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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Fix broken repair point selection code
Only valid hit selection + hit point combinations are usable for repair points: - Empty hit points mean there isn't enough information to display to the user - Empty hit selections mean that the hit point doesn't actually exist
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Author: commy2
* Author: commy2, SilentSpike
* Checks if the vehicles class already has the actions initialized, otherwise add all available repair options. Calleed from init EH.
* Arguments:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
params ["_vehicle"];
TRACE_1("params", _vehicle);
private ["_type", "_initializedClasses", "_condition", "_statement", "_action", "_duplicateHitpointName", "_processedHitPoints", "_selectionName", "_hitPointsAddedNames", "_hitPointsAddedStrings", "_hitPointsAddedAmount"];
private ["_type", "_initializedClasses", "_condition", "_statement", "_action", "_processedHitPoints", "_hitPointsAddedNames", "_hitPointsAddedStrings", "_hitPointsAddedAmount"];
_type = typeOf _vehicle;
@ -29,154 +29,123 @@ _initializedClasses = GETMVAR(GVAR(initializedClasses),[]);
if (_type in _initializedClasses) exitWith {};
// get all hitpoints and selections
(getAllHitPointsDamage _vehicle) params [["_hitPoints", []], ["_hitPointsSelections", []]];
(getAllHitPointsDamage _vehicle) params [["_hitPoints", []], ["_hitSelections", []]];
if (_hitPoints isEqualTo []) exitWith {ACE_LOGERROR_1("No Hitpoints on %1", _type);};
if (_hitSelections isEqualTo []) exitWith { ACE_LOGERROR_1("No hit selections (%1)", _type); };
// get hitpoints of wheels with their selections
([_vehicle] call FUNC(getWheelHitPointsWithSelections)) params ["_wheelHitPoints", "_wheelHitPointSelections"];
([_vehicle] call FUNC(getWheelHitPointsWithSelections)) params ["_wheelHitPoints", "_wheelHitSelections"];
_hitPointsAddedNames = [];
_hitPointsAddedStrings = [];
_hitPointsAddedAmount = [];
_processedHitpoints = [];
_processedHitPoints = [];
// add repair events to this vehicle class
_duplicateHitpointName = (_x in _processedHitPoints);
_processedHitPoints pushBack _x;
_selectionName = _hitPointsSelections select _forEachIndex;
_selection = _x;
_hitpoint = _hitPoints select _forEachIndex;
if (_x in _wheelHitPoints) then {
// add wheel repair action
if (_selection in _wheelHitSelections) then {
// Wheels should always be unique
if (_hitpoint in _processedHitpoints) exitWith {TRACE_3("Duplicate Wheel",_hitpoint,_forEachIndex,_selection);};
if (_duplicateHitpointName) exitWith {TRACE_3("Duplicate Wheel",_x,_forEachIndex,_selectionName);}; //Wheels should always be unique
if (isNil {_vehicle getHit _selectionName}) exitWith {TRACE_3("No Selection",_x,_forEachIndex,_selectionName);}; //Not a real hitpoint
private ["_icon", "_selection", "_name", "_text"];
// _icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\tire_ca.paa));
_icon = "A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\repair_ca.paa";
_selection = _wheelHitPointSelections select (_wheelHitPoints find _x);
// remove wheel action
_name = format ["Remove_%1_%2", _forEachIndex, _x];
// An action to remove the wheel is required
_name = format ["Remove_%1_%2", _forEachIndex, _hitpoint];
_text = localize LSTRING(RemoveWheel);
TRACE_5("Adding Wheel Actions",_name,_forEachIndex,_selectionName,_text,_selection);
TRACE_4("Adding Wheel Actions",_name,_forEachIndex,_selection,_text);
_condition = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, "RemoveWheel"] call DFUNC(canRepair)};
_statement = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, "RemoveWheel"] call DFUNC(repair)};
_action = [_name, _text, _icon, _statement, _condition, {}, [_x], _selection, 2] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
_action = [_name, _text, _icon, _statement, _condition, {}, [_hitpoint], _selection, 2] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
[_type, 0, [], _action] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToClass);
