
<Spanish>Ctrl derecho</Spanish>
<Polish>Prawy Ctrl</Polish>
<Czech>Pravý Ctrl</Czech>
<French>Ctrl Droite</French>
<Russian>Правый Ctrl</Russian>
<Portuguese>Ctrl da Direita</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>Jobb Ctrl</Hungarian>
<Italian>Ctrl destro</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_Alt_Right">
<English>Alt right</English>
<German>Alt Gr</German>
<Spanish>Alt derecho</Spanish>
<Polish>Prawy Alt</Polish>
<Czech>Pravý Alt</Czech>
<French>Alt Droite</French>
<Russian>Правый Alt</Russian>
<Portuguese>Alt da Direita</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>Alt Gr</Hungarian>
<Italian>Alt Gr</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_KeyDefault">
<Spanish>Por defecto</Spanish>
<Russian>По умолчанию</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_KeyNone">
<Russian>Не назначено</Russian>
<Italian>Non assegnato</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_DoubleTapKey">
<English>2x %1</English>
<German>2x %1</German>
<Spanish>2x %1</Spanish>
<Polish>2x %1</Polish>
<Czech>2x %1</Czech>
<French>2x %1</French>
<Russian>2x %1</Russian>
<Portuguese>2x %1</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>2x %1</Hungarian>
<Italian>2x %1</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_HoldKey">
<English>Hold %1</English>
<German>%1 halten</German>
<Spanish>Mantener %1</Spanish>
<Polish>Przytrzymać %1</Polish>
<Czech>Držet %1</Czech>
<French>Tenir %1</French>
<Russian>Удерживая %1</Russian>
<Portuguese>Segurar %1</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>%1 Nyomvatartása</Hungarian>
<Italian>Tieni premuto %1</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_ProfileSaved">
<English>Profile saved</English>
<German>Profil gespeichert</German>
<Spanish>Perfil guardado</Spanish>
<Polish>Profil zapisany</Polish>
<Czech>Profil uložen</Czech>
<French>Profil sauvegardé</French>
<Russian>Профиль сохранен</Russian>
<Portuguese>Perfil salvo</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>Profil elmentve</Hungarian>
<Italian>Profilo salvato</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_ProfileNotSaved">
<English>Profile not saved</English>
<German>Profil nicht gespeichert</German>
<Spanish>Perfil no guardado</Spanish>
<Polish>Profil niezapisany</Polish>
<Czech>Profil neuložen</Czech>
<French>Profil non sauvegardé</French>
<Russian>Профиль не сохранен</Russian>
<Portuguese>Perfil não salvo</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>A profil nincs elmentve</Hungarian>
<Italian>Profilo non salvato</Italian>
<!-- These are cardinal directions, in case you didn't guess. -->
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_N">
@ -399,30 +255,6 @@
<Hungarian>Művelet megszakítva.</Hungarian>
<Italian>Azione cancellata.</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_Prev">
<English>< Prev</English>
<German>< Zurück</German>
<Spanish>< Anterior.</Spanish>
<Polish>< Poprzedni</Polish>
<Czech>< Předchozí</Czech>
<French>< Préc</French>
<Russian>< Пред.</Russian>
<Portuguese>< Anterior</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>< Előző</Hungarian>
<Italian>< Prec</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_Next">
<English>Next ></English>
<German>Weiter ></German>
<Spanish>Siguiente ></Spanish>
<Polish>Następny ></Polish>
<Czech>Další ></Czech>
<French>Suivant ></French>
<Russian>След. ></Russian>
<Portuguese>Próximo ></Portuguese>
<Hungarian>Következő ></Hungarian>
<Italian>Prossimo ></Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Common_MiscItems">
<English>[ACE] Miscellaneous Items</English>
<German>[ACE] Verschiedenes</German>
@ -16,6 +16,78 @@ GVAR(isOpeningDoor) = false;
// Add keybinds
localize "STR_ACE_Interaction_InteractionMenu",
// Conditions: canInteract
_exceptions = ["ACE_Drag_isNotDragging", "ACE_Medical_canTreat", "ACE_Interaction_isNotEscorting", "ACE_Interaction_isNotSwimming"];
if !(_exceptions call EGVAR(common,canInteract)) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: specific
if !(isNull (findDisplay 1713999)) exitWith {false};
