This commit is contained in:
commy2 2015-03-26 03:20:17 +01:00
parent 6a0ca8590f
commit 91b63fbb7d
2 changed files with 32 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -12,33 +12,29 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_number", "_minLength", "_length", "_digits", "_index", "_count"];
private ["_number", "_minLength", "_length", "_digits"];
_number = _this select 0;
_minLength = _this select 1;
_number = _number min 999999;
_length = floor (log _number + 1);
if !(isNil "_minLength") then {_length = (_length max _minLength) min 6};
_number = str _number;
_length = count _number;
if (isNil "_minLength") then {_minLength = _length};
_minLength = _minLength min 6;
while {_length < _minLength} do {
_number = "0" + _number;
_length = _length + 1;
_digits = [];
if (_number < 1) exitWith {
for "_index" from 0 to (_length - 1) do {
_digits set [_index, 0];
for "_x" from 0 to (_length - 1) do {
_digits pushBack parseNumber (_number select [_x, 1]);
while {
_count = count _digits;
_count < _length
} do {
_digit = floor (_number / (10 ^ (_length - _count - 1)));
_digit = _digit - _x * (10 ^ (_count - _forEachIndex));
} forEach _digits;
_digits set [_count, _digit];

View File

@ -12,14 +12,24 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_digits", "_count", "_string", "_index"];
private ["_number", "_minLength", "_length"];
_digits = _this call FUNC(numberToDigits);
_number = _this select 0;
_minLength = _this select 1;
_count = count _digits;
_number = _number min 999999;
_string = "";
for "_index" from 0 to (_count - 1) do {
_string = _string + str (_digits select _index);
_number = str _number;
_length = count _number;
if (isNil "_minLength") then {_minLength = _length};
_minLength = _minLength min 6;
while {_length < _minLength} do {
_number = "0" + _number;
_length = _length + 1;