// replace wheel action
_name = format ["Replace_%1_%2", _forEachIndex, _x];
// An action to replace the wheel is required
_name = format ["Replace_%1_%2", _forEachIndex, _selection];
_text = localize LSTRING(ReplaceWheel);
_condition = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, "ReplaceWheel"] call DFUNC(canRepair)};
_statement = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, "ReplaceWheel"] call DFUNC(repair)};
_action = [_name, _text, _icon, _statement, _condition, {}, [_x], _selection, 2] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
_action = [_name, _text, _icon, _statement, _condition, {}, [_hitpoint], _selection, 2] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
[_type, 0, [], _action] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToClass);
} else {
// exit if the hitpoint is in the blacklist, e.g. glasses
if (_x in IGNORED_HITPOINTS) exitWith {TRACE_3("Ignored Hitpoint",_x,_forEachIndex,_selectionName);};
if (_x == "") exitWith {TRACE_3("Hitpoint Empty",_x,_forEachIndex,_selectionName);};
if (isNil {_vehicle getHit _selectionName}) exitWith {TRACE_3("No Selection",_x,_forEachIndex,_selectionName);}; //Not a real hitpoint
// Empty selections don't exist
// Empty hitpoints don't contain enough information
if (_selection isEqualTo "") exitWith {};
if (_hitpoint isEqualTo "") exitWith {};
private ["_hitpointGroupConfig", "_inHitpointSubGroup", "_currentHitpoint"];
// Get hitpoint groups if available
_hitpointGroupConfig = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> QGVAR(hitpointGroups);
_inHitpointSubGroup = false;
if (isArray _hitpointGroupConfig) then {
// Set variable if current hitpoint is in a sub-group (to be excluded from adding action)
_currentHitpoint = _x;
// Associated hitpoints can be grouped via config to produce a single repair action
_groupsConfig = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> QGVAR(hitpointGroups);
if (isArray _groupsConfig) then {
_childHitPoint = false;
if (_x == _currentHitpoint) exitWith {
_inHitpointSubGroup = true;
if (_hitpoint == _x) exitWith {
_childHitPoint = true;
} forEach (_x select 1);
} forEach (getArray _hitpointGroupConfig);
} forEach (getArray _groupsConfig);
// If the current selection is associated with a child hitpoint, then skip
if (_childHitPoint) exitWith { TRACE_3("childHitpoint",_hitpoint,_forEachIndex,_selection); };
// Find the action position
_position = _vehicle selectionPosition [_selection,"HitPoints"];
// Custom position can be defined via config for associated hitpoint
_positionsConfig = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> QGVAR(hitpointPositions);
if (isArray _positionsConfig) then {
_x params ["_hit", "_pos"];
if (_hitpoint == _hit) exitWith {
if (typeName _pos == "ARRAY") exitWith {
_position = _pos; // Position in model space
if (typeName _pos == "STRING") exitWith {
_position = _vehicle selectionPosition [_pos,"HitPoints"]; // Selection name
ACE_LOGERROR_3("Invalid custom position %1 of hitpoint %2 in vehicle %3.",_position,_hitpoint,_type);
} forEach (getArray _positionsConfig);
// Exit if current hitpoint is in sub-group (only main hitpoints get actions)
if (_inHitpointSubGroup) exitWith {TRACE_3("inHitpointSubGroup",_x,_forEachIndex,_selectionName);};
// exit if the hitpoint is virtual
if (isText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "HitPoints" >> _x >> "depends")) exitWith {TRACE_3("Depends",_x,_forEachIndex,_selectionName);};
// add misc repair action
private ["_name", "_icon", "_selection", "_customSelectionsConfig"];
_name = format ["Repair_%1_%2", _forEachIndex, _x];
// Prepair the repair action
_name = format ["Repair_%1_%2", _forEachIndex, _selection];
_icon = "A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\repair_ca.paa";
// Find localized string and track those added for numerization
([_x, "%1", _x, [_hitPointsAddedNames, _hitPointsAddedStrings, _hitPointsAddedAmount]] call FUNC(getHitPointString)) params ["_text", "_trackArray"];
