Javelin fixed and firing TDA terminal kill. Direct selection needs to be completed.

This commit is contained in:
jaynus 2015-01-21 21:31:58 -08:00
parent eaa157b4c5
commit 81ae9e6e8f
4 changed files with 86 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"

View File

@ -6,19 +6,44 @@ PARAMS_7(_shooter,_weapon,_muzzle,_mode,_ammo,_magazine,_projectile);
FUNC(guidance_Javelin_LOBL_HI_PFH) = {
TRACE_1("enter", _this);
private["_pitch", "_yaw", "_wentTerminal", "_target", "_targetPos", "_curVelocity", "_missile" ];
_args = _this select 0;
_shooter = _args select 0;
_missile = _args select 6;
if((count _this) > 2) then {
_wentTerminal = _this select 2;
} else {
_this set[2, false];
_wentTerminal = false;
if((count _this) > 3) then {
_targets = _this select 3;
_target = _targets select 0;
_targetPos = _targets select 1;
} else {
_this set[3, [GVAR(currentTarget),GVAR(currentTargetPos)] ];
_target = GVAR(currentTarget);
_targetPos = GVAR(currentTargetPos);
_curVelocity = velocity _missile;
if(!alive _missile || isNull _missile || isNull _shooter) exitWith {
if(!alive _missile || isNull _missile) exitWith {
[(_this select 1)] call cba_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
TRACE_2("Setting launch parameters", GVAR(currentTarget), GVAR(currentTargetPos));
_target = GVAR(currentTarget);
_launchPos = _shooter getVariable [QGVAR(launchPos), nil];
if(isNil "_launchPos") then {
TRACE_1("Setting launch parameters", "");
_launchPos = getPosASL _shooter;
_shooter setVariable [QGVAR(launchPos), _launchPos, false];
_shooter setVariable [QGVAR(launchTime), diag_tickTime, false];
_addHeight = [0,0,0];
if(!isNil "_target") then {
@ -28,37 +53,28 @@ FUNC(guidance_Javelin_LOBL_HI_PFH) = {
_missilePos = getPosASL _missile;
// player sideChat "G!";
_targetPos = GVAR(currentTargetPos);
TRACE_4("Phase Check", _launchPos, _missilePos, _targetPos, (_missilePos distance _targetPos));
if((count _targetPos) > 0) then {
_distanceToTarget = _missilePos vectorDistance _targetPos;
_distanceToTarget = [(_missilePos select 0), (_missilePos select 1), (_targetPos select 2)] vectorDistance _targetPos;
_defPitch = 0.05;
_defPitch = 0.25;
if((_launchPos distance _missilePos) < 400 && (_targetPos distance _missilePos) > 400) then {
_addHeight = [0,0,(_targetPos select 2) + ((_launchPos distance _targetPos)*2)];
if( (_missilePos select 2) < (_targetPos select 2) + 160 && !_wentTerminal) then {
_addHeight = [0,0,(_targetPos select 2) + ( (_distanceToTarget * 2) + 160)];
TRACE_1("Climb phase", _addHeight);
//_defPitch = 0.1;
} else {
// Covered half the distance, go terminal
if((_missilePos distance _targetPos) < (_launchPos distance _targetPos) / 2) then {
} else {
if((_missilePos select 2) > (_targetPos select 2)) then {
_heightDiff = (_missilePos select 2) - (_targetPos select 2);
TRACE_1("Coasting", _heightDiff);
_addHeight = [0,0, _heightDiff];
_wentTerminal = true;
_this set[2, _wentTerminal];
_targetPos = _targetPos vectorAdd _addHeight;
_defYaw = 0.0035;
_targetVectorSeeker = [_missile, [_xVec, _yVec, _zVec], _targetPos] call FUNC(translateToWeaponSpace);
_yaw = 0.0;
TRACE_5("", _missile, _xVec, _yVec, _zVec, _targetPos);
if((_targetVectorSeeker select 0) < 0) then {
_yaw = -_defYaw;
} else {
@ -75,6 +91,9 @@ FUNC(guidance_Javelin_LOBL_HI_PFH) = {
_pitch = _defPitch;
TRACE_3("", _targetVectorSeeker, _pitch, _yaw);
drawLine3D [(ASLtoATL _targetPos) vectorAdd _addHeight, ASLtoATL _targetPos, [0,1,0,1]];
@ -95,9 +114,11 @@ FUNC(guidance_Javelin_LOBL_HI_PFH) = {
if(accTime > 0) then {
TRACE_5("", _xVec, _yVec, _zVec, _yaw, _pitch);
_outVector = [_missile, [_xVec, _yVec, _zVec], [_yaw, 1/accTime, _pitch]] call FUNC(translateToModelSpace);
_vectorTo = _missilePos vectorFromTo _outVector;
TRACE_3("", _missile, _outVector, _vectorTo);
_missile setVectorDirAndUp [_vectorTo, vectorUp _missile];
@ -116,7 +137,7 @@ FUNC(guidance_Javelin_LOBL_HI) = {
if(!local _shooter) exitWith { false };
if(_weapon == "launch_B_Titan_short_F") then {
if(_ammo == "M_Titan_AT") then {
_fireMode = _shooter getVariable ["ACE_FIRE_SELECTION", ACE_DEFAULT_FIRE_SELECTION];
switch (_fireMode select 0) do {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
_object = _this select 0;
_origin = getPosASL _object;
_matrix = _this select 1;
_xVec = _matrix select 0;
_yVec = _matrix select 1;
_zVec = _matrix select 2;
_offset = _this select 2;
_x = _offset select 0;
_y = _offset select 1;
_z = _offset select 2;
_out = (((_xVec vectorMultiply _x) vectorAdd (_yVec vectorMultiply _y)) vectorAdd (_zVec vectorMultiply _z)) vectorAdd _origin;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
_object = _this select 0;
_origin = getPosASL _object;
_matrix = _this select 1;
_xVec = _matrix select 0;
_yVec = _matrix select 1;
_zVec = _matrix select 2;
_offset = _this select 2;
_offset = _offset vectorDiff _origin;
_x = _offset select 0;
_y = _offset select 1;
_z = _offset select 2;
_out = [
((_xVec select 0)*_x) + ((_xVec select 1)*_y) + ((_xVec select 2)*_z),
((_yVec select 0)*_x) + ((_yVec select 1)*_y) + ((_yVec select 2)*_z),
((_zVec select 0)*_x) + ((_zVec select 1)*_y) + ((_zVec select 2)*_z)