// Statement
call FUNC(onButtonDown);
[219, [false, false, false]],
] call cba_fnc_registerKeybind;
localize "STR_ACE_Interaction_InteractionMenu",
// Conditions: canInteract
_exceptions = ["ACE_Drag_isNotDragging", "ACE_Medical_canTreat", "ACE_Interaction_isNotEscorting", "ACE_Interaction_isNotSwimming"];
if !(_exceptions call EGVAR(common,canInteract)) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: specific
if !(!isNull (findDisplay 1713999) && {profileNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(AutoCloseMenu), 0] > 0}) exitWith {false};
// Statement
if (GVAR(MenuType) mod 2 == 0) then {call FUNC(onButtonUp)};
[219, [false, false, false]],
] call cba_fnc_registerKeybind;
localize "STR_ACE_Interaction_InteractionMenuSelf",
// Conditions: canInteract
_exceptions = ["ACE_Drag_isNotDragging", "ACE_Medical_canTreat", "ACE_Interaction_isNotEscorting", "ACE_Interaction_isNotSwimming", "ACE_Common_notOnMap"];
if !(_exceptions call EGVAR(common,canInteract)) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: specific
if !(isNull (findDisplay 1713999)) exitWith {false};
// Statement
call FUNC(onButtonDownSelf);
[219, [false, true, false]],
] call cba_fnc_registerKeybind;
localize "STR_ACE_Interaction_InteractionMenuSelf",
// Conditions: canInteract
_exceptions = ["ACE_Drag_isNotDragging", "ACE_Medical_canTreat", "ACE_Interaction_isNotEscorting", "ACE_Interaction_isNotSwimming"];
if !(_exceptions call EGVAR(common,canInteract)) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: specific
if !(!isNull (findDisplay 1713999) && {profileNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(AutoCloseMenu), 0] > 0}) exitWith {false};
// Statement
if (GVAR(MenuType) mod 2 == 1) then {call FUNC(onButtonUp)};
[219, [false, true, false]],
] call cba_fnc_registerKeybind;
localize "STR_ACE_Interaction_OpenDoor",
@ -18,33 +18,6 @@ class CfgPatches {
#include <Menu_Config.hpp>
class ACE_Default_Keys {
class openInteractionMenuNew {
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Interaction_InteractionMenu";
condition = "true";
statement = QUOTE(call FUNC(onButtonDown));
conditionUp = QUOTE(!isNull (findDisplay 1713999) && {profileNamespace getVariable [ARR_2(QUOTE(QGVAR(AutoCloseMenu)), false)]});
statementUp = QUOTE(if (GVAR(MenuType) mod 2 == 0) then {call FUNC(onButtonUp)};);
exceptions[] = {"ACE_Drag_isNotDragging", "ACE_Medical_canTreat", "ACE_Interaction_isNotEscorting", "ACE_Interaction_isNotSwimming"};
key = 219;
shift = 0;
control = 0;
alt = 0;
class openInteractionMenuSelfNew {
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Interaction_InteractionMenuSelf";
condition = "true";
statement = QUOTE(call FUNC(onButtonDownSelf));
conditionUp = QUOTE(!isNull (findDisplay 1713999) && {profileNamespace getVariable [ARR_2(QUOTE(QGVAR(AutoCloseMenu)), false)]});
statementUp = QUOTE(if (EGVAR(interaction,MenuType) mod 2 == 1) then {call FUNC(onButtonUp)};);
exceptions[] = {"ACE_Drag_isNotDragging", "ACE_Medical_canTreat", "ACE_Interaction_isNotEscorting", "ACE_Interaction_isNotSwimming", "ACE_Common_notOnMap"};
key = 219;
shift = 0;
control = 1;
alt = 0;
class ACE_Options {
class Interaction_FlowMenu {
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Interaction_FlowMenu";
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ if (_this select 2) then {
(findDisplay 46) createDisplay QGVAR(Dialog);
// Add eventhandlers
(findDisplay 1713999) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", QUOTE(_this call EGVAR(common,onKeyDown))];
(findDisplay 1713999) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", QUOTE(_this call EGVAR(common,onKeyUp))];
/*(findDisplay 1713999) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", QUOTE(_this call EGVAR(common,onKeyDown))];
(findDisplay 1713999) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", QUOTE(_this call EGVAR(common,onKeyUp))];*/
(findDisplay 1713999) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", QUOTE(_this call FUNC(menuKeyInput))];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user