([_hitpoint, "%1", _hitpoint, [_hitPointsAddedNames, _hitPointsAddedStrings, _hitPointsAddedAmount]] call FUNC(getHitPointString)) params ["_text", "_trackArray"];
_hitPointsAddedNames = _trackArray select 0;
_hitPointsAddedStrings = _trackArray select 1;
_hitPointsAddedAmount = _trackArray select 2;
_icon = "A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\repair_ca.paa";
_selection = "";
// Get custom position if available
_customSelectionsConfig = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> QGVAR(hitpointPositions);
if (isArray _customSelectionsConfig) then {
// Loop through custom hitpoint positions array
_currentHitpoint = _x;
_x params ["_hitpoint", "_position"];
// Exit with supplied custom position when same hitpoint name found or print RPT error if it's invalid
if (_hitpoint == _currentHitpoint) exitWith {
if (typeName _position == "ARRAY") exitWith {
_selection = _position; // Position in model space
if (typeName _position == "STRING") exitWith {
_selection = _vehicle selectionPosition _position; // Selection name
ACE_LOGERROR_3("Invalid custom position %1 of hitpoint %2 in vehicle %3.",_position,_hitpoint,_vehicle);
} forEach (getArray _customSelectionsConfig);
// If position still empty (not a position array or selection name) try extracting from model
if (typeName _selection == "STRING" && {_selection == ""}) then {
_selection = _vehicle selectionPosition _selectionName;
if (_x in TRACK_HITPOINTS) then {
if (_duplicateHitpointName) exitWith {TRACE_3("Duplicate Track",_x,_forEachIndex,_selectionName);}; //Tracks should always be unique
if (_x == "HitLTrack") then {
_selection = [-1.75, 0, -1.75];
if (_hitpoint in TRACK_HITPOINTS) then {
// Tracks should always be unique
if (_hitpoint in _processedHitpoints) exitWith {TRACE_3("Duplicate Track",_hitpoint,_forEachIndex,_selection);};
if (_hitpoint == "HitLTrack") then {
_position = [-1.75, 0, -1.75];
} else {
_selection = [1.75, 0, -1.75];
_position = [1.75, 0, -1.75];
TRACE_5("Adding RepairTrack",_name,_forEachIndex,_selectionName,_text,_selection);
TRACE_5("Adding RepairTrack",_name,_forEachIndex,_selection,_text,_position);
_condition = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, "RepairTrack"] call DFUNC(canRepair)};
_statement = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, "RepairTrack"] call DFUNC(repair)};
_action = [_name, _text, _icon, _statement, _condition, {}, [_x], _selection, 4] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
_action = [_name, _text, _icon, _statement, _condition, {}, [_hitpoint], _position, 4] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
[_type, 0, [], _action] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToClass);
} else {
TRACE_5("Adding MiscRepair",_name,_forEachIndex,_selectionName,_text,_selection);
TRACE_5("Adding MiscRepair",_name,_forEachIndex,_selection,_text,_position);
_condition = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, "MiscRepair"] call DFUNC(canRepair)};
_statement = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, "MiscRepair"] call DFUNC(repair)};
_action = [_name, _text, _icon, _statement, _condition, {}, [_forEachIndex], _selection, 5] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
_action = [_name, _text, _icon, _statement, _condition, {}, [_forEachIndex], _position, 5] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
// Put inside main actions if no other position was found above
if (_selection isEqualTo [0, 0, 0]) then {
if (_position isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then {
[_type, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", QGVAR(Repair)], _action] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToClass);
} else {
[_type, 0, [], _action] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToClass);
_processedHitPoints pushBack _hitPoint;
} forEach _hitPoints;
} forEach _hitSelections;
_condition = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, "", "fullRepair"] call DFUNC(canRepair)};
_statement = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, "", "fullRepair"] call DFUNC(repair)};
Reference in New Issue
Block a user